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Users API


Attribute Type Description Access Level
userName String The user's e-mail address. GET, POST, DELETE
password String The user's password (if allowed). POST, PUT
firstName String The user's first name. GET, POST, PUT
lastName String The user's last name. GET, POST, PUT
roles Array of Strings User roles. Currently 'ROLE_ADMIN' and/or 'ROLE_AGENT'. Note that on PUT, the roles specified will be the new role set. It is not a "diff" operation. GET, POST, PUT
skills Array of Skill objects The list of skills that are assigned to a user. GET (subresources=* must be specified)
devices Array of Device objects The list of devices that are assigned to a user. GET (subresources=* must be specified)
doNotDisturb FlagV2 Enum Denotes whether Do Not Disturb status is on or off for this user. GET
changePasswordOnFirstLogin Boolean Possible values are True and False. If set to True, the User will be required to change their password when they log in. Default value is False. GET, POST, DELETE


The following operations are supported for the /users resource:

Operation Description Permissions Arguments
GET Returns URIs for all agents in the contact center.
  • Contact Center Admin
  • Agent
  • fields=*: Will return all fields for every user instead of URI
  • subresources=*: Will return all fields and all subresources (for example, devices, skills) for every user.
POST Creates a user. Contact Center Admin

The following operations are supported for the /users/{id} resource:

Operation Description Permissions Arguments
GET Returns the user specified by the ID.
  • Contact Center Admin
  • Agent
subresources=*: Will return all subresources (for example, devices, skills) assigned to the given user.
POST Updates the user specified by the ID.
  • Contact Center Admin
  • Agent
DELETE Deletes the user specified by the ID.
  • Contact Center Admin
  • Agent
This page was last edited on September 17, 2013, at 21:29.
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