As of February 1, 2012, Genesys is no longer an affiliate of Alcatel-Lucent; any indication of such affiliation within Genesys products or packaging is no longer applicable. Please see the Genesys website at for more details.
This release note applies to all 8.1 releases of Outbound Contact Server (OCS).
Genesys follows applicable third-party redistribution policies to the extent that Genesys solutions utilize third-party functionality. For additional information on third-party software used in this product, see the Legal Notices for Outbound Contact. Please contact your Genesys Customer Care representative if you have any questions.
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
This is an update for this product. This release contains the following new feature:
OCS now supports Windows Server 2022. (OUTBOUND-11617)
OCS now correctly handles simultaneous connections to over 100 Calling Lists database tables. Previously, OCS was unable to establish connections to more than 100 Calling Lists and reported continuous disconnections to these Calling Lists. (OUTBOUND-11701)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
This is an update for this product. This release contains the following new feature:
OCS now supports Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 9. (OUTBOUND-11512)
There are no corrections or modifications in this release.
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
This is an update for this product. This release contains the following new feature:
OCS now allows to limit the rate of SMS and Email Campaign Groups executed via Digital Dialer by using the following options at the Application level:
Default Value: 100
Valid Values: An integer value equal to or greater than 0
Configuration Level: OCS Application
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Logical Groups: Dialing, CX Contact
(zero), OCS does not dial for any of the Campaign Groups that use Dial Manager for sending SMS.
Default Value: 100
Valid Values: An integer value equal to or greater than 0
Configuration Level: OCS Application
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Logical Groups: Dialing, CX Contact
This option specifies the maximum number of emails per second that are shared between all Campaign Groups running in the Power Dialing mode that use CX Contact Dial Manager for sending email. If the option is set to 0
(zero), OCS does not dial for any of the Campaign Groups that use Dial Manager for sending email.
Improved performance on OCS processing of HTTP GET request for /campaigngroups
end point. (OUTBOUND-11539)
OCS no longer attempts to run Reporting Stored Procedure in the following scenario:
Previously, OCS continued its attempt to run Reporting Stored Procedure for such Calling List, and each attempt resulted with an error Relation table name
does not exist. (OUTBOUND-11569)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
This is an update for this product. This release contains no new features or functionality.
OCS now continues to correctly run Campaign Group(s) in the following scenario:
- Primary and Backup OCS are configured as an HA Pair.
- Primary OCS runs one or more Campaign Groups in Power dialing mode for SMS or EMail media using CX Contact.
- Backup OCS is started and switchover is executed.
Previously, in the above scenario, the Backup OCS may have failed to start Campaign Group(s) on receiving Campaign Groups state notification from the Primary OCS and as a result Campaign Groups would be active, but not running, during a switchover.
The OCS HTTP interface now responds with a correctly formatted JSON body in case an error (for example database-related error) occurrs during request processing. Previously, the OCS HTTP interface did not escape quotes correctly in the JSON body of the HTTP response. (OUTBOUND-11540)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
This is an update for this product. This release contains the following new feature:
OCS now subscribes more than 65,535 topics (names of places) with Interaction Server for Campaign Groups in the Push Preview dialing mode. Previously, in large configurations, OCS was able to subscribe the first found 65,535 topics (places) only, and the remaining topics were left unsubscribed. (OUTBOUND-11498)
See the Discontinued Support section for discontinued operating environments starting with this release.
OCS now supports user data string values of up to 3000 characters long when adding or updating records using the OCS HTTP interface. Previously, OCS allowed user data string values of up to 1000 characters long only. (OUTBOUND-11500)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
This is an update for this product. This release contains the following new feature:
See the Outbound Contact section of the Supported Operating Environment Reference for more detailed information and a list of all supported environments.
The following options now work correctly even if there are blank spaces between commas and list values:
Previously, if blank paces were included in the list of values, the list was not processed correctly.
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
This is an update for this product. This release contains no new features or functionality.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
For Email and SMS campaigns, OCS now propagates user fields modifications made by the pre-dial validation server and returned to OCS in a positive pre-dial validation response, based on the value of the new OCS campaign group level option, validation-propagate-user-data.
Default Value: false
Valid Values: yes/true
, no/false
Configuration Level: Campaign Group, Application
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Logical Groups: Pre-dial Validation
, user fields modifications made by the pre-dial validation server and returned to OCS in a positive pre-dial validation response are propogated for Email and SMS campaigns. For more information, see the option description in the Outbound Contact Deployment Guide.
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
This is a hot fix for this product. This release contains no new features or functionality.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
OCS HTTP Proxy no longer terminates abnormally upon receiving an incorrectly formed HTTP request; for example, requests in which the content length specified in the HTTP header does not match the actual length of the HTTP body. (OUTBOUND-11414)
OCS no longer terminates abnormally when an outbound schedule activates a campaign group that does not reference any calling lists. (OUTBOUND-11418)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
This is a hot fix for this product. This release contains no new features or functionality.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
OCS now correctly works with stored procedures regardless of the RDBMS settings for the casing of output. Previously, the following error sometimes occurred when the output from RDBMS was in upper case: SP execution aborted possibly due to an error
. (OUTBOUND-11226)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
This is an update for this product. This release contains the following new features or functionality:
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
OCS now closes an HTTP connection immediately after a negative response is sent for a request. Previously, the connection was closed only after a second HTTP request was sent to the same connection, which resulted in errors. (OUTBOUND-11362)
OCS now sends the call result Unknown Call Result
) in the first history report submission (GSW_HIST_SEQUENCE_NUM = 0
). Previously, unexpected call results were included in some scenarios. (OUTBOUND-11356)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
This is an update for this product. This release contains no new features or functionality.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
OCS no longer terminates unexpectedly when a campaign group is unloaded. (OUTBOUND-11341)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
This is an update for this product. This release contains the following new features or functionality:
OCS now supports a dialing rate limit for GVP dialing modes. The option gvp-modes-use-switch-rate-limit enables this feature.
Default Value: false
Valid Values: yes/true
, no/false
Configuration Level: OCS Application
Logical Group: Dialing
When this option is set to true
, Progressive GVP and Power GVP dialing modes are added to the list of auto dialing modes, which can use dialing rate limits defined at the Switch level. Please see dialing_rate_limit for more information. (OUTBOUND-11287)
OCS now requires the Content-Type
and Content-Length
headers to be specified in the incoming HTTP POST JSON requests to the CM HTTP and OCS HTTP services when the message body is not empty. If these headers are not present in the requests from a client, OCS returns an appropriate 4xx error.
The Content-Type
header is set to application/json
and the Content-Length
header is set to an appropriate non-zero value. When the message body is empty, these header values are optional. (OUTBOUND-11212, OUTBOUND-11309)
The option http-retry-applies-to now supports the value pre-load
. When you set the option to pre-load
, retry functionality can be applied to campaign pre-load requests. (OUTBOUND-11262)
OCS now supports the following operating environments:
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
Now, OCS does not start a Schedule script before licenses are available. OCS checks for availability of licenses every second. If they are found to be unavailable during the check, the following message is printed to the log:
21:06:53.643 ScheduleManager: Waiting one second for licenses availability
Previously, a schedule script could be run even before licenses were available. (OUTBOUND-11266, OUTBOUND-11310)
Now, OCS correctly sends validation requests to the pre-desktop validation URI when pre-desktop-validation-type is changed from off
to on
and the campaign group is already stated. Previously, in such scenarios, validation requests were not sent. (OUTBOUND-11261)
In cases where pre-dial validation fails and GSW_DISPOSITION_CODE is sent in the 409 response, OCS now sends GSW_DISPOSITION_CODE in HTTP POST to Compliance Manager. Previously, it was sent in HTTP POST to Compliance Manager only after the agent had finalized the record on the desktop. (OUTBOUND-11325)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
This is a hot fix for this product. This release contains the following new features or functionality:
. (OUTBOUND-11251)
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
Now, when OCS reconnects to the DB Server, OCS prioritizes and executes all pending SQL update requests correctly. Previously, if the DB Server was disconnected before OCS received a response to some update requests, the order in which the pending requests were re-sent was incorrect. (OUTBOUND-11248)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
This is a hot fix for this product. This release contains no new features or functionality.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
OCS no longer stops sending reporting events to ICON when any OCS application option is modified or deleted. Previously, OCS stopped sending respective events to ICON, which resulted in missing Outbound-specific historical reporting in Genesys Info Mart. (OUTBOUND-11235, OUTBOUND-11227)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
This is an update for this product. This release contains the following new features and functionality:
OCS in CX Contact mode can now add a record in a new or existing chain so that the new record is properly enriched using Compliance Data.
Default Value: An empty string
Valid Values: A valid URI
Configuration Level: Application
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Logical Group: Record Processing, CX Contact
Specifies the URI of the CX Contact (List Builder) endpoint for sending requests. Only the http: schema is supported.
For example: http://cxc-int:8888/listbuilder/v2/contact-lists/$list_dbid/contacts
All macro expressions are expanded in the same manner as for the Execute SQL Statement treatment. Refer to Apply to Record Actions > Execute SQL Statement Action Type in the Outbound Contact Deployment Guide.
OCS now sends the actual call result rather than the call result stored in the user data section, when the $GSW_CALL_RESULT macro is used in the Delegate for Processing treatment. (OUTBOUND-11149)
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
OCS now re-submits history submissions that failed because of the received CONN_EVENT_EXCEPTION error message. (OUTBOUND-11207)
The OCS logging functionality is now optimized for when Configuration Server reconnects to OCS. OCS no longer attempts to calculate the difference between a received and cached Agent Groups configuration object if it has more than 100 elements. Instead, OCS now replaces the cached object with the one received from Configuration Server. (OUTBOUND-11219)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
This is an update for this product. This release contains no new features or functionality.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
OCS no longer sends history submission .1
without prior history submission .0
. (OUTBOUND-11160)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
There are no restrictions for this release. This release contains the following new features and functionality:
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
If an OCS Application configuration object name contains spaces, the OCS HTTP proxy now processes the object name correctly. Previously, the OCS HTTP proxy did not process OCS Application object names that contained spaces correctly. (OUTBOUND-11144)
The OCS logging functionality is now optimized for when Configuration Server reconnects to OCS. OCS no longer attempts to calculate the difference between a received and cached CfgFolder object if it has more than 100 elements. Instead, OCS now replaces the cached object with the one received from Configuration Server. (OUTBOUND-11139)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
This is a hot fix for this product. This release contains no new features or functionality.
Note: This hot fix is also propagated to the 8.1.530.09 release of OCS.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
OCS no longer stops sending reporting events to ICON when any OCS application option is modified or deleted. Previously, OCS stopped sending respective events to ICON, which resulted in missing Outbound-specific historical reporting in Genesys Info Mart. (OUTBOUND-11227)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
This is an update for this product. This release contains no new features or functionality.
See the Discontinued Support section for discontinued operating environments starting with this release.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
OCS now updates the Treatments field of chain records with the required information when OCS is ready to unload this chain with any of the following treatments to the chain:
Next in chain
Next in chain after
Next in chain at specified date
Retry in
Retry at specified date
Previously, OCS updated the Treatments field for records of a chain with the required information each time OCS applied a treatment to this chain. (OUTBOUND-11098)
OCS now correctly retrieves the records that are in ready status and available under a dialing criteria. Previously, because of the issue with the database connection, OCS did not retrieve the available records for dialing. (OUTBOUND-11083)
OCS now uses the correct name of the Configuration Server instance in alarm and log messages. Previously, OCS printed the default Configuration Server name confserv in alarm and log messages. (OUTBOUND-11051)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
Note: This version was first released as an Update on 03/19/21.
There are no restrictions for this release. This release contains the following new features and functionality:
See also the Discontinued Support section for discontinued operating systems and databases starting with this release.
There are no corrections or modifications in this release.
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
This is an update for this product. This release contains the following new features and functionality:
Support for the PostgreSQL 11 database. See the Outbound Contact section of the Supported Operating Environment Reference for more detailed information and a list of all supported databases. (OUTBOUND-11008)
See also the Discontinued Support section for discontinued operating systems starting with this release.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
Primary and backup OCS instances now send consistent GSW_STAT_EVENT UserEvent messages after a switchover. The primary OCS sends CMST_DialingStopped(5) and CMST_CampaignDeactivated(2) messages when shutting down, and the backup OCS sends CMST_CampaignActivated(1) and CMST_DialingStarted(3) when becoming primary. The primary OCS does not send CMST_DialingStopped(5) and CMST_CampaignDeactivated(2) messages when switching to backup mode, and the backup OCS does not send CMST_CampaignActivated(1) and CMST_DialingStarted(3) when becoming primary after a switchover.
Previously, the new primary OCS sent CMST_DialingStopped(5) and CMST_CampaignDeactivated(2) messages when shutting down, and the new backup OCS did not send CMST_CampaignActivated(1) and CMST_DialingStarted(3) when becoming primary. (OUTBOUND-10995, OUTBOUND-10894)
OCS now performs HTTP JSON input transcoding to UTF-8 before escaping JSON characters. Previously, OCS performed transcoding after escaping JSON characters that sometimes resulted in incorrectly transcoded and escaped JSON strings. (OUTBOUND-10971)
If OCS detects that campaign buffer-cleanup functionality is in progress and a selected SQL request could not be launched, OCS updates the database records status from Retrieved to Ready. Previously, records became stuck in the Retrieved status, if a campaign buffer-cleanup was started after the Stored Procedure was executed and before a selected SQL request launched. (OUTBOUND-10959)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
This is an update for this product. This release contains the following new features and functionality:
OCS supports the disposition-code-field configuration option:
Default Value: An empty string
Valid Values: A valid name of the field in the calling list
Configuration Level: Calling List, Application
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Logical Group: Record Processing, CX Contact
When the option is set to a non-empty string, OCS does the following:
) or when finalizing the record. The disposition code value is stored in the calling list only if it is explicitly provided to OCS in the GSW_DISPOSITION_CODE key-value pair.(OUTBOUND-10967)
OCS now supports the http-proxy option (introduced in 8.1.528.05) at the Host object level, in addition to the Application level. (OUTBOUND-10960)
OCS now supports an ability to automatically complete (stop and unload) a Campaign Group when all dialing records are depleted for it, as configured with the new campaigngroup-auto-complete configuration option.
Default Value: An empty string
Valid Values: no-records
Configuration Level: Campaign Group, Application
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Logical Group: Record Processing
If set to no-records
, OCS automatically completes (stops and unloads) a Campaign Group when all dialing records are depleted for it.
OCS can now log JSON Body attributes of a Contact Processed notification that are set to copy
in the log-filter-data section of the OCS Application object. If some given attribute is not specified in this section or has any value other than copy
, OCS defaults to the default-filter-type option value in the log-filter section. (OUTBOUND-10891)
This version of OCS introduces a feed for Prometheus metrics which are scraped on an HTTP endpoint that OCS exposes. (OUTBOUND-10953)
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
OCS now additionally rereads Outbound Schedules and performs time-zone-related calculations each time the schedule is activated. Previously, OCS reread Outbound Schedules and performed time-zone-related calculations only when the schedules were created or updated. (OUTBOUND-10956)
OCS no longer resends history submissions that fail with HTTP 4xx responses, except for an HTTP 408 response. (OUTBOUND-10928)
When Stat Server opens real-time statistics in OCS, the backup OCS no longer sends those statistics to Stat Server. Previously, the backup OCS sent the real-time statistics to Stat Server. (OUTBOUND-10878)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
This is an update for this product. This release contains the following new features and functionality:
OCS can now deliver contact-processed notifications to an external Web or Application Server. To support this feature, the following options are introduced: contact-processed-notification and contact-processed-notification-uri. See Contact-Processed Notifications and OCS Option Descriptions topics in the Outbound Contact Deployment Guide. (OUTBOUND-10869)
The configuration option http-custom-headers can now be specified at the Host level. It must be configured on the Host object representing the host of an external Web or Application Server. The Host-level setting applies only to outgoing HTTP requests and takes precedence over the Application-level setting. (OUTBOUND-10867)
OCS can now pass GSW_DEVICE_INDEX in both .0 and .1 history submissions to a Web or Application Server. (OUTBOUND-10863)
OCS can now retry sending failed HTTP requests for the services specified in the new Application or Campaign Group level option http-retry-applies-to with the number of attempts specified in the new Application or Host level option http-retry-max-attempts. (See the OCS Option Descriptions topic in the Outbound Contact Deployment Guide.) OCS retries to send a failed HTTP request if the following conditions are satisfied:
OCS now supports UTF-8 encoding of mixed calling lists on Linux and Windows platforms with PostgreSQL and MS SQL DBMS. See the UTF-8 Encoding topic in the Outbound Contact Deployment Guide. (OUTBOUND-10792)
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
OCS no longer loads Campaign callback records repeatedly causing high CPU usage under the following conditions:
or strict
.When switching from backup to primary mode, OCS now connects to DB Server and retrieves records of all running Campaign Groups in the same way as the primary OCS does when a new Campaign Group is run. Previously, OCS did not retrieve any records of Campaign Groups if they were run before OCS switched from backup to primary mode. (OUTBOUND-10887)
OCS now correctly reconnects to DB Server after a connection between DB Server and RDBMS is restored. (OUTBOUND-10875, OUTBOUND-10796)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
Important: This update is no longer available as it did not function as expected. If you downloaded it, do not install it. The version 8.1.528.21 corrects the identified issue.
