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Jdruker/GCXI PG Queries Playground

UsedIn for attributes?

folder attr usedIn
folder attr usedIn
Agent Agent Group Agent Task Dashboard Async Chat Dashboard Agent Group Business Attribute Report Agent Group Interaction Handling Report Agent Group Queue Business Attribute Report Chat Agent Stats Chat Engagement Report Task Routing Agent Group Activity Task Routing Agent Group Summary Activity
Agent Agent Name Agent Performance Dashboard Predictive Routing Agent Occupancy Supervisor Dashboard Agent Activity Agent Conduct Report Agent Interaction Hierarchy Report Agent Interaction State Agent Interval Based Report Agent Login-Logout Details Report Agent Not Ready Reason Code Report Agent Not Ready Report Agent Omnichannel Report Agent Outbound Campaign Report Agent Queue Report Agent Report Agent Social Engagement Report Agent State Details Report Agent Summarized State Agent Summary Activity Email Report Agent Summary Activity Report (Active) Agent Summary Activity Report (Interaction) Agent Utilization Report Agent Wrap Report Chat Engagement Report Co-browse Summary Report Interaction Handling Attempt Report Predictive Routing Agent Occupancy Report (Active Time & Predictive) Predictive Routing Agent Occupancy Report (Interaction Time) Survey Answer Report Task Routing Agent Activity Task Routing Agent Group Activity Task Routing Agent Group Summary Activity Task Routing Agent Summary Activity
Agent Agent Resource Key Co-browse Summary Report
Agent Group Combination Key Agent Group Agent Group (Target) Agent Login-Logout Details Report Agent State Details Report Interaction Handling Attempt Report
Agent Group Key
Agent > Detail > Ixn State Additional Info Interaction Handling Attempt Report
Agent > Detail > Ixn State End Timestamp
Agent > Detail > Ixn State Interaction Type
Agent > Detail > Ixn State Start Timestamp
Agent > Detail > Ixn State State
Agent > Detail > Session Active Agent Login-Logout Details Report
Agent > Detail > Session End Timestamp Agent Login-Logout Details Report
Agent > Detail > Session Session Key Agent Details Activity Report Agent Login-Logout Details Report
Agent > Detail > Session Start Timestamp Agent Login-Logout Details Report
Agent > Detail > State Active Reason Agent State Details Report
Agent > Detail > State Active State Agent State Details Report
Agent > Detail > State End Timestamp
Agent > Detail > State Reason Timestamp Agent State Details Report
Agent > Detail > State Start Timestamp Agent State Details Report
Agent > Detail > State State Agent State Details Report
Agent > Group Membership Agent Group Agent Group Membership Details Report
Agent > Group Membership Agent Name Agent Group Membership Details Report
Agent > Group Membership Agent Resource Key
Agent > Group Membership Date Added Agent Group Membership Details Report
Agent > Group Membership Date Removed Agent Group Membership Details Report
Agent > Group Membership End TS
Agent > Group Membership Group Key
Agent > Group Membership Start Date Time Key
Agent > State and Reason Group Combination Sess Key
Agent > State and Reason Reason Code Agent Not Ready Reason Code Report Agent State Details Report
Agent > State and Reason Reason Key
Agent > State and Reason Reason Type Code
Agent > State and Reason Reason Value
Agent > State and Reason Resource State Reason Key Agent Not Ready Reason Code Report Agent State Details Report
Agent > State and Reason State Name Agent Details Activity Report
Billing Data Business Unit IVR Usage Report Inbound Voice Report
Billing Data Metric
Billing Data Region IVR Usage Report Inbound Voice Report
Business Attribute Business Result Agent Activity Agent Group Business Attribute Report Agent Group Queue Business Attribute Report Business Metrics Executive Report Contact Center Report Interaction Handling Attempt Report Interaction Volume Business Attribute Email Report Interaction Volume Business Attribute Report Predictive Routing Detail Report Task Routing Detail Report Task Volume Report
Business Attribute Customer Segment Agent Activity Agent Group Business Attribute Report Agent Group Queue Business Attribute Report Business Metrics Executive Report Contact Center Report Customer Perspective Report Interaction Handling Attempt Report Interaction Volume Business Attribute Email Report Interaction Volume Business Attribute Report Predictive Routing Detail Report Task Routing Detail Report Task Volume Report
Business Attribute Interaction Key Interaction Flow Report Interaction Handling Attempt Report
Business Attribute Interaction Subtype Contact Center Report
Business Attribute Interaction Type Contact Center Dashboard Abandoned Delay Report Agent Activity Agent Detail Activity Report Agent Group Business Attribute Report Agent Group Queue Business Attribute Report Agent Interaction Hierarchy Report Agent Interval Based Report Agent Not Ready Report Agent Outbound Campaign Report Agent Queue Report Agent Report Agent Summary Activity Report (interaction) Agent Utilization Email Report Agent Utilization Report Agent Wrap Report Contact Center Report Interaction Flow Report Interaction Handling Attempt Report Interaction Volume Business Attribute Email Report Interaction Volume Business Attribute Report Predictive Routing Detail Report Queue Outline Report Queue Report Queue Summary Report Speed of Accept (hours) Report Speed of Accept (seconds) Report Task Routing Agent Activity Task Volume Report
