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Using Column Chooser to Select Metrics

Access to metrics is controlled by user roles defined by your administrator (role−based access). Only metrics to which you have access are displayed on the Column Chooser.


Use the Column Chooser to select the metrics to display on your dashboard. You can select many metrics for multiple time periods and for multiple channels (for example, voice, Web chat, or e-mail) in the Column Chooser.

The Column Chooser has two panes:

  • Selected Metrics—The metrics to display on the dashboard. You can select and move metrics from this pane to the Available Metrics pane.
  • Available Metrics—All available metrics that are not in the Selected Metrics pane. Metrics in the Available Metrics pane do not display on your dashboard. You can select and move metrics from this pane to the Selected Metrics pane.

Change the size of the display area in the Selected Metrics and Available Metrics panes by dragging the splitter between the two panes.

Specifying the Metrics to Display on the Dashboard

You can specify the metrics that display on your dashboard.

  1. Click the Column Chooser button to open the Column Chooser window.
  2. Use the Select drop−down menu to choose the list of metrics to display in the Selected Metrics pane. The options are described in the Column Chooser Feature Descriptions table. You can then add metrics to, or remove metrics from, this initial list.
  3. To modify the dashboard display, use the following commands:
    • To remove a metric from your dashboard display, click the yellow pin icon in the row for that metric in the Selected Metrics pane. The metric moves to the Available Metrics pane. The metric no longer displays on your dashboard after you click OK to apply your changes.
    • To add a metric to your dashboard display, click the pin icon in the row for that metric in the Available Metrics pane. The metric moves to the Selected Metrics pane. The metric displays on your dashboard after you click OK to apply your changes.
    • To filter the list of metrics that display in the Available Metrics pane, use the options at the top of the Available Metrics pane. The options are described in the Column Chooser Feature Descriptions table.
    • To find a specific metric in the Available Metrics pane, enter text in the Search field.
      For example, to find any metric with "handled" in the name or description, enter "handled" in the Search field, and then click Seach button.gif beside the Search field or hit Enter on your keyboard.
    • Optionally, sort the metrics in the Available Metrics pane by clicking on column headers.

Column Chooser Feature Descriptions

The following table describes additional features of the Column Chooser window.

Feature Description
Select drop−down menu Use this menu to specify which metrics display in the Selected Metrics pane. Options include:
  • From Dashboard: the Selected Metrics pane displays the metrics in the order in which they appear on the dashboard. This is the default option.
  • Default: the Selected Metrics pane displays the metrics that are shown by default on the Dashboard.

Available Metrics pane filter options

Use the filters on the Available Metrics pane to more efficiently find specific metrics to add to the Selected Metrics pane. For example, to include metrics for the Voice channel and exclude metrics for the E−mail and Web Chat channels, ensure that the Voice check box in the Channel filter is selected and the E−mail and Web Chat check boxes are cleared. The filter options on the Available Metrics pane include:
  • filter by Channel
  • filter by Object Type (present in the Frontline Advisor Manager interface only)
  • filter by Metric Type
  • filter by Time Period
  • filter by initial letter of the metric name
OK button Applies the selected metrics to the dashboard, closes the Column Chooser window, and saves the following to your preferences:
  • filters states
  • selected metrics and their order
Cancel button Cancels the changes that are not yet applied and closes the Column Chooser window.
This page was last edited on December 2, 2014, at 16:40.
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