This release contains the following new features and functionality:
For Campaign Groups running in Last In First Out (LIFO) mode, OCS adds support for callback data when it is provided or dispositioned as a callback result. This enables a record to retain the callback date and time, and an agent ID when the Copy Contact (Delegate for Processing) Treatment is used to move the record from one list to another.
OCS now supports the following additional macro extensions in the Delegate For Processing Treatment:
Cloud only: OCS now supports accumulation and export of metrics using the new HTTP proxy request (HTTPProxyServiceMetricsRequest). Depending on the cloud-mode option value, the output will be either Prometheus metrics (cloud-mode=0
or not set) or Azure JSON (cloud-mode=1
). The new metrics are: ocs_info, ocs_http_requests, and ocs_http_responses. (OUTBOUND-10790)
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
OCS now correctly sets the GSW_CAMPAIGN_GROUP_ACTOR attribute to a value of 3 (Actor Type Self) in HTTP POST requests for the Campaign Group status on StopDialing and Unload if the Auto Completion feature is enabled. (OUTBOUND-10798)
OCS now correctly processes SR executions after a connection between DB Server and RDBMS is restored. Previously, disconnection between DB Server and RDBMS prevented OCS from further SR executions. (OUTBOUND-10796)
OCS now passes the correct record status values in history submissions that are sent to an external Web/Application Server regardless of the configured treatments. Previously, if the GSW_TREATMENT attribute was missing in the RecordProcessed event, the GSW_RECORD_STATUS attribute was not updated in history submissions properly. (OUTBOUND-10714, OUTBOUND-10746)
Disconnections between DB Server and RDBMS no longer lead to violations of the Do Not Call list. (OUTBOUND-10699)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
This is an update for this product. This release contains the following new features and functionality:
OCS can now communicate with both HTTP and HTTPS services via an HTTP tunneling proxy specified in the http-proxy option.
Default Value: An empty string
Valid Values: A string representing the URI of the HTTP tunneling proxy server supporting the HTTP CONNECT method, in the following format: http://<host>[:<port>][/<path to HTTP proxy server resource>]
Configuration Level: Application
Changes Take Effect: At the next HTTP connection (existing connections will keep using the previous settings)
Logical Group: HTTP-based Notifications, CX Contact
Specifies the URI of the HTTP tunneling proxy server supporting the HTTP CONNECT method.
OCS can now send the following timestamp attributes in history submissions while in Direct Push Preview and Preview dialing modes:
OCS now supports the following databases: Oracle 19c and Oracle 19c RAC. See the Outbound Contact page in the Genesys Supported Operating Environment Reference Guide for more detailed information and a list of all supported databases. (OUTBOUND-10611)
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
OCS now correctly populates fields with integer values that are passed to the SCXML treatment script. Previously, starting with release 8.1.522.05, OCS did not populate the values. (OUTBOUND-10640)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
This is an update for this product. This release contains the following new feature:
There are no corrections or modifications in this release.
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
This is a hot fix for this product. This release contains the following new features or functionality:
OCS can now process SEventRunModeInfo notifications from Stat Server. When the received SEventRunModeInfo event contains LongValue=0 (Backup Mode) and the new stat-server-ha option is set to true
, OCS closes the connection to that Stat Server and attempts connecting to a backup Stat Server. This OCS behavior is recommended in configurations where Stat Server is configured to keep the listener port opened in backup mode.
Default Value: false
Valid Values: yes/true, no/false
Configuration Levels: Application
Changes Take Effect: At the next RunModeInfo message arrival from Stat Server
Logical Group: Real Time Reporting
Specifies how OCS handles SEventRunModeInfo notifications from Stat Server:
or false
, OCS ignores SEventRunModeInfo notifications.yes
or true
and an SEventRunModeInfo notification contains LongValue=0 (Backup Mode), OCS closes the connection to that Stat Server and attempts connecting to a backup Stat Server.(OUTBOUND-10895)
There are no corrections or modifications in this release.
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
This is a hot fix for this product. This release contains no new features or functionality.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
OCS now passes the correct record status values in history submissions that are sent to an external Web/Application Server regardless of the configured treatments. Previously, if the GSW_TREATMENT attribute was missing in the RecordProcessed event, the GSW_RECORD_STATUS attribute was not updated in history submissions properly. (OUTBOUND-10714)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
This is a hot fix for this product. This release contains the following new features and functionality:
In configurations using Dynamic Agent Assignments functionality, OCS now supports an optional ability to process ClaimAgentsFromOCS requests from URS on all OCS instances, regardless of the target OCS application specified in the ClaimAgentsFromOCS request. This new functionality is supported by the following new OCS option:
Default Value: false
Valid Values: yes/true, no/false
Configuration Level: Application
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Logical Groups: Dynamic Agent Assignments
This option controls how OCS handles ClaimAgentsFromOCS requests received from URS over a Communication DN. If this option is set to true
, OCS disregards the Target Application ID parameter of a ClaimAgentsFromOCS request and processes this request as if a Target Application ID of the request equals the Application ID of the processing OCS. If this option is set to false
, OCS processes a ClaimAgentsFromOCS request only if the Target Application ID parameter of the request matches the actual Application ID of the processing OCS.
GSW_BLOCKING_RULE—The name of the rule that caused a negative result of pre-dial validation. OCS may receive it from a third-party validation server in a negative validation response.
GSW_BLOCKING_RULE_TYPE —The type of the compliance object that caused a negative result of pre-dial validation (for example, Mandatory Suppression List, Custom Compliance Rule, and so on). OCS may receive it from a third-party validation server in a negative validation response.
There are no corrections or modifications in this release.
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
This is a hot fix for this product. This release contains no new features or functionality.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
While working in CX Contact mode, OCS now properly handles Outbound Schedules created for different time zones. (OUTBOUND-10672)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
This is an update for this product. This release contains the following new features and functionality:
OCS now supports Power and Predictive GVP dialing modes for the Outbound Schedules. (OUTBOUND-10680)
Support for:
See the Outbound Contact page in the Genesys Supported Operating Environment Reference Guide for more detailed information and a list of all supported operating systems, databases, and virtualization platforms. (OUTBOUND-10454)
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
When a dial log stamp has been made for a record before a call is actually dialed, OCS now prints the call_time field with the 0
(zero) integer value in a log. Previously, OCS incorrectly logged random values in the call_time field in this scenario. (OUTBOUND-10649)
OCS can now open simple TLS connections to pre-dial validation services without setting configuration options in the [security] section in the corresponding Host object Annex. See the Pre-Dial Validation section in the Outbound Contact 8.1 Deployment Guide for more information. (OUTBOUND-10598)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
This is an update for this product. This release contains the following new features and functionality:
OCS now supports Outbound Schedules in CX Contact. See CX Contact product page for details.
The following new options support this feature:
Default Value: An empty string
Valid Values: Any valid URI
Configuration Level: Application
Changes Take Effect: At the next activation of the schedule item
Logical Groups: Outbound Schedule
Specifies the URI of the external system (Campaign Manager) to which OCS sends Campaign Group pre-load requests.
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Configuration Level: Application
Changes Take Effect: At the next activation of the schedule item
Logical Groups: Outbound Schedule
Specifies whether OCS sends POST requests with Schedule state changes.
Default Value: An empty string
Valid Values: Any valid URI
Configuration Level: Application
Changes Take Effect: At the next activation of the schedule item
Logical Groups: Outbound Schedule
Specifies the URI of the external system (Campaign Manager) to which OCS sends Outbound Schedule states.
To support Outbound Schedules in CX Contact, OCS can now submit HTTP POST requests to an external Web/Application Server to report Outbound Schedule state changes and Outbound Schedule commands executions. (OUTBOUND-10605)
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
For Campaign Groups running in Last In First Out (LIFO) mode, OCS now correctly handles user-defined fields (other1-other20 and other21+) key-value pairs provided in LIFO Add Record requests. OCS now processes user fields based on the value of the send_attribute key. Previously, OCS erroneously used field database names instead of the configured send_attribute key value. (OUTBOUND-10633)
For Campaign Groups running in LIFO mode, OCS now handles missing user-defined fields (other1-other20) key-value pairs provided in LIFO Add Record requests as if they were provided with an empty string value. This allows OCS to properly attach those fields to the user data of outbound calls and outbound interactions and allows the agent desktop to update values of those fields. (OUTBOUND-10634)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
This is an update for this product. This release contains the following new features and functionality:
OCS now applies the default_campaigncallback_priority, default_campaignrescheduled_priority, and default_general_priority options configured at a Campaign Group or OCS Application level to set the priority of record types and the number of records to fetch for dialing if OCS does not receive them in Load, StartDialing, and/or SetDialingMode requests.
Note: For OCS, these options must be configured in the standard sections specified in the Outbound Contact Server Deployment Guide. For Genesys Administrator, these options are configured in the Outbound section.
OCS now supports Virtual Agent Groups based on LoggedIn criteria when working with Stat Server version and later, as these versions do not generate a TargetUpdated event for these Agent Groups when an agent logs out or becomes out of service. Instead of this event, OCS uses a TargetRemoved event with the agent status of NotMonitored. Previously, OCS used a TargetUpdated event in this scenario and ignored a TargetRemoved event with the agent status of NotMonitored.
For backward compatibility, the following new option is implemented:
Default Values: false
Valid Values: yes/true, no/false
Configuration Level: Application
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Logical Groups: Agent Desktop
This option specifies whether OCS accepts or ignores a TargetRemoved event with the agent status of NotMonitored that is generated by Stat Server.
When set to false
, OCS processes a TargetRemoved event with the agent status of NotMonitored in the same way as a TargetUpdated event. When set to true
, OCS ignores a TargetRemoved event with the agent status of NotMonitored as the previous OCS versions did.
Note: Genesys recommends keeping this option set to its default value unless explicitly instructed otherwise by Genesys Customer Care.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
OCS no longer terminates unexpectedly in the following scenario:
(OUTBOUND-10546, OUTBOUND-10553)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
This is an update for this product. This release contains the following new features and functionality:
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
OCS now correctly applies a RequestRecordCancel or DoNotCall request by a phone number or a customer ID, if OCS receives it in the process of retrieving an affected chain, that is, after OCS has retrieved the first record of this chain and before OCS retrieves the last record of this chain. Previously, OCS did not update all the records of the chain and did not unload the Campaign Group while processing the Unload request in this scenario. (OUTBOUND-10486)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
There are no restrictions for this release. This release contains the following new features or functionality:
Support for the PostgreSQL 10.10 database. See the Outbound Contact section of the Supported Operating Environment Reference for more detailed information and a list of all supported databases. (OUTBOUND-10474)
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
OCS now correctly updates a predictive outbound call as Abandoned in the following scenario:
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
There are no restrictions for this release. This release contains the following new features or functionality:
Not supported in CX Contact mode
response (in the GSW_ERROR attribute). (OUTBOUND-10420)
Apply to Record
action set to Redial
and the Apply to Call
outcome set to Transfer
or Connect
. Previously, this combination of Apply to Record
actions and Apply to Call
outcomes for the Answering Machine Detected treatment was not officially supported, and OCS incorrectly calculated the rescheduled time if it was applied after another treatment configured for a different call result. (OUTBOUND-10356)
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
OCS continues monitoring an outbound call in the following scenario:
.OCS no longer allows an agent to update the chain of records related to a call after the agent has transferred the call to a known DN. Previously, starting with OCS version 8.1.503.14, OCS erroneously allowed the agent to update the chain of records in this scenario. (OUTBOUND-10416)
When the backup OCS instance is stopped, it no longer generates Campaign Group User Event statistics on a Communication DN. When OCS is stopping, these User Events are now only generated by the primary OCS instance. Previously, in the process of stopping, the backup OCS instance incorrectly generated User Event statistics about stopped and unloaded Campaign Groups. (OUTBOUND-10378)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
There are no restrictions for this release. This release contains the following new features or functionality:
Important: Starting with this release, FlexNet Publisher License Manager version 11.13+ is required for OCS.
OCS now supports load distribution when operating in SIP Cluster deployments with multiple nodes in auto-dial modes. SIP Cluster load balancing for ASM mode is supported by the following new OCS option:
Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: The valid DBID of the primary SIP Server Application object
Configuration Level: Agent Group object
Changes Take Effect: After Campaign Group restart
Specifies the DBID of the SIP Server Application object that a Campaign Group is using to dial outbound and engaging calls in these ASM modes: Progressive with Seizing and Predictive with Seizing. The same SIP Server application must be present on the OCS Application Connections tab.
When OCS reconnects to Configuration Server, OCS now rereads (synchronizes) the configuration data and reregisters the required object types in Configuration Server regardless of History Log availability in situations where the previous process of rereading the configuration data was not completed. Previously, when OCS reconnected to Configuration Server, OCS reread the configuration data and reregistered the required object types only if the History Log was unavailable. (OUTBOUND-10255)
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
OCS now applies the current value of the DBMS Name, Database Name, User Name, and Password that are configured in the Database Access Point when OCS reconnects to DB Server. Previously, OCS applied the values of these parameters when a Campaign Group was loaded. Because of that, it was necessary to unload all Campaign Groups if, for instance, the database password was changed. (OUTBOUND-10375)
In CX Contact mode, OCS now properly retrieves records from calling lists that contain Other21+ fields. It also ignores those fields when the PostgreSQL tablefunc extension is not present in the outbound database. Previously, OCS did not retrieve records from those calling lists. In order to use the Other21+ fields, you must create a tablefunc extension. (OUTBOUND-10334)
OCS no longer counts outbound calls with the User Data attached by OCS as inbound calls if SIP Server is operating in a multisite environment and changes their type to inbound
. Previously, OCS counted such calls as inbound calls after OCS finalized their records, which slowed down the dialing pace. (OUTBOUND-10329)
When working in Assured Connection mode, OCS now sends all campaign status notifications—including CampaignGroupAssigned and CampaignStarted, if they are required—to an agent desktop after the agent has processed an assured call. Previously, OCS stopped sending CampaignGroupAssigned and CampaignStarted notifications in this scenario. (OUTBOUND-10278)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
This is an update for this product. This release contains the following new features or functionality:
OCS now applies the report-procedure-body and report-procedure-location options at the OCS Application level to create the custom reporting stored procedure for a Calling List used by a Campaign if the report-procedure-body option is configured neither in this Calling List object nor in this Campaign object. The report-procedure-body option at the OCS Application level must be configured in a string format. (OUTBOUND-10291)
OCS now supports load distribution when operating in SIP Cluster deployments with multiple nodes in Power GVP and Progressive GVP modes. SIP Cluster load balancing mode is enabled by the following new OCS options:
Default Value: none
Valid Values: none, round-robin
Configuration Level: OCS Application
Changes Take Effect: After OCS restart
If set to none
(the default), OCS does not apply load balancing between SIP Cluster nodes. If set to round-robin
, OCS applies load balancing between SIP Cluster nodes in a standard round-robin fashion.
Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: The valid DBID of the primary SIP Server Application object
Configuration Level: OCS Application
Changes Take Effect: After OCS restart
Specifies the DBID of the primary SIP Server Application object in one of the SIP Cluster nodes, the "prime" SIP Cluster node, which OCS will use to register and monitor all DNs. The same SIP Server application must be present on the OCS Application Connections tab.
This update does not include any corrections.
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
This is an update for this product. This release contains the following new features or functionality:
OCS adds the GSW_CONTACT_MEDIA_TYPE attribute to pre-dial validation and history HTTP POST submissions with the following values:
or email
as defined by the media_type option.sms
—if the Digital Dialer is used, for instance, when the Send SMS
treatment is
—if the contact_info_type
record field is set to E-Mail Address
—if the contact_info_type
record field is set to No Contact Type
—for other values of the contact_info_type
record field.(OUTBOUND-10182)
This update does not include any corrections.
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
This is a hot fix for this product. This release contains no new features or functionality.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
OCS no longer terminates unexpectedly in the following scenario:
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
This is a hot fix for this product. This release does not contain new features or functionality.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
OCS now correctly retrieves records from the database after applying the explicit
or contact
Time Zone source setting in CX Contact mode, if the tz_dbid field is populated with the DBID of a non-existing Time Zone configuration object (for example, -1
). Previously, OCS rejected retrieved records in this scenario. (OUTBOUND-10494)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
This is a hot fix for this product. This release does not contain new features or functionality.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
While working in OCS/Engage mode, OCS no longer stops requesting contacts from Engage, when OCS is waiting for a response to the previous request. If OCS does not receive a response, it sends the request to Engage after the configured timeout expires. Previously, OCS stopped requesting contacts from Engage and was sending multiple "waiting response" notifications.
