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Testing eServices Components and the Setup

The minimum required components for testing include:

  • Local Control Agent
  • DB Server
  • Configuration Server
  • Message Server
  • Solution Control Server
  • Solution Control Interface
  • Stat Server
  • Universal Routing Server

Next you should test your installation's functionality. This requires that you implement an interaction workflow. The workflow and its associated routing strategies (Business Processes) can be very simple. The simplest way to test the setup is to use the ABC Simple BP and the ABC Simple Chat BP business processes that are installed as part of your Interaction Workflow Samples installation.

Testing the Components


  • Both Universal Contact Server and Interaction Server have connections to Stat Server (if you have not already made these connections).
  • Both Stat Server and Universal Routing Server have connections to Interaction Server.
  • Genesys Framework is running.
  • Before testing chat and web form e-mail, restart the host(s) running the Chat Server, and ensure that your POP3 e-mail server is up and running.
  1. Start the servers in this order:
    1. DB Server for Interaction Server
    2. Interaction Server
    3. Universal Contact Server
    4. E-mail Server
    5. Chat Server
    6. Classification Server
    7. Training Server
    8. Web Server and Web Application Container for Web API Server launch
  2. After each server starts, check its console window for errors.

An application for testing the components, called TestTool812, is included as part of the installation of Web API Server. Use this tool to test the various Java classes and servlets that run the eServices solution.

TestTool812 supports Internet Explorer. It does not support Mozilla Firefox.
  1. Open a web browser window and enter the following URL: http://<WebAPIServerhost>/WebAPI812/TestTool812
    The address used to access the testing application is case sensitive.

    A window similar to the following appears:

  2. Click any of the links to launch the various testing tools. The results of the test display in the bottom frame of the web page.

Test agent handling of interactions by configuring and installing Workspace Desktop Edition.

Testing the Setup

The ABC Simple BP receives e-mail interactions that enter the system and delivers them to an agent group. This business process also allows the agent who works on a given interaction to reply to it and send a resulting outbound e-mail. The ABC Simple Chat BP does essentially the same thing, but for chat interactions; it receives chat interactions that enter the system and delivers them to an agent group. See the Universal Routing 8.1 Business Process User's Guide for more details on these and the other sample business processes. That guide also describes how to work with strategies and queues in the Interaction Design portion of IRD.

  1. Set E-mail Server's default-inbound-queue option (in the email-processing section) to the value Inbound queue, which is the name of the inbound queue in ABC Simple BP.
    If you installed the Interaction Workflow Samples before using the wizard installation, you will find that two Interaction Queue objects named Inbound queue and Outbound queue already exist in your <Tenant>\Scripts folder in Configuration Manager or Genesys Administrator. Use the Inbound queue name as the value for this E-mail Server default queue option.
  2. The Person object you plan to use for handling e-mail interactions must be a member of the Agent Group named E-mail distribution for processing, which serves as a target for interactions in the Process ABC strategy of this sample business process.
  3. From the Interaction Design portion of IRD, if they are not already activated, activate the two strategies that this business process uses, Process ABC and Send ABC.

Be sure you have set the following prior to testing this workflow:

  1. If you installed the Interaction Workflow Samples before using the wizard installation, you will find that an Interaction Queue object named Chat inbound queue already exists in your <Tenant>\Scripts folder in Configuration Manager or Genesys Administrator. That queue is also the value for the Chat Server default option (in the endpoints:<tenant_id> section). Make sure this is the case.
  2. The Person object you plan to use for handling chat interactions must be a member of the Agent Group named Chat distribution for processing, which serves as a target for interactions in the Chat inbound strategy strategy of this sample business process.
  3. From the Interaction Design portion of IRD, if they are not already activated, activate the three strategies this business process uses: Chat send transcript email strategy, Chat request transcript send strategy, and Chat inbound strategy.

