\ Universal Routing Server 8.1.x

Release Note

Universal Routing Server


Genesys Cloud Services, Inc. © 2011–2025



Release Number AIX HP-UX PA HP-UNIX IPF Linux Solaris Windows
8.1.400.97 [02/05/25] – Update       X   X
8.1.400.96 [05/10/24] – Update       X   X
8.1.400.95 [09/08/23] – Update       X   X
8.1.400.92 [03/14/23] – Update       X   X
8.1.400.88 [12/16/22] – Update       X   X
8.1.400.87 [08/30/22] – Update       X   X
8.1.400.86 [05/25/22] – Update       X   X
8.1.400.85 [05/06/22] – Update       X   X
8.1.400.84 [04/05/22] – Update       X   X
8.1.400.83 [12/03/21] – Update       X   X
8.1.400.82 [10/01/21] – Update       X   X
8.1.400.81 [08/19/21] – Update       X   X
8.1.400.78 [05/18/21] – Update       X   X
8.1.400.76 [02/19/21] – Hot Fix       X   X
8.1.400.75 [12/23/20] – Hot Fix       X   X
8.1.400.74 [12/01/20] – Hot Fix X     X X X
8.1.400.73 [10/30/20] – Hot Fix X     X X X
8.1.400.72 [10/07/20] – Hot Fix X     X X X
8.1.400.71 [09/02/20] – Update X     X X X
8.1.400.69 [07/21/20] – Hot Fix X     X X X
8.1.400.68 [03/27/20] – Update X     X X X
8.1.400.67 [02/04/20] – Update X     X X X
8.1.400.65 [01/15/20] – Hot Fix X     X   X
8.1.400.63 [09/30/19] – Update X     X X X
8.1.400.62 [08/27/19] – Hot Fix X     X X X
8.1.400.60 [06/21/19] – Update X     X X X
8.1.400.59 [05/28/19] – General X     X X X
8.1.400.58 [04/19/19] – Update X     X X X
8.1.400.57 [04/09/19] – Hot Fix X     X X X
8.1.400.56 [03/01/19] – Update X     X X X
8.1.400.55 [12/14/18] – Update X     X X X
8.1.400.53 [10/12/18] – Hot Fix X     X X X
8.1.400.52 [09/17/18] – Update X     X X X
8.1.400.50 [06/29/18] – Update X     X X X
8.1.400.49 [06/07/18] – Hot Fix X     X X X
8.1.400.45 [03/30/18] – Hot Fix X     X X X
8.1.400.42 [02/16/18] – General X     X X X
8.1.400.39 [10/27/17] – General X     X X X
8.1.400.37 [08/18/17] – Hot Fix X     X X X
8.1.400.36 [05/26/17] – General X     X X X
8.1.400.35 [02/28/17] – Hot Fix X     X X X
8.1.400.33 [02/08/17] – Hot Fix X     X X X
8.1.400.32 [11/11/16] – Hot Fix X     X X X
8.1.400.28 [08/29/16] – Hot Fix X     X X X
8.1.400.27 [06/20/16] – General X     X X X
8.1.400.25 [04/25/16] – General X     X X X
8.1.400.24 [11/13/15] – Hot Fix       X   X
8.1.400.23 [10/07/15] – Hot Fix X     X X X
8.1.400.22 [08/28/15] – Hot Fix       X   X
8.1.400.21 [07/29/15] – General X     X X X
8.1.400.20 [06/12/15] – General X     X X X
8.1.400.19 [05/08/15] – Hot Fix           X
8.1.400.18 [04/01/15] – Hot Fix       X X X
8.1.400.16 [03/11/15] – Hot Fix       X   X
8.1.400.14 [02/20/15] – Hot Fix       X X X
8.1.400.13 [02/13/15] – Hot Fix       X   X
8.1.400.12 [12/30/14] – Hot Fix       X X X
8.1.400.09 [12/02/14] – Hot Fix       X X X
8.1.400.08 [11/05/14] – Hot Fix       X    
8.1.400.07 [10/09/14] – Hot Fix           X
8.1.400.06 [07/23/14] – General X X X X X X
8.1.300.36 [08/28/14] – Hot Fix         X  
8.1.300.35 [08/06/14] – Hot Fix           X
8.1.300.34 [05/22/14] – Hot Fix X     X X X
8.1.300.31 [02/10/14] – Hot Fix       X    
8.1.300.30 [01/20/14] – Hot Fix X X X X X X
8.1.300.28 [11/13/13] – Hot Fix           X
8.1.300.27 [11/04/13] – Hot Fix       X X X
8.1.300.25 [10/15/13] – Hot Fix         X X
8.1.300.23 [08/09/13] – Hot Fix           X
8.1.300.22 [06/27/13] – Hot Fix           X
8.1.300.20 [06/03/13] – General X X X X X X
8.1.300.19 [04/26/13] – Hot Fix X X X X X X
8.1.300.17 [04/11/13] – Hot Fix       X   X
8.1.300.16 [03/01/13] – General X X X X X X [02/07/13] – Hot Fix           X [01/09/13] – Hot Fix           X [12/20/12] – Hot Fix           X [10/23/12] – Hot Fix       X X X [09/07/12] – Hot Fix X       X X [08/24/12] – Hot Fix       X X [08/08/12] – Hot Fix       X   X [06/27/12] – Hot Fix       X X X [05/11/12] – Hot Fix X X X X X X [04/24/12] – Hot Fix X X X X X X [03/16/12] – General X X X X X X [02/17/12] – Hot Fix X X X X X X [01/30/12] – General X X X X X X [11/08/11] – Hot Fix         X [10/05/11] – General X X X X X X [09/12/11] – General X X X X X X [06/29/11] – Hot Fix         X X [05/05/11] – Hot Fix         X X [04/29/11] – General X X X X X X