OCS now supports the following configuration option:
Default Value: 180
Valid Values: 60
up to the maximum integer
Changes Take Effect: Next request
Configuration Level: OCS Application
Logical Groups: <only for the OCS/Engage mode>
Defines the maximum time, in seconds, that OCS waits for the response to the request for new work items (contacts) from Engage. If the timeout expires before OCS receives the response, OCS closes the connection if it has been established and sends the new request. (OUTBOUND-10370)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
This is a hot fix for this product. This release does not contain new features or functionality.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
OCS no longer terminates unexpectedly while applying the ''Delegate for processing'' treatment if one of the following options is not configured in the Treatment configuration object: treatment-action-uri, http-headers, or http-body. (OUTBOUND-10177)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
This is an update for this product. This release contains the following new features or functionality:
This update does not include any corrections.
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
This is a hot fix for this product. This release does not contain new features or functionality.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
OCS now ignores a calling list if its Table Access object is associated with a Format object that does not contain the following mandatory Fields: Contact Info, Chain, Number in Chain, Record ID, and Agent. In this scenario, OCS logs the new Standard message 61017:
Std 61017 Missing mandatory fields in format <Format Name>. Calling list <Calling List Name> is ignored.
Previously, OCS sometimes terminated unexpectedly when processing a Do Not Call request by phone number or customer ID for that calling list.
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
This is an update for this product. This release contains the following new features or functionality:
OCS now supports the stat-hit-ratio-count configuration option for calculating and submitting Hit Ratio of Campaign Groups and Calling Lists to the external Web/Application Server.
Default Value: 33
Valid Values: One or more call results (integer values per GctiCallState enum, separated by a comma), or all
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Configuration Level: Campaign Group, OCS Application
Specifies the call results for which OCS counts all established calls as answered calls when calculating and submitting the Hit Ratio of Campaign Groups and Calling Lists to the external Web/Application Server. If set to all
, OCS counts all successful calls (such as Answer, Answering machine, Fax, Silence). When the option is changed for a running Campaign Group, OCS resets the counters and starts calculating the new Hit Ratio.
Examples: stat-hit-ratio-count = all
, stat-hit-ratio-count = 33,32
OCS now supports the following new configuration option:
Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: never, phone, clientid, always
Configuration Level: Calling List (first priority), Campaign (second priority)
Changes Take Effect: Next dial attempt
Logical Group: Pre-dial Validation
Specifies the OCS behavior for pre-dial validation. Valid values:
—OCS does not detect race
—OCS detects race conditions by a phone number only.clientid
—OCS detects race conditions by a customer ID only.always
—OCS detects race conditions by a phone number and a customer ID.This option is used for pre-dial validation only. It is not used for pre-desktop validation, because of on pre-desktop validation there is some time gap before calling and this time gap is used for other attempts to validate a record. So the race-condition detection for pre-desktop validation is always performed by a phone number and a customer ID.
Warning! Setting the option value to any value except always
will impact the OCS compliance with regulatory requirements and may cause double dialing.
This update includes the following corrections and modifications:
OCS now correctly escapes the control characters—quotation mark (''), forward slash (/), back slash (\)—in the JSON body of the pre-dial validation requests sent to the third-party Web/Application Server. Such control characters might be present in a pre-dial validation request if they are entered in the calling list table (for example, in user-defined fields). Previously, OCS did not escape JSON values, resulting in the incorrect JSON body of the pre-dial validation request. (OUTBOUND-10123)
While unloading or force unloading a Campaign Group, OCS no longer executes late SCXML actions for chains that have already been finalized and chains that have not been dialed. Previously, those late SCXML actions sometimes caused OCS to stop the process of unloading a Campaign Group. (OUTBOUND-10120)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
This is an update for this product. This release contains the following new features or functionality:
This update includes the following corrections and modifications:
OCS no longer terminates if the SCXML script applies the value of -2147483648
in the set_flex_attr action. (OUTBOUND-10105)
OCS now closes third-party HTTP connections to a port that is used for communication between OCS and OCS HTTP Proxy. Previously, OCS did not close these connections, which sometimes caused excessive CPU consumption up to 100%. (OUTBOUND-10086)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
This is an update for this product. This release contains the following new features or functionality:
OCS now supports custom security-related headers sent by the OCS HTTP Server in HTTP responses. A new Application-level option http-custom-headers allows you to specify custom headers sent in OCS HTTP Server responses.
Default Value: An empty string
Valid Values: Custom HTTP headers in the following format:
<header1_name>: <header1_value>[|<header2_name>: <header2_value>...]
Changes Take Effect: After OCS Application restart
Configuration Level: OCS Application
Specifies the custom HTTP headers. In the valid values format, the header name and its value are delimited with a colon followed by a space (: ), and headers are delimited with a pipe (|).
Example: http-custom-headers = X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN|X-XSS-Protection:1; mode=block|X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff|Content-Security-Policy: script-src 'self'; object-src 'self'|Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
When working with the PostgreSQL database, OCS now recreates the temporary database entities (such as the ReadyRecord table) after the OCS connection to DB Server has been lost and restored. Previously, OCS did not recreate the temporary database entities in this scenario, which caused OCS to stop retrieving new records from the database. (OUTBOUND-10039)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
This is an update for this product. This release does not contain new features or functionality.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
OCS no longer terminates in the following scenario:
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
This is a hot fix for this product. This release contains the following new features or functionality:
, OCS now applies a regular or SCXML treatment in the following scenario:
call result and applies a treatment.Stale
call result without applying any treatment in this scenario.
This release does not include any corrections.
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
This is a hot fix for this product. This release does not contain new features or functionality.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
When running in Preview dialing mode, OCS now correctly retrieves records from the database for a Campaign Group that is configured with a Trunk Group DN. Previously, OCS sometimes retrieved records with a 100-second delay. (OUTBOUND-10020)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
There are no restrictions for this release. This release does not contain new features or functionality.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
OCS now accepts desktop requests and properly updates records in the following scenario:
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.
There are no restrictions for this release. This release does not contain new features or functionality.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
OCS HTTP Proxy no longer sends its log events to the OCS console standard
output (stdout
) if, in the [log] section of the OCS
Application object, the all, standard, trace, and
debug options are not configured or are set to an empty string
). (OUTBOUND-9932)
OCS no longer continuously generates multiple notifications in logs, if the
send-campaigngroup-states option is set to false
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.
There are no restrictions for this release. This release contains the following new features or functionality:
OCS now submits notifications periodically about active Campaign Groups via HTTP POST requests to an external system (Web or Application Server). (OUTBOUND-9680)
OCS now submits notifications about changes in the status of Campaign Groups via HTTP POST requests to an external system (Web or Application Server). (OUTBOUND-9678)
This release also includes the following correction or modification:
When OCS switches from backup to primary mode, OCS now connects to DB Server and retrieves the necessary records, including Personal callbacks for all active (previously loaded or stopped) Campaign Groups. Previously in this scenario, OCS did not retrieve any records for Campaign Groups if they were loaded or stopped before the OCS switchover. (OUTBOUND-8955)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.
This is a hot fix for this product. This release does not contain new features or functionality.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
OCS now updates a Preview, Personal CallBack, or Campaign CallBack record with the correct call result of No Answer in the following scenario:
option is set to -1
.Previously in this scenario, OCS updated a record with the incorrect call result of Answer.
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.
There are no restrictions for this release. This release contains the following new features or functionality:
Support for IBM DB2 10.5 database. See the Outbound Contact section of the Supported Operating Environment Reference for more detailed information and a list of all supported databases.(OUTBOUND-9790)
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
OCS now correctly applies new parameters of a dialing filter when the filter is changed, in the following scenario:
OCS now updates the Treatments
field of chain records with the
required information when OCS is ready to unload this chain with any of the following treatments to the chain:
Next in chain
Next in chain after
Next in chain at specified date
Retry in
Retry at specified date
Previously, OCS sometimes did not update the Treatments
field in
scenarios when a dialing filter was changed or a campaign group was unloaded.
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.
Note: This release of Outbound Contact Server was originally released as a Hot Fix on February 16, 2018. Support for the AIX and Solaris operating systems were added, and on February 26, 2016, the release type changed from Hot Fix to General.
There are no restrictions for this release. This section describes new features that were introduced in this release of Outbound Contact Server.
Support for the new OCS option predictive_min_overdial_rate
to define the lower threshold of the overdial rate, below which
the dialing mode switches from Progressive back to Predictive Dialing. Use this
option only with the predictive_max_overdial_rate
For more information about this option, see its description in the "OCS Option Descriptions" section of the Outbound Contact 8.1 Deployment Guide.
New HTTP Requests for the campaigngroups
resource, as follows:
For more information about these new requests, refer to the "HTTP Requests for the campaigngroups Resource" section in the Outbound Contact Reference Manual.
Support for the PostgreSQL 9.5 database. See the Outbound Contact section of the Supported Operating Environment Reference for more detailed information and a list of all supported databases. (OUTBOUND-9787)
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
In cases when a record is retrieved repeatedly because its status was manually changed from Retrieved to Ready in a calling list used by a running or active Campaign Group, OCS now correctly deletes all duplicated records. Previously in this scenario, OCS used every second duplicate of a retrieved record and reported it to ICON. (OUTBOUND-9768)
When using a PostgreSQL database, OCS now supports the use of quoted and unquoted identifiers in Field names when creating a dialing record, in accordance with the PostgreSQL SQL Syntax Specification. (OUTBOUND-9722)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
This is a hot fix for this product. This release does not contain new features or functionality.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
OCS no longer terminates unexpectedly when processing RequestRecordCancel requests from an agent's desktop. (OUTBOUND-9770)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
There are no restrictions for this release. This section describes new features that were introduced in this release of Outbound Contact.
OCS can now complete a Campaign Group automatically under the following conditions:
Refer to the Campaign Group Auto Completion page for a more detailed description of this feature. (OUTBOUND-9677)
OCS now submits call report records via an HTTP POST request to Web or Application Server. OCS delivers the specifically-formed HTTP POST twice - when the call starts and when the call is finalized. Refer to the Submitting Call Report Records page for a more detailed description of this feature. (OUTBOUND-9676)
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
OCS no longer terminates unexpectedly in the following scenario:
option of the dialing filter is configured with a non-empty string.RequestRecordCancel
).Previously, in this scenario, OCS terminated unexpectedly. (OUTBOUND-9731)
OCS now updates a record with the Answering Machine Detected
call result if an answering machine is detected for an outbound call in the following scenario:
Answering Machine Detected
call results.RecordProcessed
requests from the VoiceXML application (the ivr_record_processed
option is set to false
).Previously, in this scenario, OCS erroneously updated the record with the Answer
call result. (OUTBOUND-9710)
With the force-unload-wait-db option set to true, OCS now waits for database responses to all outstanding update requests before unloading a Campaign Group forcefully or non-forcefully. Previously, OCS unloaded the Campaign Group without waiting for database responses to update requests. (OUTBOUND-9704)
OCS now correctly completes an Outbound Schedule and calculates the next activation time for all Schedule items that are unloaded by an Unload, Force Unload, or Complete action or if they were already unloaded when OCS executed the schedule. Previously, in this scenario, OCS terminated unexpectedly. (OUTBOUND-9690)
OCS no longer terminates unexpectedly when the encoding option is configured with an invalid value, which is not supported by an International Components for Unicode (ICU) converter.
OCS now correctly processes an AddRecord request when the attribute value string is excessively long. Previously, OCS unexpectedly terminated if the string was too long. (OUTBOUND-9683)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
This is a hot fix for this product. This section describes new features that were introduced in this release of OCS.
In configurations using Dynamic Agent Assignments functionality, OCS now supports an optional ability to process ClaimAgentsFromOCS requests from URS on all OCS instances, regardless of the target OCS application specified in the ClaimAgentsFromOCS request. This new functionality is supported by the following new OCS option:
Default Value: false
Valid Values: yes/true, no/false
Configuration Level: Application
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Logical Groups: Dynamic Agent Assignments
This option controls how OCS handles ClaimAgentsFromOCS requests received from URS over a Communication DN. If this option is set to true
, OCS disregards the Target Application ID parameter of a ClaimAgentsFromOCS request and processes this request as if a Target Application ID of the request equals the Application ID of the processing OCS. If this option is set to false
, OCS processes a ClaimAgentsFromOCS request only if the Target Application ID parameter of the request matches the actual Application ID of the processing OCS.
There are no corrections or modifications in this release.
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
This section describes new features that were introduced in this release of Outbound Contact Server.
OCS now supports Do Not Call Duration functionality, which enables you to set an expiration date for a DNC request. To support this functionality, the following options have been added:
Option Name: dnc-use-duration
Default Value: false
Valid Value(s): true
, false
Configuration Level: Application
Changes Take Effect: After OCS restart
Option Name: dnc-default-duration
Default Value: 0
Valid Value(s): 0
Configuration Level: Application
Changes Take Effect: For subsequent DNC requests with the GSW_RECORD_HANDLE
Option Name: dnc-purge
Default Value: 0
Valid Value(s): 0
Configuration Level: Application or Table Access
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Refer to the Deploying Do Not Call Functionality page for a more detailed description of this feature.
OCS now supports the following operating systems:
See the Outbound Contact page in the Genesys Supported Operating Environment Reference Guide for more detailed information and a list of all supported operating systems.
OCS now supports MS SQL Server 2016 Enterprise and MS SQL 2016 Cluster. See the Outbound Contact page in the Genesys Supported Operating Environment Reference Guide for more detailed information and a list of all supported databases. (OUTBOUND-10055)
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
If connection to the primary DB Server specified in the Database Access Point is lost, OCS now correctly connects to the backup DB Server. Previously, starting in Version 8.1.508.04, OCS was unable to connect to the backup DB Server if connection to the primary DB Server was lost. (OUTBOUND-9655)
OCS now correctly masks the values in record fields in messages sent to ICON for options configured in the log-filter and log-filter-data sections. (OUTBOUND-9597)
OCS now recognizes an agent if the agent's DN is moved from one Place to another during a lost connection between OCS and Configuration Server. Previously, if OCS lost connection to Configuration Server and received a History Log Expired notification from Configuration Server upon re-establishing the connection, the agent logging in from the new Place was not properly recognized. (OUTBOUND-9664)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
This is a hot fix for this product. This section describes new features that were introduced in this release of Outbound Contact Server.
This release contains modifications to support Genesys Cloud implementations only. (OUTBOUND-9596)
There are no corrections or modifications for this release.
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
This is a hot fix for this product. This section describes new features that were introduced in this release of Outbound Contact Server.
OCS now correctly processes HTTP requests in the following scenario:
Previously in this scenario, OCS considered connection to HTTP Proxy broken and did not attempt to re-establish this connection. (OUTBOUND-9564)
OCS now supports Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.2 for Windows platforms. (OUTBOUND-9557)
OCS now supports masking of customer treatment information in T-Library messages in OCS logs, in the following attributes:
To use this feature, set the hide-tlib-sensitive-data
option to true
in the log-filter
section of OCS Application. For more information about this option, refer to the Common Configuration Options section of the Framework 8.5 Configuration Options Reference Manual.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
In cases where ignore-empty-group
is set to true
and no agents are logged into the Campaign Group, if changes are made to a dialing filter parameters, OCS now correctly applies those changes. Previously, in this scenario, OCS ignored dialing filter changes. (OUTBOUND-9583)
In Push Preview dialing mode with the recall-on-unload
option set to always
, if a Campaign Group is unloaded non-forcefully, OCS now waits for database responses for all update requests. Previously, the Campaign Group unloaded without waiting for responses to record update requests, leaving records in a retrieved status. (OUTBOUND-9579)
OCS now sends metrics to ICON for a calling list that is configured as inactive — the Active
check box in the Calling List
tab of the Campaign object
is marked False
or the Share(List Weight)
is set to 0
— for some of the running or active Campaign Groups. Previously, if a calling list was marked as inactive for one Campaign Group and active for another Campaign Group, OCS might not have sent the calling list metrics to ICON. (OUTBOUND-9541)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
This is a hot fix for this product. This section describes new features that were introduced in this release of Outbound Contact Server.
Option Name:on-schedule-disable
Default Value:next_cycle
Valid Values:next_cycle
Configuration Level: Outbound Schedule Script object (default
section only), OCS Application
Changes take effect: The next time an Outbound Schedule is disabled.
Note: Genesys recommends that this option be configured at the OCS Application level.
When set to next_cycle
, OCS continues executing Schedule actions; disabling takes effect on the next execution cycle of the Schedule (it is not activated).
When set to disable_actions
, OCS stops executing further schedule actions without changing the states of Schedule items.
When set to terminate
, OCS stops executing further Schedule actions, and sends the Complete command (stop, if required, followed by unload) to all active or running Schedule items.
