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Service Quality Reports

The Service Quality Report describes the number of latencies as measured by the MCP according to the configured latency criteria, for the requested time range and applications. Each report contains a manifest section.

Web Service Endpoint

This report is available at the web service endpoint /ems-rs/ sqa/servicequality.

Input Parameters

This report accepts the following Request URI parameters:

Parameter Description
granularity This describes the unit of time for this report. It can take one of the following value:
  • HOUR
  • DAY
  • WEEK

Each bin of the report will represent the number of calls arrived within that period of time. This parameter is required.

from This describes the start of the period the report would be for. If the "from" does not align with the granularity, the report will normalize the "from" time to the granularity boundary mark before the specified value. This parameter is required.
to This describes the end of the period the report would be for. If the "to" does not align with the granularity, the report will normalize the "to" time to the granularity boundary mark after the specified value. This parameter is optional.
app-id This describes the target IVR Profile Config Server DBID. This may be specified zero or more times. If specified, the report will contain arrival data only for the specified app-id.

This cannot be specified with the tenant-id parameter.

tenant-id This describes the target Tenant Config Server DBID. This may be specified zero or more times. If specified, the report will contain arrival data only for the specified tenant-id.

This cannot be specified with the app-id parameter.

comp-id This describes the target components. This may be specified zero or more times. If specified, the report will contain arrival data only for the specified set of comp-id’s. If no comp-id is specified, the report will contain arrival data for all the Media Control Platform components in the system.
aggregate-by This can be specified at most once in the query. It may be set to one of the following values:
  • time
  • platform
  • application

Output Format

The report consists of a number of <service-quality> elements. Each <service-quality> element contains statistics for the sum of SQ data for the specified applications and components broken down by time, in a series of bins of size granularity. It conforms to the RelaxNG schema SQAServiceQuality.rng. Download the GVP RNG Schemas An example report body for this report is as follows:

  <service-quality comp-type="MCP" start="2010-02-04T08:00:00Z" end="2010-02-04T10:00:00Z" granularity="HOUR">
      <application href="/applications/132" /> 
      <application href="/applications/133" />
      <component href="/components/212" type="MCP" /> 
    <bins count="2">
      <bin index="0">
        <failure-summary calls="94" failed-calls="3">
          <failure-category type="CALL_CONTROL" failures="2">
            <failure type="CALL_ANSWER" failures="1" /> 
            <failure type="CALL_REJECT" failures="1" />  
          <failure-category type="LATENCY" failures="0">
            <failure type="INBOUND_FIRST_PROMPT_LATENCY" failures="0" /> 
            <failure type="OUTBOUND_FIRST_PROMPT_LATENCY" failures="0" /> 
            <failure type="INTERPROMPT_LATENCY" failures="0" /> 
            <failure type="CUMULATIVE_RESPONSE_LATENCY" failures="0" /> 
            <failure type="AUDIO_GAP_LATENCY" failures="0" /> 
          <failure-category type="APPLICATION_ERROR" failures="0">
            <failure type="APPLICATION_ERROR" failures="0" /> 
          <failure-category type="SYSTEM_ERROR" failures="2">
            <failure type="SYSTEM_ERROR" failures="2" />
      <bin index="1" />
This page was last edited on July 17, 2020, at 16:09.
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