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Historical Reporting

Genesys Co-browse includes the following historical reporting templates that allow you to:

  • CB_AG_HIS.xml — create and activate historical Report layout to collect Co-browse statistics against Agent Group(s) in the reporting databases for the CCPulse+ views using Co-browseAgentsHist.xtpl.
  • CB_INT_HIS.xml — create and activate historical Report layout to collect Co-browse statistics against Agent(s) in the reporting databases for the CCPulse+ views using Co-browseInteractionsHist.xtpl.
  • CB_INT_AG.xml — create and activate historical Report layout to collect Co-browse statistics against Agent Group(s) in the reporting databases for the CCPulse+ views using Co-browseInteractionsHist.xtpl.
  • CB_INT_PG.xml — create and activate historical Report layout to collect Co-browse statistics against Place Group(s) in the reporting databases for the CCPulse+ views using Co-browseInteractionsHist.xtpl.
  • CB_INT_PL.xml — create and activate historical Report layout to collect Co-browse statistics against Place(s) in the reporting databases for the CCPulse+ views using Co-browseInteractionsHist.xtpl.
  • Co-browseAgentsHist.xtpl — see the total number of agents participated in Co-browse sessions.
  • Co-browseInteractionsHist.xtpl — see the total number and total duration of Co-browse sessions.

Data Modeling Assistant Templates


Object to apply: Agent Group.



Object to apply: Agent.



Object to apply: Agent Group.
The Statistics and Time Profile are the same as in CB_INT_HIS.xml.


Object to apply: Place Group.
The Statistics and Time Profile are the same as in CB_INT_HIS.xml.


Object to apply: Place.
The Statistics and Time Profile are the same as in CB_INT_HIS.xml.

CCPulse+ Templates

For CCPulse+ templates to be imported correctly, you must rename each template using the Import/Export Wizard before applying the import procedure.


Object to apply: Agent Group.
Available CCPulse+ Views:

  • Create Historical View.
<Object> Statistic Values
TotalNumber Agents worked on Chat with CB Total number of agents worked on Chat with Co-browse
Agents worked on Chat Total number of agents worked on Chat
Agents worked on inbound Voice with CB Total number of agents worked on Inbound Voice with Co-browse
Agents worked on inbound Voice Total number of agents worked on Inbound Voice
Agents worked on Voice with CB Total number of agents worked on Voice (Inbound, Internal, Consult) with Co-browse
Agents worked on Voice Total number of agents worked on Voice
Agents worked on inbound CB Total number of agents worked on Inbound Voice and Chat with Co-browse
Agents worked on CB Total number of agents worked on Voice and Chat with Co-browse


Object to apply: Agent Group, Place Group, Place, Agent.
Available CCPulse+ Views:

  • Create Historical View
  • Create Historical View for Members (Agent Group).
<Object> Statistic Values
Total Interactions Chat with CB Total number of Chat with Co-browse interactions
Chat Total number of Chat interactions
(Chat with CB)/Chat, % Ratio of Total number of Chat with Co-browse interactions as opposed to Chat interactions
Inbound Voice with CB Total number of Inbound Voice with Co-browse interactions
Inbound Voice Total number of Inbound Voice interactions
(Voice with CB)/Voice, Inbound, % Ratio of total number of Inbound Voice with Co-browse interactions as opposed to Inbound Voice interactions
Voice with CB Total number of Voice (Inbound, Internal, Consult) with Co-browse interactions
Voice Total number of Voice interactions
(Voice with CB)/Voice, % Ratio of total number of Voice with Co-browse interactions as opposed to Voice interactions
CB Inbound Total number of Chat and Inbound Voice with Co-browse interactions
CB/(Chat and Voice), Inbound, % Ratio of total number of Chat and Inbound Voice with Co-browse interactions as opposed to Chat and Inbound Voice interactions
CB Total number of Chat and Voice with Co-browse interactions
CB/(Chat and Voice), % Ratio of total number of Chat and Voice with Co-browse interactions as opposed to Chat and Voice interactions
Total Duration CB Duration in Chat, hh:mm:ss Total duration of Co-browse sessions in Chat interactions
Chat Duration, hh:mm:ss Total duration of Chat interactions
CB Duration in Chat/Chat Duration, % Ratio of total duration of Co-browse sessions in Chat as opposed to Chat interactions duration
CB Duration in Voice, hh:mm:ss Total duration of Co-browse sessions in Voice interactions
Voice Duration, hh:mm:ss Total duration of Voice interactions
CB Duration in Voice/Voice Duration, % Ratio of total duration of Co-browse sessions in Voice as opposed to Voice interactions duration
Example of Co-browseInteractionsHist View.
This page was last edited on December 16, 2013, at 18:47.
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