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The core domain objects supported by the Platform Management Service create and manage asynchronous tasks (Job, JobState) as well as basic objects used by all services to communicate results and errors. For example, if a long-running report is initiated through createReportRequest() a Job is returned; this Job can then be interrogated periodically using showJobStateUsingJob(), which returns a JobState and enables the client of the API to monitor the progress of the Job.

All responses from the API return a Response object that contains the result of the method invocation and/or a set of Error(s) and Warning(s).


Field Type Description Since
data Top[] (D) Response payload (see particular method for details) 7.3.3
dataOffset Integer Index (0-based) of data returned (non-zero if paging) 8.5.0
errors Error[] (D) If method fails then associated set of errors 7.3.3
warnings Warning[] (D) If method has associated warning then associated list 7.3.3
createdDate dateTime Entity created date 7.3.3
updatedDate dateTime Entity last modified date 7.3.3
createdBy User (K) Abbreviated creator U
modifiedBy User (K) Abbreviated modifier U


Field Type Description Since
code string Well-defined application issue code 7.7. 0
type string SubSystem that identified issue 7.7. 0
message string Textual message – informational only 7.7. 0
severity severity Severity of Issue 7.7. 0


Field Type Description Since
subject Org (K) Org of associated capability (Account) U
component1 string Component 1 of capability U
component2 string Component 2 of capability U
component3 string Component 3 of capability U
component4 string Component 4 of capability U
component5 string Component 5 of capability U


Field Type Description Since
internalId string Platform Identifier 8.7.0
externalId string External (user-defined) identity 8.7.0
version Integer Version # of List Definition [RO] 8.7.0
owner Org (K) Abbreviated owning entity [CreateOnly] 8.7.0
attributes Attribute[] Enumerated other attributes 8.7.0
deleted Boolean Is MetaDataGroup deleted? [RO] 8.7.0
metadata MetaData[] Definition of all attributes on the Contact 8.7.0
createdDate dateTime Entity created date 8.7.0
updatedDate dateTime Entity last modified date 8.7.0
createdBy User (K) Abbreviated creator U
modifiedBy User (K) Abbreviated modifier U


Field Type Description Since
internalId string Platform identifier 8.5.0
externalId string Name of this MetaData group 8.5.0
owner?parent BaseEntity (K) Abbreviated owning entity 8.5.0
definition MetaDataElement[] Definitions for all the subordinate elements 8.5.0
attributes Attribute[] Enumerated other attributes of object 8.5.0
createdDate dateTime Entity created date 8.5.0
updatedDate dateTime Entity last modified date 8.5.0
createdBy User (K) Abbreviated creator U
modifiedBy User (K) Abbreviated modifier U


Attribute Type Description Since
type string Type of Metadata group 8.5.0
priority integer Order of this group within container 8.6.0


Field Type Description Since
internalId string Platform identifier 8.5.0
externalId string Name of this element 8.5.0
parent MetaData (K) Abbreviated parent entity 8.5.0
dataType string Data type of this element 8.5.0
attributes Attribute[] Enumerated other attributes of object 8.5.0
createdDate dateTime Entity created date 8.5.0
updatedDate dateTime Entity last modified date 8.5.0
createdBy User (K) Abbreviated creator U
modifiedBy User (K) Abbreviated modifier U


Attribute Type Description Since
validation string Rule(s) used to validate this element 8.5.0
permissions string Permissions controlling access to this element 8.5.0
encrypted Boolean Should this element be encrypted 8.5.0
searchable Boolean Should this element be searchable 8.5.0
deleted Boolean Is this MetaDataElement still available? 8.6.0
required Boolean Is this MetaDataElement required or optional 8.9.0


Field Type Description Since
name string Name of this attribute 7.3.3
value string Value for this attribute 7.3.3
valid Boolean Is attribute valid based on validation expression? 8.10


Field Type Description Since
code string Well-defined application error code 7.3.3
message string Textual message – informational only 7.3.3
exception string[] Additional information related to error (optional) 7.3.3
argumentIndex Integer Index (0-based) of argument in error (optional) 7.3.3
attributeName string Name of attribute (optional) 7.3.3
context string Additional context for error message 7.3.3
createdDate dateTime Entity created date 7.3.3
updatedDate dateTime Entity last modified date 7.3.3
createdBy User (K) Abbreviated creator U
modifiedBy User (K) Abbreviated modifier U