  1. If you have not already started the necessary components, do so now.
  2. Open your e-mail client and send an e-mail to the POP box that E-mail Server checks (the value of that component's address option).
  3. Ready an agent at the Genesys Desktop and look for the arrival of the e-mail interaction.
  4. If the inbound e-mail fails (for example, E-mail Server does not see the message or E-mail Server sends the message to a bad directory), check each of the E-mail Server options, logs, and the routing strategies for possible errors.

  1. Start the web server and the web application container, if you have not already.
  2. If you have not already started the necessary components, do so now.
  3. Ready an agent at the Genesys Desktop.
  4. Open the Genesys MCR 8.1 Platform SDK Java Samples Pages by opening a browser navigating to http://<WebAPIServerhost>/WebAPI812.
  5. Select the New samples based on PSDK Java API link to open the samples page.
  6. Click Chat Sample with "user" typing notification.
  7. Fill in customer data and click Start Chat. Look for the arrival of the chat interaction at the Genesys Desktop.
  8. If chat does not work (for example, a disconnected from chat server message appears or the customer joins but the agent does not), check each of the manual install steps. Specifically, check the:
    • Chat Server options.
    • Web API Server options.
    • WebAPI812 parameters, contained in the constants.jsp file.

  1. If you have not already started the necessary component, do so now.
  2. Open the Genesys MCR 8.1 Platform SDK Java Samples Pages by opening a browser navigating to http://<WebAPIServerhost>/WebAPI812.
  3. Select the New samples based on PSDK Java API link to open the samples page.
  4. Select the E-mail over the Web link.
  5. Fill in customer data and click Submit.
  6. Ready an agent at the Genesys Desktop and look for the arrival of the web form e-mail interaction.
  7. If web form e-mail does not work (for example, no thank you page displays, a thank you page displays with an error, or a thank you page displays but the e-mail never pops to the desktop), check each of the manual install steps.

  1. If you installed the Web Callback Application before using the wizard installation, you will find that an Interaction Queue object named New already exists in your <Tenant>\Scripts folder in Configuration Manager or Genesys Administrator. That queue is also the value for the Web API Server wcbNewQueue (in the \...\SimpleSamples812\constants.jsp). Make sure this is the case.
  2. The Person object you plan to use for handling web callback interactions must be configured to work with voice media and be a member of the Agent Group named WebCallback distribution for processing, which serves as a target for interactions in the Delivering strategy of this sample business process.
  3. Start Knowledge Manager and import the UCS_impex.kme file located in the folder <Web Callback Application installation> to receive standard responses related to WebCallback BP.
  4. Open the Send Email Notification subroutine. Select the corresponding standard responses in the two Acknowledgement receipt objects. Save changes in the subroutine and then in IRD.
  5. From the Interaction Design portion of IRD, if they are not already activated, activate the following strategies this business process uses:
    • Preprocessing
    • Rescheduled by Agent
    • Rescheduled by Customer
    • Delivering
    • Stop By Customer
    • Stop By Agent
    • Expired Transfer Callbacks
    • Expired Conference Callbacks
    • Outbound notification email sending

Run the appropriate script for your Interaction Server database. The scripts are located in the following directories:

  • for DB2, in the <Web Callback Application installation>\Scripts\Db2 folder
  • for MS SQL, in the <Web Callback Application installation>\Scripts\MsSQL folder
  • for Oracle, in the <Web Callback Application installation>\Scripts\Oracle folder

  1. If you have not already started the necessary components, do so now.
  2. Open the Genesys MCR 8.1 Platform SDK Java Samples Pages by opening a browser and navigating to http://<WebAPIServerhost>/WebAPI812.
  3. Select the New samples based on PSDK Java API link to open the samples page.
  4. Select the WebCallback link.
  5. Fill in customer data and click Request callback.
  6. Ready an agent at the Genesys Desktop and look for the arrival of the web callback interaction.

For More Information

See the Universal Routing 8.1 Business Process User's Guide and Universal Routing 8.1 Interaction Routing Designer Help Zip for additional instructions on creating and activating/loading routing strategies.

This page was last edited on January 14, 2021, at 01:03.
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