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1 Overview

This document describes the Skills Management API. The methods in the API are designed to be used by 3rd parties to integrate with various components of the Skills Management suite.

2 Performance DNA User Management

The Permissions Management service requires an X509 certificate to be installed on the server to secure the traffic between itself and any clients that connect to it. The public copy of the certificate will need to exist on any client machines.

2.1 Configuring the Permissions Management Service

After a successful install of Skills Management, the Permissions Management service will still require some minor configuration before it can be used.

2.1.1 Setting certificate permissions

The application pool identity that is used for the Permissions Management service needs access to the private key of the certificate that is used.

1. Run mmc.exe or type mmc.exe into the command line console and press Enter

2. Add the Certificates snap-in (choosing to manage certificates for the local computer account when asked) by clicking File, Add/Remove Snap-in and selecting the Certificates option from the Available snap-ins section.

3. Select computer account.

4. Under the Certificates (Local Computer) hierarchy expand the Personal node and click Certificates.

5. Right-click on the certificate used for the service, then choose All Tasks > Manage Private Keys

6. If the application pool user does not appear in the list, click Add to add the user.

7. Give the new user account(s) Read access in the permissions list.

8. Click OK to save changes.

9. Close mmc.exe.

2.1.2 Editing the configuration file

Locate the folder in which the Services.PermissionManagement service was installed, and open the web.config file in Notepad or similar text editor.

In the appSettings section, locate the ClientCertThumbprint and ClientCertName entries (the value of these will default to “***”). Both values should be set to match the certificate you are using for encryption. Opening the properties of the certificate and checking the Details tab should allow you to locate the information required:



The ClientCertThumbprint should be set to the Thumbprint of the certificate. It must not contain any spaces. Using the example above, it reads:

<add key="ClientCertThumbprint" value="524bf695ce252b607e326e28bd3b9088699582e2" />

The ClientCertName should match the Subject of the certificate. It must not include any spaces from the items on each line, but each line must be separated by a comma and space. Using the example above, it reads:

<add key="ClientCertName" value="CN=example.certificate.name, OU=Example, O=Company, L=Local, S=Place, C=XX" />

Further down the configuration file, in the system.serviceModel section, look in behaviors / serviceBehaviors. There is a behaviour with the name serviceCredentialsBehavior. Inside that section, locate the serviceCredentials / serviceCertificate section and change the findValue entry to match the CN value of your certificate. Again, using the example this reads:

<serviceCertificate findValue="example.certificate.name" x509FindType="FindBySubjectName" storeLocation="LocalMachine" storeName="My" />

Save and close the configuration file.

Navigate to the location of the PermissionManagement.svc file in your browser (e.g. http://servername/Services/Services.PermissionManagement/PermissionManagement.svc) to verify that the service activates successfully. This will confirm that the serviceCertificate entry you updated is correct.

2.2 Client configuration

Clients of the Permissions Management service should connect to it using a WS-Trust binding configured to use Message-level security with a certificate. The certificate used should match the one provided on the server.

2.3 API Reference

The user management API allows 3rd parties to create, update and remove users within the Performance DNA product.

2.3.1 Updating the TenantId

The TenantId needs setting to the correct Tenant in the appSettings of the web.config


<add key="TenantId" value="-1" />


2.3.2 Creating a user

This method allows the 3rd party to create users in Performance DNA:

public CreateUsersResponse CreateUsers(CreateUsersRequest request) CreateUsersRequest CreateUsersResponse

2.3.3 Updating a user

This method allows the 3rd party to edit users in Performance DNA.

public UpdateUsersResponse UpdateUsers(UpdateUsersRequest request) UpdateUsersRequest UpdateUsersResponse

2.3.4 Deleting a user

This method allows the 3rd party to remove users in Performance DNA:

public DeleteUsersResponse DeleteUsers(DeleteUsersRequest request) DeleteUsersRequest DeleteUsersResponse

2.3.5 Supporting Data Types User Role Field

2.4 Requirements for using the API Reference method

  • • It will be possible to configure firewalls and network access so that the 3rd party and Performance DNA systems can communicate.
  • • The 3rd party and Performance DNA systems will have access to a common identity value so that users can be uniquely identified.
  • • The 3rd party system will be responsible for controlling access to the editing functionality.

3 Third-Party Authentication Support

This section describes the functionality that must be provided by third party services that will serve as authentication providers for Skills Management (Performance DNA and Training Manager Portal).

It describes the high-level interaction that is required between the two systems, and then explains in more detail the exact functionality that is required.

The next section of the document describes the supporting objects and types.