Link to 8.0 Product Release Note (Cumulative)
Documentation Corrections
Known Issues and Recommendations
Discontinued Support
Additional Information


As of February 1, 2012, Genesys is no longer an affiliate of Alcatel-Lucent; any indication of such affiliation within Genesys products or packaging is no longer applicable. Please see the Genesys website at http://www.genesys.com for more details.

This release note applies to all 8.1 releases of Universal Routing Server (URS).

Use of Third-Party Software

Genesys follows applicable third-party redistribution policies to the extent that Genesys solutions utilize third-party functionality. For additional information on any third-party software used in this product, see More Release Information/Legal Notices for Universal Routing. Please contact your Customer Care representative if you have any questions.

Release Number 8.1.400.97 [02/05/25] – Update

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is an update for this product. This release does not contain any new features or functionality.

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following modification:

An issue that caused the httpinterface module to quit periodically is fixed. Previously, the module quit periodically when URS was run in backup mode and URS option http/active_backup was set to true. (URS-5679)

Top of Page

Release Number 8.1.400.96 [05/10/24] – Update

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is an update for this product. This release contains the following new features or functionality:

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following modification:

An issue that caused interactions to get stuck in URS is now fixed. The issue occurred if EventPartyChanged had the same ConnID and PreviousConnID attributes and at the same time, FirstTransferConnID and LastTransferConnID attributes pointed to a different interaction for which URS was already running strategy. (URS-5616)

Top of Page

Release Number 8.1.400.95 [09/08/23] – Update

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is an update for this product. This release contains the following new features or functionality:

Corrections and Modifications

There are no corrections or modifications for this release.

Top of Page

Release Number 8.1.400.92 [03/14/23] – Update

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is an update for this product. This release contains the following new features or functionality:

Corrections and Modifications

There are no corrections or modifications for this release.

Top of Page

Release Number 8.1.400.88 [12/16/22] – Update

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is an update for this product. This release contains the following new features or functionality:

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following modification:

In cases where an attempt to reserve an agent fails, URS now immediately tries to reselect a new agent irrespective of the type of routing strategy that is running, native URS or ORS-based. Previously, URS tried to reselect an agent for native URS strategies only. (URS-5264)

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Release Number 8.1.400.87 [08/30/22] – Update

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is an update for this product. This release does not contain any new features or functionality.

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following corrections and/or modifications:

Now, if routing of a call for an SCXML strategy fails twice in a row with the error code 56 'Invalid connection id' received from T-Server, URS stops further routing attempts and deletes such calls from its memory. URS rejects the subsequent requests from ORS for this interaction. (URS-5450)

URS no longer terminates unexpectedly when you rename a routing rule while executing a strategy that uses this object. (URS-5438)

Now, URS no longer terminates unexpectedly when handling the lvq web request if the lvq option has a value of 2 in its 5th position (for example, lvq = "1:1:0:1:2:10"). (URS-5426)

Top of Page

Release Number 8.1.400.86 [05/25/22] – Update

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is an update for this product. This release does not contain any new features or functionality.

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following corrections and/or modifications:

The backup URS instance now maintains consistent Estimated Wait Time (EWT) statistic values in alignment with the primary URS instance. This eliminates a previously possible sharp rise of EWT values provided on Virtual Queues after a URS switchover. (URS-5410)

Top of Page

Release Number 8.1.400.85 [05/06/22] – Update

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is an update for this product. This release does not contain any new features or functionality.

