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PDNA 9.0 Admin Guide



Performance DNA 9.0.0

Administration Guide

Potential tab

The Potential tab within the PDR Dashboard page allows managers to complete the PDR Potential Assessment for their reports. The questions that appear in this tab are based on the assessment selected in the PDR Admin page. The scores selected in this tab will affect the report’s potential value in the Talent Matrix tab.


Figure : Potential tab

Talent Matrix Tab

The talent matrix tab combines an employee’s potential score (based on the values selected in the Potential tab) and the employee’s objective performance (based on the level achieved for defined objectives). If all of the user’s PDR objectives are measured, a recommended score will be displayed in the top-right area of the page. This score is based on the combination of the extent to which the user has achieved their objectives and the values specified in the Potential assessment. If the recommended rating is shown and the manager opts to override this recommendation, a comment will be required prior to saving. This should be entered into the comments box.


Figure : Talent Matrix tab

The Save Matrix Position button will be visible if the manager accesses the Talent Matrix tab for an employee’s PDR within a review window (see the following section for creating review windows). Saving the Matrix position creates a historical snapshot of the employee’s current position on the talent matrix. These snapshots are displayed on the talent matrix grid via grey circles. The orange circle indicates the employee’s current position, the largest grey circle indicates the most recently taken snapshot, with smaller circles indicating the employee’s past position(s) on the talent matrix.

This page was last edited on March 15, 2018, at 10:50.
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