3.1 Interactions between the Systems

The diagram below shows the process which will be followed to allow the third-party to offer authentication:

Performance DNA – External AuthenticationPDNA ApplicationExternal Authentication AuthorityPhasePage RequestCheck for Auth TokenAuthenticate userUser authenticated?Display ScreenToken ExistsNo TokenNoRequest TokenYesAuth Token created

As shown in the diagram the external authentication authority needs to provide the following functionality:

  • • A method for authenticating users, via an HTTP request. This could be a login form, or some type of Active Directory -linked automatic sign on, but there needs to be a distinct URL to which Skills Management can redirect users so that they can be authenticated.
  • • A means of generating an authorization token, which is uniquely tied to a user and a login session and which is valid for a given period of time.
  • • A means of redirecting the user back to Skills Management once the user has been authenticated. This redirection needs to happen after the Authentication token has been sent (and acknowledged by the user)

The next section of this document describes each of these pieces of functionality in more detail.

3.2 Components of the Third-Party Authentication System

There are three main components of a suitable third-party authentication system. Optionally, a page to allow a logout from Skills Management that also logs the user out from the third-party system is permitted. The components are described in more detail below.

3.2.1 Authentication Screen, accessible over HTTP/HTTPS

This page is the URL that Skills Management will redirect all unauthenticated page requests to for authentication. It could be a login form, or some type of Active Directory -linked automatic sign on, as long as it has a static URL and is capable of authenticating users appropriately. The page should also be capable of the pass through of query string parameters, to allow users to be taken to the correct content within Skills Management upon successful login.

3.2.2 Authentication Token Generator

The third-party system will also need to be able to generate a time limited authentication token which is tied to a unique user login session. This token will be passed to the Skills Management authentication service, along with the time it expires. The token request should include the login id of the user who was authenticated, so that it can be used to validate the user when they are subsequently redirected back to Skills Management. This request should be sent using HTTP POST, with the token, expiry and user encoded as a JSON object.

e.g. {"Token":"f7fb8cb1-371c-440f-90e7-9232603a97cd","Expiry":"\/Date(1445503652700)\/","UserID":"j.bloggs"}

It should be possible to configure the service call so that it passes a trusted certificate as part of the request. This will ensure that only trusted third parties, with valid certificates, are able to authorize users for Skills Management.

3.2.3 Redirect back to Skills Management

Finally, the system should redirect the user back to Skills Management using an HTTP request (or HTTPS if required). The authentication token that was generated should be passed as part of the request. All query string parameters that were included in the request from the authentication screen should also be maintained.

Skills Management will then check that the authentication token matches a valid authentication ticket, that the time period for the authentication has not expired and that the token has not already been used for authentication.

Note: In the case that a user exists in the authentication system, but not in the Skills Management system, there is a danger of looping requests between the two systems. Therefore, it is recommended that there is a simple check before the redirect to Skills Management to prevent more than a certain number of attempts from one user in a specified period of time.

3.2.4 Logout URL

The system can also optionally provide details of a logout URL. This URL logs the user out of the authentication system. This URL can be used to allow a logout from Skills Management that also logs the user out of the system they originally logged into.

3.3 Data Transfer Objects

This section describes in more detail the data transfer messages that are used for parameters and return types.

3.3.1 Objects AuthTokenRequest AuthTokenResponse

3.4 Sample Requests

3.4.1 Set Token Request

Below is an example of an HTTP POST to pass the token to Skills Management

POST http://myHostName/SkillsAssessor/Launch/SetToken HTTP/1.1

Accept: application/json

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

Host: myHostName

Content-Length: 99

Expect: 100-continue

Connection: Keep-Alive


3.4.2 Set Token Response

If successful, the user will receive a response similar to the following:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Cache-Control: private

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

Server: Microsoft-IIS/8.5

X-AspNetMvc-Version: 4.0

X-AspNet-Version: 4.0.30319

Set-Cookie: ASP.NET_SessionId=xturuxp1tlsf352kmwlsastj; path=/; HttpOnly

X-Powered-By: ASP.NET

Date: Mon, 12 Oct 2015 08:47:39 GMT

Content-Length: 6


3.4.3 URL to redirect to

The user’s browser would then need to be redirected to a URL of the form: http://myHostName/Skills Management/Launch?token=f7fb8cb1-371c-440f-90e7-9232603a97cd&ReturnUrl=%2fSkillsAssessor%2fAssessments%2fManage-Assessments.aspx

4 Assessment Results

Please see the install guide for installing the API.

This API enables you to build your own dashboards based on the data provided about the results of assessments users have taken.

4.1 Online help

Once the api is installed, help on the methods provided from the api can be found by browsing to Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.

4.2 Basic Authentication

Basic Authentication is set up on the api. A system setting in Performance DNA allows a user field to be selected for authentication. When the api is first called, a username/password box will appear asking for your credentials. This will need to match the selected field in Performance DNA along with the Performance DNA password for that user.

NB: the password will be sent in the clear unless TLS (https) is used.

4.3 Authorisation

The user accessing the api will need to be a member of the Administrator or ReportingAdministrator roles.

A manager will get access to the assessment results of their immediate subordinates.

This page was last edited on September 4, 2018, at 06:49.
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