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Workspace Web Edition provides "reasons" with which agents can specify details about their NotReady status, for instance: Lunch, 15 minute break, Appointment, Meeting, etc.

Action Codes - NotReady

Action Code objects of type NotReady must be set up in the Configuration Layer.

Example: Use either Configuration Manager or Genesys Administrator for this procedure:

Purpose: Create an ActionCode of type NotReady in Configuration Manager. Start of Procedure

  1. Open Configuration Manager
  2. Go to the appropriate Tenant
  3. Navigate to Action Codes Folder
  4. Right-click > New > Action Code OR File > New > Action Code
  5. For Name, change it to an appropriate name (example: Lunch Break)
  6. Tenant should already be populated with the tenant name
  7. For Type, select Not Ready
  8. For Code, choose a relevant code for reporting purposes.
  9. Note that codes must be unique within each Type

  10. Click Apply or OK

End of Procedure

Purpose: Create an ActionCode of type NotReady in Genesys Administrator. Start of Procedure

  1. Open Genesys Administrator
  2. Navigate to Provisioning > Desktop
  3. Click Action Codes
  4. Click New
  5. For Name, change it to an appropriate name (example: Lunch Break)
  6. Tenant should already be populated with the tenant name
  7. For Type, select Not Ready
  8. For State, ensure it is clicked as Enabled
  9. For Code, choose a relevant code for reporting purposes.
  10. Note that codes must be unique within each Type

  11. Click Save & Close

End of Procedure

This page was last edited on October 31, 2023, at 13:34.
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