Regardless of the option value, OCS does not activate a disabled Outbound Schedule at the next activation time. (OUTBOUND-9542)
There are no corrections or modifications for this release.
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
This is a hot fix for this product. This section describes new features that were introduced in this release of Outbound Contact Server.
Option Name:pa-progressive-multiplier
Default Value:1
Valid Values:0
(maximum integer or floating point number; decimal point is delimiter, regardless of the locale)
Configuration Level: Campaign Group, Application
Changes take effect: Immediately
field to the User Data of a new record created by a AddRecord
request if the send_attribute
option is configured for the record_id
field. (OUTBOUND-9496)
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
OCS no longer terminates unexpectedly in the following scenario:
daily from
and daily till
or DoNotCall
request with GSW_CHAIN_ATTR = RecordOnly
and the telephone number of the record that is outside of the daily from
- daily till
OCS now applies the correct call result of Cancel
(code 52) to the record in the following scenario:
in the JSON body, or does not have a JSON body at all.
Previously, in this scenario, OCS incorrectly applied a call result of OK
(code 0) to the record. (OUTBOUND-9523)
OCS now correctly applies values configured in the DBMS Name
, Database Name
, User Name
, or Password
fields of a Database Access Point configuration object when the values are longer than 63 characters. Previously, OCS had a 64-character limitation for these fields. (OUTBOUND-9533)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
There are no restrictions for this release. This section describes new features that were introduced in this release of Outbound Contact Server.
Support for MS SQL Server 2014 database. See the Supported Operating Environment: Outbound Contact page for more detailed information and a list of all supported databases. (OUTBOUND-9464)
Support for Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V operating system. See the Supported Operating Environment: Outbound Contact page for more detailed information and a list of all supported operating systems. (OUTBOUND-9397)
When the SIP Server divert-on-ringing
option is configured as false
, OCS now correctly processes a record that is in a ringing state in the following scenario:
OCS now continues to execute SCXML actions for a chain when OCS is configured to use SCXML treatments and an error occurs when an SCXML instance requests at least one make_call
or timeout
action. (OUTBOUND-9473)
OCS now correctly processes a record in the following scenario:
Previously, OCS incorrectly finalized the calls as Dropped
. (OUTBOUND-9461)
OCS now supports HTTP AddRecord
requests that are encoded with UTF-8. (OUTBOUND-9440, OUTBOUND-9403)
OCS now includes the call duration of an outbound call in the predictive algorithm statistics if an agent who has received this call is reassigned to the inbound activity. (OUTBOUND-9393)
) and the CallGUID
to ICON when a predictive outbound call is released remotely (CallState=5
). (OUTBOUND-9370)
For campaigns running in Power GVP dialing mode, OCS does not apply RequestRecordCancel
to a call that is in the process of dialing, even if the cancel-on-desktop
option was set to true
. Now, OCS logs the following warning message when it is not able to cancel an active call after receiving a cancellation request: Warning: GVP IP call in progress, while processing RequestRecordCancel
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
OCS now sends the correct name of a Campaign Group in the CurrentAgentAssignment
statistics to Stat Server after an Agent Group related to this Campaign Group is changed. (OUTBOUND-9470)
OCS no longer terminates unexpectedly when an assured engaging call is established on an agent's DN without the required user data. (OUTBOUND-9422)
OCS now sends a DB Error message (GSW_ERROR_NUMBER = 113
) to an agent desktop when a ChainedRecordRequest
request is received while OCS is in the process of retrieving the DoNotCall table. Previously, in this scenario, OCS incorrectly updated the records as NoCall
. (OUTBOUND-9395)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
This is a hot fix for this product. This release contains no new features or functionality.
This release includes the following correction and modification:
OCS now correctly frees memory when processing SCXML treatments. Previously, on Windows and Red Hat Linux platforms, OCS may have failed to free memory allocated for SCXML treatment script processing. (OUTBOUND-9421)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
This is a hot fix for this product. This section describes new features that were introduced in this release of OCS.
OCS now supports HTTP Pipelining for Pragma HTTP headers and also returns HTTP/1.1 200 OK
in response to an HTTP AddRecord
request. (OUTBOUND-9314, OUTBOUND-9266)
OCS now supports the Direct Push Preview dialing mode. In this mode, OCS pushes preview records to agent desktops by sending unsolicited User Events (GSW_USER_EVENT = PushPreviewRecord
) to Push Preview Ready agents. Direct Push Preview does not require a connection to Interaction Server. Records are pushed to Push Preview Ready agents based on their availability, as calculated by OCS. OCS will keep N
records on each Push Preview Ready agent desktop (where N
>=1), provided there are sufficient records in the OCS buffers.
The following new OCS configuration options are introduced to support this feature:
Option Name:direct-push-preview
Default Value:false
Valid Values:true
Configuration Level: Application/Campaign Group
Changes take effect: Next Campaign Group activation
Description: Controls the dialing mode that OCS uses for a Campaign Group that is started in Push Preview dialing mode. A value offalse
indicates that the Campaign Group will run in Push Preview mode with Interaction Server. A value oftrue
indicates that the Campaign Group will run in Direct Push Preview mode, even if Interaction Server is present in the Campaign Group connections.
Option Name:desktop-chains-limit
Default Value:1
Valid Values: Integer, from1
Configuration Level: Application/Agent Group
Changes take effect: Next Campaign Group activation
Description: Controls how many preview interactions can reside simultaneously at an agent's desktop. A preview interaction is a chain of records delivered to an agent's desktop by a User Event, such as in Preview mode, Direct Push Preview Mode, Personal Callback (in any mode), Personal Rescheduled (in any mode), or Campaign Callback (if configured to be delivered as a User Event).
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
OCS now supports the applying of an SCXML treatment when OCS receives a RecordProcessed
request that contains the RecordTreatPersonal
value of the GSW_TREATMENT
attribute. (OUTBOUND-9373)
In multi-site configurations, when the option divert-on-ringing
is set to false
, OCS now correctly processes a call in the following scenario:
message from the first T-Server/SIP Server after receiving the EventEstablished
message related to the agent's DN from the second T-Server/SIP Server.
Previously, in this scenario, OCS did not correctly clear the call from the Outbound Queued counter. (OUTBOUND-9379)
In VoIP environments, when the option call_transfer_type
is set to two_step
, OCS now correctly transfers calls to the Voice Transfer Destination (VTD). Previously, for two-step transfers, OCS incorrectly finalized the calls as Dropped
OCS now connects to all dialers (T-Servers, SIP Servers, and so on) that are specified in the Connections tab of the OCS application object and are in an enabled state, even if one of the specified servers is disabled. Previously, in this scenario, OCS might fail to connect to a dialer in an enabled state if a server specified on the Connections tab was disabled. (OUTBOUND-9277)
In the following scenario, OCS now assigns the same Chain ID (chain_id
) value to a new chain as the value of the GSW_CHAIN_ID
attribute specified in an AddRecord
request with a non-zero value for the GSW_CHAIN_ID
attribute and without the GSW_CHAIN_N
attribute (or a value of zero for this attribute).
) specified in the GSW_CHAIN_ID
attribute and with the chain number (chain_n
) equal to 0
Previously, in this scenario, OCS sometimes incorrectly assigned the maximum value of chain_id
fields in the calling list to new chains instead of the value of the GSW_CHAIN_ID
attribute. (OUTBOUND-9271)
OCS now generates the SPMax procedure for Oracle and PostgreSQL databases to delete previous records from the maxlistid
table when OCS receives subsequent AddRecord
requests without the GSW_CHAIN_N
attribute (or with a value of zero for this attribute) and with ascending values of the GSW_CHAIN_ID
attribute. (OUTBOUND-9269)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
This is a hot fix for this product. This section describes new features that were introduced in this release of OCS:
This release contains modifications to support Genesys Cloud implementations only. (OUTBOUND-9348)
There are no corrections or modifications for this release.
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
This is a hot fix for this product. This release contains no new features or functionality.
This release includes the following correction and modification:
OCS no longer terminates unexpectedly while processing JavaScript code that is embedded in an SCXML treatment script. (OUTBOUND-9285)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
There are no restrictions for this release. This section describes new features that were introduced in this release of Outbound Contact Server.
OCS now writes all HTTP Proxy-related activity traces to a separate HTTP Proxy log. This log file is stored in the same location as the OCS log, but has the suffix _HTTPPRX
added to the filename. (OUTBOUND-9246)
The OCS HTTP Proxy now supports UTF-8 encoding. OCS sends the value of the encoding
option to the HTTP Proxy. (See OUTBOUND-8894 for a description of this option.) (OUTBOUND-9241)
OCS now supports national alphabet characters in the JSON body of the HTTP request for pre-dial validation. The following new option is introduced to support this functionality:
Option Name:encoding
Default Value: none
Valid Values: (see ICU Home Converter)
Configuration Level: Application
Changes take effect: After OCS restart
OCS now supports Answering Machine Detection (AMD) false positive and false negative rate determinations for campaigns running in ASM modes in a VoIP environment. (OUTBOUND-9057)
OCS now optimizes stored procedure input parameters for "parameter sniffing" on MS SQL Server, which improves the performance of stored procedures used to retrieve records from the calling list. (OUTBOUND-9090)
OCS now masks user data in the JSON body of HTTP requests and responses with "****" characters when the OCS and OCS HTTP Proxy logs are configured to hide user data. (OUTBOUND-9249)
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
For campaigns running in Predictive GVP dialing mode, OCS now correctly processes the record_processed
option setting if the value of the new ivr_record_processed
option is set to true
. Previously, OCS ignored the record_processed
option for Predictive GVP dialing mode and incorrectly finalized the chain.
The following new option is introduced to support this functionality:
Option Name:ivr_record_processed
Default Value:false
Valid Values:yes/true
Configuration Level: Application/Campaign Group
Changes take effect: Immediately
Description: Controls how OCS processes chain finalization in GVP dialing modes. This option works similar to therecord_processed
option, but enables you to configure different OCS processing options for agent-related dialing modes and GVP modes.
Note: In Progressive GVP dialing mode, if the ivr_record_processed
option is not set, OCS uses the value in the record_processed
option. (OUTBOUND-9233)
OCS now repeatedly executes instant actions configured in a Schedule item as repeatable when the conditions specified for these actions are met. Previously, in this scenario, OCS executed each action only once. (OUTBOUND-9197)
After a switchover from the primary to backup OCS is completed, OCS now continues to allocate ports within running Campaign Groups in the following scenario:
OCS now has no restrictions on the size of the where
and order by
clauses of the dialing filter stored in the criteria
and order_by
options of the Filter configuration object. Previously, OCS could terminate unexpectedly if the size of either of these clauses exceeded 16 kilobytes. (OUTBOUND-9133)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
This is a hot fix for this product. This release contains no new features or functionality.
This release includes the following correction and modification:
OCS no longer terminates unexpectedly while processing SCXML treatments. Previously, OCS sometimes terminated unexpectedly if a chain was removed from OCS memory while the SCXML session was still being processed. (This issue was fixed for Windows in release 8.1.503.16.) (OUTBOUND-9224)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
This is a hot fix for this product. This release contains no new features or functionality.
This release includes the following correction and modification:
OCS no longer terminates unexpectedly while processing SCXML treatments. Previously, OCS sometimes terminated unexpectedly if a chain was removed from OCS memory while the SCXML session was still being processed. (OUTBOUND-9224)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
This is a hot fix for this product. This section describes new features that were introduced in this release of OCS:
This release contains modifications to support Genesys Cloud implementations only. (OUTBOUND-9228)
There are no corrections or modifications for this release.
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
This is a hot fix for this product. This release contains no new features or functionality.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
OCS now allows an agent to modify a call record by Desktop protocol request if the call was transferred to an unknown DN and then the call entered a monitored queue. Previously, in this scenario, the agent could not update the call record. (OUTBOUND-9212)
OCS now returns an error to the agent's desktop when a call is transferred to an unknown DN and the record is requested to be processed. Previously, in this scenario, OCS returned an acknowledgement response but did not update the record. (OUTBOUND-9213)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
This is a hot fix for this product. This section describes new features that were introduced in this release of OCS:
OCS no longer appends the charset=utf-8
field to the headers of an HTTP request for pre-dial validation. Previously, OCS added this field to the headers of such requests. (OUTBOUND-9195)
OCS now enables you to limit the list of keys to be included with the JSON body of the HTTP request for pre-dial validation. This OCS behavior is controlled by the following new configuration option: validation-keys
Option Name:validation-keys
Default Value: Empty string (all keys are sent to pre-dial validation)
Valid Values: One or more key names, comma-separated
Configuration Level: Application and Calling List
Changes take effect: Immediately
Note: For this option, specify the list of key names (as configured by the
option for user-defined fields), not the calling list field names.
Previously, OCS always included all fields of the record with the JSON body of the HTTP request for pre-dial validation. (OUTBOUND-9193)
There are no corrections or modifications for this release.
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
This is a hot fix for this product. This release does not contain new features or functionality.
This release includes the following correction and modification:
OCS now correctly forcefully unloads a campaign in the following scenario:
Force Unload
command is executed.
Previously, in this scenario, the campaign could remain in Unloading
status indefinitely. (OUTBOUND-9181)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
This is a hot fix for this product. This section describes new features that were introduced in this release of Outbound Contact Server.
OCS now updates a record as stale
and deletes it from memory after receiving a MSG_ERROR
notification from the DB Server during the final request to update the record. Previously, OCS deleted such a record from memory only when a Campaign Group was unloaded. (OUTBOUND-9126)
The SCXML engine is optimized to improve its performance. (OUTBOUND-9074)
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
OCS now correctly processes the unloading of a campaign while Interaction Server is disconnected. Previously, if Interaction Server was disconnected while a campaign was being unloaded, OCS could terminate unexpectedly. (OUTBOUND-9158)
OCS now correctly processes SCXML treatment requests to print record field values that contain the %
(percent) character to the OCS log. Previously, in this scenario, OCS could terminate unexpectedly. (OUTBOUND-9139)
OCS now correctly processes the second ChainedRecordRequest
request from the agent's desktop in the following scenario:
and check_dnc_callback
options are set to true
request for the callback.
request for the callback.
response to the desktop.
OCS now correctly deletes an SCXML engine instance after switching to traditional treatments. Previously, in this scenario, OCS could terminate unexpectedly. (OUTBOUND-9107)
OCS now correctly switches to traditional treatments (if configured) in the following scenario:
action for the callback.
flag equal to the Switch.
or GroupCallbackError
call results because there is no available agent.
Previously, in this scenario, OCS erroneously sent the call result to the completed SCXML engine. (OUTBOUND-9087)
OCS now correctly increments the number of attempts for each RecordProcessed
request in the following scenario:
request for this call to OCS with the RecordTreatCampaign
value of the GSW_TREATMENT
request to finalize the chain.
Previously, in this scenario, OCS incorrectly incremented the number of attempts by two instead of one. (OUTBOUND-9104)
OCS now correctly completes the unloading of a campaign if a Force Unload
action is requested for this campaign when an SCXML treatment completes processing and switches to traditional treatments. Previously, in this scenario, the campaign could remain in Unloading forced
status indefinitely. (OUTBOUND-9161)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
This is a hot fix for this product. This section describes new features that were introduced in this release of OCS:
This release contains modifications to support Genesys Cloud implementations only. (OUTBOUND-9142, OUTBOUND-9145)
There are no corrections or modifications for this release.
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
This is a hot fix for this product. This section describes new features that were introduced in this release of OCS:
OCS now includes extended logging after reconnection to Configuration Server or Configuration Server Proxy. OCS will print Object Deltas for the object changes, which occurred while OCS was disconnected from Configuration Server. (OUTBOUND-9101)
This release includes the following corrections or modifications:
OCS now correctly processes responses from the pre-dial validation Web/Application Server. Previously, OCS could terminate unexpectedly when processing Web/Application Server validation responses. (OUTBOUND-9099)
OCS now correctly reads options from Campaign Groups, Calling Lists, and other configuration objects after reconnecting to the Configuration Server or Configuration Server Proxy. Previously, if the History Log was disabled or expired and OCS was disconnected from the Configuration Server or Configuration Server Proxy, some option values might become corrupted. (OUTBOUND-9114, OUTBOUND-9118)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
This is a hot fix for this product. This section describes new features that were introduced in this release of OCS:
Support for the following databases. See the Supported Operating Environment: Outbound Contact page for more detailed information and a list of all supported databases.
Oracle 12c RAC (OUTBOUND-8944)
MS SQL Server 2012 (OUTBOUND-9034)
OCS now has improved database access performance. (OUTBOUND-9012)
When applying an SCXML treatment, OCS now uses the record_id
element attribute of the make_call
action to dial a call for a record identified by this attribute. Previously, OCS dialed a call for a record that was selected for the previous next_record
action, with the exception of the first make_call
action, for which OCS used a record_id
element attribute.