Business Attribute Service Subtype Contact Center Report Interaction Handling Attempt Report Predictive Routing Detail Report Task Volume Report Transfer Detail Report
Business Attribute Service Type Agent Activity Agent Group Business Attribute Report Agent Group Queue Business Attribute Report Business Metrics Executive Report Contact Center Report Customer Perspective Report Interaction Handling Attempt Report Interaction Volume Business Attribute Email Report Interaction Volume Business Attribute Report Predictive Routing Detail Report Task Routing Agent Activity Task Volume Report Transfer Detail Report
Callback Callback Dim 1 Key
Callback Callback Dim 2 Key
Callback Callback Dim 3 Key
Callback Callback Direction Callback Summary Report
Callback Callback Offer Type Callback Summary Report
Callback Callback Type Callback Summary Report
Callback Channel Callback Summary Report
Callback Dial Dialog Result
Callback Final Dial Result
Callback Final Target
Callback Offer Timing
Callback Order Connect
Callback Queue Callback Summary Report
Callback Queue Key
Callback > Detail Callback Dim 4 Key Callback Details Report
Callback > Detail Customer Phone Number Callback Details Report
Callback > Detail Desired Time
Callback > Detail Dial Result
Callback > Detail Final Callback Details Report
Callback > Detail Forced Dialed Callback Details Report
Callback > Detail Service ID Callback Details Report
Chat End Reason
Chat Ended By
Chat Language Name
Chat Media Origin Chat Engagement Report Chat Session Report
Chat Mode Async Chat Dashboard Chat Agent Stats Chat Interaction Stats
Chat > Thread Media Origin
Chat Bot Bot Category Bot Dashboard Bot Sessions Overall
Chat Bot Bot Function
Chat Bot End Reason
Chat Bot End Result
Chat Bot Ended By
Co-browse Co-browse Duration Co-browse Detail Report
Co-browse Co-browse End Time Co-browse Detail Report
Co-browse Co-browse Session ID Co-browse Detail Report
Co-browse Co-browse Start Time Co-browse Detail Report
Co-browse Handling Agent Name Co-browse Detail Report
Co-browse Interaction Duration Co-browse Detail Report
Co-browse Interaction End Time Interaction Handling Attempt Report Co-browse Detail Report
Co-browse Interaction Start Time Co-browse Detail Report
Co-browse Irf Anchor Co-browse Detail Report
Co-browse Mode Co-browse Detail Report
Co-browse Mode End Time Co-browse Detail Report
Co-browse Mode Key
Co-browse Mode Start Time Co-browse Detail Report
Co-browse Page End Time Co-browse Detail Report
Co-browse Page Key
Co-browse Page Start Time Co-browse Detail Report
Co-browse Page Title Co-browse Detail Report
Co-browse Page Url Co-browse Detail Report
Co-browse Resource Agent Key Co-browse Detail Report
Co-browse Start Date Time Key Co-browse Detail Report
Designer Application ID
Designer Application Key
Designer Application Name Application Duration Report Application Summary Report Blocks Summary Report Milestone Summary Report Survey Answer Report Survey Statistics Report
Designer Application Version
Designer > Activity Activity Activity by Final Disposition Report Activity Summary Report
Designer > Activity Activity Key
Designer > Activity Completed Flag
Designer > Bot Bot
Designer > Bot Intent
Designer > Bot Last Intent
Designer > Bot Media Type
Designer > Session Bail Out
Designer > Session Call Type
Designer > Session Country
Designer > Session Deflection
Designer > Session Deflection Message
Designer > Session DNIS
Designer > Session Exit Point
Designer > Session Final Disposition Milestone Summary Report Application Summary Report
Designer > Session Language Milestone Path Analysis Report
Designer > Session Last
Designer > Session Region Milestone Path Analysis Report
Designer > Session Strike Out Blocks Summary Report
Designer > Session User Disposition
Designer > Session > Detail Session Detail
Designer > Session > Detail Session ID SSuF Interaction Handling Attempt Report
Designer > Session Block Block Blocks Summary Report
Designer > Session Milestone Milestone Milestone Summary Report
Designer > Survey Multi - Agent Survey Answer Report
Designer > Survey Survey Answer Survey Answer Report
Designer > Survey Survey Question Survey Answer Report
Detail > Handling Attempt Active Interaction Handling Attempt Report
Detail > Handling Attempt Case ID Interaction Handling Attempt Report
Detail > Handling Attempt Connection ID Interaction Handling Attempt Report
Detail > Handling Attempt Customer ID Interaction Handling Attempt Report
Detail > Handling Attempt End Timestamp Interaction Handling Attempt Report
Detail > Handling Attempt From Interaction Handling Attempt Report
Detail > Handling Attempt GUID Interaction Handling Attempt Report
Detail > Handling Attempt Handling Attempt End Interaction Handling Attempt Report
