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Story and Business Context:

In most IVR applications, customers call into companies such as their credit card company, bank, cable company and must manually identify themselves. If the call goes to an agent, customers normally need to identify themselves again to the agent. This is frustrating and time consuming for callers. IVR systems can and should contain self-service to identify the customer automatically based on their caller ID and this information should then be used throughout the callflow for progressive ID and V, passed as context to a visual session or passed on to the agent, store. This will give customers the feeling like they want to do business with the company as their identity is proactively recognized and maintained. For example, as soon as the call connects, a data dip should be completed to identify the customer based on their caller ID. The IVR application can then configure logic to greet the caller by name, skip identification for new self-services within the same call or skip identification or verification if they move to a Visual IVR.


The following benefits are based on benchmark information captured from Genesys customers and may vary based on industry or lines of business:

  • Reduction of agent handled time by partial automation of the calls through ID&V with IVR
  • Improved NPS by saving the customer time through efficient and automated ID&V interaction*
  • Reduction In agent handled inbound call volume by improving containment rate through a robust and flexible ID&V solution

*This benefit is typically tracked and measured by processes and systems outside of the Genesys solution. While our customers have realized benefits in these areas by using our solution, the measurements are not part of the standard offering of this use case.


The caller is identified by the IVR system proactively at the beginning of the call. The caller will then be asked to identify themselves by entering information to verify their identity. Depending on the business logic configured in the Control Centre, the caller will be routed to self-service in the IVR, a main menu or an agent. Should the customer need to go through another self-service option, their identification and verification status will remain. This will also be the case should they transfer to a Visual IVR and continue their journey there. Finally, if the caller transfers from the IVR to an agent then the data captured by the IVR will be displayed to the agent, providing a better experience for both the caller and agent.

Use Case Description & Business Flow

Business Flow

Figure 1: Example Business Flow

Business Flow Description:

1The customer calls one of the company's service lines.
2This self-service module can be integrated into a broader IVR application. The call will be answered by this application. If ID&V is required then the application will initiate the flow of this Use Case. If the customer has already been identified in a previous channel, transaction or step then it will skip this flow. If not it will continue to step 3.The broader IVR application is not within the scope of this use case.
3If enabled, Genesys will identify a customer using the Automatic Number Identification (ANI) / Caller Line Identification (CLI).BL1
4If ANI / CLI are available, Genesys performs a lookup in the company's database to identify the caller.
5If identification via ANI / CLI is disabled or fails, Genesys will ask for a separate Identifier (e.g. customer ID, account number, tracking number) to identify the customer. This question must require numeric entry. The customer will also be asked to press a specific DTMF tone when he does not have the necessary information.
6The customer input will be validated against the customer database. If no match is found, the customer will be asked for his identifier.The customer will be asked for his information maximum three times, attempts of which are configurable. If the caller could still not be successfully validated, he will be forwarded to agent assisted service.
7If a match is found, Genesys asks for additional information validating the caller's identity for security purposes. This question must require numeric entry.Progressive ID&V, i.e.: higher levels of authentication based on customer profile information and/or requested transaction, will occur during self-service depending on the type of interaction. This would be defined in a separateID&V module and is not within the scope of this use case. The preceeding level of authentication should be configurable by a business user in real time should they wish to re-order authentication questions.
8Genesys looks up and validates the security information entered by the caller within a third party application. If this validation is not successful, the customer will be asked for his security information again.The caller will be asked for his information maximum three times. If the caller could still not be successfully validated, he will be forwarded to agent assisted service.
9Genesys will play a prompt which confirms the validation or informs the customer of the failure.
10A configuration parameter determines where the caller should be routed to next.The possible options are listed below. However, these are outside the scope of the ID&V use case:· Agent assisted service - the result of the identification and verification will be displayed to the agent making both the customer and agent experience better. This functionality requires implementation of the use case “CE2 - Personalized and Value-based Voice Routing"· Self service IVR - i.e.: transfer funds, make a payment (Progressive ID&V could occur before self-service depending on the type of interaction. This would be defined in a separate self-service module outside the scope of this use case.)· IVR main menu for identification of the type of caller requestBL2

Business and Distribution Logic

Use Case Requirements (UI, Desktop, Reporting)

Business Logic

Parameters and Business Rules

BL1: Customer identification by ANI / CLIStep 3 in the flow above can be enabled or disabled depending on specific customer requirements. If this step is disabled, the flow will always ask for a customer identifier (e.g. customer ID, account number, tracking number). This parameter can be set per company service line.BL2: Configuration to define the next stepsAfter Identification and Verification has been performed successfully, the call will be transferred to the next step of the overall callflow. This might be an agent assisted service, a self-service application or an IVR menu. This parameter can be set per company service line.Progressive ID&V: Configuration to define preceeding authentication question(s)this can be set from within this ID&V module so as to give the business user control on ordering of authentication questions. The configuration of these other ID&V modules which contain these questions are out of scope for this use case.Omnichannel ID&V: Passing of ID&V tokenthis Use Case can be configured to pass an ID&V token from IVR to Visual so customer can continue their journey on Visual IVR if identified alreadyGeneral: Voice PromptsAll voice prompts within this flow can be flexibly changed by the customer.

Distribution Logic


Use Case Interdependencies

This use case can be used by "CE02 - Personalized and Value-based Voice Routing" This use case is required by "CE09 - Genesys Personalized IVR" and "CE08 - Genesys Voice Payment". If CE02 is not available during deployment of this Use Case then routing will need to be configured by Professional Services to support the requirements.

Customer Interface Requirement


Agent Desktop Requirements

Only available if this use case is used in conjunction with the use case “CE2 - Personalized and Value-based Voice Routing”:

  • If the call is transferred to agent assisted services: The agent will receive an indication whether the customer is
    • Identified and Verified
    • Identified Only
    • Neither Identified nor Verified

Customer identifier and name will be displayed to the agent as well (if available & required).


Real-time Reporting

  • Users, with appropriate permissions, will be able to follow the interaction journey throughout the IVR. Each step of the IVR process (and after, if going to a user or to queue) the caller enters will be identified with timestamps.

Historical Reporting

  • Report that indicates the number of customers proactively identified by ANI/CLI
  • Report that indicates the number of customers successfully identified and verified themselves
  • Report that indicates the number of customers who were unsuccessful in identifying and verifying themselves


Services - Use Case Additional Input

General Assumptions

Company has a database that can be used to identify the customer. This database must provide the appropriate web services and must be web accessible

  • Company provides access to an application to validate the customer identity
  • Company must have a unique identifier for their customers
  • Complex alphanumeric inputs (e.g check digits) may require Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) with custom grammar creation available as an optional add-on
  • As an additional add-on, ASR can be used for the numeric input (see above) and for the phrase "I don't have it" (and synonyms of this phrase) in the flow above.

Premise-specific Assumptions

  • To support PCI or similar compliance, premise environments must be architected and configured accordingly
  • ASR and TTS support is for Nuance if using Genesys Intelligent Automation

Cloud-specific Assumptions

  • ASR and TTS support is for Nuance if using Genesys Intelligent Automation
This page was last edited on January 24, 2018, at 14:40.
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