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Session Management

The Session Management API allows you to bundle requests and set your customer ID for your entire session. This is the technical part of the interface, and its concepts and actions are only of interest to developers.


The operations carried out by the Session Management API can be accessed by all roles.

Create Session

Description Creates a new session
URL /sessions/new
Method PUT
Request Content-Type application/json
Response Content-Type application/json
Role Any
URL IDs None
URL Parameters
HTTP Header
Field Type Req Description
gkc_agentId String No Agent ID
gkc_customerId String No Customer ID
Request Body Optional
Field Type Req Description
visitId String No Visit ID
globalVisitId String No Global Visit ID
Response SessionInfo
Notes Returns information about created session or error.

Retrieving Session Information

Description Retrieves information about an existing session by sessionId
URL /sessions/{sessionId}
Method GET
Request Content-Type
Response Content-Type application/json
Role Any
Parameter Type Description
{sessionId} String Session ID
HTTP Header
Field Type Req Description
gkc_agentId String No Agent ID
gkc_customerId String No Customer ID
URL parameters None
Response SessionInfo
Notes Returns information about the existing session of the specified ID, or response of “Session not found” error if session with specified Id does not exist.

Update Session Information

Description Associates a Customer ID, visitId, globalVisitId with a previously started session if referred by sessionId session already created. In case when session with given sessionId does not exist, such session will be automatically created and associated to Customer ID, visitId, globalVisitId
URL /sessions/{sessionId}
Method POST
Request Content-Type application/json
Response Content-Type application/json
Role Any
Parameter Type Description
{sessionId} String Session ID
HTTP Header
Field Type Req Description
gkc_agentId String No Agent ID
gkc_customerId String No Customer ID
Request Body Optional
Field Type Req Description
visitId String No Visit ID
globalVisitId String No Global Visit ID
Response SessionInfo
Notes Returns information about session, identified by given sessionId or error.
This page was last edited on August 28, 2015, at 21:42.
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