Detail > Handling Attempt Handling Attempt Start Interaction Handling Attempt Report
Detail > Handling Attempt Handling Resource Interaction Handling Attempt Report
Detail > Handling Attempt Interaction Duration Interaction Handling Attempt Report
Detail > Handling Attempt Interaction Handling Attempt ID Interaction Handling Attempt Report
Detail > Handling Attempt Interaction ID
Detail > Handling Attempt Interaction ID SSF Interaction Handling Attempt Report
Detail > Handling Attempt Interaction Resource ID
Detail > Handling Attempt Irf Anchor
Detail > Handling Attempt IRF Start Date Time Key Interaction Handling Attempt Report
Detail > Handling Attempt Last Interaction Resource Interaction Handling Attempt Report
Detail > Handling Attempt Last IVR Interaction Handling Attempt Report
Detail > Handling Attempt Last Queue Co-browse Detail Report Interaction Handling Attempt Report
Detail > Handling Attempt Last Queue Key Co-browse Detail Report Interaction Handling Attempt Report
Detail > Handling Attempt Last VQueue Co-browse Detail Report Interaction Handling Attempt Report
Detail > Handling Attempt Last VQueue Key Co-browse Detail Report
Detail > Handling Attempt Media Server Ixn Guid Interaction Handling Attempt Report
Detail > Handling Attempt Resource State Interaction Handling Attempt Report
Detail > Handling Attempt Root ID Interaction Handling Attempt Report
Detail > Handling Attempt Routing Target Predictive Routing Detail Report Interaction Handling Attempt Report
Detail > Handling Attempt Routing Target Selected Interaction Handling Attempt Report
Detail > Handling Attempt Routing Target Type Interaction Handling Attempt Report
Detail > Handling Attempt Source Name Transfer Detail Report Interaction Handling Attempt Report
Detail > Handling Attempt Source Resource Key
Detail > Handling Attempt Source Type Transfer Detail Report
Detail > Handling Attempt Start Timestamp Interaction Handling Attempt Report
Detail > Handling Attempt Stop Action Interaction Handling Attempt Report
Detail > Handling Attempt Strategy Name Interaction Handling Attempt Report
Detail > Handling Attempt Technical Descriptor Key Interaction Flow Report
Detail > Handling Attempt Technical Result Interaction Flow Report Interaction Handling Attempt Report
Detail > Handling Attempt Technical Result Reason Interaction Flow Report Interaction Handling Attempt Report
Detail > Handling Attempt Technical Result Resource Role Interaction Flow Report Interaction Handling Attempt Report
Detail > Handling Attempt Technical Result Role Reason Interaction Flow Report Interaction Handling Attempt Report
Detail > Handling Attempt To Interaction Handling Attempt Report
Detail > Handling Attempt UD Custom Key
Detail > Handling Attempt UD Interaction Resource ID Interaction Handling Attempt Report
Detail > Handling Attempt > Handling Predictive Routing Active Predictive Routing Detail Report
Detail > Handling Attempt > Handling Predictive Routing Case ID Predictive Routing Detail Report
Detail > Handling Attempt > Handling Predictive Routing Connection ID Predictive Routing Detail Report
Detail > Handling Attempt > Handling Predictive Routing Customer ID Predictive Routing Detail Report
Detail > Handling Attempt > Handling Predictive Routing End Timestamp Predictive Routing Detail Report
Detail > Handling Attempt > Handling Predictive Routing From Predictive Routing Detail Report
Detail > Handling Attempt > Handling Predictive Routing GUID Predictive Routing Detail Report
Detail > Handling Attempt > Handling Predictive Routing Handling Attempt End Predictive Routing Detail Report
Detail > Handling Attempt > Handling Predictive Routing Handling Attempt Start Predictive Routing Detail Report
Detail > Handling Attempt > Handling Predictive Routing Handling Resource Predictive Routing Detail Report
Detail > Handling Attempt > Handling Predictive Routing Interaction Duration Predictive Routing Detail Report
Detail > Handling Attempt > Handling Predictive Routing Interaction Handling Attempt ID Predictive Routing Detail Report
Detail > Handling Attempt > Handling Predictive Routing Interaction ID Predictive Routing Detail Report
Detail > Handling Attempt > Handling Predictive Routing Interaction Resource ID
Detail > Handling Attempt > Handling Predictive Routing IRF Start Date Time Key Predictive Routing Detail Report
Detail > Handling Attempt > Handling Predictive Routing Last IVR Predictive Routing Detail Report
Detail > Handling Attempt > Handling Predictive Routing Last Queue Predictive Routing Detail Report
Detail > Handling Attempt > Handling Predictive Routing Last Queue Key Predictive Routing Detail Report
Detail > Handling Attempt > Handling Predictive Routing Last VQueue Predictive Routing Detail Report
Detail > Handling Attempt > Handling Predictive Routing Last VQueue Key Predictive Routing Detail Report
Detail > Handling Attempt > Handling Predictive Routing Resource State Predictive Routing Detail Report
Detail > Handling Attempt > Handling Predictive Routing Root ID Predictive Routing Detail Report
Detail > Handling Attempt > Handling Predictive Routing Routing Target
