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The core domain objects supported by the Contact Management Service create and manage lists of contacts for proactive customer communication. A List consists of a set of contacts where each Contact represents an individual customer who is typically the target of some form of customer communication. Supported operations on Lists include the ability to create, delete, show, list, change, append to, and remove contacts from a list. An individual contact has a set of associated Devices which represent the various devices that the customer may be contacted on. For example, a List (externalId="TinyList") may consist of a single contact (externalId="S12456789", firstName="Tim", lastName="Segall", company="Genesys") and this contact may have three devices: "+1 781 860 9183", tim@soundbite.com, and "+1 617 875 9182".

Contacts are immutable and as such there is no changeContact. If a contact needs to be updated then the contact should be removed from the associated List and then a new contact should be added using the same ClientID.


Field Type Description Since
internalId string InternalId not supported for Device (always null) 7.3.3
externalId string Normalized phone number (E.123 format), email, etc 7.3.3
attributes Attributes (D) Attributes for this device 7.3.3
createdDate dateTime Entity created date 7.3.3
updatedDate dateTime Entity last modified date 7.3.3
createdBy User (K) Abbreviated creator U
modifiedBy User (K) Abbreviated modifier U


Attribute Type Description Since
firstName string First name of contact 7.3.3
lastName string Last name of contact 7.3.3
company string Name of associated Company 7.3.3
other1 string Other1 value from contact 7.3.3
other2 string Other2 value from contact 7.3.3
other3 string Other3 value from contact 7.3.3
other4 string Other4 value from contact 7.3.3
other5 string Other5 value from contact 7.3.3
other6 string Other6 value from contact 7.3.3
other7 string Other7 value from contact 7.3.3
other8 string Other8 value from contact 7.3.3
other9 string Other9 value from contact 7.3.3
stateCode string State/Province of contact 8.10
timeZone string Time Zone of contact 8.10
countryCode string ISO 3166 two letter country code of contact 8.10


Field Type Description Since
internalId string InternalId not supported for Device (always null) 7.3.3
externalId string Normalized phone number (E.123 format), email, etc. 7.3.3
attributes Attributes (D) Attributes for this device 7.3.3
createdDate dateTime Entity created date 7.3.3
updatedDate dateTime Entity last modified date 7.3.3
createdBy User (K) Abbreviated creator U
modifiedBy User (K) Abbreviated modifier U


Attribute Type Description Since
valid Boolean Is device a valid device? 8.4.0
internalRepresentation string Internal normalized representation 10.5.4
wireless Boolean Is device a wireless device and hence text capable? 7.3.3
wireline Boolean Is device a wireline device? 7.3.3
textFTEU Boolean Is device accessible by Free-To-End-User message? U
carrier string Carrier associated with the device U
email Boolean Is device an email? 7.3.3
duplicateList Boolean Is device a duplicate within the containing list? 7.5.0
duplicateContact Boolean Is device a duplicate within the contact? 7.5.0
duplicatePosition Boolean Is device a duplicate within the list by position (i.e. 3rd device)? 7.5.0
phoneExtension Boolean Does phone have an extension? 7.3.3
phoneDNC Boolean Is device on a national Do Not Call list? 7.3.3
phoneNonGeographic Boolean Is device a non-Geographic e.g. toll-free? 7.3.3
phoneNotSupported Boolean Is device not supported for calling (for example, 900 numbers)? 7.3.3
phone00 Boolean Does phone end in "00"? 7.3.3
phone000 Boolean Does phone end in "000"? 7.3.3
deviceSource deviceSources What was the creation source of this device 10.1
stateCode string State/Province of device 7.3.3
timeZone string Time Zone of device 7.3.3
countryCode string ISO 3166 two letter country code 7.3.3


Field Type Description Since
attributes Attribute[] Enumerated attributes of the filter 7.3.3
stateCodes string[] State/Province of device (Null implies all, otherwise Inclusive) 7.3.3
timeZones string[] Time Zone of device (Null implies all, otherwise Inclusive) 7.3.3
countryCodes string[] ISO 3166 two letter country code U
createdDate dateTime Entity created date 7.3.3
updatedDate dateTime Entity last modified date 7.3.3
createdBy User (K) Abbreviated creator U
modifiedBy User (K) Abbreviated modifier U