Note: Genesys strongly recommends that SCXML scripts contain a response to the Error.Attribute
event that OCS might send to an SCXML instance. For example, OCS sends this event if it receives the make_call
action with the record_id
element attribute related to a record that OCS has deleted from memory. In response to the make_call
action for a deleted record, OCS sends the Error.Attribute
event, but does not send the ocs.callresult
event because it cannot dial a call for the deleted record. Therefore, to continue processing, SCXML treatments must include a response to the Error.Attribute
When outbound interactions are being processed by Interaction Server, OCS now provides the Agent DBID and DN DBID to ICON in chain-related reporting events when in Push Preview dialing mode.
Note: This functionality requires Interaction Server version or later.
OCS implements a safe mechanism to refer to the DB Record object from the Call object. Previously, in some complex scenarios, when the record is removed from memory but the call continues to exist, OCS terminated unexpectedly. (OUTBOUND-8950)
This release includes the following corrections or modifications:
OCS now correctly processes a CM_ReqDoNotCall
request from a third-party application when TargetAppDBID = 0
. Previously, in this scenario, OCS displayed the following error message: TargetAppID is unknown.
OCS now successfully reconnects to Stat Server if the connection is lost. Previously, OCS sometimes needed to be restarted to restore the lost connection. (OUTBOUND-9050)
OCS now correctly processes requests to load a Campaign Group, in the following scenario:
or DoNotCall
No active campaign found
in the GSW_ERROR
Previously, in this scenario, OCS could terminate unexpectedly. (OUTBOUND-9044)
OCS now correctly processes the updating of a record that was deleted from memory. Previously, if a Campaign Group was forcefully unloaded while OCS was attempting to update the deleted record, OCS could terminate unexpectedly. (OUTBOUND-8973)
OCS now correctly notifies Interaction Server when a record is marked as Stale. Previously, in scenarios where OCS received a user event for a record marked as Stale, OCS failed to send the request_stop_processing
notification to Interaction Server. (OUTBOUND-8962)
OCS now logs the correct host name for DB Server in the Std 04504
log message. Previously, in scenarios where a primary and backup DB Server pair was on warm standby, the incorrect host name was logged. (OUTBOUND-8943)
OCS now finalizes a chain in the following scenario:
time till/time from
, Next-in-Chain After
, or Next-in-Chain at Specified Date
treatment is configured for this call result.
time till/time from
boundaries of the previous record.
Previously, in this scenario, OCS dialed the previous record, which caused a violation of the maximum number of dialing attempts for other records in the chain. (OUTBOUND-8941)
OCS now correctly generates a SQL statement to update records in the database when it receives a DoNotCall
or RequestRecordCancel
request for a Customer ID that contains an apostrophe sign ('). (OUTBOUND-8918)
For each execution of the Reporting Stored Procedure, OCS now logs the SR return value (ReadyCount)
string with the value of ready chains returned by the Reporting Stored Procedure. (OUTBOUND-8847)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
This is a hot fix for this product. This release does not contain new features or functionality.
This release includes the following correction or modification:
A Campaign Group is correctly unloaded in the following scenario:
Previously in this scenario, OCS might fail to unload a Campaign Group. (OUTBOUND-9028)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
This is a hot fix for this product. This release does not contain new features or functionality.
This release includes the following corrections or modifications:
OCS now applies the configuration options specified for the Common Library timer controls, regardless of the configuration settings for the Audit Trail Log file.
Previously, if the log_call_stats
option was enabled OCS ignored the Common Library flexible timers configuration. (OUTBOUND-8971)
OCS now creates the new Stored Procedure (SP) and retrieves new records from the Calling List in the following scenario:
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
This is a hot fix for this product. This release does not contain new features or functionality.
This release includes the following correction or modification:
When applying an SCXML treatment, OCS now uses the record_id
element attribute of the make_call
action to dial a call for a record that is identified by this attribute. Previously, OCS would dial a call for a record that was selected by processing the previous next_record
custom action (with the exception of the first make_call
action, for which OCS used a record_id
element attribute).
Note: Genesys strongly recommends that SCXML scripts contain appropriate responses to the Error.Attribute
event that OCS might send to an SCXML instance. For example, OCS sends this event if it receives the make_call
action with the record_id
element attribute related to a record that it has already deleted from memory. OCS can delete a record for many reasons, such as when a record is outside of the time_from/time_till
boundaries or when it receives the Do Not Call request
for the record. In response to the make_call
action for a deleted record, OCS sends the Error.Attribute
event without sending the ocs.callresult
event because it is unable to dial a call for the deleted record. To continue processing the SCXML treatment, OCS must receive a response to the Error.Attribute
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
There are no restrictions for this release. This section describes new features that were introduced in this release of OCS:
OCS now generates an alarm message when the HTTP Proxy application (cm-http.exe
) is started, restarted, and stopped (message IDs 93150, 93151, 93152, 93153). (OUTBOUND-8886)
Note: The SCXML engine will not process more actions than the specified number, even if actions were already in the queue when processing starts.
The following new option is added to the scxml
section of the Annex tab in OCS:
Option Name:action-queue-quota
Default Value:10000
Valid Values: A positive integer, greater than10.
Changes take effect: After OCS is restarted.
Description: Specifies the number of action items to process from an SCXML action queue before returning control to OCS.
Note: This option is intended for the fine-tuning of SCXML engine performance. Genesys recommends that you keep the default value for this option. (OUTBOUND-8876)
OCS now properly synchronizes the agent assignment statistics with Stat Server when an OCS Primary/Backup switchover occurs. Previously, upon switchover, some agent-assignment related information might not have been updated in Stat Server.
Note: To support this functionality, OCC Java Stat Extension version (or higher) should be deployed within Stat Server. For information about performing a Java Stat Extensions upgrade, refer to the Genesys Real-Time Metrics Engine (RTME) documentation. (OUTBOUND-8880)
This release includes the following corrections or modifications:
OCS now sends the requested CurrentAgentAssignment
statistic to Stat Server and the CampaignGroupAssigned
notification message to an agent's desktop when an agent is re-assigned to Inbound in the following scenario:
Previously, in this scenario, OCS did not notify Stat Server and the agent's desktop about the re-assignment to Inbound. (OUTBOUND-8897)
OCS now sends the requested CurrentAgentAssignment
statistic to Stat Server and the CampaignGroupAssigned
notification message to an agent's desktop when an agent is re-assigned to Inbound in the following scenario:
Previously, in this scenario, OCS did not notify Stat Server and the agent's desktop about the re-assignment to Inbound. (OUTBOUND-8898)
OCS no longer terminates unexpectedly in the following scenario:
Previously, in this scenario, OCS attempted to send a daytime_change
event to the SCXML engine for the ended SCXML instance when the daytime interval changed, which sometimes caused OCS to terminate unexpectedly. (OUTBOUND-8884)
OCS now correctly logs the names of DB Servers after reconnecting to the Configuration Server with synchronizing configuration data (when the History Log has expired). Previously, in this scenario, OCS could terminate unexpectedly. (OUTBOUND-8881)
OCS now retrieves the correct amount of chains from the calling list when using SCXML treatments. Previously, OCS did not count chains that were in an initializing state in the SCXML engine (no Record Identified
notification sent) as being retrieved. Therefore, OCS might have retrieved extra chains if the SCXML script took a longer time to initialize the chain. (OUTBOUND-8875)
OCS now correctly handles dynamic port allocation in the following scenario:
Previously, in this scenario, OCS stopped dialing outbound calls. (OUTBOUND-8904)
When in Push Preview dialing mode, OCS now properly communicates with Interaction Server when one or more campaigns are frequently unloaded and re-loaded while interactions are still in progress. Previously, OCS might have sent a request_stop_processing
message to Interaction Server for some interactions, which could cause Interaction Server to terminate interactions processing. (OUTBOUND-8628)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
This is a hot fix for this product. This release does not contain new features or functionality.
This release includes the following correction or modification:
OCS now correctly writes the timestamp to the audit trail log when a call is diverted to an auto-answering device in the following scenario:
A Campaign is running in Predictive ASM or Progressive ASM dialing mode in a VoIP environment.
OCS is configured to play an announcement prior to dropping an outbound call when the call cannot be merged with the engaging call.
The outbound call cannot be merged with the engaging call (for example, if the call is overdialed), the announcement is played, and the call is dropped.
Previously, in this scenario, OCS failed to write the timestamp to the audit trail log. (OUTBOUND-8924)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
This is a hot fix for this product. This release does not contain new features or functionality.
This release includes the following correction or modification:
When a chain is assigned a Stale call result, OCS now switches from SCXML treatments to traditional treatments in the following scenario:
If a traditional treatment for a Stale call result is configured, OCS applies this treatment and finalizes the chains. Otherwise, OCS finalizes the chains without applying any treatment. Previously, in this scenario, OCS did not switch to traditional treatments and might have terminated unexpectedly. (OUTBOUND-8909)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
This is a hot fix for this product. This release does not contain new features or functionality.
This release includes the following correction or modification:
OCS now correctly processes the next record in a chain after applying a Next in chain
, Next in chain after
, or Next in chain at specified date
treatment in the following scenario:
Next in chain
, Next in chain after
, or Next in chain at specified date
Previously, in this scenario, OCS might have processed the first record again instead of the next record in the chain, which might have caused double-dialing. (OUTBOUND-8889)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.
This version was first released as a Hot Fix on 02/03/15.
This release includes the following correction or modification:
OCS now correctly processes the sending of periodical reporting data to ICON. Previously, OCS could terminate unexpectedly when sending the reporting data.
Note: This issue is specific to OCS running on Windows 64-bit platforms.
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.
There are no restrictions for this release. This section describes new features that were introduced in this release of OCS:
OCS now supports the following platforms:
Beginning with this release, the default value for the http-response-timeout option is in seconds. Previously, the value for this option was in milliseconds. (OUTBOUND-8601)
OCS now has improved flexibility in processing overdialed calls for ASM modes in VoIP environments:
For Progressive ASM and Predictive ASM dialing modes in VoIP environments, OCS provides the option to transfer overdialed outbound calls (calls that can't be immediately bridged to engaging calls) to a Voice Transfer Destination DN (typically a Routing Point). OCS marks these calls with an attached key-value pair (GSW_ASM_OVERDIAL
) so that the routing strategy can distinguish them from other calls. The overdialed calls can then be processed by the routing strategy and delivered to queues with available agents or to IVR ports.
OCS now sends the CPNDigits
value (as configured in OCS) to the agent desktop for each Preview Record when in Preview dialing mode. The agent desktop can then use this information by making the CPNDigits/ANI
visible to the called party during an outbound call.
OCS now allows the use of traditional (non-SCXML) treatments to configure apply to call
actions for scenarios when OCS dials outbound calls using T-Server for Avaya TSAPI and an answering machine is detected. The supported actions are to transfer the call to a specific destination or drop the call.
This release includes the following corrections or modifications:
OCS now works correctly when the call_wait_agent_connected_timeout
option is set to a larger value than the stale_clean_timeout
option and the established outbound assured call is being finalized as stale. Previously, in this scenario, OCS could terminate unexpectedly. (OUTBOUND-8700)
OCS no longer unregisters Trunk Group and Voice Transfer Destination DNs when they are changed in a configuration object related to a running or active Campaign Group. OCS now keeps them registered, such as when a Campaign Group is unloaded. Previously, in this scenario, OCS unregistered Trunk Group and Voice Transfer Destination DNs, stopped the dialing for other running Campaign Groups configured with these DNs, and halted the monitoring of current calls in progress. (OUTBOUND-8765)
OCS now works correctly in the following scenarios:
Scenario 1
tab of the OCS Application
Scenario 2
tab of the OCS Application
tab of the OCS Application
Previously, in these scenarios, OCS could terminate unexpectedly. (OUTBOUND-8764)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.
This is a hot fix for this product. This release does not contain new features or functionality.
This release includes the following corrections or modifications:
OCS now works correctly in the following scenario:
Previously, in this scenario, OCS could terminate unexpectedly. (OUTBOUND-8833)
OCS now continues to correctly process SCXML treatments in the following scenario:
option in the scxml
section of the Annex tab in the OCS application object.
Previously, in this scenario, the processing of SCXML treatment actions could slow down significantly. (OUTBOUND-8825, OUTBOUND-8830)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.
This is a hot fix for this product. This release does not contain new features or functionality.
This release includes the following correction or modification:
OCS now correctly processes the following scenario:
and option record_processed
are set to true
, or similar) is not sent to OCS by the agent desktop when the agent is in After Call Work status.
Previously, in this scenario, OCS might have stopped responding or terminated unexpectedly. (OUTBOUND-8816)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.
This is a hot fix for this product. This section describes new features that were introduced in this release of Outbound Contact Server.
OCS now allows the use of traditional (non-SCXML) treatments to configure apply to call
actions for scenarios when OCS dials outbound calls using T-Server for Avaya TSAPI and an answering machine is detected. The supported actions are as follows:
Previously, apply to call
actions for T-Server for Avaya TSAPI were configured only by SCXML treatments.
This release does not include any corrections or modifications.
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.
This is a hot fix for this product. This release does not contain new features or functionality.
This release includes the following corrections or modifications:
OCS now works correctly in the following scenario:
Previously, in this scenario, OCS sometimes terminated unexpectedly.
The following is an example of a scenario in which OCS might terminate:
Campaign Rescheduled
.daily till
boundary.daily from
and daily till
boundaries while OCS initializes SCXML engine instances for them.(OUTBOUND-8755)
OCS now correctly re-calculates the dialing time within the daily from
and daily till
boundaries for a record in the following scenario:
daily from
and daily till
boundaries.Previously, in this scenario, OCS incorrectly dialed the next record in the chain if the current time was within the daily from
and daily till
boundaries of that record.
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.
This is a hot fix for this product. This release does not contain new features or functionality.
This release includes the following corrections or modifications:
OCS now ignores desktop protocol requests addressed to another instance of OCS in the following scenario:
Application DBID
of another OCS instance, as specified in the GSW_APPLICATION_ID
attribute.Previously, OCS responded to a desktop protocol request from Interaction Server even if its Application DBID
did not match the value specified in the GSW_APPLICATION_ID
attribute of the request.
Note: OCS responds to a desktop protocol request if it contains the Application ID
value that matches this OCS Application ID
or the Application ID
of its HA peer in HA deployment mode.
OCS now correctly applies Next in chain
treatment in the following scenario:
Next in chain
treatment is configured.
OCS now reschedules the next record to be dialed at a new time within the time_from/time_till
boundaries. Previously, OCS cycled back to the start of chain, violating the permitted number of chain cycles.
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.
This is a hot fix for this product. This release does not contain new features or functionality.
This release includes the following correction or modification:
OCS now properly delivers a Personal Callback or a Personal Rescheduled record to an agent's desktop in the following scenario:
object for the agent is deleted from the
Configuration Database.Person
object for the agent is created in the
Configuration Database with the same Agent Login.Previously in this scenario, OCS did not deliver the Personal Callback or Personal Rescheduled record to the agent's desktop.
Note: This correction also covers the scenario in which a Personal
Callback or a Personal Rescheduled record is scheduled for the agent
after a new Person
object for the agent is created
and added back to the Agent Group.
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.
OCS now enables you to restrict the output to the OCS log of sensitive information that is associated with printing configuration objects in the OCS log. This OCS behavior is controlled by the following new configuration option: hide_private_data
Option Name:hide_private_data
Default Value:false
Valid Values:true/yes
Changes take effect: Immediately
Configuration Level: Application
Description: Specifies whether the full configuration object data, which might contain sensitive information (for example, the password that is configured for the Database Access Point), is printed in the OCS log upon receiving configuration object change notification from Configuration Server. If the value of this option is set totrue
, no potentially sensitive information is printed to the OCS log. If the value of this option is set tofalse
, full configuration object data is printed to the OCS log.
Previously, OCS always logged full configuration object data. (OUTBOUND-8580)
This release includes the following corrections or modifications:
OCS now correctly updates the call result and other fields of the records in the calling list table in the following scenario:
Previously in this scenario, OCS did not update records in the calling list table. The records remained in Retrieved
state until the Campaign was forcefully unloaded. (OUTBOUND-8514)
OCS now correctly processes AddRecord
requests from an agent desktop in the following scenario:
request to OCS.RecordCancel
or DoNotCall
request from another (or the same) agent desktop while still processing AddRecord
or DoNotCall
request is for the same phone number or Customer ID as in the record which has been just added.OCS no longer terminates unexpectedly in the following scenario:
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.
This is a hot fix for this product. No new features were introduced in this release of OCS.
This release includes the following correction or modification:
OCS now correctly forms chains of records in its internal buffers in the following three scenarios:
Scenario 1:
Scenario 2:
request is issued for OCS to add new record(s) with the same value of Chain ID, but to a different calling list.
Scenario 3:
Combination of Scenarios 1 and 2.
Previously in these scenarios, OCS might have treated records that had the same Chain ID, but originated from the different calling lists, as belonging to the same chain, and then processed logically unconnected records together as the same chain.