Detail > Handling Attempt > Handling Predictive Routing Routing Target Selected
Detail > Handling Attempt > Handling Predictive Routing Routing Target Type
Detail > Handling Attempt > Handling Predictive Routing Skill Combination Requested Predictive Routing Detail Report
Detail > Handling Attempt > Handling Predictive Routing Source Predictive Routing Detail Report
Detail > Handling Attempt > Handling Predictive Routing Start Timestamp Predictive Routing Detail Report
Detail > Handling Attempt > Handling Predictive Routing Stop Action
Detail > Handling Attempt > Handling Predictive Routing Technical Result Predictive Routing Detail Report
Detail > Handling Attempt > Handling Predictive Routing Technical Result Reason Predictive Routing Detail Report
Detail > Handling Attempt > Handling Predictive Routing Technical Result Resource Role Predictive Routing Detail Report
Detail > Handling Attempt > Handling Predictive Routing Technical Result Role Reason Predictive Routing Detail Report
Detail > Handling Attempt > Handling Predictive Routing To Predictive Routing Detail Report
Detail > Handling Attempt > Handling Predictive Routing UD Interaction Resource ID Predictive Routing Detail Report
Detail > Handling Attempt > Handling User Data Example Detail 1-16
Detail > Transfer End Timestamp Transfer Detail Report
Detail > Transfer From Transfer Detail Report
Detail > Transfer GUID Transfer Detail Report
Detail > Transfer Handling Attempt End Transfer Detail Report
Detail > Transfer Handling Attempt Start Transfer Detail Report
Detail > Transfer Handling Attempt Target Start Transfer Detail Report
Detail > Transfer Interaction Handling Attempt ID Transfer Detail Report
Detail > Transfer Interaction ID Transfer Detail Report
Detail > Transfer Source Business Result Transfer Detail Report
Detail > Transfer Source Customer Segment Transfer Detail Report
Detail > Transfer Source Last Queue Transfer Detail Report
Detail > Transfer Source Last VQueue
Detail > Transfer Source Service Subtype Transfer Detail Report
Detail > Transfer Source Service Type Transfer Detail Report
Detail > Transfer Source Technical Result Transfer Detail Report
Detail > Transfer Source Technical Result Reason Transfer Detail Report
Detail > Transfer Source Technical Result Resource Role Transfer Detail Report
Detail > Transfer Source Technical Result Role Reason Transfer Detail Report
Detail > Transfer Start Timestamp Transfer Detail Report
Detail > Transfer Target Business Result Transfer Detail Report
Detail > Transfer Target Customer Segment Transfer Detail Report
Detail > Transfer Target Interaction Descriptor Key
Detail > Transfer Target Last Queue Transfer Detail Report
Detail > Transfer Target Last Queue Key
Detail > Transfer Target Last VQueue
Detail > Transfer Target Last VQueue Key
Detail > Transfer Target Name Transfer Detail Report
Detail > Transfer Target Resource Key
Detail > Transfer Target Service Subtype Transfer Detail Report
Detail > Transfer Target Service Type Transfer Detail Report
Detail > Transfer Target Technical Descriptor Key
Detail > Transfer Target Technical Result Transfer Detail Report
Detail > Transfer Target Technical Result Reason Transfer Detail Report
Detail > Transfer Target Technical Result Resource Role Transfer Detail Report
Detail > Transfer Target Technical Result Role Reason Transfer Detail Report
Detail > Transfer Target Type Transfer Detail Report
Detail > Transfer To Transfer Detail Report
Detail > Transfer > Target User Data Example Dimension 1-10
Detail > Transfer > Target User Data Example Interaction Handling Attempt ID Rcv
Detail > Transfer > Target User Data Example Start Date Time Key Rcv
iWD Category Level 10 Capture Point Business Value Report Capture Point Task Duration Report Customer Segment Service Level Report Intraday Process Report Resource Performance Report Task Age Report Task Detail Report Task Work Detail Report Inbound Intraday Email Process Report Outbound Email Report
iWD Category Level 3 Capture Point Business Value Report Capture Point Task Duration Report Customer Segment Service Level Report Intraday Process Report Resource Performance Report Task Age Report Task Detail Report Task Work Detail Report Inbound Intraday Email Process Report Outbound Email Report
iWD Category Level 4 Capture Point Business Value Report Capture Point Task Duration Report Customer Segment Service Level Report Intraday Process Report Resource Performance Report Task Age Report Task Detail Report Task Work Detail Report Inbound Intraday Email Process Report Outbound Email Report
iWD Category Level 5 Capture Point Business Value Report Capture Point Task Duration Report Customer Segment Service Level Report Intraday Process Report Resource Performance Report Task Age Report Task Detail Report Task Work Detail Report Inbound Intraday Email Process Report Outbound Email Report
iWD Category Level 6 Capture Point Business Value Report Capture Point Task Duration Report Customer Segment Service Level Report Intraday Process Report Resource Performance Report Task Age Report Task Detail Report Task Work Detail Report Inbound Intraday Email Process Report Outbound Email Report
