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Verifying Deployment


Prerequisites: You must first complete the procedure that is found at Installing Platform SDK.

Start of procedure

  1. Use your file manager to locate the destination directory for the Platform SDK installation. It will be assumed that the default location, which is the C:\Program Files\GCTI\Platform SDK for <.NET/Java> 8.1 directory, was used for this procedure.
  2. Confirm that your Platform SDK components look similar to what is shown in the following images:
    PSDK 812 JavaFolders.png
    PSDK 812 NetFolders.png
  3. Examine each directory (including the root installation directory) to confirm its contents. The tables below give a description of the expected result for .NET and Java installations.

End of procedure

Folder Contents for a .NET Installation
Folder Contents
\ The root directory contains the following two files:
  • ip_description.xml—This file contains data for the read_me.html file.
  • read_me.html—This Read Me file identifies the build number, platform compatibility, and a link to the latest Release Note.
\ApplicationBlocks Contains one subdirectory for each application block that is included with this release of Platform SDK.

Each subdirectory is a self-contained unit that contains all files required for that application block. Subdirectories typically include Visual Studio solution files and the following folders:

  • QuickStart—A small code sample that shows the application block in action. (Not provided for all application blocks.)
  • Src—Source code for each application block is provided for you to use as-is, or to customize as needed.
\Bin This directory holds the .NET libraries (as both .dll and .xml files) for all APIs and application blocks contained in the .NET version of Platform SDK, including the Core and Commons namespaces.
\Doc This directory stores the combined Platform SDK API Reference (in .chm format). This document contains detailed information about how to develop content using the Platform SDKs.
\Legacy This directory collects legacy files for deprecated features, including the Packaged Statistics SDK. It contains the following subdirectories:
  • Bin—Deprecated libraries.
  • Doc—Related documentation.
  • Xsd—XML Schema Definition files.
\Xsd This directory contains XML Schema Definition files that define the structure of the serialized messages used by the Platform SDKs.

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Folder Contents for a Java Installation
Folder Contents
\ The root directory contains the following two files:
  • ip_description.xml—This file contains data for the read_me.html file.
  • read_me.html—This Read Me file identifies the build number, platform compatibility, and a link to the latest Release Note.
\applicationblocks Contains one subdirectory for each application block that is included with this release of Platform SDK.

Each subdirectory is a self-contained unit that contains all files required for that application block. Subdirectories typically include build files and the following folders:

  • quickstart—A small code sample that shows the application block in action. (Not provided for all application blocks.)
  • src—Source code for each application block is provided for you to use as-is, or to customize as needed.
\doc Contains the combined Platform SDK API Reference (as expanded JavaDoc files, or as a api.jar archive). This document contains detailed information about how to develop content using the Platform SDKs.
\legacy This directory collects legacy files for deprecated features, including the Packaged Statistics SDK. It contains the following subdirectories:
  • doc—Related documentation.
  • lib—Deprecated libraries.
  • xsd—XML Schema Definition files.
\lib This directory contains the Java archive (.jar) files for all APIs and application blocks contained in the Java version of the Platform SDK, including: commons.jar, connection.jar, kvlistbinding.jar, kvlists.jar, protocol.jar, system.jar, along with netty-3.5.11.Final.jar and the related Netty license file.
\thirdparty This directory contains JAXB 2.1 (Java Architecture for XML Binding) which is required for Configuration Platform SDK for Java, and for all application blocks or code samples that make use of this SDK with JDK 1.5.
\xsd This directory contains XML Schema Definition files that define the structure of the serialized messages used by the Platform SDKs.

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Next Steps

This page was last edited on August 27, 2020, at 14:21.
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