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Jdruker/PDMs TestQueries

In the Column List:

  • P = Primary key
  • M = Mandatory field
  • F = Foreign key (where the term is used loosely to indicate a surrogate key reference to a field in another table, not a formal constraint)
  • DV = Default value

In the Column List:

  • P = Primary key
  • M = Mandatory field
  • F = Foreign key

In the Column List:

  • P = Primary key
  • M = Mandatory field
  • F = Foreign key (where the term is used loosely to indicate a surrogate key reference to a field in another table, not a formal constraint)
  • DV = Default value
  • In the Data Type column, varchar/nvarchar means that the data type is varchar except in multi-language databases that use Unicode, in which case the data type is nvarchar. (The Info Mart database in Cloud deployments is not multi-language.)

Test for:

  • Documentation:GIM:PDMMS:Table-ANCHOR_FLAGS:8.5.0
  • Documentation:ICON:PDMOra:Table-GCX_CAMPLIST_INFO:8.1DRAFT
  • Documentation:RAA:PDMPostgre:Table-AGT_AGENT_HOUR:8.5DRAFT

Column List


Column Data Type P M F DV
ANCHOR_FLAGS_KEY Data type X X The surrogate key that is used to join this dimension to the fact tables.
FIRST_ENGAGE_FOR_AGENT_IXN Data type X In the IRF for an agent, indicates whether this is the first participation by that agent in the interaction: 0 = No, 1 = Yes.

This flag is set in the IRF for an agent’s first connection into the interaction — for example, when the agent accepts a route, accepts a transfer or conference, or pulls an interaction from a queue or workbin (excluding workbin hold). Unlike the other flags, which can be set for multimedia interactions only, this flag can also apply to voice interactions.

This flag applies to participation in either the inbound or outbound portions of an interaction; for example, it will be set when the agent’s first participation in an interaction is in an OutboundReply to an Inbound interaction.

This flag does not apply if the IRF does not show the agent connecting to the interaction — for example, if the agent is offered an interaction but does not accept. This flag also does not apply to collaborations.

FIRST_REPLY_FOR_AGENT_IXN Data type X In the IRF for an agent, indicates whether this is the first participation by that agent in a reply within the interaction: 0 = No, 1 = Yes.

This flag is set in the IRF for an agent’s first connection into an OutboundReply for the interaction — for example, when the agent initiates an OutboundReply, accepts a route, accepts a transfer, or pulls an interaction from a queue or workbin (excluding workbin hold). If the interaction contains more than one OutboundReply, this flag applies to the agent’s first participation in any one of them. The OutboundReply does not need to be successful (in other words, sent).

This flag does not apply if the IRF does not show the agent connecting to the interaction — for example, if the agent is offered an OutboundReply but does not accept. This flag also does not apply to collaborations.

Note: An agent’s first participation in an OutboundReply for an interaction might also be the agent’s first participation in the interaction, which is indicated in FIRST_ENGAGE_FOR_AGENT_IXN.

FIRST_ENGAGE_FOR_AGENT_THRD Data type X In the IRF for an agent, indicates whether this is the first participation by that agent in any of the interactions in a thread: 0 = No, 1 = Yes.

This flag is set in the IRF for an agent’s first connection into any one of the interactions in the thread — for example, when the agent accepts a route, accepts a transfer or conference, or pulls an interaction from a queue or workbin (excluding workbin hold).

This flag applies to participation in either the inbound or outbound portions of an interaction; for example, it will be set if the agent’s first participation in the interaction thread is in an OutboundReply to an Inbound interaction.

This flag does not apply if the IRF does not show the agent connecting to the interaction — for example, if the agent is offered an interaction but does not accept. This flag also does not apply to collaborations.

Starting with release 8.5.001, this flag is set only if the populate-thread-facts configuration option is set to true. Otherwise, the value of this field is always 0.

FIRST_REPLY_FOR_AGENT_THRD Data type X In the IRF for an agent, indicates whether this is the first participation by the agent in a reply for any of the interactions in the thread: 0 = No, 1 = Yes.

This flag is set in the IRF for an agent’s first connection into an OutboundReply for any one of the interactions in the thread — for example, when the agent initiates an OutboundReply, accepts a route, accepts a transfer, or pulls an interaction from a queue or workbin (excluding workbin hold). The OutboundReply does not need to be successful (in other words, sent).