Attribute Type Description Since
wireless Boolean Is device a wireless device and hence text capable? 7.3.3
wireline Boolean Is device a wireline device? 7.3.3
textFTEU Boolean Is device accessible by Free-To-End-User message? U
email Boolean Is device an email? 7.3.3
duplicateList Boolean Is device a duplicate within the containing list? 7.5.0
duplicateContact Boolean Is device a duplicate within the contact? 7.5.0
duplicatePosition Boolean Is device a duplicate within the list by position (i.e. 3rd device)? 7.5.0
phoneExtension Boolean Does phone have an extension? 7.3.3
phoneDNC Boolean Is device on a national Do Not Call list? 7.3.3
phoneNoTimeZone Boolean Does device have an associated Time Zone? 7.3.3
phone00 Boolean Does phone end in "00"? 7.3.3
phone000 Boolean Does phone end in "000"? 7.3.3


Field Type Description Since
internalId string Platform Identifier 7.3.3
externalId string External (user-defined) identity 7.7.0
Name string Name of the contact list 7.3.3
Description string Description of the list 7.3.3
suppressionChannels Boolean[] Which channel should this suppression list act on, array order is as per channelType U
Type listType Standard, Suppression, Persistent 7.3.3
ownerLevel orgType Level this list is owned at U
Entity BaseEntity (K) Enterprise, Account, Campaign 7.3.3
Attributes Attribute[] Enumerated other attributes of the list 7.5.0
isDeleted Boolean Is this list deleted? 7.3.3
subscribableEvents Events[] List of events that can be subscribed to 8.10
ruleSetGroup RuleSetGroup (K) Associated ruleSetGroup 11.11.0
sourceList List Associated source list 11.11.0
createdDate dateTime Entity created date 7.3.3
updatedDate dateTime Entity last modified date 7.3.3
createdBy User (K) Abbreviated creator U
modifiedBy User (K) Abbreviated modifier U


Attribute Type Description Since
size Integer Number of elements in the list 7.5.0
sizeCurrent Integer Number of elements currently in the list (valid only if state is Running) 10.5
state importState State of any import in progress 10.5
listSource listSources Source of list 10.5
useCount Integer Number of active references to this list 7.5.0
contactPreference Boolean Is this list end-user managed? 8.4.0
expireAfterHours Integer Number of hours before autoexpiring (-1 = never) U
deleteIfEmpty Boolean Delete this list if it has no contacts in it 7.7.0
dayBoundary time Time of day deemed to be when day commences (null = none) 7.7.0
suppressionField string Allowed values ClientID or deviceIndex 7.7.0
suppressionMandatory Boolean If true implies that this list must be consulted for suppression 7.7.0
suppressionDefault Boolean If true implies that this list will be consulted by default 7.7.0
lastUsedBySubCampaign String Last Subcampaign that used this lis 11.11.0


Field Type Description Since
specificationColumns String[] Columns specified in specification (if exists). If no specification in analysis, then columns used by PschyicFilter is returned. 11.9.0
normalizedColumns String[] Normalized columns defined in our platform for a list. 11.9.0
sampleRow String[] Columns of first row of a list mapped to normalized columns. 11.9.0
totalCount Long Total count of valid rows of the list that could be mapped to normalized columns based on mapping specification. If no mapping specification, PschyicFilter is used to do the mapping. 11.9.0
rejectedCount Long Count of rows of list rejected. 11.9.0
duplicateCount Long Count of rows that are duplicates in list. 11.9.0


Field Type Description Since
org Org Org to which this specification belongs. 11.12.0
externalId String Name of this specification. 11.12.0
type String Type of this specification 11.12.0
version String Version of this specification 11.12.0


Field Type Description Since
internalId string Upload request id 12.4.0
owner Org(K) Abbreviated owning entity 12.4.0
job Job(K) Job associated to this request 12.4.0
state string Upload state 12.4.0
list List(K) List associated to upload 12.4.0
ruleSetGroup RuleSetGroup(K) ruleSetGroup associated to upload 12.4.0
fileName sring File name 12.4.0
attributes Attributes (D) Attributes for this uploadRequest 12.4.0
createdDate dateTime Entity created date 12.4.0
updatedDate dateTime Entity last modified date 12.4.0
createdBy User (K) Abbreviated creator 12.4.0
modifiedBy User (K) Abbreviated modifier 12.4.0


Attribute Type Description Since
recordsImported Integer Total records imported 12.4.0
recordsRejected Integer Total records rejected 12.4.0
dupeRecords Integer Total dupe records 12.4.0
startTime dateTime Upload request start time 12.4.0
finishTime dateTime Upload request end time 12.4.0
This page was last edited on September 6, 2016, at 18:25.
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