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.
This is a hot fix for this product. No new features were introduced in this release of OCS.
This release includes the following corrections or modifications:
OCS now properly generates the reporting stored procedure for the calling list table on PostgreSQL DBMS if a custom dialing filter with the WHERE
clause is used and the value of the report-procedure-location
option is set to before
or after
. Previously in this scenario, OCS failed to generate the reporting stored procedure. As a result, no database-related real-time statistical values were calculated for the calling list. (OUTBOUND-8499)
OCS now correctly calculates database-related real-time statistical values, including the number of ready and retrieved chains for the campaign, in the following scenario:
clause is modified dynamically, while the campaign is active or running
Previously in this scenario, in some cases, OCS did not update the reporting stored procedure with the new WHERE
clause of the dialing filter. For this reason, OCS might have reported database-related real-time statistical values incorrectly. (OUTBOUND-8493)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.
This is a hot fix for this product. No new features were introduced in this release of OCS.
This release includes the following correction or modification:
OCS now correctly performs the dynamic allocation of ports among appropriate Campaign Groups when OCS simultaneously runs other Campaign Groups for which the dynamic allocation of ports is not applicable; for example, Campaign Groups running in Preview mode. Previously in this scenario, OCS might have stopped to dial outbound calls. (OUTBOUND-8449)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.
This is a hot fix for this product. No new features were introduced in this release of OCS.
This release includes the following correction or modification:
In scenarios where a redundant pair of OC Servers is used, OCS in backup mode no longer sends the agent-assignments-related real-time statistics to Stat Server. Previously, the OCS in backup mode sent agent-assignments statistics to Stat Server that differed from the data that was sent by OCS in primary mode. This resulted in the incorrect behavior of the agent assignment functionality, because URS might have received incorrect information about current agent assignment from Stat Server and routed outbound calls incorrectly. (OUTBOUND-8435)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.
This is a hot fix for this product. The following new feature was introduced in this release of OCS.
OCS now enables you to customize the frequency of the Reporting Stored Procedure execution. This allows you to fine-tune the refresh rate of calling list related real-time statistics. This OCS behavior is controlled by the following new option:
Option Name:db-stat-recalc-interval
Default Value:180
Valid Values: Integers from5
to maximum integer.
Changes take effect: Immediately
Configuration Level: Campaign / Application
Description: Specifies the frequency, in seconds, of Reporting Stored Procedure execution. In cases where the Reporting Stored Procedure is still executing when the time comes to execute it again, that execution is skipped.
Note: Overly frequent executions of Reporting Stored Procedure might affect the performance of the database, which stores calling lists, and so might affect OCS dialing.
Previously, the execution frequency of Reporting Stored Procedure in OCS was preset to 180
This release does not include any corrections or modifications.
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.
This is a hot fix for this product. The following new features were also introduced in this release of OCS:
OCS no longer dials the rescheduled records that are related to the disabled Calling List. Previously, if the Calling List was disabled in the middle of dialing chained records, OCS did not return the rescheduled chain to the database, but kept it in the memory, if the difference between the current time and the scheduled time did not exceed the value that was specified by the treatment_sched_threshold
option. For this reason, OCS could dial the rescheduled record that was related to the disabled Calling List. (OUTBOUND-8047)
OCS now reports the 00-07100
common Log Event with the Feature usage level has been exceeded
violation type attribute, if there are not enough licenses for agents. OCS reports this Log Event not more frequently than once every five minutes, and only if a new license violation occurs. Previously, OCS did not report the 00-07100
Log Event if there were not enough licenses for agents. (OUTBOUND-7921)
This release includes the following corrections or modifications:
When a request to merge an assured outbound call with an engaging call is received, OCS now places the Connection_id
of the outbound call in the AttributeConnID
attribute and places the Connection_id
of the engaging call in the AttributeTransferConnID
attribute, in accordance with the SIP Server requirement for the "beep-on-merge" feature. Previously in this scenario, OCS incorrectly placed the Connection_ids
in the reverse order, which blocked the "beep-on-merge" feature. (OUTBOUND-8431)
OCS now correctly processes a RecordProcessed
desktop request in the following scenario:
request for the call to OCS.ChainedRecord
response(s) to the agent's desktop.RecordProcessed
request for the call with the GSW_TREATMENT
attribute to OCS.WaitForNextCall
) before OCS receives the response from the SCXML treatment script.Previously in this scenario, OCS incorrectly updated all the records in the chain and also could have terminated unexpectedly. (OUTBOUND-8429)
If a Campaign name is specified in the GSW_CAMPAIGN_NAME
attribute of a record cancellation request for a phone number or a customer ID, OCS now applies the record cancellation to matching records (including retrieved records), that are related only to this Campaign by the specified name. Previously in this scenario, OCS applied the record cancellation by the phone number or by the customer ID to retrieved matching records that were related to all running or loaded Campaign Groups, regardless of the name of the Campaign that was specified in the request. (OUTBOUND-8426)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.
This is a hot fix for this product. This section describes new features that were introduced in this release of OCS:
In a VoIP environment, OCS now attaches Campaign Group name with the key GSW_CAMPAIGN_GROUP_NAME
to the attached data of the engaging calls in Progressive with Seizing and Predictive with Seizing dialing modes. (OUTBOUND-8056)
This release includes the following corrections or modifications:
OCS now requests the Place status statistic from all the Stat Servers that are specified in the connections of active or running Campaign Groups that are associated with that Place. Previously, OCS might have requested the Place status statistic from a Stat Server that was not specified in the connections, and which might not have had information about that Place. For this reason, OCS might have stopped sending notifications to the agent who used this Place. (OUTBOUND-8418)
OCS now properly logs Audit Trail data for the outbound call in the following scenario:
request is received from the agents desktop before EventReleased
is received for it (for example, in the case where the call was transferred to unknown DN).EventReleased
is received for the outbound call and before three minutes elapse after RecordProcessed
request was received by OCS.Previously in this scenario, OCS did not log Audit Trail data upon Campaign Group unloading. OCS also failed to deliver snapshot data with the timestamps for the call to ICON. (OUTBOUND-8417)
OCS now exits correctly when it is started for the OCS application which is marked as disabled in the Configuration Layer. Previously in this scenario, OCS terminated unexpectedly. (OUTBOUND-8406)
OCS now considers that the DST Start
and DST End
Times in the "Daylight Saving Time" section of a Time Zone configuration object are the local times for this Time Zone irrespective of the "DST Definition (GMT)" description in this section. This OCS behavior now corresponds with URS and Genesys Administrator. Previously, OCS considered that DST Start
and DST End
Times were specified in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), in accordance with the "DST Definition (GMT)" description. (OUTBOUND-7718)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.
There are no restrictions for this release. This section describes new features that were introduced in this release of OCS:
Agents are now allowed to update and/or finalize chain of records via Desktop protocol requests in the following scenario:
option is set to true
OCS allows agents to update the chain of records after the transfer until any of the following events occur:
or another finalization request. After receiving this request, OCS finalizes the chain.stale_clean_timeout
option expires, or when the Campaign Group is unloaded.If another (second) agent receives the outbound call through an unknown DN transfer, this agent is also allowed to update and/or finalize the chain of records while the chain is not finalized by the first agent or by some other event in accordance with the general chain processing rules.
OCS finalizes the chain of records when any of the following events that are related to the second agent occur:
or another finalization request.record_processed
option is set to false
This release includes the following corrections or modifications:
When OCS processes pre-dial validation response from Web/Application Server, it now applies the call result 52
("Cancel Record") to records that are negatively validated by the 409 Conflict
HTTP response, which does not explicitly specify a call result by using the GSW_CALL_RESULT
field in the body of the response. Previously, OCS incorrectly considered as a failure the 409 Conflict
response without a call result and applied the call result that was specified by the validation-timeout-call-result
option. (OUTBOUND-8396)
OCS now sends Campaign Status notification messages to an agent's desktop in the following scenario:
Previously, in this scenario, OCS did not send Campaign Status notification messages to the agent's desktop. (OUTBOUND-8395)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.
This is a hot fix for this product. This release does not contain new features or functionality.
This release includes the following corrections or modifications:
OCS now correctly applies the treatment_sched_threshold option to SCXML-Based treatments in the same way that it is applied to traditional (configured) treatments. Previously, OCS did not always apply the treatment_sched_threshold option to SCXML-Based treatments, and kept all rescheduled chains in memory, even though the difference between the current time and the scheduled time exceeded the limit that was defined by the value of the option. (OUTBOUND-8392)
For the Agent Assignment functionality, OCS now properly handles configuration changes and stopping of a running campaign. Previously, for some Agent Assignment configurations, OCS could reassign agents if the reassignment contradicted the priority ranking of Campaign Groups. (OUTBOUND-8390)
If agent reassignment for the "waiting records" condition is configured (the values of both the agent-reassignment-if-waiting-records and agent-assignment options are set to true), but the Campaign Group does not have any available dialing records because calling lists are not available (no connection to DB Server, an invalid calling list, and so on), OCS now correctly reassigns all agents of the Campaign Group. Previously in this scenario, OCS did not reassign agents if calling lists were not available. (OUTBOUND-8388)
OCS no longer terminates unexpectedly when a field is deleted from a format that is related to a running Campaign Group in the following scenarios:
Scenario 1
Scenario 2
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.
There are no restrictions for this release. This section describes new features that were introduced in this release of OCS:
OCS now implements a safe dialing check, which automatically switches dialing off if OCS detects a misconfiguration or misrouting situation. This check prevents massive dialing followed by a spike in the rate of abandoned calls. The check is only applicable to Progressive, Progressive with Seizing, Predictive, Predictive with Seizing, and Predictive GVP dialing modes. The check is switched on by default and is controlled by the new pa-safe-dialing
configuration option.
Engaging the most suitable agent for Assured Connection, OCS provides the ability to engage the most suitable agent to handle a conversation. Agent selection criteria (for example, skill requirements) are defined by the data in the mandatory and user-defined fields of a calling list records. All the data that are associated with the customer contact are made available to URS in the attached data of the engaging call. This enables the selection of the most suitable agent to handle the assured connection conversation.
Improvements to Agent Assignment:
Example of SQL statement for a Calling List
( record_id numeric(18,0) NOT NULL,
contact_info character varying(128) NOT NULL,
contact_info_type integer NOT NULL,
record_type integer NOT NULL,
record_status integer NOT NULL,
call_result integer,
attempt integer NOT NULL,
dial_sched_time numeric(18,0),
call_time numeric(18,0),
daily_from numeric(18,0) NOT NULL,
daily_till numeric(18,0) NOT NULL,
tz_dbid integer NOT NULL,
campaign_id integer,
agent_id character varying(32),
chain_id integer NOT NULL,
chain_n integer NOT NULL,
group_id numeric(18,0),
app_id numeric(18,0),
treatments character varying(255),
media_ref integer,
email_subject character varying(255),
email_template_id numeric(18,0),
switch_id numeric(18,0),
CONSTRAINT record_id UNIQUE, CONSTRAINT cl_pk PRIMARY KEY (chain_id, chain_n))
CREATE INDEX cl_rt on Calling_List (record_type)
CREATE INDEX cl_rs on Calling_List (record_status)
Example of SQL statement for a Do Not Call
CREATE TABLE gsw_donotcall_list
( phone character varying(128),
dnc_message character varying(255),
customer_id character varying(64),
is_internal integer,
tenant_dbid integer,
campaign_dbid integer,
list_dbid integer,
time_stamp numeric(18,0))
Example of SQL statement for a �Agent Request Log� table:
CREATE TABLE gsw_request_log
( phone character varying(128),
request_type integer NOT NULL,
reschedule_time numeric(18,0) DEFAULT NULL::numeric,
dnc_message character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
switch_name character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
dn character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
agent_id character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
list_name character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
time_stamp numeric(18,0),
tenant_dbid numeric(18,0))
OCS now closes the connection to a remote Web/Application Server in accordance with the HTTP 1.1 protocol definition in the following scenario:
Connection: close
header from a Web/Application Server in a response message.Previously in this scenario, OCS ignored the Connection: close
header and kept the connection open. This might have caused errors when OCS attempted to re-use this connection, which was already closed on server side.
This release also includes the following corrections or modifications:
In Outbound VoIP Transfer mode, OCS for the Red Hat Linux 64-bit operating system now correctly updates the call_result
of an answered call to Answer
when the value of the call_transfer_type
configuration option is set to one_step
. Previously in this scenario, OCS for the Linux 64-bit operating system sometimes incorrectly updated the call_result
to Unknown
. (OUTBOUND-8381)
OCS no longer terminates unexpectedly when it is processing Treatments after it loses its connection to Configuration Server and then reconnects. (OUTBOUND-8039)
The OCS Template that is used in Genesys Administrator now allows the values of the dial_log_delimiter
and dial_log_destination
options to be specified. Previously, any values that were specified were not taken into account. (OUTBOUND-8033)
Processing of a RecordProcessed
request for a record in a chain no longer results in the updating of the attempt
and call_result
fields in the user data of another record, which is rescheduled by a previous RecordReschedule
request. Previously in this scenario, OCS updated the user data for both records to have the same values for the attempt
and call_result
fields. (OUTBOUND-8016)
After receiving a user request to change dialing parameters for a session (a CM_ReqSetDialingMode
request), OCS no longer changes the order in which OCS dials previously requested records, if this request does not change any parameters ("priority" and "n_records") that are related to the dialing priority of specific record types. Previously after receiving this request, OCS could change the order of dialing.
OCS now correctly processes a CM_ReqCancelRecord request with TargetAppDBID = 0, as described in Outbound Contact Reference Manual. Previously in this scenario, the following error message was displayed: "TargetAppID is unknown". (OUTBOUND-8010)
When a new record is added to an existing chain that has currently retrieved records, OCS now correctly processes the record. Previously in this scenario, OCS sometimes duplicated old records that belonged to the chain by creating new retrieved records, which resulted in double-dialing. (OUTBOUND-8007)
In Progressive GVP mode during Answering Machine Detected Drop treatment OCS now adds a 'AnsMachine' 'drop'
Extension in the AttributeExtensions
of RequestMakePredictiveCall
when Voice Transfer Destination (VTD) is not defined. Previously in this scenario, the correct Extension was added only if VTD was defined. (OUTBOUND-8003)
OCS now properly completes a transfer and releases an outbound call on an overflow DN in the following scenario:
OCS option is set to two_step
).Previously in this scenario, OCS did not complete the two-step transfer of the outbound call and did not instruct SIP Server to release this call on the overflow DN. (OUTBOUND-7980)
OCS now updates the substatus of WaitingRecords, and reports the corresponding statistic for a running or active session by sending a User Event with "GSW_STAT_EVENT" = 11 ("WaitingRecordsOver") in the cases when the records in the buffers become available, but OCS does not request any predictive outbound calls. Previously, OCS processed these updates only when OCS requested a new outbound call. (OUTBOUND-7950)
In Push Preview dialing mode, when the value of the direct-personal-callback
configuration option is set to true
, OCS now correctly processes requests from an agent desktop application for a personal callback, which are directly submitted to the agent by Interaction Server. Previously in this scenario, OCS only responded with acknowledgements for all requests but did not process the requests. (OUTBOUND-7935)
OCS for the AIX 64-bit operating system no longer unexpectedly terminates while processing SCXML scripts. Previously, in some scenarios, OCS for the AIX 64-bit operating system terminated unexpectedly while processing SCXML scripts. (OUTBOUND-7931)
When the timeout value, which is specified by the call_wait_in_queue
configuration option, has expired while there are no ready agents, a correct call_result
of Dropped
, is assigned when a consult call is released. Previously in this scenario, an incorrect call_result
of Transfer Error
was assigned. This issue was specific to the Outbound VoIP environment when the value of the call_transfer_type
configuration option was set to two_step
. (OUTBOUND-7928, ER# 304957023)
When a session that is running in ASM mode is stopped, OCS now correctly reserves engaged agents to process in-progress calls. Previously, agents who were recently released from engaging calls could have been incorrectly reserved instead of engaged agents. (OUTBOUND-7908)
In Push Preview dialing mode, when the value of the cancel-on-desktop
configuration option is set to true
, OCS now marks as canceled
records that are submitted to Interaction Server if OCS receives a RequestRecordCancel
request that belongs to that record from a third-party application, by the Communication DN API. Previously in this scenario, OCS did not mark the record as canceled
. (OUTBOUND-7882)
OCS now correctly updates the call_result
as Stale
(instead of Dropped) if an agent does not answer a call while it is ringing, and the call gets forwarded to an Extension DN that is configured as an Overflow DN (that is, when the value of the overflow_dn
configuration option is set to true
). (OUTBOUND-7878, ER# 297816561)
Messaging is now correct in the following scenario:
is sent with a flag of
.Previously in this scenario, NoContact
was sent first, followed by AgentBusyOutbound
. This causes the dialing to slow down. (OUTBOUND-7859, ER# 295547885)
OCS now continues to operate correctly if the EventDialing response to the RequestMakePredictiveCall request does not include the UserData, which was attached to the request. Previously, this scenario might have caused OCS to terminate unexpectedly. (OUTBOUND-7769)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.
