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Kimberly Doucet


Table Example for Peter


API METHOD Syntax Request Body Response Body HTTP Status Codes Notes
Login GET /grs/v1/login N/A [+]Show code
  • 200 OK—Response Body Provided
  • 401 Unauthorized—Userid/Password not valid
  • 422 Unprocessable Entry
[+]Show code
  • 503—Service Unavailable

Additional Errors:

  • 1001—No User Connection
  • 1002—Client port bind failed
  • 1003—Max Connections Exceeded
Userid and Password are provided in the basic authorization header.
  • apiToken—A unique session "apiToken" is returned on a successful login. "Userid" and "apiToken" must be included on subsequent requests via the basic authorization header.
  • lastLogin—(if available from config server) is returned as a long representing time in ms since epoch.
Change Password and Login PUT /grs/v1/changepassword [+]Show code [+]Show code
  • 200 OK—Response Body Provided
  • 401Unauthorized—Userid / Original Password not valid
  • 503—Service Unavailable
A user cannot simply change their password at any time. The password must expire or the flag to "reset" password must be enabled in Configuration Server. When a user attempts to log in and gets the "Password Change Required" error, they can then use this API to change their password and log in.

UserID and Original Password are provided in the basic authorization header. The new password is passed in the request body. If the password change is successful, the API token and last login time (if available) will be returned (just like normal login).

Logout GET /grs/v1/logout

Optional Parameters:
&force=true - log out even if there are locked resources. Any locked resources will automatically be unlocked.

  • 204 No Content—Logout successful
  • 401 Unauthorized&mdashUser not logged in or API Token not otherwise recognized
  • 422 Unprocessable Entry —User has locked resources:
[+]Show code
  • 503—Service Unavailable
Query Locks GET /grs/v1/querylocks N/A [+]Show code
  • 200 OK—Response body provided
  • 204 No Content—User has no locked resources
  • 401 Unauthorized—APIToken not valid
  • 503—Service Unavailable
Permissions GET /grs/v1/permissions/{tenantId} N/A [+]Show code
  • 200 OK—Response body provided
  • 401 Unauthorized—APIToken not valid
  • 403 Forbidden—User does not have permission for the specified tenant
  • 503—Service Unavailable
User must have permission to the specified tenant ID. Use Query Tenants to get a list of valid tenant IDs for this logged in user.

Landing Page Example

Find out more your role as an agent:

Agent User's Guide Agent Example.png

Find out more about platform administration:

Platform AdministrationPlatform Admin.png

Find out more about IVR administration:

IVR Administration IVR Admin.png

Image Formatting Examples

Image Without Manual Borders and Attributes

VCC2.6.2 Dashboard Example.png

Image With Manual Borders But No Attributes (For Closed Wiki)

VCC262 Dashboard View.png

Image Attributes Examples



  • displays the pixel attribute that you choose
  • adds a caption

800px Example

 Syntax:  File:VCC2.6.2_Dashboard_Example.png|thumb|center|800px|Thumb

500px Example

 Syntax:  File:VCC2.6.2_Dashboard_Example.png|thumb|center|500px|Thumb



  • displays the same size graphic regardless of the pixel size that you add as an attribute
  • displays a caption

800px Example

Syntax: File:VCC2.6.2_Dashboard_Example.png|frame|center|800px|Frame

500px Example

 Syntax: File:VCC2.6.2_Dashboard_Example.png|frame|center|500px|Frame



  • displays the pixel attribute that you choose
  • does not display a caption

800px Example

 Syntax: File:VCC2.6.2_Dashboard_Example.png|border|center|800px|Border

500px Example

 Syntax: File:VCC2.6.2_Dashboard_Example.png|border|center|500px|Border

Toggle Image

[+]Toggle Image Example

UI Sections

Main UI Example

VCC262 Dashboard Screen.png

Section Examples

Navigation Bar Icons
Queues Report

The following section examples use the link= syntax so they are not clickable.

VCC262 User Name.png

VCC262 Help Icon.png

VCC262 Expand Collapse All.png

VCC262 Queue-Arrow.png

Callout Lightbox Samples

VCC262 Dashboard Screen.png







Toggle Image

[+]Toggle Image Example

This page was last edited on July 6, 2015, at 14:32.
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