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Creating the GRAT Application Object in Configuration Manager


To create the Application objects in Configuration Manager that will link the GRAT with Configuration Server. The GRAT requires two applications in Configuration Server: a server application and a client application.


Import the GRAT application template for the server

To import the application template that is to be used for the server application:

  1. In Configuration Manager, navigate to the Application Templates folder.
  2. Right-click the Application Templates folder, and select Import Application Template.
  3. Browse to the templates folder of the installation CD, and select the appropriate template for your version of Management Framework.
  • For Management Framework 8.1.1, select Genesys_Rules_Authoring_Server_850.apd.
  • For Management Framework 8.1 and earlier, select Genesys_Rules_Authoring_Generic_Server_850.apd.
  • Click OK to save the template.
  • Import the GRAT Application Template for the client

    To import the template that is to be used for the client application:

    1. Right-click the Application Templates folder.
    2. Select Import Application Template.
    3. Browse to the templates folder of the installation CD.
    4. Select Genesys_Rules_Authoring_Generic_Client_850.apd.
    5. Click OK to save the template.

    Configuring the server application

    To configure the server application:

    1. Right-click the Applications folder and select New > Application.
    2. Select the Genesys_Rules_Authoring_Generic_Server template.
    3. On the General tab, enter a name for the application, such as Rules_Authoring_Server.
    4. On the Tenants tab, add the Tenants that will be visible in the GRAT interface.
    5. On the Server Info tab, select the Host on which the application will be installed, and configure a default listening port.
    6. On the Start Info tab, enter x for each field. This is required in order to save the configuration.
    7. On the Connections tab, add a connection to the Rules Engine application (multiple Rules Engine applications can be added).

    8. Tip
      The Port ID selected for a Rules Engine connection should be the name of the Rules Engine Web application. Optionally, a connection to an application cluster of Rule Engines may be added.
    9. On the Connections tab, add a connection to the Database Access Point (DAP).
    10. On the Connections tab, add a connection to the Message Server.
    11. Click Apply.
    12. On the Options tab, configure log options.
    13. In the settings section, the following options can be configured:

    14. Settings in GRAT

      Description Valid values Default value Takes effect
      group-by-level (group rules by business level)

      There are three levels of rules: global, department, and process.

      With value true, rules are grouped by business level:

      • All global rules belong to agenda group level0.
      • Department rules belong to agenda group level1.
      • Process rules belong to agenda group level2.

      When a rule package is executed, level0 rules are executed first. Updates from this first pass then influence the department (level1) rules which are executed in the second pass. Updates from this second pass then influence any process rules (level2), which are executed in a third pass.

      Note: The GRE option sequential-mode must be false when group-by-level is set to true.

      When group-by-level is set to false, all rules are executed in a single pass. Changes made by a rule do not influence which other rules are executed (unless a Drools “update” or “insert” command is used).

      CEP functionality

      • Genesys Web Engagement's CEP functionality strips out the rule attribute that indicates which level a rule is associated with. So, the setting of the group-by-level has no influence on rule execution.


      true Immediately

      Specifies the maximum number of different users that may be connected to the server. Multiple connections from the same user ID are only counted once.

      Any positive integer

      99 After GRAT (re-)start

      Specifies the amount of time (in minutes) a client session can have no communication with the Rules Authoring Server before timing out. If no value is specified, the timeout (if any) defined by the application server applies. If the value is less than or equal to 0, the session will not time out.

      Any positive integer

      30 Immediately

      The amount of time (in minutes), prior to an expected timeout, for a user to be warned of a pending timeout. If no value is specified, or if the value is less than or equal to 0, the default warning period of 1 minute will be used. For example, if you set the value of this option to 3, the user will be warned 3 minutes prior to an expected timeout. This warning dialog box will prompt the user to extend the session. If the session is not extended, the user will be logged out and the login dialog box will be displayed. Any unsaved changes that the user made during their session will be lost.

      Any positive integer

      1 Immediately
      This option controls whether or not the rules authoring tool enables strict mode in the DROOLS rule compiler. Strict mode will cause the compiler to catch common mistakes when the rule author attempts to validate or save a rule.


      true Immediately

      Indicates whether to verify the TCP address of the application deploying rules to be that of an associated Genesys Rules Engine.


      true Immediately

      Specifies the maximum number of versions to display for any published template.

      Minimum value 1

      3 Immediately
      deploy-response-timeout (not in application template by default)

      Specifies the timeout (in seconds) applied to the deployment of a rule package.

