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Configuring Workspace Web Edition & Web Services

Configuring Web Services Node

Workspace Web Edition & Web Services reads a series of configuration files from the location that is defined by the config.path system property. When Workspace Web Edition & Web Services is started, the config.path property must be defined or the server will not start.

To start each Web Services node, enter the following command line:

/usr/bin/java -Xmx4096m -Xms4096m -Djetty.port=80 -Djetty.logs=/var/log/jetty  

-Dconfig.path=/opt/jetty/genconfig -Djetty.home=/opt/jetty -Djava.io.tmpdir=/tmp 

-Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true -jar /opt/jetty/start.jar --pre=etc/jetty-logging.xml --daemon

The following parameters are mandatory for the web services node:

  • The memory allocation: -Xmx4096m, -Xms4096m
  • The configuration path: -Dconfig.path=<your path to config>

Start of Procedure
As described below, modify (or remove) each of the following Workspace Web Edition & Web Services configuration files:

  • server-settings.yaml
  • onpremise-settings.yaml
  • cassandra-cluster.yaml

The following information is specific to deployment of Workspace Web Edition & Web Services in Premise mode. For a more general description of available Workspace Web Edition & Web Services configuration options, please refer to the options reference.

  1. In the server-settings.yaml, review the options and modify or retain as appropriate for the deployment. This file contains a number of core parameters that are used by the server.
  2. The following is an unmodified file:
    :externalApiUrl: [ToBeChanged: "PUBLIC_SCHEMA_HOST_PORT"]/api/v1
    internalApiUrl: [ToBeChanged: "INTERNAL_SCHEMA_HOST_PORT"]/api/v1
    externalApiUrlV2: [ToBeChanged: "PUBLIC_SCHEMA_HOST_PORT"]/api/v2
    internalApiUrlV2: [ToBeChanged: "INTERNAL_SCHEMA_HOST_PORT"]/api/v2
    reconnectAttempts: [ToBeChanged: "RECONNECT_ATTEMPTS"]
    reconnectTimeout: [ToBeChanged: "RECONNECT_TIMEOUT"]
    activationTimeout: [ToBeChanged: "ACTIVATION_TIMEOUT"]
    contactCenterSynchronizationTimeout: 60000
    opsUserName: [ToBeChanged: "OPS_USER_NAME"]
    opsUserPassword: [ToBeChanged: "OPS_USER_PASSWORD"]
    applicationName: [ToBeChanged: "APPLICATION_NAME"]
    applicationType: [ToBeChanged: "APPLICATION_TYPE"]
    cmeUserName: [ToBeChanged: "CME_USER_NAME"]
    cmePassword: [ToBeChanged: "CME_PASSWORD"]
    syncNode: [ToBeChanged: true|false]
    cmeAuthenticationEnabled: [ToBeChanged: true|false]
    nodeId: [ToBeChanged: unique id of the node]
    The following is a sample of a modified file:
    externalApiUrl: http://hpe-voicevm-84.genesyslab.com/api/v1
    internalApiUrl: http://hpe-voicevm-84.genesyslab.com/api/v1
    externalApiUrlV2: http://hpe-voicevm-84.genesyslab.com/api/v2
    internalApiUrlV2: http://hpe-voicevm-84.genesyslab.com/api/v2
    reconnectAttempts: 1
    reconnectTimeout: 10000
    activationTimeout: 120000
    contactCenterSynchronizationTimeout: 60000
    opsUserName: ops
    opsUserPassword: ops
    applicationName: Cloud
    applicationType: CFGGenericClient
    cmeUserName: default
    cmePassword: password
    syncNode: true
    nodeId: hpe-voicevm-84

  3. In the onpremise-settings.yaml, review the options and modify or retain as appropriate for the deployment. This file contains a number of core parameters that are used by the server.
  4. cmeHost – primary CME host 
    cmePort – primary CME port
    backupCmeHost – backup CME host
    backupCmePort – backup CME port
    countryCode – Premise contact center's country code

    cmeHost specifies the host or IP of the Configuration Server and cmePort specifies the port of Configuration Server.

