cbdb Section
Default Value: Cluster
Valid Values: Any string
Changes Take Effect: Cannot be changed without removing the Cassandra system files.
Specifies the name of the embedded Cassandra cluster node. This is mainly used to prevent machines in one logical cluster from joining another. For more information, see http://www.datastax.com/docs/1.0/configuration/node_configuration#cluster-name.
Default Value: None
Valid Values: Path to an existing cassandra.yaml template file.
Changes Take Effect: After restart
Specifies the path to the cassandra.yaml template file. If not specified, the default cassandra.yaml template file is taken from [jetty-home]/etc/cassandra.yaml. The method of filling the cassandra.yaml template is flexible and can be extended by the administrator. Placeholders names between $ signs (such as $myValuePlaceholder$) correspond to option names in the cbdb section of the Co-browse Server configuration options, so the custom option value replaces the placholder. For more information about the cassandra.yaml template file, see http://www.datastax.com/docs/1.0/configuration/node_configuration.
Default Value: true
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: After restart
Specifies whether Co-browse Server acts as a Cassandra cluster node. If true, the embedded Cassandra service is activated. If false, Co-browse Server acts only as a Cassandra client.
Default Value: Cobrowse
Valid Values: Any string
Changes Take Effect: When the keyspace is created
Specifies the Cassandra keyspace name where Co-browse Server data is stored. If a keyspace with this name does not exist in the cluster, it is created automatically.
Default Value: No default (placed in cassandra.yaml template as it is.)
Valid Values: An IP address
Changes Take Effect: After restart
Specifies the address to bind to and tell the other Cassandra nodes to connect to. You must set this value if you want multiple nodes to be able to communicate. See [1] for details. If you leave the value blank, this will leave it up to InetAddress.getLocalHost(). This will always do the "right thing" if the node is properly configured (hostname, name resolution, and so on) and the "right thing" is to use the address associated with the hostname.
Default Value: 19042
Valid Values: Any free TCP port
Changes Take Effect: After restart
Specifies the port on which CQL native transport listens for clients.
Default Value: 1
Valid Values: An integer value less than the number of nodes in the Cassandra cluster
Changes Take Effect: When the keyspace is created
Specifies total number of replicas across the cluster. For more information, see http://www.datastax.com/docs/1.0/cluster_architecture/replication.
Default Value: localhost
Valid Values: An IP address, a hostname, or leave unset to resolve the address using the hostname configuration of the node.
Changes Take Effect: After restart
Specifies the listen address for remote procedure calls (client connections). For more information, see http://www.datastax.com/docs/1.0/configuration/node_configuration#rpc-address. To listen on all configured interfaces, set the value to If this option is empty, you must have hostname resolution correctly configured on all nodes in your cluster so that the hostname resolves to the correct IP address for this node (using /etc/hostname, /etc/hosts or DNS). This option is also used to configure Co-browse Server as a Cassandra client.
Default Value: 29160
Valid Values: Any free TCP port
Changes Take Effect: After restart
Specifies the port for remote procedure calls (client connections) and the Thrift service. For more information, see http://www.datastax.com/docs/1.0/configuration/node_configuration#rpc-port.
Default Value:
Valid Values: A comma-delimited list of IP addresses
Changes Take Effect: After restart
Specifies the comma-delimited list of IP addresses representing the list of seeds. When a node joins a cluster, it contacts the seed node(s) to determine the ring topology and obtain gossip information about the other nodes in the cluster. Every node in the cluster should have the same list of seeds. In multiple data center clusters, the seed list should include at least one node from each data center (replication group). For more information, see http://www.datastax.com/docs/1.0/configuration/node_configuration#seeds.
Default Value: 17101
Valid Values: Any free TCP port
Changes Take Effect: After restart
Specifies the SSL port for encrypted communication.
Default Value: None
Valid Values: A valid directory path. This directory may not exist.
Changes Take Effect: After restart
Specifies the directory where Cassandra's commitlog, data, and saved_caches directories are located (created). If left empty, the Co-browse Server web application assumes it is running within a Jetty web container and the storage directory is a "storage" sub-directory of the Jetty home directory.
Default Value: 17100
Valid Values: Any free TCP port
Changes Take Effect: After restart
Specifies the TCP port for commands and data.
Default Value: None
Valid Values: SimpleStrategy or NetworkTopologyStrategy
Changes Take Effect: When the keyspace is created
Specifies the keyspace replica placement strategy. For more information, see http://www.datastax.com/docs/1.0/cluster_architecture/replication#replication-strategy.