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Engagement REST API


The Engagement REST API describes the rules for communication between an external source (typically the SCXML strategy) and the Web Engagement Server in order to start or cancel an engagement.

Start Engagement Attempt


This request notifies the Web Engagement Server that is should start the engagement attempt. The notification is transferred to the Web Engagement Server and then to the visitor's browser.


Method POST
URL http://<gwe_server_host:gwe_server_port>/server/data/gateway/engage

The HTTPS schema is also allowed, if configured.

Name Value Mandatory Description
ixnProfile JSON object yes This object describes the notification parameters. For details about the structure of this JSON object, see Start Engagement as a Result of the Engagement Logic Strategy



Standard HTTP Responses
200 - OK
400 - FAULT

Response Type JSON

Cancel Engagement Attempt


This request notifies the Web Engagement Server that the current engagement attempt should be cancelled and the invitation should not be shown to the visitor.


Method POST
URL http://<gwe_server_host:gwe_server_port>/server/data/gateway/noengage

The HTTPS schema is also allowed, if configured.

Name Value Mandatory Description
cancelData JSON object yes This object describes the parameters for the cancelled engagement attempt. For details about the structure of this JSON object, see Cancelling Engagement as a Result of the Engagement Logic Strategy



Standard HTTP Responses
200 - OK
400 - FAULT

Response Type JSON
This page was last edited on June 7, 2019, at 17:09.
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