iWD Category Level 7 Capture Point Business Value Report Capture Point Task Duration Report Customer Segment Service Level Report Intraday Process Report Resource Performance Report Task Age Report Task Detail Report Task Work Detail Report Inbound Intraday Email Process Report Outbound Email Report
iWD Category Level 8 Capture Point Business Value Report Capture Point Task Duration Report Customer Segment Service Level Report Intraday Process Report Resource Performance Report Task Age Report Task Detail Report Task Work Detail Report Inbound Intraday Email Process Report Outbound Email Report
iWD Category Level 9 Capture Point Business Value Report Capture Point Task Duration Report Customer Segment Service Level Report Intraday Process Report Resource Performance Report Task Age Report Task Detail Report Task Work Detail Report Inbound Intraday Email Process Report Outbound Email Report
iWD Custom Dimension
iWD Department Capture Point Business Value Report Capture Point Dashboard Capture Point Report Capture Point Task Duration Report Customer Segment Service Level Report Intraday Backlog Summary Intraday Process Report Intraday Process Dashboard Process Volume Report Queue Priority Range Report Queue Task Duration Report Resource Performance Report Resource Performance Dashboard Task Age Dashboard Task Age Report Task Detail Report Task Work Detail Report
iWD Department Custom Dim Attribute 1 Task Detail Report Task Work Detail Report
iWD Department Custom Dim Attribute 2 Task Detail Report Task Work Detail Report
iWD Department Custom Dim Attribute 3 Task Detail Report Task Work Detail Report
iWD Department Custom Dim Attribute 4 Task Detail Report Task Work Detail Report
iWD Department Custom Dim Attribute 5 Task Detail Report Task Work Detail Report
iWD Media Type Intraday Process Report Capture Point Business Value Report Capture Point Task Duration Report Customer Segment Service Level Report Resource Performance Report Task Age Report Task Detail Report Task Work Detail Report
iWD Process Capture Point Business Value Report Capture Point Dashboard Capture Point Report Capture Point Task Duration Report Customer Segment Service Level Report Intraday Backlog Summary Intraday Process Report Intraday Process Dashboard Process Volume Report Queue Priority Range Report Queue Task Duration Report Resource Performance Report Resource Performance Dashboard Task Age Dashboard Task Age Report Task Detail Report Task Work Detail Report
iWD Process Custom Dim Attribute 2 Task Detail Report Task Work Detail Report
iWD Process Custom Dim Attribute 3 Task Detail Report Task Work Detail Report
iWD Process Custom Dim Attribute 4 Task Detail Report Task Work Detail Report
iWD Process Custom Dim Attribute 5 Task Detail Report Task Work Detail Report
iWD Process Custom Dim Attribute1 Task Detail Report Task Work Detail Report
iWD Solution
iWD Tenant Capture Point Business Value Report Capture Point Report Capture Point Task Duration Report Customer Segment Service Level Report Intraday Backlog Summary Intraday Process Report Intraday Process Dashboard Process Volume Report Queue Priority Range Report Queue Task Duration Report Resource Performance Report Task Work Detail Report
iWD Tenant Custom Dim Attribute 1 Task Detail Report Task Work Detail Report
iWD Tenant Custom Dim Attribute 2 Task Detail Report Task Work Detail Report
iWD Tenant Custom Dim Attribute 3 Task Detail Report Task Work Detail Report
iWD Tenant Custom Dim Attribute 4 Task Detail Report Task Work Detail Report
iWD Tenant Custom Dim Attribute 5 Task Detail Report Task Work Detail Report
iWD > Age Age Range Task Age Report Task Age Dashboard
iWD > Age Age Range 1 day
iWD > Age Age Range 1 hour
iWD > Age Age Range 15 min
iWD > Age Age Range 4 hour
iWD > Age Age Range 8 hour
iWD > Age Age Range Minutes
iWD > Age Age Range Week
iWD > Agent Employee ID Resource Performance Report Resource Performance Dashboard
iWD > Agent Interaction Subtype Task Detail Report Task Work Detail Report Resource Performance Report
iWD > Agent Interaction Type Task Detail Report Task Work Detail Report Resource Performance Report
iWD > Agent Result Code Task Detail Report Task Work Detail Report
iWD > Capture Business Value Range Capture Point Business Value Report
iWD > Capture Business Value Range 10 Capture Point Business Value Report Capture Point Dashboard
iWD > Capture Business Value Range 100 Capture Point Business Value Report Capture Point Dashboard
iWD > Capture Business Value Range 1000 Capture Point Business Value Report Capture Point Dashboard
iWD > Capture Business Value Range 5 Capture Point Business Value Report Capture Point Dashboard
iWD > Capture Business Value Range 50 Capture Point Business Value Report Capture Point Dashboard
iWD > Capture Business Value Range 500 Capture Point Business Value Report Capture Point Dashboard
iWD > Capture Capture Point Capture Point Business Value Report Capture Point Dashboard Capture Point Report Capture Point Task Duration Report