This is a hot fix for this product. This section describes the new feature that was introduced in this release of OCS:
OCS now enables you to restrict the output to the OCS log of sensitive information that is associated with printing configuration objects in the OCS log. This OCS behavior is controlled by the following new configuration option: hide_private_data
Option Name:hide_private_data
Default Value:false
Valid Values:true/yes
Changes take effect: Immediately
Configuration Level: Application
Description: Specifies whether the full configuration object data, which might contain sensitive information (for example the password that is configured for the Database Access Point), is printed in the OCS log upon receiving configuration object change notification from Configuration Server. If the value of this option is set totrue
, no potentially sensitive information is printed to the OCS log. If the value of this option is set tofalse
, full configuration object data is printed to the OCS log.
Previously, OCS always logged full configuration object data. (OUTBOUND-8540)
This release does not include any corrections or modifications.
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.
This is a hot fix for this product. This release does not contain new features or functionality.
This release includes the following correction or modification:
OCS now correctly processes a RecordProcessed
desktop request in the following scenario:
request for the call to OCS.ChainedRecord
response(s) to the agent's desktop.RecordProcessed
request for the call with the GSW_TREATMENT
attribute to OCS.WaitForNextCall
) before OCS receives the response from the SCXML treatment script.Previously in this scenario, OCS incorrectly updated all the records in the chain and also could have terminated unexpectedly. (OUTBOUND-8422)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.
This is a hot fix for this product. This release does not contain new features or functionality.
This release includes the following correction or modification:
OCS now correctly processes dynamic modifications that are made to dialing filters, and completely regenerates record retrieval and reporting stored procedures in the following scenario:
Previously in this scenario, OCS correctly dropped the record retrieval stored procedure, but failed to regenerate it. This has caused records to be no longer retrieved for the campaign and, therefore, no outbound calls were dialed until the campaign was stopped, unloaded, and reloaded.
Note: This problem is specific to the OCS 8.1.2 release; previous releases are not affected.
(ER# 324224921)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.
There are no restrictions for this release. This section describes new features that were introduced in this release of OCS:
New Predictive GVP Dialing Mode with New Average Distribution Time Optimization Parameter—This dialing mode is optimized for automated self-service outbound call processing via VXML applications with a fraction of outbound calls reaching agents for assisted service. The new Average Distribution Time parameter enables the user to control how long outbound calls requiring assisted service wait in the queue until there is an agent available for assistance.
New Maximum Gain Optimization Method for Predictive Dialing Modes—This optimization method dynamically predicts the optimal dialing pace to maximize the total gain of a Campaign Group on the basis of a given ratio of benefit-per-established-call to loss-per-abandoned-call.
Support for New Operating System—Native support of the 64-bit Red Hat Enterprise (RHE) Linux 6 operating system.
Support for New Operating System—Native support of the 64-bit Red Hat Enterprise (RHE) Linux 5 operating system.
Enhanced Compliance with Regulatory Requirements:
Customizable Counters for Calling List-related Real-time Reporting—Ability to define up to five custom counters for Calling List-related real-time reporting, and to re-define existing counters (such as number of total records and number of ready records). These customizations are done by redefining OCS reporting stored procedures
Flexibility in Processing Callbacks and Rescheduled Records by Arbitrary Campaigns—Ability to omit verification of the Campaign DBID when retrieving callbacks and rescheduled records for a particular Campaign Group.
Flexibility in Handling of Web or Application Server Connection Failure
During Pre-dial Validation—The validation-timeout-call-result
option now also defines the call result assigned to a record in scenarios
when the Web or Application Server cannot be connected for pre-dial
Ability to Specify CPN Digits per Calling List without Using SCXML—The
option is now supported by OCS at the Calling List
configuration object level, in addition to the Campaign Group and OCS
Application levels.
Enhanced Security Features:
option to hide sensitive information
contained in logs.This release also includes the following corrections or modifications:
Calls are now logged in the Audit Trail log in those cases when the
message arrives before the
message. Previously in this scenario,
calls were not added to the Audit Trail log. (ER# 317987909)
OCS now checks the treatment properties Apply to Call
Apply to Record
when preparing the
message. Previously, OCS did not
check the treatment properties, and displayed the message Treatment
<name> ignored, number in sequence not 1
for treatments with
Apply to Record
actions. This message should only have been
displayed for treatments with Apply to Call
actions, which
could not be sequenced into chains. (ER# 312485117)
OCS now correctly processes an agent's activity and the call flow if another DN of type Access Resource or Network Destination, has the same number as the number of the DN used by the agent on the same switch. Previously, when a call was released on an agent's DN, OCS assumed a General Error call result. (ER# 311718596)
OCS will not stop dialing for the Progressive or Predictive campaign. Previously, OCS incorrectly deleted the active 1-sec timer that had to be used to predict dialing calls, and as a result, OCS stopped dialing for the campaign. (ER# 300072131)
OCS now correctly counts Outbound calls answered by agents when the
option is set to two_step
Previously, OCS did not count these calls towards the value specified by
the history_length
option, and as a result, did not switch
from Progressive to Predictive mode. (ER# 297763859)
OCS now supports the following scenarios in autodialing transfer modes:
OCS now allows a second agent to process the outbound call further (in the case of a successful transfer), allows the first agent to continue processing the call (in the case of a canceled transfer), or properly marks the calling record in the calling list (in the case of the call being abandoned while being transferred).
Previously in these scenarios, OCS did not allow agents to continue processing the call and might have marked the calling record in the calling list incorrectly.
(ER# 295981784)
OCS now assigns the correct agent to a Campaign if the agent with the record is removed from the Agent Group and another agent logs in. Previously, the wrong agent was assigned. (ER# 295186424)
OCS no longer generates duplicate fields in an INSERT
if a record_id
is configured with send_attribute
and an AddRecordRequest
from Agent Desktop contains a
corresponding key with some value. In that case, OCS just ignores the value
from Desktop. (ER# 294869062)
OCS now allows only Campaigns running in Preview or Push Preview modes to share the same Agent Group with another Campaign running in auto dial mode (Predictive, Predictive with seizing, Progressive, Progressive with seizing, or Predictive GVP). OCS no longer starts to run a Campaign if there is another currently running Campaign with the same Agent Group if these Campaigns are not allowed to share the Agent Group. (ER# 289958314)
In the following scenario, OCS now always generates unique GUIDs for Campaign Groups (CSGUIDs) when reporting Campaign Group activity to Interaction Concentrator (ICON):
Previously, OCS sometimes re-used CSGUIDs for the Campaign Groups activated in step 5. This has led to incorrect reporting of Campaign Group activity in Genesys Info Mart.
(ER# 288471221)
OCS now processes (skips) the back-slash escape character (\
when it is followed by a double quotation mark ("
), comma
), another back-slash (\
), or forward-slash
) character in JSON HTTP requests. Previously, OCS did not
support the escape character. (ER# 285800837)
OCS now generates log message 12-10000
if it does not recognize an option value as valid. Previously, this message
was not generated. (ER# 246267051)
Record-retrieving stored procedures generated by OCS no longer contain
SQL statements used for real-time reporting
purposes. These statements have been moved to a separate stored procedure
that OCS also generates and runs periodically. This allows for more
efficient execution of record-retrieving stored procedures with less
negative impact on overall DBMS performance. Previously, record-retrieving
stored procedures might have had a negative impact on DBMS performance.
Note: See "Customized Stored Procedures for Calling List and Campaign Objects" in the Outbound Contact Deployment Guide for more information about stored procedures used for real-time reporting purposes.
(ER# 203032262)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.
This is a hot fix for this product. This release does not contain new features or functionality.
This release includes the following correction or modification:
OCS no longer exits abnormally in the following scenario:
Previously in this scenario, both the Primary and Backup Outbound Contact Servers sometimes exited abnormally.
(ER# 315598921)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.
This is a hot fix for this product. This release does not contain new features or functionality.
This release includes the following correction or modification:
OCS now provides Person DBID and DN DBID information to Interaction
Concentrator (ICON) in the EventOCSChainProcessed
event in the
following scenario:
is set to true
request to OCS.Ready
status, and OCS finalizes the
chain of records.Previously in this scenario, OCS did not provide the Person DBID and DN DBID information to ICON. This resulted in contact attempts not being associated with interactions in Genesys InfoMart.
(ER# 313561864)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.
This is a hot fix for this product. This release does not contain new features or functionality.
This release includes the following correction or modification:
OCS now continues working properly when running on the Windows 64-bit platform in the following scenario:
Next in chain
with cycling over the
chain is configured. That is, the Cycle Attempt
property of
the treatment is set to a positive value of 2
or more.Previously in this scenario, OCS sometimes exited abnormally.
(ER# 310829309, 291677874)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.
This is a hot fix for this product. This release does not contain new features or functionality.
This release includes the following correction or modification:
In either of the following two scenarios, OCS now allows a Media Control Platform (MCP) to use the pre-fetching functionality for a VXML application (and related resources) when OCS is configured as a part of the Proactive Contact Solution in a VoIP environment (using Progressive GVP or Power GVP dialing modes):
option is not
configured in the GVP IVR Profile).Previously in these scenarios, OCS always instructed SIP Server/MCP to end
the dialog prepared while processing the MakePredictiveCall
request, and start a new dialog which did not allow MCP to use the
pre-fetching functionality.
(ER# 301177099)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.
This is a hot fix for this product. This release does not contain new features or functionality.
This release includes the following corrections or modifications:
OCS now preserves the values in the agent_id
field of records
of type Personal Callback
when a Campaign that runs in Push
Preview dialing mode is stopped and unloaded in the following scenario:
Personal Callback
records are only submitted to Interaction
Server for processing when the OCS option direct-personal-callback
is set to false
is configured so that
recall is in effect. For example, the option may be set to
.Previously in this scenario, OCS replaced the value in the
field of the Personal Callback
with an empty string. This prevented these records from being delivered to
agents as Personal Callbacks
later when the Campaign was
(ER# 299406876, 294304859)
OCS now keeps the original type of records submitted to Interaction Server when a Campaign that runs in Push Preview dialing mode is stopped and unloaded in the following scenario:
(for example,
Personal Callback
) are retrieved by OCS and submitted to
Interaction Server. (Personal Callback
records are only
submitted to Interaction Server for processing when the OCS option
is set to a value of
is configured so that recall
is in effect. For example, it may be set to a value of always
.Previously in this scenario, OCS set all successfully recalled records to
type General
regardless of their original type.
(ER# 299406876, 291944653)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.
This is a hot fix for this product. This section describes new features that were introduced in this release of OCS.
OCS now supports the following scenario for Push Preview dialing mode:
request to OCS.To properly support this scenario, OCS requires a notification from the
strategy that the interaction has been returned from the Agent Desktop to
the interaction queue, before Processed
(or another finalization
request) can be sent to OCS by the strategy. To notify OCS of this, use the
new request ContinueProcessing
Note: There is no specific strategy block in Interaction Routing
Designer for the ContinueProcessing
request. Use the External
Service block (under Data and Services) as follows:
Application type: OCServer
Application name: <OCS name>
Service: Outbound
Method: ContinueProcessing
key: RecordHandle
value: <Handle of the record>
key: reason
value: queued
Previously, OCS did not support the scenario described above, and any attempt to finalize the interaction from the strategy after an agent had requested the Chained Records for it resulted in an error.
(ER# 296472563)
There are no corrections or modifications in this release.
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.
There are no restrictions for this release. This section describes new features that were introduced in this release of OCS:
Enhancements for Compliance with Regulatory Requirements—OCS now enables the following:
Guaranteed Connection of Calls in Predictive or Progressive Dialing Mode in a Voice Over IP Environment (VoIP)—When running a campaign in Progressive or Predictive mode in a VoIP Environment, OCS now allows users to configure which outbound calls are to be dialed with a guaranteed connection to an agent. This is very useful when contacting high value customers, and for regulatory compliance.
Support for Display Name on a Per-Campaign Group or Per-Record Basis —OCS now allows the user to define a Display Name (in addition to CPN Digits) on a per-Campaign Group or per-record basis when dialing with SIP Server, or with CPD Server in HMP transfer mode.
Configurable Parameters of Audit Log Files—Audit trail logging now allows the configuration of the path and filename, expiration time or size, and segmentation limit; these parameters are no longer hardcoded as in previous releases.
This release also includes the following corrections and modifications:
When using the classical Predictive algorithm, OCS now enables you to
define explicitly the minimum value of the Hit Ratio by using the
configuration option pa-hitratio-min
. Refer to
the configuration options chapter of the Outbound Contact 8.1 Deployment
Guide for a detailed description of this option and how to use it.
Previously, when the real value of the Hit Ratio was less than 5%, OCS always considered it to be 5%.
(ER# 282715655)
OCS now handles correctly an SCXML treatment applied to any Calling List
records in which the value of one or more character fields contain a single
quotation mark ('
). Previously, these records were not
processed by SCXML, and OCS generated an error. (ER# 269840944)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.
This is a hot fix for this product. This release does not contain new features or functionality.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
In the following scenario, OCS now always generates unique GUIDs for Campaign Groups (CSGUIDs) when reporting Campaign Group activity to Interaction Concentrator (ICON):
s).Previously, OCS sometimes re-used CSGUIDs for the Campaign Groups activated in step 5. This has led to incorrect reporting of Campaign Group activity in Genesys Info Mart.
(ER# 314058794)
In the following scenario, the primary OCS now delivers the correct GUIDs for Campaign Groups to the backup OCS:
Record Priorities
setting.Previously in this scenario, the primary OCS sometimes delivered incorrect CSGUIDs to the backup OCS in the synchronization message, which resulted in incorrect CSGUID values when switchover occurred between the primary and backup OCS and sometimes affected historical reporting for Campaign Groups in Genesys Info Mart.
(ER# 313990647)
In the following scenario, the state of the Campaign Group is now synchronized correctly between primary and backup OCS:
Previously in this scenario, the backup OCS lost synchronization with the primary OCS during step 4, which led to Campaign Group A continuing to execute. This resulted in an erroneously active Campaign Group when the switchover occurred between the primary and backup OCS and sometimes affected historical reporting for Campaign Groups in Genesys Info Mart.
(ER# 313554805)
In the following scenario, OCS now correctly delivers Campaign Callback records to agents:
configuration option is set to false
.)Previously, OCS failed to deliver Campaign Callback records that were scheduled by the agent from Switch A to the agent from Switch B and OCS marked these records in the calling list with a Group Callback Error
call result.
(ER# 312931906)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.
This is a hot fix for this product. This release does not contain new features or functionality.
This release includes the following correction and modification:
In the following scenario, OCS now reports Audit Trail timestamps (if configured) and delivers a call-related snapshot reporting event with Outbound Call Dialing Time, Outbound Call Transfer Time, and CPD Time metrics to Interaction Concentrator immediately after the outbound call has been processed:
event before the
event from CPD Server.Previously in this scenario, OCS failed to deliver a snapshot reporting
event when call processing was complete. Instead, it sent this event only
after the time interval set by the option stale_clean_timeout
(ER# 301863976)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.
This is a hot fix for this product. This release does not contain new features or functionality.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
OCS now preserves the values in the agent_id
field of records
of type Personal Callback
when a Campaign that runs in Push
Preview dialing mode is stopped and unloaded in the following scenario:
is set to false
is configured so that
recall is in effect. For example, the option may be set to
.Previously in this scenario, OCS replaced the value in the
field of the Personal Callback records with an empty
string. This prevented these records from being delivered to agents as
Personal Callbacks later when the Campaign was reactivated.
(ER# 294304859)
OCS now continues working properly when SCXML-based treatments are used
and the custom action next_record
used in the active SCXML
script contains one or more contact_info_type
child elements.
For example:
<ocs:contact_info_type type_name="'HOME'" exclude="'yes'"/>
<ocs:contact_info_type type_name="'DIRECT_BUSINESS'" exclude="'yes'"/>
<ocs:contact_info_type type_name="'BUSINESS_WITH_EXTENSION'" exclude="'yes'"/>
Previously OCS sometimes terminated abnormally while processing an SCXML-based treatment like this.
(ER# 293857101)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.
This is a hot fix for this product. This release does not contain new features or functionality.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
OCS now continues working properly when running on the Windows 64-bit platform in the following scenario:
Next in chain
with cycling over the
chain is configured. That is, the Cycle Attempt
property of
the treatment is set to a positive value of 2
or more. Previously in this scenario, OCS sometimes exited abnormally.
(ER# 293045197, 290955389)
OCS now keeps the original type of records submitted to Interaction Server when a Campaign that runs in Push Preview dialing mode is stopped and unloaded in the following scenario:
(for example,
Personal Callback
) are retrieved by OCS and submitted to
Interaction Server. (Personal Callback records are only submitted to
Interaction Server for processing when the OCS option
is set to a value of
is configured so that recall
is in effect. For example, it may be set to a value of always
.Previously in this scenario, OCS set all successfully recalled records to
type General
regardless of their original type.