This flag does not apply if the IRF does not show the agent connecting to the interaction — for example, if the agent is offered an OutboundReply but does not accept. This flag also does not apply to collaborations.

Note: An agent’s first participation in an OutboundReply for a thread might also be the agent’s first participation in the thread, which is indicated in FIRST_ENGAGE_FOR_AGENT_THRD.

Starting with release 8.5.001, this flag is set only if the populate-thread-facts configuration option is set to true. Otherwise, the value of this field is always 0.

FIRST_ENGAGE_THRD Data type X Indicates whether this is the first participation, by any handling resource, in the interaction thread: 0 = No, 1 = Yes.

This flag is set in the IRF for the handling resource (agent or strategy) that first participates in the thread — for example, when an agent accepts an Inbound interaction, or when a strategy generates an AutoResponse.

IRFs in which this flag is set also have IRF_ANCHOR = 1.

Starting with release 8.5.001, this flag is set only if the populate-thread-facts configuration option is set to true. Otherwise, the value of this field is always 0.

CUSTOMER_LEFT_FIRST Data type X Indicates whether the customer left a chat first: 0 = No, 1 = Yes.

This flag is set in the IRF for each agent engaged in the chat or chat consultation, if data about the party that ended a chat session is available from Interaction Concentrator. In IRFs in which this flag is set, IRF_ANCHOR_TS records the time the customer left the chat.

CREATE_AUDIT_KEY Data type X X The surrogate key that is used to join to the CTL_AUDIT_LOG control table. The key specifies the lineage for data creation. This value can be useful for aggregation, enterprise application integration (EAI), and ETL tools — that is, applications that need to identify newly added data.
UPDATE_AUDIT_KEY Data type X X The surrogate key that is used to join to the CTL_AUDIT_LOG control table. The key specifies the lineage for data update. This value can be useful for aggregation, enterprise application integration (EAI), and ETL tools — that is, applications that need to identify recently modified data.

Column List


Column Data Type P M F Description
ID Data type X X The unique, autonumbered ID of the record. This is the primary key.
ListID Data type X X The DBID of the Calling List object that is associated with CampaignID (the campaign).
CampaignID Data type X X The DBID of the Campaign object that is associated with ListID (the calling list).
Status Data type X The status of the object described by the record. One of the following values:
  • 0—The status is unknown. Reserved for when ICON is unable to determine record status.
  • 1—Record is active.
  • 2—Record is inactive (object is deleted).
  • 10—Synchronization is in progress for an active record.


Created Data type The GMT-equivalent date and time when the record was written to IDB. This is not necessarily the actual creation time of the record.
Deleted Data type The GMT-equivalent date and time when this association was removed.
Created_ts Data type The UTC-equivalent value of the CREATED field.
Created_tcode Data type A reference, derived from the value in the CREATED_TS field, to a record in the G_TIMECODE table.
Deleted_ts Data type The UTC-equivalent value of the DELETED field.
Deleted_tcode Data type A reference, derived from the value in the DELETED_TS field, to a record in the G_TIMECODE table.
GSYS_DOMAIN Data type Contains the data source session ID (DSS_ID) for the session that was active when the data was processed by ICON. For more information, see the description in System Fields (for DB2Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, or PostgreSQL, respectively).
GSYS_PARTITION Data type A key that is used for partitioning.
GSYS_SYS_ID Data type System ID. Reserved for future use.
GSYS_SEQ Data type Insert Sequence. Not unique.
GSYS_USEQ Data type Update Sequence. Not unique.
GSYS_TS Data type Reserved
GSYS_TC Data type Reserved
GSYS_EXT_VCH1 Data type Reserved
GSYS_EXT_VCH2 Data type Reserved
GSYS_EXT_INT1 Data type A flag indicating the reliability of timestamp information stored in the CREATED and DELETED fields. One of the following values:
  • 0—Highly reliable; timestamps for both fields are taken from Configuration Server runtime notifications or the Configuration Server history log.
  • 1—CREATED timestamp is that of the time when configuration data was requested from Configuration Server, either during the initial ICON startup or during synchronization.
  • 2—DELETED timestamp is that of the time when configuration data was requested from Configuration Server; either during the initial ICON startup or during synchronization.
  • 3—Both CREATED and DELETED timestamps are taken from the time when configuration data was requested from Configuration Server, either during the initial ICON startup or during synchronization.
GSYS_EXT_INT2 Data type Reserved