iWD > Classification Category Task Detail Report Task Work Detail Report
iWD > Classification Customer Segment Customer Segment Service Level Report Task Detail Report Task Work Detail Report
iWD > Classification Media Channel Task Detail Report Task Work Detail Report
iWD > Classification Product Customer Segment Service Level Report Task Detail Report Task Work Detail Report
iWD > Classification Product Subtype Task Detail Report Task Work Detail Report
iWD > Classification Source Process Task Detail Report Task Work Detail Report
iWD > Classification Source Process Subtype Task Detail Report Task Work Detail Report
iWD > Classification Source Tenant Task Detail Report Task Work Detail Report
iWD > Email QA Review Disposition Code
iWD > Queue Priority Range Queue Priority Range Report
iWD > Queue Queue Queue Priority Range Report Queue Task Duration Report Task Detail Report Task Work Detail Report
iWD > Service Objects Batch ID ETL Audit Dataset
iWD > Service Objects Batch Last Event ID ETL Audit Dashboard ETL Audit Dataset
iWD > Service Objects Capture ID Task Detail Report Task Work Detail Report
iWD > Service Objects Component iWD DB Schema Report
iWD > Service Objects Customer ID Task Detail Report Task Work Detail Report
iWD > Service Objects Data Source Name ETL Audit Dataset ETL Audit Dashboard
iWD > Service Objects Data Source Type ETL Audit Dataset ETL Audit Dashboard
iWD > Service Objects Employee ID
iWD > Service Objects ETL Audit Key ETL Audit Dataset ETL Audit Dashboard
iWD > Service Objects Finish Time ETL Audit Dataset ETL Audit Dashboard
iWD > Service Objects First Extracted Event ID ETL Audit Dataset ETL Audit Dashboard
iWD > Service Objects Interaction ID Task Detail Report Task Work Detail Report
iWD > Service Objects Job Type ETL Audit Dataset ETL Audit Dashboard
iWD > Service Objects Last Employee ID
iWD > Service Objects Last Extracted Event ID ETL Audit Dataset ETL Audit Dashboard
iWD > Service Objects Last Interval Date Key ETL Audit Dataset ETL Audit Dashboard
iWD > Service Objects Last Interval Time Key ETL Audit Dataset ETL Audit Dashboard
iWD > Service Objects Process Name ETL Audit Dataset ETL Audit Dashboard
iWD > Service Objects Source Tenant
iWD > Service Objects Start Time
iWD > Service Objects Status ETL Audit Dataset ETL Audit Dashboard
iWD > Service Objects Subversion iWD DB Schema Report
iWD > Service Objects Tenant
iWD > Service Objects Version iWD DB Schema Report
iWD > Time 15 Minutes
iWD > Time Date
iWD > Time Date Range
iWD > Time Date Time Key DAY
iWD > Time Day Capture Point Business Value Report Capture Point Dashboard Capture Point Report Customer Segment Service Level Dashboard Customer Segment Service Level Report Intraday Backlog Summary Intraday Process Dashboard Intraday Process Report Process Volume Report Queue Priority Range Report Queue Task Duration Report Queue Throughput Report Resource Performance Dashboard Resource Performance Report Task Age Dashboard Task Age Report
iWD > Time Hour
iWD > Time Month
iWD > Time Month Year Ago
iWD > Time Month Year Next
iWD > Time Quarter
iWD > Time Service Date Time Key
iWD > Time Start Date Time Key
iWD > Time Week
iWD > Time Year
Outbound Contact Campaign Agent Outbound Campaign Report Campaign Callbacks Summary Report Campaign Summary Report
Outbound Contact Campaign Group
Outbound Contact Campaign Group Key
Outbound Contact > Contact Attempt Contact List Contact List Effectiveness Report
Predictive Routing Customer Data Found Predictive Routing Detail Report
Predictive Routing GPR Result ID
Predictive Routing Mode Predictive Routing Detail Report
Predictive Routing Model Predictive Routing Agent Occupancy Dashboard Predictive Routing AB Testing Report Predictive Routing AB Testing Report (Hour) Predictive Routing Agent Occupancy Report (Active Time & Predictive) Predictive Routing Detail Report Predictive Routing Operational Report Predictive Routing Queue Statistics Report
Predictive Routing Model ID Predictive Routing Detail Report
Predictive Routing Model Key
Predictive Routing Predictor Predictive Routing Agent Occupancy Dashboard Predictive Routing AB Testing Report Predictive Routing AB Testing Report (Hour) Predictive Routing Agent Occupancy Report (Active Time & Predictive) Predictive Routing Detail Report Predictive Routing Operational Report Predictive Routing Queue Statistics Report
Predictive Routing Predictor ID Predictive Routing Detail Report
Predictive Routing Predictor Key
Predictive Routing Predictor Switch Predictive Routing - AHT and QUEUE Predictive Routing - Model Efficiency Predictive Routing Agent Occupancy Agent Utilization AHT Predictive Routing AB Testing Report Predictive Routing AB Testing Report (Hour) Predictive Routing Agent Occupancy Report (Active Time & Predictive) Predictive Routing Detail Report Predictive Routing Operational Report Predictive Routing Queue Statistics Report
Predictive Routing Result Predictive Routing AB Testing Report Predictive Routing Detail Report Predictive Routing Operational Report Predictive Routing Queue Statistics Report
Predictive Routing Status Predictive Routing Detail Report
