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Known Issues and Recommendations

Genesys Pulse Collector

The Known Issues and Recommendations section is a cumulative list for all 9.0.x releases of Genesys Pulse Collector. This section provides the latest information on known issues and recommendations associated with this product. It includes information on when individual items were found and, if applicable, corrected. The Resolved Issues section for each release describes the corrections and may list additional issues that were corrected without first being documented as Known Issues.

See also Internationalization Issues.

Pulse Collector ignores DBMS port specified in DAP and always uses the default port instead.

ID: WBRT-18604 Found In: Fixed In: 

The default maximum number of channels allowed on a connection has been lowered from 65535 to 2047 in RabbitMQ 3.7.5 (see https://www.rabbitmq.com/changelog.html). The change might cause the following error in the Genesys Pulse Collector log:

ERROR (1368) RabbitMQSnapshotTransport: Connection attempt failed: Broker disconnected: "a socket error occurred"
WARNING (1368) RabbitMQSnapshotTransport: Failed to connect to broker

The error is also visible in the RabbitMQ log, with more details:

closing AMQP connection 0.12919.3 ( -> 
failed to negotiate connection parameters: negotiated channel_max = 0 (no limit) is higher than the maximum allowed value (128)

To correct this issue, find the channel_max parameter in the rabbitmq.conf:

#Set the max permissible number of channels per connection.
#0 means "no limit".
channel_max = 128

and change its value to 0 (zero). Restart RabbitMQ after that.

ID: WBRT-11395 Found In: RabbitMQ 3.7.5 Fixed In: 

Pulse Collector may crash in environments where Widgets with formulas are used. In case of unexpected Pulse Collector crash and V8: Fatal Error: at Cannot grow ExternalPointerTable past its maximum capacity: Allocation failed - process out of memory message in the log, it’s recommended to downgrade Pulse Collector back to along with enabling the following option in Pulse application(s): [pulse]\disable_strict_collector_version_check = true

ID: WBRT-18399 Found In: Fixed In:

The Stat Server Data Provider service does not reconnect to Stat Server correctly, which may result in Advanced Alerts being sent continuously or missed in case of new Advanced Alerts for existing widgets configured after reconnection (WBRT-17541, WBRT-15980).

Workaround: Restart the Stat Server Data Provider service.

ID: WBRT-17541 Found In: Fixed In: 

The Advanced Alerting feature does not work for widgets with Tenant objects.

ID: WBRT-17520 Found In: Fixed In:

Pulse Collector may crash when using the toLocaleString(), toLocaleDateString(), and toLocaleTimeString() methods of the Date built-in object in formulas.

ID: WBRT-17435 Found In: Fixed In:

The aeron_driver_service.ini and aeron_driver_service.exe files required for the Aeron Media Driver service installation are missing in the IP for the Windows platform.

ID: WBRT-16624 Found In: Fixed In:

Pulse Collector can stop while creating snapshot file for a layout in scenarios where:

  • Objects are being selected based on agent, place, or DN group.
  • The content of the group has changed and Pulse Collector is processing layout changes at the same time as it is building the snapshot.

If you encounter this issue after upgrading to Pulse 9.0.007, you can continue to use the 9.0.007 release of Pulse (which includes critical security updates related to Log4j) with an earlier release of Pulse Collector 9.0.x. To enable this workaround, perform the following steps:

  1. On your Pulse applications, add the option disable_strict_collector_version_check=true in the [pulse] section.
  2. On your Pulse Collector applications, set the option disabled = yes in the [transport-aeron] section. This disables Quick Updates, which is necessary because such a combination of Pulse and Pulse Collector releases can cause Quick Updates to not work correctly, which can cause Pulse or Pulse Collector to stop.
  3. Restore the release of Pulse Collector you had previously installed, or install release or earlier.
ID: WBRT-16444 Found In: Fixed In:

Genesys Pulse Collector does not calculate statistics for a Campaign Group if it was changed from an Agent Group to a Place Group or vice-versa after the widget was created.

Workaround: Restart Genesys Pulse Collector.

