Voice Platform Reporting Server Release Notes
Release Date | Release Type | Restrictions | AIX | HP-UX PA | HP-UX IPF | Linux | Solaris | Windows |
03/23/15 | General | X | X |
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New in This Release
There are no restrictions for this release. This section describes new features that were introduced in this release of Voice Platform Reporting Server.
- Reporting Server adds support for Windows 2012 64-bit and MS SQL Server 2012.
- Reporting Server can now filter metrics by metric ID and save them in the database, to avoid database overloading. rs.storage.metricsfilter is the new configurable metrics filter.
Section: persistence
Option: rs.storage.metricsfilter
Valid Values: A comma-separated list of metric values or ranges, in the format 0-16,18,25,35,36,41,52-55,74,128,136-141 (same as in the Reporting Client). Any metric value must be between 0 and 151, inclusive. Also * and blank (no value).
Default Value: *
Takes effect: At start/restart
Specifies which metrics are sent to (and saved in the database by) the Reporting Server. The values * and blank both mean "no filter, send all metrics."
Corrections and Modifications
This release also includes the following corrections or modifications:
Oracle partitioning now works properly when the Reporting Server uses a database user who is not the schema owner. (GVP-22085)
Reporting Server can now start in database mode when using JRE 1.7.0_71 or 1.7.0_72. (GVP-21976)
The variable VXML Peak Session Count can no longer be negative, an incorrect value. (GVP-21944)
The MCP_VXML_COUNTS table no longer grows excessively in non-partitioned mode. (GVP-21924)
The IVR profile Usage Report updates correctly on a Reporting Server running in no-db mode, when multiple IVR profiles share the same name. (GVP-21916)
Reporting Server now reports correct call counts in the Call Dashboard when operating in No Database mode (the RS installer specified No Database for the variable DBMS Engine). (GVP-21877)
An HTTP query to Reporting Server for the detailed IVR actions report now returns the proper message even when a required parameter is not provided. (GVP-21855)
Old data in the partitioned tables no longer prevents Reporting Server from starting. (GVP-21849)
SQ Call Summary Report now properly aggregates data using tenant-id. (GVP-21824)
The IVR Action start-time in the IVR Action Details report is now correct. (GVP-21767)