Field Type Description Since
code string Well-defined application warning code 7.3.3
message string Warning message (English-only for initial release) 7.3.3
argumentIndex Integer Index (0-based) of argument in warning (optional) 7.3.3
attributeName string Name of attribute (optional) 7.3.3
context string Additional context for warning message 7.3.3
createdDate dateTime Entity created date 7.3.3
updatedDate dateTime Entity last modified date 7.3.3
createdBy User (K) Abbreviated creator U
modifiedBy User (K) Abbreviated modifier U


Field Type Description Since
internalId string Platform identifier 8.10
type recordingType Type of recording, e.g. Agent, Diagnostic, Script, … 8.10
owner Org (K) Abbreviated owning entity 8.10
agent User (K) Agent associated with recording (nullable) 8.10
DCAttempt Integer Direct Connect attempt number 8.10
contactAttempt ContactAttempt (K) ContactAttempt associated with this Recording 8.10
startTime dateTime Time of start of recording (in GMT) 8.10
createdDate dateTime Entity created date 8.10
updatedDate dateTime Entity last modified date 8.10
createdBy User (K) Abbreviated creator 8.10
modifiedBy User (K) Abbreviated modifier U


Field Type Description Since
recording Recording (D) Type of recording, e.g. Agent, Diagnostic, Script, … 8.10
fileFormat recordingFileFormat File format of recording 8.10
encodingFormat recordingEncodingFormat Encoding format of recording 8.10
state recordingStates State of recording 8.10
contentLocator string Content ID for recorded content 8.10
duration shortDuration Duration of recording in milliseconds 8.10
requestedAction requestedRecordingAction Pause, Resume, Delete, Complete, AddedToStorage, RemovedFromStorageType 8.10
createdDate dateTime Entity created date 8.10
updatedDate dateTime Entity last modified date 8.10
createdBy User (K) Abbreviated creator 8.10
modifiedBy User (K) Abbreviated modifier U


Field Type Description Since
internalId string Platform identifier 8.8.0
severity severity Severity of SystemEvent 8.8.0
type string Type of SystemEvent (e.g. USER_DEFINED) 8.8.0
category systemEventCategory Category of this EventType – read-only classification 8.8.0
owner Org (K) Abbreviated owning entity 8.8.0
context string Operational context 8.8.0
node string Node Event occurred on (optionally null) 8.8.0
source string Where the Event occurred (optionally null) 8.8.0
message string Message with any values interpolated 8.8.0
reasonCode string User defined reason 13.4.0
createdDate dateTime Entity created date 8.8.0
updatedDate dateTime Entity last modified date 8.8.0
createdBy User (K) Abbreviated creator 8.8.0
modifiedBy User (K) Abbreviated modifier U


Field Type Description Since
internalId string Platform Identifier 7.3.3
type requestType Type of request (Report, ListUpload) 7.3.3
createdDate dateTime Entity created date 7.3.3
updatedDate dateTime Entity last modified date 7.3.3
createdBy User (K) Abbreviated creator U
modifiedBy User (K) Abbreviated modifier U
baseEntity BaseEntity (K) Abbreviated modifier 11.12


Field Type Description Since
job Job Key is internalId associated with Job 7.3.3
state jobStates State of the asynchronous request (Running, Pending, Done, Failed) 7.3.3
stateDetail string Details related to current state - esp. for Failed (optional) 7.3.3
progress string Progress indicator 7.3.3
attributes Attributes[] Enumerated attributes of the Job 7.3.3
updatedDate dateTime Entity last modified date U


Attribute Type Description Since
submitTime dateTime Original time of submission 7.3.3
startTime dateTime Time job actually started running 7.3.3
stopTime dateTime Time job completed running 7.3.3
recordCount Integer Number of records associated with job (-1 indicates count unknown) 7.3.3
recordsProcessed Integer Number of records currently processed 7.3.3


Field Type Description Since
internalId string Platform Identifier 7.3.3
stringResult string Actual result of completed Job 7.3.3
byteResult Byte[] Actual result of completed Job U

Rule Category

Field Type Description Since
internalId String InternalId of the rule category
externalId String Name of the rule category
owner Org (K) Abbreviated owning entity
type categoryType Rule category type
attributes Attribute[] Enumerated other attributes
version Integer Current version number of rule category
metaData MetaData metaData of RuleCategory
createdDate dateTime Entity created date
updatedDate dateTime Entity last modified date
createdBy User (K) Abbreviated creator
modifiedBy User (K) Abbreviated modifier