Queue Queue Abandon Delay Report Agent Group Queue Business Attribute Report Agent Queue Report Callback Details Report Interaction Traffic Report Predictive Routing - AHT & Queue Predictive Routing Queue Statistics Report Queue Dashboard Queue Outline Report Queue Report Queue Summary Report Speed of Accept (hours) Report Speed of Accept (seconds) Report
Queue Queue Group Interaction Traffic Group Report
Queue Queue Group Combination Key
Queue Queue Group Key
Queue Queue Key Callback Details Report
Queue Workbin Owner
Queue Workbin Type
Service Objects Bound 1 Abandon Delay Report Speed of Accept (seconds) Report
Service Objects Bound 10 Speed of Accept (seconds) Report
Service Objects Bound 11 Speed of Accept (seconds) Report
Service Objects Bound 12 Speed of Accept (seconds) Report
Service Objects Bound 13 Speed of Accept (seconds) Report
Service Objects Bound 14 Speed of Accept (seconds) Report
Service Objects Bound 15 Speed of Accept (seconds) Report
Service Objects Bound 16 Speed of Accept (seconds) Report
Service Objects Bound 17 Speed of Accept (seconds) Report
Service Objects Bound 18 Speed of Accept (seconds) Report
Service Objects Bound 19 Speed of Accept (seconds) Report
Service Objects Bound 2 Abandon Delay Report Speed of Accept (seconds) Report
Service Objects Bound 3 Abandon Delay Report Speed of Accept (seconds) Report
Service Objects Bound 4 Abandon Delay Report Speed of Accept (seconds) Report
Service Objects Bound 5 Abandon Delay Report Speed of Accept (seconds) Report
Service Objects Bound 6 Abandon Delay Report Speed of Accept (seconds) Report
Service Objects Bound 7 Abandon Delay Report Speed of Accept (seconds) Report
Service Objects Bound 8 Abandon Delay Report Speed of Accept (seconds) Report
Service Objects Bound 9 Abandon Delay Report Speed of Accept (seconds) Report
Service Objects Group Type
Service Objects Interaction Descriptor Key Interaction Handling Attempt Report
Service Objects Media Type Agent Performance Dashboard Contact Center Dashboard Predictive Routing Agent Occupancy Queue Dashboard Supervisor Dashboard Abandon Delay Report Agent Activity Agent Conduct Report Agent Group Business Attribute Report Agent Group Interaction Handling Report Agent Group Queue Business Attribute Report Agent Interaction Hierarchy Report Agent Interaction State Agent Interval Based Report Agent Login-Logout Details Report Agent Not Ready Reason Code Report Agent Not Ready Report Agent Outbound Campaign Report Agent Queue Report Agent Report Agent Social Engagement Report Agent State Details Report Agent Summarized State Agent Summary Activity Email Report Agent Summary Activity Report (Active) Agent Summary Activity Report (Interaction) Agent Utilization Report Bot Session Overall Business Metrics Executive Report Campaign Callbacks Summary Report Campaign Summary Report Chat Agent Stats Chat Engagement Report Chat Interaction Stats Chat Message Statistics Report Chat Session Report Chat Termination Report Co-browse Detail Report Co-browse Summary Report Contact Center Report Customer Perspective Report Interaction Flow Report Interaction Handling Attempt Report Interaction Traffic Group Report Interaction Traffic Report Interaction Volume Business Attribute Email Report Interaction Volume Business Attribute Report Predictive Routing AB Testing Report Predictive Routing AB Testing Report (Hour) Predictive Routing Agent Occupancy Report (Active Time and Predictive) Predictive Routing Agent Occupancy Report (Interaction Time) Predictive Routing Detail Report Predictive Routing Operational Report Predictive Routing Queue Statistics Report Queue Outline Report Queue Report Queue Summary Report Sessions Handled by Bots Speed of Accept (hours) Report Speed of Accept (seconds) Report Task Routing Agent Activity Task Routing Agent Group Activity Task Routing Agent Group Summary Activity Task Routing Agent Summary Activity Task Volume Report Transfer Detail Report
Service Objects Resource Group
Service Objects Resource Name
Service Objects Schema Name CX Insights Schema Name
Service Objects Schema Version CX Insights Schema Version
Service Objects Target Queue
Service Objects Tenant Predictive Routing Agent Occupancy Supervisor Dashboard Abandon Delay Report Agent Activity Agent Conduct Report Agent Group Business Attribute Report Agent Group Interaction Handling Report Agent Group Queue Business Attribute Report Agent Interaction Hierarchy Report Agent Interaction State Agent Interval Based Report Agent Login-Logout Details Report Agent Not Ready Reason Code Report Agent Not Ready Report Agent Omnichannel Report Agent Outbound Campaign Report Agent Queue Report Agent Social Engagement Report Agent State Details Report Agent Summarized State Agent Summary Activity Email Report Agent Summary Activity Report (Active) Agent Summary Activity Report (Interaction) Agent Utilization Report Agent Wrap Report Bot Sessions Overall Business Metrics Executive Report Callback Details Report Callback Summary Report Campaign Callbacks Summary Report Campaign Summary Report Chat Agent Stats Chat Engagement Report Chat Interaction Stats Chat Message