Column List


Column Data Type P M F DV
AGR_SET_KEY Data type X The surrogate key that is used to join this aggregate table to the AGR_SET table.
DATE_TIME_KEY Data type The surrogate key that is used to join this aggregate table to the DATE_TIME dimension table to identify the calendar date and 15-minute interval at which the agent’s participation in the interaction began.
GROUP_COMBINATION_KEY Data type The surrogate key that is used to join records in this aggregate table to the RESOURCE_GROUP_COMBINATION dimension table to identify a specific combination of queue groups of which the queue was a member when the interaction entered the queue.
RESOURCE_KEY Data type X The surrogate key that is used to join this aggregate table to the RESOURCE_ dimension table.
INTERACTION_DESCRIPTOR_KEY Data type X The surrogate key that is used to join this aggregate table to the INTERACTION_DESCRIPTOR dimension table to identify the business attributes that have been assigned to the interaction.
TENANT_KEY Data type X The surrogate key that is used to join this aggregate table to the TENANT view to identify a specific tenant.
MEDIA_TYPE_KEY Data type X The surrogate key that is used to join this aggregate table to the MEDIA_TYPE dimension table.
INTERACTION_TYPE_KEY Data type X The surrogate key that is used to join this aggregate table to the INTERACTION_TYPE dimension table.
USER_DATA_KEY1 Data type The surrogate key that is used to join this aggregate table to a custom user-data dimension table to identify attached data that has been assigned to the interaction.

If you engage the social-media feature, RAA maps this field to GEN_ES_KEY in the IRF_USER_DATA_KEYS table.

USER_DATA_KEY2 Data type The surrogate key that is used to join this aggregate table to a custom user-data dimension table to identify attached data that has been assigned to the interaction.
USER_DATA_GEN_KEY1 Data type The surrogate key that is used to join this aggregate table to a custom user data dimension table to identify attached data that has been assigned to the interaction.

This attribute is populated only if the configuration option user-data-gen-dim is enabled.

USER_DATA_GEN_KEY2 Data type The surrogate key that is used to join this aggregate table to a custom user data dimension table to identify attached data that has been assigned to the interaction.

This attribute is populated only if the configuration option user-data-gen-dim is enabled.

POST_CALL_SURVEY_KEY1 Data type The surrogate key that is used to join this aggregate table to the POST_CALL_SURVEY dimension table. This attribute is populated only if the configuration option agg-feature:post-call-survey is enabled.
POST_CALL_SURVEY_KEY2 Data type The surrogate key that is used to join this aggregate table to the POST_CALL_SURVEY dimension table. This attribute is populated only if the configuration option agg-feature:post-call-survey is enabled.
ACCEPTED_THREAD Data type The total number of customer-interaction threads that were accepted, initiated, or pulled for the first time by this agent. This measure includes an agent's first participation in outbound replies to inbound interactions and yields the same values as ACCEPTED_UNIQUE for media other than e-mail.
FOCUS Data type The total number of times that the agent was in the focus state while working on media sessions. Includes only cases where the agent was actively working on the interaction that is the subject of the IRF, and requires that WDE has been configured to report focus time.
FOCUS_TIME Data type The total time, in seconds, that the agent spent in the focus state while working on media sessions. Includes only time that the agent spent actively processing the interaction, as reported by the agent desktop.
ACCEPTED_UNIQUE Data type The total number of logical interactions that were accepted, initiated, or pulled by this agent. This measure includes an agent's first participation in outbound replies to inbound interactions.
ACCEPTED Data type The total number of times that customer interactions or warm consultations were accepted, answered, pulled, or initiated by this agent.

For voice media, this measure is identical to RESPONSES.