    If there is a backup Configuration Server in the Genesys environment and you want HA support, you can configure two additional parameters in the onpremise-settings.yaml file: backupCmeHost and backupCmePort. These are the host (IP) and port of the backup Configuration Server.

  5. Review cassandra-cluster.yaml. The options settings are as follows:
  6. thrift_port: 9160
    jmx_port: 7199
    keyspace: sipfs
    nodes: hpe-voicevm-84.genesyslab.com
    should_sync_schema: TRUE
    write_consistency_level: CL_ONE
    read_consistency_level: CL_ONE
    max_conns_per_host: 16
    max_cons:  16
    max_pending_conns_per_host: 80
    max_blocked_threads_per_host: 160
    retry_sleep_time_ms: 5000
    retry_max_attempt: 1
    #replication_factor: 1
  7. For a single-node Cassandra cluster, confirm that write_consistency_level and read_consistency_level are CL_ONE, and replication_factor are 1, as shown above.
  8. For a multi-node Cassandra cluster, set write_consistency_level and read_consistency_level to CL_QUORUM and replication_factor to 3.
  9. (Optional) Specify retry_sleep_time_ms and retry_max_attempt, which define the Web Services retry policy as a Cassandra client. If these are not specified, the retry_max_attempt is 1 and retry_sleep_time_ms is 5000 (which equals 5 seconds).

End of Procedure

Workspace Web Edition & Web Services Sync Node

To facilitate administration by using standard Genesys tools such as Configuration Manager or Genesys Administrator, Workspace Web Edition & Web Services can be configured to read the contents of the Configuration Database, import objects into Workspace Web Edition & Web Services, and subscribe to change notifications from Configuration Server.

In a multi-node Workspace Web Edition & Web Services deployment, only a single node should be configured to be the Synchronization Node. The syncNode option in server-settings.yaml is used to control this functionality. The Workspace Web Edition & Web Services node that performs synchronization tasks should be configured with the value of syncNode set to true, and all the other Workspace Web Edition & Web Services nodes configured with the value of syncNode set to false.

Reporting Configuration

The following procedure outlines the steps that are required to enable Workspace Web Edition & Web Services to use, store, and expose statistical data. Workspace Web Edition & Web Services uses several statistics internally to support contact availability and also provides a default set of statistics used by the bundled client applications.

The following steps include the configuration of Workspace Web Edition & Web Services node, Statistics Time-to-Live, Stat Server, and Contact Center Stat Server host and port.

Start of Procedure

  1. Open the server-settings.yaml file.
  2. Configure the Workspace Web Edition & Web Services node by setting the nodeId property. The value of this option must be a unique identifier for the Workspace Web Edition & Web Services node.
    Each Workspace Web Edition & Web Services node in a cluster must define a unique nodeId. All Workspace Web Edition & Web Services nodes that share the same Cassandra storage will read the contact centers that require statistic and divide the monitoring tasks among the Workspace Web Edition & Web Services nodes.
  3. In the same file, configure the Statistics Time-to-Live by doing the following:
    1. Define the "time-to-live" for statistic storage using the statisticsTTL property. If you do not define this optional parameter, the default value of 86400 (24 hours) is used.
    2. Confirm that the statistics.yaml file is present in the main Workspace Web Edition & Web Services config folder (defined by the config.path variable, /opt/jetty/genconfig, by default). Modifications to this file are not typically necessary.
      The statistics.yaml file defines which statistics, and for what object types, Workspace Web Edition & Web Services will request from Stat Server. A default statistics.yaml file is included with the Workspace Web Edition & Web Services distribution and contains all the statistics Workspace Web Edition & Web Services requries internally as well as those required by the bundled UI applications.
  4. Configure any Stat Server applications in the Genesys environment(s) to which the Workspace Web Edition & Web Services node/cluster will connect to include a set of statistic definitions that match those included in the statistics.yaml file. You must do this for both the primary and backup Stat Servers in each Genesys environment that will be accessed by Workspace Web Edition & Web Services.
    A sample Stat Server configuration can be found on the installation CD. This file can be copied locally and imported using Configuration Manager or Genesys Administrator for both the primary and backup Stat Servers.

End of Procedure

This page was last edited on October 31, 2023, at 13:33.
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