MetaDataElements for ContactAttempt category

Field Type Description Since
priority Integer Priority of the rule context (1-based). 1 being highest.
level String Level at which rule context needs to be applied. <\br> Enterprise, Account or Campaign <\br>Completion status is based on level -<\br>SUPPRESSED_ENTERPRISE_CALL_HIST<\br>SUPPRESSED_ACCOUNT_CALL_HIST<\br>SUPPRESSED_CAMPAIGN_CALL_HIST
type String Type of the rule context.<\br>ClientId, Device or, ClientIdDevice<\br>If type is ClientId or ClientIdDevice, contact gets suppressed for life span of SubCampaign.<\br>If type is Device, contact's device gets suppressed for life span of SubCampaign. Other devices are still callable for this type.
numberOfAttempts Integer Number of attempts.<\br>Min is 0 and Max is 200 (preference)
numberOfDays Integer Number of days of attempts in rule<\br>1 would be today, 2 would be today and yesterday etc.<\br>Max is 31 days and is a preference.
numberOfHours Integer Number of hours of attempts in rule<\br>Min is 0 and Max is 24.
passTypes String (Comma separated list) Type of the pass this rule applies to<\br>Voice, Email, Text, Dialer, Preview, Manual or Web
direction String Direction of attempt this rule applies to (Inbound or Outbound)
regions String (Comma separated list) Region of a country based on type of rule context (region of contact or region of device)<\br>It will have values as US-MA (country iso code-state code).
completionStatus String Completion status of attempt<\br>All or DELIVERED_MACHINE
areaCodes String (Comma separated list) AreaCode of device
countryCodes String (Comma separated list) CountryCode based on type of rule context (country code of contact or device)
timeZones String (Comma separated list) TimeZone of either Contact or Device (based on type)<\br>It will have Java time zone.
postalCodes String (Comma separated list) PostalCode of Contact

MetaDataElements for Contact-Based category

Field Type Description Since
priority Integer Priority of the rule context (1-based). 1 being highest.
level String Level at which rule context needs to be applied.<\br>Enterprise, Account or Campaign<\br>Completion status is based on level -<\br>SUPPRESSED_ENTERPRISE_CALL_HIST<\br>SUPPRESSED_ACCOUNT_CALL_HIST<\br>SUPPRESSED_CAMPAIGN_CALL_HIST
type String Type of the rule context.<\br>ClientId, Device or, ClientIdDevice<\br>If type is ClientId, contact gets suppressed for life span of SubCampaign.<\br>If type is Device or or ClientIdDevice, contact's device gets suppressed for life span of SubCampaign. Other devices are still callable for this type.
passTypes String (Comma separated list) Type of the pass this rule applies to Voice, Email, Text, Dialer, Preview, Manual or Web
direction String Direction of attempt this rule applies to (Inbound or Outbound)
regions String (Comma separated list) Region of a country based on type of rule context (region of contact or region of device). It will have values as US-MA (country iso code-state code).
areaCodes String (Comma separated list) AreaCode of device
countryCodes String (Comma separated list) CountryCode based on type of rule context (country code of contact or device)
timeZones String (Comma separated list) TimeZone of either Contact or Device (based on type)<\br>It will have Java time zone.
postalCodes String (Comma separated list) PostalCode of Contact
priority Integer Priority of the rule context (1-based). 1 being highest.
level String Level at which rule context needs to be applied.<\br>Enterprise, Account or Campaign<\br>Completion status is based on level -<\br>SUPPRESSED_ENTERPRISE_CALL_HIST<\br>SUPPRESSED_ACCOUNT_CALL_HIST<\br>SUPPRESSED_CAMPAIGN_CALL_HIST
type String Type of the rule context.<\br>ClientId, Device or, ClientIdDevice<\br>If type is ClientId, contact gets suppressed for life span of SubCampaign.<\br>If type is Device or or ClientIdDevice, contact's device gets suppressed for life span of SubCampaign. Other devices are still callable for this type.
passTypes String (Comma separated list) Type of the pass this rule applies to<\br>Voice, Email, Text, Dialer, Preview, Manual or Web


Field Type Description Since
internalId String InternalId of the rule context
externalId String Name of the rule context
category RuleCategory Category of the rule context
required Boolean Mandatory or Non-Mandatory
ruleTemplate RuleTemplate Template this rule context uses
attributes Array Attributes of the rule context
version Integer Current version number of rule context
createdDate dateTime Entity created date
updatedDate dateTime Entity last modified date
createdBy User (K) Abbreviated creator
modifiedBy User (K) Abbreviated modifier


