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The following procedures outline the steps that are required to enable Workspace Web Edition & Web Services to use, store, and expose statistical data for agents, skills and queues. This statistical data is used to provide reporting capabilities in Workspace Web Edition, and can also be accessed through the API.To enable reporting in Workspace Web Edition & Web Services, you must modify the server-settings.yaml file. To monitor specific skills, you can configure Virtual Agent Groups and Virtual Queues in Configuration Server.

Statistics are available only for the voice channel. Workspace Web Edition & Web Services does not support real-time statistics for mixed media (voice/eServices) environments. If a mixed media environment is used, voice statistics are not accurate.

Enabling Reporting

Start of Procedure

  1. Open the $JETTY_HOME/genconfig/server-settings.yaml file.
  2. Configure the Workspace Web Edition & Web Services node by setting the nodeId option to a unique identifier, such as the host name or IP address of the node.
  3. Review the Reporting configuration options for details about setting the connection to Stat Server and the length of time statistics are stored in the Cassandra database. Adjust the default settings for these options as required for your deployment.
  4. Save your changes and close the file.
  5. Confirm that the statistics.yaml file is present in the main Workspace Web Edition & Web Services config folder. This file defines which statistics Workspace Web Edition & Web Services requests from Stat Server. Modifications to this file are not typically necessary.
    Any Stat Server application in a Genesys environment to which the Workspace Web Edition & Web Services node or cluster connects must include a set of statistic definitions that match those that are specified in the statistics.yaml file.

End of Procedure

Next Step

Configuring Virtual Queues & Virtual Agent Groups

Complete the procedures below to create Virtual Queues and Virtual Agent Groups for each skill you would like to monitor. Note: The skill must be added to a Person object in Configuration Server. If the Virtual Queue and Virtual Agent Group are not created for a skill, that skill will not be monitored by Workspace Web Edition & Web Services.

Select a tab below for instructions in either Configuration Manager or Genesys Administrator.

Creating a Virtual Queue

Complete this procedure for each Skill you would like to monitor.

Start of Procedure

  1. In Configuration Manager, navigate to Switches > <your switch> > DNs. Right-click and select New > DN.
  2. In the General tab, configure the following:
    • Number: <name of skill>
    • Type: Virtual Queue
  3. In the Advanced tab, configure the following:
    • Alias: <name of skill>
  4. Click OK.

End of Procedure

Next Step

  • Creating a Virtual Agent Group

Creating a Virtual Agent Group

Complete this procedure for each Skill you would like to monitor.

Start of Procedure

  1. In Configuration Manager, navigate to Agent Groups. Right-click and select New > Agent Group.
  2. In the General tab, configure the following:
    • Name: <name of skill>
  3. In the Advanced tab, add an Origination DN:
    • Click Add
    • Select the Virtual Queue you created previously.
    • Click OK.
  4. In the Script tab, add the following:
    • Script: Skill("<name of skill>")>=0
  5. Click OK.

End of Procedure

Next Step

  • If the Workspace Web Edition & Web Services node is running, you must restart it for the new configuration to take effect.

Creating a Virtual Queue

Complete this procedure for each Skill you would like to monitor.

Start of Procedure

  1. In Genesys Administrator, navigate to PROVISIONING > Switching > Switches > <your switch> and click DNs.
  2. Click New...
  3. In the Configuration tab, configure the following:
    • Number: <name of skill>
    • Type: Virtual Queue
  4. Expand the Advanced section and configure the following:
    • Alias: <name of skill>
  5. Click Save & Close.

End of Procedure

Next Step

  • Creating a Virtual Agent Group

Creating a Virtual Agent Group

Complete this procedure for each Skill you would like to monitor.

Start of Procedure

  1. In Genesys Administrator, navigate to PROVISIONING > Accounts > Agent Groups and click New...
  2. In the Configuration tab, configure the following:
    • Name: <name of skill>
  3. Expand the Advanced section and add an Origination DN:
    • Click Add
    • Select the Virtual Queue you created previously.
    • Click OK.
  4. In the Options tab, click New.
  5. Configure the following:
    • Section: virtual
    • Name: script
    • Value: Skill("<name of skill>")>=0
  6. Click OK.
  7. Click Save & Close.

End of Procedure

Next Step

  • If the Workspace Web Edition & Web Services node is running, you must restart it for the new configuration to take effect.

This page was last edited on October 31, 2023, at 13:33.
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