(ER# 291944653)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.
This is a hot fix for this product. This release does not contain new features or functionality.
This release includes the following correction and modification:
In the following scenario, OCS now increments the attempt
field for the correct record when dialing in Progressive or Predictive
dialing mode:
is set to
, its default value.ChainedRecordRequest
desktop request to OCS after it receives
an EventRinging
for the outbound call. This is standard
behavior of Genesys Agent Desktop (GAD).ChainedRecord
desktop event, and these desktop
events arrive before the outbound call is established on the agent&39; DN;
that is, before the notification EventEstablished
desktop request to OCS.
Previously in this scenario, OCS incremented the attempt
in the chained record instead of in the record which had been dialed as the
outbound call.
(ER# 284958220)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.
There are no restrictions for this release. The following new features were introduced in this release of OCS.
OCS now supports flexible prioritization of record types (record priorities) for Load, Start, and Set Dialing Mode commands of the Execution Points in Outbound Schedules. Please note, this functionality also requires Genesys Administrator 8.1.1. (ER# 275905074)
OCS now provides a new configuration option, pa-queue-expire
to control the expiration time for calls in queue when using the predictive
Option name: pa-queue-expire
Type: Optional
Default Value: 0
Valid values: 0 - N
(maximum integer)
Changes take effect: immediately
Configuration level: Campaign Group/ Application
The option specifies the timeout, in seconds, that the predictive
algorithm uses to clean up calls that are in a Queued state. If an
outbound call is queued, and no further events about this call are
received by the predictive algorithm within the specified timeout, the
call is removed from the memory buffer belonging to the predictive
algorithm. If this call was queued with the Answering Machine
call result, the predictive algorithm considers the call
as a No Contact
call and decreases the Hit Ratio.
If the option is set to 0
or is not present, OCS uses the
timeout value set in the pa-dial-expire
option to determine
when to clean up calls that are in a Queued state (the functionality used
in previous versions). In this case, the predictive algorithm does not
check for the Answering Machine Detected
call result.
(ER# 277926366)
OCS can now correctly calculate predictive dialing statistics for the outbound calls explicitly finalized from the URS strategy in the following scenario:
Previously in this scenario, the outbound call was not immediately calculated as No Contact by the predictive algorithm. Instead, the call was removed from statistical calculations by garbage collection timer expiration and not considered as No Contact. This affected the performance of predictive dialing, especially in Small Group and Advanced Small Group modes. (ER# 277926319)
This release also includes the following corrections and modifications:
OCS now stops the execution of Outbound Schedules exactly as specified in the Schedule Stop Conditions if an Outbound Schedule has been started by OCS later than its configured start time (for example, if OCS was started later than the configured start time of the Outbound Schedule).
Previously, OCS failed to stop Outbound Schedule execution at the correct time (or after the correct time interval) as specified in the Schedule Stop Conditions. (ER# 280865168)
OCS now activates and executes a non-repeatable Instant Execution Point
with a Set Dialing Mode command and a Time in State
only once if the Time spent in state
attribute is greater than
0 and the target state is Running
. Previously, OCS erroneously
re-activated such an Instant Execution Point each time the target Schedule
Item had a change to the dialing mode and/or the dialing parameters.
(ER# 280286238)
OCS now continues working normally if an SCXML treatment script configured
via the treatment-uri
option contains JavaScript code that
raises an error during pre-processing by the JavaScript engine; for example,
if such code contains a function call for a user-defined function that is
not defined in the script. Previously, OCS sometimes terminated abnormally
in such a case. (ER# 279184085)
OCS now correctly executes an Execution Point with the condition type
Time in state
and the attribute Time spent in state
set to a value greater than 0 if the target state is Running
and the Set Dialing mode command is executed for the target dialing session
while the Execution Point is waiting for the dialing session to remain for
the specified time in the Running state. Previously, OCS erroneously reset
the timer if a target dialing session changed dialing mode and/or parameters,
and, as a result, the Execution Point was executed later than configured.
(ER# 278148365)
OCS now activates and executes non-repeatable Instant Execution Points once only. Previously, OCS also erroneously re-activated such Instant Execution Points each time the Stop command was executed for a Schedule Item (either automatically by the Outbound Schedule or manually). (ER# 278102017)
OCS can now attach an arbitrary key-value pair to AttributeExtensions
of the make-call requests to T-Server, SIP Server, and CPD Server when this
action is triggered via SCXML script. Previously, OCS sometimes failed to
attach an arbitrary key-value pair to AttributeExtensions
(ER# 277856853)
OCS now exits correctly on Sun Solaris platform when Ctrl+C is pressed in the console. Previously OCS may have produced a core file upon exit on Sun Solaris if SCXML treatments were in use by OCS. (ER# 277856802)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.
There are no restrictions for this release. This section describes new features that were introduced in the initial 8.1 release of OCS.
Outbound Schedules enable automatic control of dialing sessions.
Outbound Schedules enable you to automate periodic runs (daily, weekly,
or monthly) of dialing sessions. Each Schedule can be configured to begin
and complete at a specific time. A set of commands (for example, load,
start, set dialing mode) can be defined for each dialing session that is
a part of the Schedule. The Schedule automatically executes each command
when the condition associated with the command is met. Conditions can be
based on time of the day, time intervals, statistical values, and
statuses of dialing sessions.
Increased agent efficiency with agent Assignments.
Agents can now be reassigned to other activities when the dialing session
they are currently assigned to lacks ports for dialing and/or lacks
calling records.
On-demand agent reassignment to handle inbound activity.
Agents assigned to outbound activities can now be temporarily reassigned
to handle inbound traffic on demand, based on a request from a URS strategy.
This enables flexible reallocation of agent resources in the contact center
based on rules defined in the strategy (for example, when inbound traffic
Automatic rereads of Do Not Call Lists.
OCS can be configured to periodically reread the Do Not Call lists at a
specified time of day and a specified frequency. This enables automatic
synchronization of OCS with the Do Not Call lists in case these lists have
been modified by an external entity.
Improved security with HTTPS support in HTTP Proxy.
OCS now supports the HTTPS protocol when acting as an HTTP Server.
Enhancement for the Predictive algorithm for small groups of agents.
OCS can now exclude current outbound calls with long dialing durations from
pacing calculations when using the Advanced Small Group predictive algorithm.
This enables further improvement in the performance of predictive dialing for
small groups of agents.
SCXML treatment enhancements.
OCS can now set mandatory and user-defined fields in records from within an
SCXML treatment. OCS can also take an arbitrary key-value pair that is
defined in an SCXML treatment and pass it on in the Extensions attribute of
the outbound call request.
Support for call result Silence when dialing via SIP Server.
For Outbound Voice over IP implementations using 8.1 SIP Server, support
for the call result Silence enables you to configure OCS either to drop or
connect a call with the Silence call result. OCS can also process Silence
in the same way as any other call result (that is, store it in the calling
list and optionally apply a treatment).
This release includes the following corrections and modifications that were made between the 8.0 releases and the initial 8.1 release:
The ivr_update_on_release
configuration option now controls
whether user-defined fields are updated for unsuccessful call results when
you are using the Power GVP dialing mode with OBN. If the
configuration option is set to
, OCS uses the User Data provided in the Record Processed
event from OBN to update the record being processed.(ER# 256973173)
OCS now correctly handles extremely long DN names. Previously, DN names longer than 512 bytes (possible in a VoIP Environment) sometimes caused OCS to terminate unexpectedly. (ER# 256006639)
When pre-dial validation is enabled, OCS no longer assigns an incorrect call result (initial call result stored in the record when it was retrieved from the calling list instead of Cancel Record call result). Previously, it assigned an incorrect call result in the following scenario:
Previously, OCS sometimes assigned an incorrect call result if the host or
port of the Web/Application Server was defined incorrectly in the URI and
the http-response-timeout
option was set to a relatively large
value. (ER# 254325610)
The Audit Trail log now shows the correct phone number for calls that were dialed via CPD Server in transfer mode, were then transferred using a two-step transfer, and received an Answer call result. Previously in this scenario, the phone number in the Audit Trail log was replaced by the Voice Transfer Destination DN name. This issue occurred only if both of the following circumstances were true:
option was set to
.(ER# 253624716)
OCS now dynamically connects to Calling Lists if you change their weight from zero to a positive value after OCS has loaded the associated Campaign Group. (ER# 247499701)
OCS no longer populates the Time when call is established on the
agent&39;s DN
field in the Audit Trail log for a dropped call in the
following scenario:
(ER# 246593232)
This section provides the latest information on known issues and recommendations associated with this product.
OCS may not send SMS messages at the expected rate when the SMS dialing mode is set to broadcast
. (OUTBOUND-11349)
Found In: 8.1.531.03 | Fixed In: |
OCS may not reconnect to DB Server after a connection between DB Server and RDBMS is restored. (OUTBOUND-10875)
Found In: 8.1.528.12 | Fixed In: 8.1.528.21 |
All OCS versions support Virtual Agent Groups with LoggedIn criteria (with or without Skill criteria) only with Stat Server or earlier. (SS-8918, OUTBOUND-10535)
Found In: | Fixed In: |
The DB Server is limited to a maximum of 1024 connections for each OCS instance. As Outbound Contact opens a new DB Server connection for every Campaign + Campaign Group + Calling List combination, Genesys recommends that you distribute these so that no single OCS instance requires more than 1024 DB Server connections. (OUTBOUND-9404)
Found In: | Fixed In: |
If an OCS application is configured with multiple License Server names that are present in command-line arguments and separated by semi-colons (;), OCS might terminate unexpectedly upon start-up due to the lack of valid licenses, even if valid licenses are present.
Workaround: When specifying the locations of multiple license servers, Genesys recommends that you add them as a comma-separated (,) list. For example: server1,server2,server3.
Found In: 8.1.503.10 | Fixed In: |
You cannot use the Outbound Contact Configuration Wizard to deploy OCS on the HP-UX Itanium platform. You must use Genesys Administrator to deploy OCS on the HP-UX Itanium platform.
Found In: | Fixed In: |
Genesys recommends that you avoid naming user-defined fields in the calling list table the same as the name of the calling list table. (OUTBOUND-8523)
Found In: 8.1.300.18 | Fixed In: |
OCS might fail to start a dialing session that is a part of an Outbound Schedule in the following scenario:
OCS might not be able to immediately obtain a license, and therefore the Start action in the execution point might fail.
Workaround: Configure the execution point that starts the Schedule item to start it with some minor delay (for example, 5 seconds).
(ER# 275905078, OUTBOUND-7743)
Found In: | Fixed In: |
When pre-dial validation is enabled, OCS fails to correctly detect a
shortage of dialing ports on the server used for dialing (T-Server, SIP
Server, or CPD Server). As a result, instead of distributing the
(WaitingPortsStart) and
(WaitingPortsOver) and holding the records
in OCS buffers until dialing ports are available, OCS does not dial the
records and marks them with call result 41 (Dial Error).
Genesys recommends that you configure a Retry In
for call result 41 (Dial Error) to ensure that the records are dialed when
dialing ports become available. You can also limit the number of dialing
ports at the OCS application or the Campaign Group level.
(ER# 255247051, OUTBOUND-7531)
Found In: | Fixed In: |
OCS does not send an error notification to the desktop in the following scenario:
request to OCS for
the record presently active on this desktop.(ER# 204219815, OUTBOUND-6856)
Found In: | Fixed In: |
For campaigns in the Push Preview dialing mode, when the
option is set to true
OCS delivers information for the Personal Callback record to Interaction
Server without first checking whether the agent who scheduled this Personal
Callback is available to process it.
As a result, when the agent is unavailable, OCS not only does not apply
the Agent CallBack Error
call result to the record (and can not
apply a treatment if one is configured), but it marks this record as
, and only when stale_clean_timeout
for this record.
Found In: | Fixed In: |
OCS treats an outbound call as being transferred to an Unknown DN
in the following scenario:
Found In: | Fixed In: |
In the following scenario, OCS cannot properly update the record and
leaves it in a Retrieved
state after processing. OCS will only
mark this type of record as Stale
after the timeout expires,
as defined by the stale_clean_timeout
option is set to false
.Workaround: Set the record_processed
option to
and send RecordProcessed
to OCS after the
outbound call is released from the agent's DN.
(ER# 171816052, OUTBOUND-6597)
Found In: | Fixed In: |
In the Push Preview dialing mode, when Interaction Server delivers an interaction to Genesys Desktop and the agent uses T-Server to make an outbound voice call, OCS does not pass the T-Server Call GUID for this voice call to ICON.
Found In: | Fixed In: |
An incorrect call result of Transfer Error, instead of Dropped, is assigned
when a consult call is released when the timeout set in the option
has expired while there are no ready
agents. This problem is specific to the Outbound VoIP environment when the
option is set to two_step
(ER# 304957023, OUTBOUND-7928)
Found In: | Fixed In: 8.1.300.12 |
OCS incorrectly updates call_result
as Stale (instead of
Dropped) if an agent does not answer a call while it is ringing, and the
call gets forwarded to an Extension DN configured as an Overflow DN
(overflow_dn = true
). (ER# 297816561, OUTBOUND-7878)
Found In: | Fixed In: 8.1.300.12 |
The value of the T-Server and SIP Server consult-user-data
configuration option should NOT be set to the value separate
. This value prevents OCS from correctly processing a call flow when an outbound call is transferred by using a consultation call. (ER# 296779124, OUTBOUND-8286)
Found In: | Fixed In: |
Messaging is not correct in the following scenario:
is sent with a flag of
is sent first, followed by AgentBusyOutbound
This causes the dialing to slow down. (ER# 295547885, OUTBOUND-7859)
Found In: | Fixed In: 8.1.300.12 |
OCS may exit abnormally when running on a Windows 64-bit platform in the following scenario:
Next in chain
with cycling over the
chain is configured. That is, the Cycle Attempt
property of
the treatment is set to a positive value of 2
or greater.Workaround: Explicitly configure the OCS application to run in Windows XP compatibility mode. One way to configure this is to do the following:
) and select Properties
tab.Run this program in compatibility mode for:
and select Windows XP (Service Pack 3)
from the drop-down list.
to save this setting.(ER# 291677874)
Found In: | Fixed In: |
Flexible Prioritization of Record Types is not supported for dialing sessions being run by Outbound Schedules. (ER# 275905074)
Found In: | Fixed In: |
This section documents features that are no longer supported in this software. This cumulative list is in release-number order with the most recently discontinued features at the top of the list. For more information on discontinued support for operating environments and databases, see Discontinued Support in the Genesys Supported Operating Environment Reference Guide.
See the Discontinued Support section for discontinued operating environments starting with this release.
Discontinued As Of: 8.1.531.26 |
Discontinued As Of: June 25, 2021; 8.1.529.15 |
The following databases:
Discontinued As Of: March 19, 2021; 8.1.529.07 |
Windows Server 2008 operating system
Discontinued As Of: March 19, 2021; 8.1.529.07 |
The following operating systems:
Discontinued As Of: March 5, 2021; 8.1.529.06 |
The following databases:
Discontinued As Of: March 5, 2021; 8.1.529.06 |
Discontinued As Of: 8.1.522.05 |
Discontinued As Of: 8.1.520.07 |
Discontinued As Of: 8.1.518.02 |
Discontinued As Of: 8.1.511.04 |
Discontinued As Of: 8.1.510.05 |
Discontinued As Of: 8.1.509.05 |
Discontinued As Of: 8.1.508.14 |
Discontinued As Of: 8.1.500.20 |
Discontinued As Of: |
Information in this section is included for international customers.
There are no internationalization issues for this product.
Additional information on Genesys Cloud Services, Inc. is available on our Genesys Customer Care website. The following documentation also contains information about this software. Please consult the Deployment Guide first.
The Outbound Contact 8.1 Deployment Guide provides architectural information, instructions on how to install and configure Outbound Contact 8.1 components, configuration option descriptions, and other related information.
The Outbound Contact 8.1 Reference Manual describes application features for Outbound Contact 8.1 and provides information about constants, communication protocols, and other information.
The Framework Genesys Administrator Help file describes how to use Genesys Administrator.
The Outbound Contact Manager 7.6 Help file describes how to use Outbound Contact Manager.
The Framework Combined Log Events Help file describes log event messages for Outbound Contact Server and other Genesys products.
Product documentation is provided on the Genesys Customer Care website, the Genesys Documentation website, and the Documentation Library DVD.
Note: For the DVD, the New Documents on this DVD page indicates the production date for that disc. Due to disc production schedules, documentation on the Genesys Documentation website may be more up-to-date than what is available on disc immediately after a product is released or updated. To determine the version of a document, check the version number that is located on the second page in PDFs or on the About This File topic in Help files.