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Q: What does MQ Service do?

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Q: When two tasks have the same priority, which is distributed first?

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Q: What is the Restart Queue for?

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Q: Which JDBC driver for MSSQL should I use?

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Data Mart

Q: When are tasks moved from Intraday to Historical Tables?

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Q: What is the difference between the iWD Extended Statistics and Aggregate Statistics services?

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Q. Which database should I select when configuring the GTL Extended Statistics Service - Runtime or Data Mart?

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Q: How can I trigger a rule based on an update from my source system?

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Q: When are rules compiled & loaded?

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Q: How do I map several instances of a parameter to a single parameter definition?

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Q: Why does using a custom function in a rule language mapping expression sometime generate an error?

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Q: How can I output messages from rule functions to a custom log?

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Q: Sometimes the Rules Engine seems to be evaluating a different rule condition or firing a different rule action than the one I expect. What could be happening?

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Q: How do I create and use a custom rule template?

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Q: How do I customize standard transformation scripts?

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Q: How do I specify optional WebService parameters?

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Q: What versions of .NET framework are supported as WebService clients?

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Q: Does WebService Capture Point support high availability?

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Q: What is the format of the SOAP messages to use with the Web Service Capture Point?

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Q: How do I encode binary data in iWD XML messages?

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Q: How is the mapping configured between database columns and iWD core attributes ?

[+] SHOW

This page was last edited on March 12, 2015, at 09:59.
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