NOTACCEPTED Data type The total number of times that customer interactions were redirected to another resource upon no answer by this agent or were otherwise not accepted or answered by this agent. This measure includes interactions that the customer abandoned while they were alerting at the agent.
OFFERED Data type The total number of times that interactions were received or initiated by an agent. The count includes interactions that were abandoned while inviting, handling attempts that the agent rejected, and warm consultations and conferences that the agent received. This count excludes simple consultations, whether they were initiated or received.
RESPONDED_THREAD Data type The total number of customer-interaction threads for which a first-time response was created by this agent. This measure includes an agent's first participation in outbound replies to inbound interactions.
RESPONDED_UNIQUE Data type The total number of first-time outbound replies in which this agent participated in response to customer interactions. Any number of replies could be prepared in response to a customer interaction. This measure attributes only the first-connected reply to this agent, regardless of whether the reply was sent. This measure excludes outbound replies to consultations, outbound replies that the agent pulled from his/her personal workbin or rejected, and system-generated responses.
RESPONSES Data type For voice and chat media, this measure represents the total number of times that customer interactions or warm consultations were answered or accepted by this agent. For voice media, this measure is identical to ACCEPTED; it returns positive values when agents initiate calls.

For e-mail, this measure represents the total number of times that the agent prepared an outbound reply.

ABANDONED_INVITE Data type The total number of times that customer interactions were abandoned or dropped for any reason while the interactions were alerting or ringing at this agent.
REJECTED Data type The total number of times that customer interactions alerted at an agent that belong to this agent group and were not accepted or answered.
INVITE Data type The total number of customer interactions that alerted or rang at this agent before the interactions were accepted, answered, or pulled plus the total number of dials that the agent performed, where the calls were successfully established. This measure is attributed to the interval in which the alerting/dialing first occurred.

The dialing component of this measure applies to voice media only.

INVITE_TIME Data type The total amount of time, in seconds, that customer interactions alerted at this agent plus the total duration of the dialing that the agent performed. For the alerting component of this measure, interactions do not have to be established for this measure to be incremented. For the dialing component, dial duration is measured for established calls only. This measure is attributed to the interval in which the alerting/dialing first occurred.
ENGAGE_TIME Data type The total amount of time, in seconds, that this agent was engaged with customers on interactions that the agent received. This measure excludes other interaction-related durations, such as hold time, ACW (Wrap) time, alert (ring) time, and time that is spent in collaboration or consultation.
ENGAGE Data type The total number of interactions for which this agent was engaged with customers for interactions that the agent received. This measure excludes other interaction-related counts, such as holds, instances of ACW, and collaborations and consultations that the agent received.
SHORT Data type The total number of times that customer interactions were accepted by this agent and then released, transferred, or stopped within the short-engagement threshold.

This measure relies on the value of short-engagement (short-talk) as configured in the [agg-gim-thld-AGENT-IXN] section.

HOLD_TIME Data type The total amount of time, in seconds, that this agent had customer interactions on hold.
HOLD Data type The total number of customer interactions that this agent had on hold.
WRAP_TIME Data type The total amount of time, in seconds, that this agent was in ACW state for customer interactions that the agent received. This measure is attributed to the interval in which the agent was offered the interaction for which ACW was invoked.
WRAP Data type The total number of times that this agent was in ACW state for customer interactions that the agent received. This measure is attributed to the interval in which the agent was offered the interactions for which ACW was invoked.
CONSULT_RECEIVED_ENGAGE_TIME Data type The total amount of time, in seconds, that this agent was engaged in collaborations or simple consultations where the agents were the recipients of the collaboration/consultation requests and the collaborations/consultations were associated with customer interactions.
CONSULT_RECEIVED_ACCEPTED Data type The total number of times that this agent received and accepted collaborations or simple consultations that were associated with customer interactions.
CONSULT_RESPONSES Data type For e-mail, the total number of collaboration replies that were initiated by this agent. For voice, this measure is the same as CONSULT_RECEIVED_ACCEPTED.
CONSULT_RECEIVED_HOLD_TIME Data type The total amount of time, in seconds, that this agent had collaborations or simple consultations on hold, where the collaborations/consultations were associated with customer interactions and the agent was the recipient of the collaboration/consultation requests.
CONSULT_RECEIVED_HOLD Data type The total number of times that this agent was on hold during simple consultations that the agent received where the consultations were associated with customer interactions.
CONSULT_RECEIVED_WRAP_TIME Data type The total amount of time, in seconds, that this agent was in ACW (Wrap) state after simple consultations that the agent accepted, where the consultations were associated with customer calls. This duration does not stop if the agents received or made calls while in ACW state. This measure is attributed to the interval in which this agent was offered the consult interaction for which ACW was invoked.
CONSULT_RECEIVED_WRAP Data type The total number of times that this agent was in ACW state after requests for simple consultation that the agent accepted where the consultations were associated with customer interactions.
CONSULT_RCV_WARM_ENGAGE_TIME Data type The total amount of time, in seconds, that this agent was engaged in consultations that the agent received where the consultations were associated with customer interactions and the interactions were transferred to or conferenced with this agent.
CONSULT_RCV_ACC_WARM Data type The total number of times that this agent participated in consultations that the agent received, where the consultations were associated with customer interactions that were transferred to or conferenced with the agent.
CONSULT_RCV_WARM_HOLD_TIME Data type The total amount of time, in seconds, that this agent had consultations on hold where the consultations were associated with customer interactions, the agent was the recipient of the consultation requests, and the interactions were transferred to or conferenced with the agent.
CONSULT_RCV_WARM_HOLD Data type The total number of consultations that this agent had on hold where the consultations were associated with customer interactions, the agent was the recipient of the consultation requests, and the interactions were transferred to or conferenced with the agent.
CONSULT_RCV_WARM_WRAP_TIME Data type The total amount of time, in seconds, that this agent spent in ACW state following consultations that the agent requested and received, where the consultations were associated with customer interactions that were transferred to or conferenced with this agent.