ID: WBRT-15104 Found In: Fixed In: 

The Advanced Alerts feature does not work for the statistics of AverageTime and CurrentAverageTime categories.
Workaround: Change the Display Format of problematic statistic to Number.

  1. In Template Management, if the template is OOB, clone it; otherwise Edit the template.
  2. Clone problematic statistic and change its Display Format to Number, then click Save to save the template.
  3. If it is not a cloned OOB template then propagate the changes to widgets; otherwise, you need to create new widgets from the new template.
  4. Configure the advanced alerts for statistics with Display Format Number.
ID: WBRT-15657 Found In: Fixed In:

Genesys Pulse Collector might terminate unexpectedly if the Aeron driver folder is on the network share. Genesys strongly recommends to put the Aeron driver folder on the local drive.

ID: WBRT-14097 Found In: Fixed In: Will Not Fix

Changes in [log]/segment and [log]/expire options are not applied immediately.

ID: WBRT-14334 Found In: Fixed In:

Genesys Pulse Collector might terminate unexpectedly while writing to the log when the database thread is enabled.

ID: WBRT-14110 Found In: Fixed In:

Genesys Pulse Collector resets the ERROR value to N/A after its connection to Stat Server is lost and not restored yet.

ID: WBRT-11703 Found In: Fixed In:

The new Date() expression in the JavaScript formula returns an object with incorrect time when DST is effective.

Workaround: Turn off the ICU-based time zone detection in the Chrome V8 scripting engine by setting the Genesys Pulse Collector option scripting/v8-flags=--no-icu-timezone-data and restart Genesys Pulse Collector.

ID: WBRT-14582 Found In: Fixed In: 

When the connection to the database is lost, Genesys Pulse Collector does not indicate the correct status of the connection with DB Server in the status information provided in the heartbeat file.

ID: WBRT-12150 Found In: Fixed In:

In the status information provided in the heartbeat file, Genesys Pulse Collector does not correctly indicate when it is connected to a backup Configuration Server.

ID: WBRT-12147 Found In: Fixed In:

Genesys Pulse Collector, deployed on Linux, does not connect to MS SQL Server database when using an embedded DB Server.

ID: WBRT-11408 Found In: Fixed In:

Genesys Pulse Collector heartbeat file might contain incorrect status of the connection with Stat Server if the database connection is not established.

ID: WBRT-10612 Found In: Fixed In:

Genesys Pulse Collector does not support slashes, backslashes, and any other symbols in its file names, because it might be used to compose the name of the heartbeat file.

ID: WBRT-10585 Found In: Fixed In: 

StatServerDataProvider only monitors members of Agents and Places groups. Monitoring members of other group types is not supported.

ID: WBRT-10349 Found In: Fixed In: 

Genesys Pulse Collector does not display statistics for the campaign group after changes in the relegated agent or place group.

Workaround: Restart Genesys Pulse Collector.

ID: WBRT-14894 Found In: Fixed In:

Genesys Pulse Collector might terminate unexpectedly if String.localCompare() is used in the formula.

ID: WBRT-13098 Found In: Fixed In:

Oracle 12 clients are not supported.

Workaround: If you are using Oracle 12c database with Genesys Pulse Collector configured with embedded DB Server, make sure that you install Oracle 11.2 client on the host that runs Genesys Pulse Collector.

ID: WBRT-8153 Found In: Fixed In:

Genesys Pulse Collector may keep updating heartbeat file when DBMS is down and collector-db is added to heartbeat-success-condition option in the [heartbeat] section.

Workaround: Add db-poller to the option value.

ID: WBRT-8241 Found In: Fixed In: 

Quick updates might not work for changes-based statistics with Group By columns. These statistics might display incorrect data until the next full snapshot is received.

ID: WBRT-12405 Found In: Fixed In: 

Genesys Pulse Collector does not process changes in the GroupBy statistics definitions (configured in Stat Server options).

Workaround: Restart Genesys Pulse Collector.

ID: WBRT-9168 Found In: Fixed In: 

When you use a GroupBy expression that involves user data that is changed during a call, that call is counted in the group with the old value (or no value) AND in the group with the new value. You might see the Total Number of Calls without GroupBy that is less than the value of the sum of all numbers from all Groups in GroupBy. This is expected behavior from Stat Server.

