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Reviewing My Proposals and Their Responses

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Use the My Proposals window to:

  • Review schedule trades that you have proposed, along with their status and any responses.
  • Accept or decline responses.
  • Cancel your own pending trade proposal, if you change your mind.

The window includes standard date selectors and a table of proposals, whose general controls are described in Trading Windows' Common Features.

About the Proposals Table

The table shows all of your proposals whose first day falls within the selected week. It is sorted by the first date of each proposal.

Responses appear on separate rows below their associated proposals.

Viewing and Changing Trade Status

The Status column tells you what the current status is for each trade proposal. Each proposal's (or response's) status determines the actions that you can take in the Action column:

Status What it means Actions you can take
Open The proposal has been offered to a specific agent or to the community, and has not yet passed into one of the other statuses listed in this table. Click WM 813 basket.png cancel if you want to cancel an open proposal.
Accepted Another agent has accepted your personal proposal or responded to your community proposal. Click WM 813 accept.png accept on a response row to submit this trade (with this response) for approval. Click WM 813 decline.png decline if you choose not to trade with this respondent.
In Review Another agent has accepted your proposal and, if required, you have approved the response. But the trade could not be auto-approved. It is now awaiting a supervisor's approval. Click WM 813 basket.png cancel if you want to cancel your original proposal. This will also cancel

the response.

Confirmed Both you and the other agent accepted the proposal, and the trade received either automatic or supervisor approval. Your trade has executed. None
Declined The proposal was declined by the responding agent (in the case of a personal proposal), by a supervisor, or by WFM Web. The trade will not take place. None
Cancelled Either you explicitly cancelled your proposal, or WFM Web automatically cancelled the pending trade (because of changes to your schedule or the responding agent's schedule). The trade will not take place. None
Expired The proposal did not receive approval by the day before its first included day. The trade will not take place. None

When you click the accept, decline, or cancel button, the Trading Comments window opens. There, you can add a comment and complete the action by clicking submit.

For further details about requirements for a trade's approval, see Trading Overview.

This page was last edited on October 2, 2020, at 12:32.
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