In common call-flow scenarios, this measure yields a value of zero.

CONSULT_RCV_WARM_WRAP Data type The total number of times that this agent was in ACW state following consultations that the agent requested and received, where the consultations were associated with customer interactions and the interactions were transferred to or conferenced with the agent.

This measure includes:

  • ACW that was associated with conferences, where the customer leaves the interactions
  • Internal contact center interactions, where interactions were transferred to the agent.

In common call-flow scenarios, this measure yields a value of zero.

CONSULT_INITIATED Data type The total number of times that this agent initiated requests for collaboration or simple consultation, where the collaborations/consultations were established and associated with customer interactions.
CONSULT_INITIATED_TIME Data type The total amount of time, in seconds, that this agent was engaged in collaborations or simple consultations that the agent requested, where the collaborations/consultations were associated with customer interactions.
CONFERENCE_INITIATED Data type The total number of times that this agent initiated conferences for customer interactions that the agent received, where the conferences were established. The count includes the number of established conferences that were initiated for transferred interactions that the agent received.
CONFERENCE_RECEIVED_ACCEPTED Data type The total number of times that this agent received and accepted collaborations or simple consultations that were associated with customer interactions.
TRANSFER_INIT_AGENT Data type The total number of times that this agent transferred customer interactions. Both warm and blind transfers are reflected in this measure.
XFER_RECEIVED_ACCEPTED Data type The total number of times that this agent received customer interactions that were successfully transferred to the agent. Both warm and blind transfers are reflected in this measure.
SATISFACTION_OFFERED Data type The total number of customer interactions handled by this agent for which customer-satisfaction scores were recorded.
SATISFACTION Data type The sum of numerical scores of customer satisfaction that were attributed to customer interactions handled by this agent.
REVENUE_OFFERED Data type The total number of customer interactions that entered or began within the contact center, were handled by this agent, and had associated revenue.
REVENUE Data type The total revenue that is generated during the interval by customer interactions handled by this agent.
AGENT_DISCONNECT_FIRST Data type The total number of times during the reporting interval that this agent released customer interactions before the other party did. The tally is incremented only when the system (such as the switch) provides such information.
ACTIONABILITY_OFFERED Data type The total number of customer interactions that were offered to, pulled, or initiated by this agent for whom an actionability score was attached. Actionability scores measure the degree to which interactions required agent attention.
ACTIONABILITY Data type The sum of actionability scores attached to customer interactions that were handled by this agent.
SENTIMENT_OFFERED Data type The total number of customer interactions that were offered to, pulled, or initiated by this agent for whom a sentiment score was attached. Sentiment scores reflect the attitude expressed by customers.
SENTIMENT Data type The sum of sentiment scores attached to customer interactions that were handled by this agent.
INFLUENCE_OFFERED Data type The total number of customer interactions that were offered to, pulled, or initiated by this agent for whom an influence score was attached. Influence scores represent the clout that the customer amassed on social networks.
INFLUENCE Data type The sum of influence scores attached to customer interactions that were handled by this agent.
This page was last edited on November 18, 2019, at 21:27.
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