Field Type Description Since
internalId String InternalId of the rule template
externalId String Name of the rule template
org Org Account of the template
definitionType ruleDefinitionType DefinitionType of the template. It can be Java, Drools or, JavaScript.
definition String Definition of the template<\br>It contains name of the class for Java. For Drools, it contains the drools code. And for JavaScript, it contains the java script code.
version Integer Current version number of rule template
createdDate dateTime Entity created date
updatedDate dateTime Entity last modified date
createdBy User (K) Abbreviated creator
modifiedBy User (K) Abbreviated modifier


Field Type Description Since
externalId String Name of the ruleSet 11.11.0
owner Org(K) Abbreviated owning entity 11.11.0
ruleContexts RuleContext[] rule contexts 11.11.0
type String ruleSet type 11.11.0
version Integer version of the ruleSet 11.11.0
createdDate DateTime Entity created date 11.11.0
updatedDate DateTime Entity last modified date 11.11.0
createdBy User (K) Abbreviated creator 11.11.0
modifiedBy User (K) Abbreviated modifier 11.11.0


Field Type Description Since
externalId String Name of the ruleSetGroup 11.11.0
owner Org(K) Abbreviated owning entity 11.11.0
ruleSets RuleSet[] rule sets 11.11.0
type String ruleSet type 11.11.0
version Integer version of the ruleSet 11.11.0
createdDate DateTime Entity created date 11.11.0
updatedDate DateTime Entity last modified date 11.11.0
createdBy User (K) Abbreviated creator 11.11.0
modifiedBy User (K) Abbreviated modifier 11.11.0


Attribute Type Description Since
dataSetLimit integer limit data set for filterRuleSetGroup 11.15
isTransient boolean boolean value (true or false) to identify if this RuleSetGroup is transient or not 11.15
standAlone boolean determines if this ruleSetGroup has assocaited parent ruleSetGroups 12.2


Field Type Description Since
internalId String Notification Identifier 11.5
owner Org (K) Abbreviated owning entity 11.5
type notificationType Notification type 11.5
attributes Attribute[] Enumerated other attributes 11.5
createdDate dateTime Entity created date 11.5
updatedDate dateTime Entity last modified date 11.5
createdBy User (K) Abbreviated creator 11.5
modifiedBy User (K) Abbreviated modifier 11.5


Attribute Type Description Since
header string Notification header 11.5
summary string Notification summary 11.5
url string URL to the notification web channel or hosted information 11.5
maxViews Integer Max views per person 11.5
startDate dateTime Date and time Notification is scheduled to start 11.5
endDate dateTime Date and time Notification is scheduled to end 11.5
privateLabelEnabled Boolean Is Partner private labeling enabled? 11.5
stackIdentifier Integer Stack id which the notification is active or 0 for all stacks 11.5
height Integer Default height of the popup window 11.5
width Integer Default width of the popup window 11.5


Field Type Description Since
internalId String Notification Identifier 11.5
notification Notification(D) Index (0-based) of data returned (non-zero if paging) 11.5
User User (D) If method fails then associated set of errors 11.5
createdDate dateTime Entity created date 11.5
updatedDate dateTime Entity last modified date 11.5
createdBy User (K) Abbreviated creator 11.5
modifiedBy User (K) Abbreviated modifier 11.5


Attribute Type Description Since
completedDate dateTime Date when the notification completed 11.5
numberOfViews Integer Number of views for this notification by this user. 11.5


The below attributes are specific to InboundDevice. Refer 5.10.3. Device.

Attribute Type Description Since
active String Is device active? Possible values are "true","false" 11.5
name String Name of the device 11.5
description String Description of the device 11.5
keywords String Keywords associated with Short Code 11.5
inboundDeviceType String Type of the inbound device. Possible values are PhoneNumber, ShortCode, Url, AgentRegistrationNumber, LocalTouch 11.5
ownerInternalId String AccountId associated with the inbound device 11.5
subCampaignInternalId String SubcampaignId associated with the inbound device 11.5


Attribute Type Description Since
location String location description 12.2
latitude String latitude in floating point numeric format 12.2
longitude String longitude in floating point numeric format 12.2
latStr String latitude converted into human readable format 12.2
longStr String longitude converted into human readable format 12.2
This page was last edited on September 6, 2016, at 18:25.
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