Statistics Report Chat Session Report Chat Termination Report Contact List Effectiveness Report Customer Perspective Report Interaction Flow Report Interaction Handling Attempt Report Interaction Traffic Group Report Interaction Traffic Report Interaction Volume Business Attribute Email Report Interaction Volume Business Attribute Report Pre-Agent Termination Report Predictive Routing AB Testing Report Predictive Routing AB Testing Report (Hour) Predictive Routing Agent Occupancy Report (Active Time and Predictive) Predictive Routing Agent Occupancy Report (Interaction Time) Predictive Routing Detail Report Predictive Routing Operational Report Predictive Routing Queue Statistics Report Queue Outline Report Queue Summary Report Sessions Handled by Bots Speed of Accept (hours) Report Speed of Accept (seconds) Report Task Routing Agent Activity Task Routing Agent Group Activity Task Routing Agent Group Summary Activity Task Routing Agent Summary Activity Task Volume Report Transfer Detail Report
Service Objects Time Range Key Abandon Delay Report Speed of Accept (hours) Report Speed of Accept (seconds) Report
Time Date
Time Date Range Agent Activity Agent Interaction State Agent Omnichannel Activity Report Agent Summarized State Agent Summary Activity Email Report Agent Summary Activity Report (Active) Agent Summary Activity Report (Interaction) Bot Sessions Overall Chat Agent Stats Chat Engagement Report Chat Interaction Report Chat Message Statistics Report Chat Session Report Chat Termination Report Pre-Agent Termination Report Sessions Handled by Bots Task Routing Agent Activity Task Routing Agent Group Activity Task Routing Agent Group Summary Activity Task Routing Agent Summary Activity
Time Day Abandon Delay Report Agent Activity Agent Group Business Attribute Report Agent Group Interaction Handling Report Agent Interaction Hierarchy Report Agent Interaction State Agent Omnichannel Activity Report Agent Outbound Campaign Report Agent Performance Dashboard Agent Queue Report Agent Report Agent Social Engagement Report Agent Summarized State Agent Summary Activity Email Report Agent Summary Activity Report (Active) Agent Summary Activity Report (Interaction) Agent Task Dashboard Agent Utilization Agent Utilization Email Report Agent Utilization Report AHT Application Duration Report Application Summary Report Async Chat Dashboard Blocks Summary Report Bot Dashboard Bot Session Overall Business Metrics Executive Report Callback Summary Report Campaign Callbacks Summary Report Campaign Summary Report Chat Agent Stats Chat Engagement Report Chat Interaction Stats Chat Termination Report Co-browse Summary Report Contact Center Report Contact List Effectiveness Report Customer Perspective Report Interaction Traffic Group Report Interaction Traffic Report Interaction Volume Business Attribute Email Report Interaction Volume Business Attribute Report Milestone Summary Report Model Efficiency Pre-Agent Termination Report Predictive Routing AB Testing Report Predictive Routing AB Testing Report (Hour) Predictive Routing Operational Report Predictive Routing Queue Statistics Report Queue Outline Report Queue Report Queue Summary Report Sessions Handled by Bots Speed of Accept (hours) Report Speed of Accept (seconds) Report Survey Answer Report Survey Statistics Report Task Routing Agent Activity Task Routing Agent Group Activity Task Routing Agent Group Summary Activity Task Volume Report
Time Hour Agent Conduct Report Agent Interval Based Report Agent Not Ready Reason Code Report Agent Not Ready Report Agent Wrap Report
Time Month Agent Group Queue Business Attribute Report
Time Month Year Ago
Time Month Year Next
Time Quarter
Time Start Date Time Key Agent Login-Logout Details Report Agent State Details Report Callback Details Report Interaction Handling Attempt Report
Time Start Date Time Key IF Interaction Handling Attempt Report
Time Start Date Time Key IRF Interaction Handling Attempt Report
Time Start Date Time Key SSF Interaction Handling Attempt Report
Time Start Date Time Key SSuF Interaction Handling Attempt Report
Time Subhour
Time Week Contact Center Report Contact Center Dashboard
Time Year
User Data Call Survey Agent Score
User Data Call Survey Call Score
User Data Call Survey Company Score
User Data Call Survey IQ1 - IQ4
User Data Call Survey Product Score
User Data Call Survey SQ1 - SQ2
User Data Example Category Agent Social Engagement Report
User Data Example Category Key
User Data Example Classify Actionability Category Agent Social Engagement Report
User Data Example Classify Sentiment Category Agent Social Engagement Report
User Data Example Dimension 1 - Dimension 5
User Data Example Dimension 2 Gen - Dimension 5 Gen
User Data Example Dimension 6 - Dimension 10
User Data Example Dimension 6 Gen - Dimension 10 Gen
User Data Example GSW Call Type
User Data Example Influence Category Agent Social Engagement Report
User Data Example Screen Actionability Category
User Data Example Screen Sentiment Category
This page was last edited on December 1, 2020, at 15:54.
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