      Any positive integer

      300 Immediately

      Specifies whether users must add a check-in comment when committing changes to rules. These comments show up when viewing package history. If the value is set to false (default), users can save changes to rules without specifying a comment.


      false Immediately
      Specifies whether users can deploy only a package snapshot. If the value is true, users can only deploy a package snapshot. If false (default), users can deploy either the LATEST package or a snapshot.


      false Immediately
      encoding (not in application template by default)
      Activates Unicode support for the conversion of data between the local character set that is used by Configuration Manager and the UTF-8 encoding that is used by the Rules Authoring Server. By default, code page conversion is disabled. To activate this functionality, set this option to the name of a converter that can translate the local character set to UTF format. The converter that is suitable for a particular deployment can be found by using the ICU Converter Explorer. There is no default value for this option. For valid values, see the ICU Home > Converter Explorer pages (http://demo.icu-project.org/icu-bin/convexp). After GRAT restart

      The GRAT server builds and maintains a cache of the rules repository database (for example, index files, and so on), and stores this on the file system under WEB-INF/classes/repository. The cache improves performance when accessing frequently used rules, calendars, and so on. However, this cache must stay synchronized with the rules repository database.

      Normally, if GRAT is restarted, it re-uses the existing cache, which is synchronized with the rules repository database. In this case, the clear-repository-option should be set to false (default).

      However, if you are configuring a second GRAT for warm standby (see High Availability Support), this option should be set to true for both the primary and the standby instances of GRAT. Since either GRAT could be brought online in the event of a failure, this option forces GRAT always to rebuild the cache and re-synchronize it with the rules repository database. Setting this option to true can delay the startup of GRAT, since the cache must be rebuilt, but it ensures that it is properly synchronized with the rules repository database.


      false After GRAT (re-)start
      evaluate-decision-table-rows-top-down (new in 8.5.0)

      Determines the order that the Decision Table rows are written out to the DRL. The default value is false, meaning that the rows are executed from the bottom up. If you change this default option, the behavior of GRAT's Test Scenario feature changes immedately, but you will need to re-deploy the rule package in order for the change to be observed in GRE.


      false Immediately
      single-sign-on (new in 8.5.0)

      Note: This configuration option should only be used when deploying in a Genesys Engage cloud single-sign on environment, and does not apply for Genesys on-premise customers deploying GRS.

      Indicates the login method: either single sign-on, or legacy login. With value false, the /index.jsp page will redirect to /login.jsp for legacy user login. With value true, then /index.jsp will redirect to /singlesignon.


      false After GRAT (re-)start
      link-to-hub (new in 8.5.0)

      Note: This configuration option should only be used when deploying in a Genesys Engage cloud single-sign on environment, and does not apply for Genesys on-premise customers deploying GRS.

      This option specifies the URL to which GRAT should redirect once the GRAT SSO session completes. This URL is used in two situations:

      • First, when the user clicks the log out button in GRAT, the browser will be redirected to this URL.
      • Second, if an SSO login is successful but the subsequent login to Configuration Server fails, then an error box is displayed to the user. Once the error box is dismissed, the browser will be redirected to the specified URL.

      Note: The user must have logged in via SSO for this to occur.


      No default value After GRAT (re-)start
      decision-table-enable-wildcards (new in 8.5.001)

      Controls whether the wild card feature is enabled in decision tables.


      true After GRAT (re-)start
      help-file-url (new in 8.5.001)

      Specifies the base URL location of online help for GRAT. You can specify a local protected URL to install the wiki Help files if your organization prefers.


      http://docs.genesys.com/Special:GRATHelp After GRAT (re-)start
      use-legacy-language-pack-webhelp (new in 8.5.001)

      With value true, when the GRAT user clicks the Help button in non-English environments, GRAT will use the legacy WebHelp files shipped with the various language packs. These legacy files may not reflect the full set of current functionality. With value false (default), GRAT will retrieve online Help from the docs.genesys.com website in the desired language (if available).


      false After GRAT (re-)start
      context-services-rest-api-protocol (new in 8.5.001)

      The protocol that GRAT uses for the Context Services metadata REST API. Valid values are:

      • http
      • https

      http, https

      http After GRAT (re-)start
      context-services-rest-api-host (new in 8.5.001)

      The hostname of the Context Services that GRAT connects to.


      After GRAT (re-)start
      context-services-rest-api-port (new in 8.5.001)

      The port of the Context Services metadata API


      After GRAT (re-)start
      context-services-rest-api-base-path (new in 8.5.001)

      The base path of the Context Services API.

      / / After GRAT (re-)start
      list-object-use-name (new in

      Enables users to control whether either the name or the display name of a Configuration Server list object is encoded in the DROOLS rule file.

      true/false After GRAT (re-)start
    15. Give the application Read, Create, and Change permissions on the Scripts folder for each Tenant that you add. (One approach is to create a user called GRAT_Application_Proxy and add that user to the SYSTEM access group. Then, on the Security tab of the application, in the Log On As section, select This account and add the GRAT_Application_Proxy user.)
    16. Click Save.

    Configure the Client Application

    To configure the client application:

    1. Right-click the Applications folder.
    2. Select New > Application.
    3. Select the Genesys_Rules_Authoring_Generic_Client template.
    4. On the General tab, enter a name for the application, such as Rules_Authoring_Client.
    5. Click Save.

    Next Steps

    This page was last edited on September 4, 2014, at 18:19.
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