Workaround: Add filters to the statistic to filter out all the calls that do not have user data. For example given GroupBy enabled stat type:


You can add a filter like the following:


This filters calls until they have UserData1 attached, which prevents double counting each call with the N/A userdata (no userdata) and the UserData1 user data key.

ID: WBRT-7702 Found In: Fixed In: 

Widgets may display N/A values immediately after startup of Genesys Pulse Collector or a switchover of Stat Servers for at least one widget refresh period, when notification pausing from the backup Stat Server is enabled and the Stat Server supports this feature.

ID: WBRT-7670 Found In: Fixed In: 

Genesys Pulse Collector might not suspend notifications from the secondary Stat Server even if the suspend-notifications-from-secondary-server option is set to yes.

ID: WBRT-13572 Found In: Fixed In: 

Genesys Pulse Collector might not stop immediately when it is in the state of waiting for the DB Server response. Genesys Pulse Collector stops normally when database request timeout expires. Standard database request timeout is 180 seconds.

ID: WBRT-6691 Found In: Fixed In: 

Disabled agents remain in snapshots for widgets even when the Filter Out LoggedOut Agents option is enabled.

ID: WBRT-14531 Found In: Fixed In:

Genesys Pulse Collector may write incorrect Configuration Server details to the log if the connection to Configuration Server was lost and Genesys Pulse Collector connected to another Configuration Server of an HA pair.

ID: WBRT-12131 Found In: Fixed In:

Genesys Pulse Collector uses the short host name instead of a fully qualified domain name when reconnecting to Configuration Server.

ID: WBRT-12086 Found In: Fixed In:

Genesys Pulse Collector terminates unexpectedly when the parallel-processing/stat-data-processing-thread-pool-size option is set to 0 (zero) and the use-multiple-stat-data-processing-threads option is set to yes.

ID: WBRT-11671 Found In: Fixed In:

Genesys Pulse Collector might terminate unexpectedly while processing a layout based on Stat Server Virtual Agent Groups or containing statistics of the CurrentTargetState category if the [statistic-request-handling]/optimize-statistic-requests option is set to true or yes (default value).

Workaround: Set the [statistic-request-handling]/optimize-statistic-requests option to false or no (changes take effect after restart).

ID: WBRT-13474 Found In: Fixed In:

Object status duration may be computed incorrectly, if Genesys Pulse Collector and Stat Server are running on the different hosts with non-synchronized system times. In order to achieve correct value, the system time on the Genesys Pulse Collector and Stat Server hosts need to be synchronized, then both Genesys Pulse Collector and Stat Server must be restarted.

ID: WBRT-4926 Found In: Fixed In: 

When a connection to Stat Server is unavailable, Genesys Pulse may display incorrect values, such as 1.#IND, for some formula-based statistics, instead of ERROR or n/a.

ID: WBRT-3560 Found In: Fixed In: 

Genesys Pulse Collector might fail to connect to Configuration Server if the name of the Configuration Server host is unresolvable from the Genesys Pulse Collector host right before Genesys Pulse Collector is started, even if it becomes resolvable after that.

ID: WBRT-13069, WBRT-8292 Found In: Fixed In:

Formula-based statistics for Skills levels do not reflect skill-level changes made in the object properties.

ID: WBRT-12655 Found In: Fixed In:

Genesys Pulse Collector is at risk of hanging or terminating unexpectedly because of race conditions related to logging.

ID: WBRT-12594 Found In: Fixed In:

Genesys Pulse Collector incorrectly calculates formula-based statistics that contain the ERROR value along with valid values.

ID: WBRT-11709 Found In: Fixed In:

Genesys Pulse Collector might terminate unexpectedly while processing incoming data for the following statistic:

ID: WBRT-11586 Found In: Fixed In:

Internationalization Issues

Information in this section is included for international customers. Release numbers in the Found In and Fixed In fields refer to the English (US) release of Genesys Pulse Collector unless otherwise noted in the issue description.

There are no internationalization issues for this product.

This page was last edited on October 3, 2024, at 10:38.
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