Universal Contact Server Release Notes
Release Date | Release Type | Restrictions | AIX | Linux | Solaris | Windows |
10/23/15 | Hot Fix | X | X | X | X |
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What's New
This release contains the following new features and enhancements:
- Adding the option index/debug=true now activates Lucene debug logs in UCS logs. This can be used to troubleshoot index performance. The option takes effect upon restarting UCS.
- UCS now provides three log messages to monitor its performance:
- 63-21409
- Text: "Detected system freeze of '%d' ms"
- Attributes: [int] - time in ms
- Description: UCS JVM was frozen for more than 2s
- Action: Check if UCS host has enough CPU resource available.
- _______________________________________________
- 63-21410
- Text: "Memory usage limit of '%s' reached with '%s', for '%s' seconds"
- Attributes: [str] - limit (double)
- [str] - current usage (double)
- [str] - time in s
- Description: UCS heap memory usage exceeded the limit for more than xx seconds
- Action: Ensure UCS has enough memory configured in XMX setting
- _______________________________________________
- 63-21411
- Text: "Memory usage is now back to normal ('%s')"
- Attributes: [str] - current usage (double)
- Description: UCS memory usage is now back to normal
- Action: None
Resolved Issues
This release contains the following resolved issues:
Previously, when a contact/profile was created or updated using the UCS Context Services REST API, and then updated using the eServices API (PSDK/IWS/URS,...), the Lucene index was not properly updated and data provided by REST calls was lost.
Now, in such cases, UCS forces a refresh of the contact data before applying the update.
Note that UCS applies REST API operations to the index every three minutes unless a contact is updated using the eServices API, in which case the index is updated instantly. (ESR-10914)
UCS now allows you to update screening rules. Previously, attempting to do so would fail with an error message "ScreeningRule with name 'NewRuleName' already exists in database". (ESR-10757)
UCS now prevents the creation of a screening rule if an existing one has the same name. The verification of existing rule names is case-insensitive. (ESR-10756)
Upgrade Notes
No special procedure is required to upgrade to release