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following corrections and/or modifications:

This update addresses an issue which caused a backup URS instance, on startup, to still activate the httpinterface at times, even if the active_backup option was set to false.(URS-5411)

An issue that caused URS to not react correctly on tagging agents with the rdnd tag and as a result, route calls to such agents, is now fixed. (URS-5404)

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Release Number 8.1.400.84 [04/05/22] – Update

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is an update for this product. This release contains the following new features or functionality:

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following modifications:

URS now responds with an error message and does not stop accepting HTTP connections when a SOAP based HTTP request arrives at a backup URS instance. (URS-5340)

The Config Library that URS uses is upgraded. This enables correct handling of cases where an agent's configuration has long annex keys. (URS-5350)

URS no longer randomly crashes on receiving a urs/stat/targetqueueinfo web request for a virtual queue that does not exist. (URS-5370)

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Release Number 8.1.400.83 [12/03/21] – Update

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is an update for this product. This release contains the following new features or functionality:

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following modifications:

URS now correctly handles single step transfers of consult calls, in cases where it is configured to monitor agent DNs. Previously, some calls were stuck in the backup URS instance in similar scenarios. (URS-5307)

Now, when answering urs/call/max/lvq requests with aqt set to urs2, URS often uses one of the skill expressions (largest) that was used in the past with the requested VQ. Previously, URS cleared such selected skill expressions every hour and reselected an expression again. This resulted in the newly selected skill expression being considerably smaller (for some time) than the previously used expression. This caused a sudden increase in the data reported by the lvq requests. Beginning with this release, a VQ skill expression once selected is not cleared and will only be replaced with a larger skill expression. (URS-5356)

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Release Number 8.1.400.82 [10/01/21] – Update

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is an update for this product. This release does not contain any new features or functionality.

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following corrections and/or modifications:

URS no longers stops responding unexpectedly when executing the GetInteractionAge[] function. (URS-5296)

URS now updates the ideal agent score when agent skills are changed dynamically in scenarios where a strategy uses an ideal agent definition and an Agent Group is defined as a target. (URS-5297)

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Release Number 8.1.400.81 [08/19/21] – Update

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is an update for this product. This release contains the following new features or functionality:

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following modification:

URS now correctly handles consultation calls transferred to a Routing Point when the ConnID of the main call is not provided. Previously, in certain scenarios, URS was unable to start the strategy for these types of consultation calls. (URS-5252)

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Release Number 8.1.400.78 [05/18/21] – Update

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is an update for this product. This release contains the following new features or functionality:

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following modification:

When routing calls for SCXML strategies, if external routing is configured, URS no longer cancels the just issued RequestGetAccessNumber request on receiving the EventRouteUsed event. (URS-5196)

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Release Number 8.1.400.76 [02/19/21] – Hot Fix

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is a hot fix for this product. This release contains the following new feature:

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following corrections and/or modifications:

Primary URS now synchronizes with the backup URS instance execution of the setOptions function requested by ORS session functional module. Additionally, if URS does not know which ORS instance handles the specific interaction, it will distribute response messages to all ORS instances. (URS-5141)

This hot fix addresses an issue that caused URS to terminate abruptly when an agent is disabled exactly at the same time when URS places a call into queue, targeting the same agent based on a skill expression. (URS-5180)

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Release Number 8.1.400.75 [12/23/20] – Hot Fix

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is a hot fix for this product. This release contains the following new features or functionality:

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following modification:

This URS version is built with a new Log Library which provides better logging performance and reduces URS CPU usage when logging is enabled. (URS-5137)

The Linux version of URS now uses the FLEXlm 11.13 client library. Note: Do not use URS with a FLEXlm server older than 11.13. (URS-5166)

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Release Number 8.1.400.74 [12/01/20] – Hot Fix

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is a hot fix for this product. This release does not contain any new features or functionality.

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following corrections and/or modifications:

URS now correctly synchronizes virtual queue data across multiple URS instances when Virtual Queue Self-Awareness is enabled. (URS-5107)

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Release Number 8.1.400.73 [10/30/20] – Hot Fix

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is a hot fix for this product. This release does not contain any new features or functionality.

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following corrections and/or modifications:

When querying information about the Person object which has identical Agent Login codes configured on different switches, the FindConfigObject function now returns the logins property as a single key with an array of all the switch names to which these Agent Login codes belong to. (URS-5080)

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Release Number 8.1.400.72 [10/07/20] – Hot Fix

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is a hot fix for this product. This release does not contain any new features or functionality.

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following corrections and/or modifications:

URS now correctly selects the optimal agent when it is using the SetIdealAgent function and has multiple targets within a single target selection object. (URS-5072)

In deployments with multiple URS instances, the lvq method now returns the correct information about call positioning in a Virtual Queue, in scenarios where there is one call waiting in queue and the lvq request is processed by the URS instance which has no calls. (URS-5053)

URS now proactively reopens statistics on reconnecting to a backup Stat Server after connection to the primary instance is lost. Previously, if the Stat Server had the URS backup_mode option set to hot, not all opened statistics were reopened. (URS-5045)

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Release Number 8.1.400.71 [09/02/20] – Update

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is an update for this product. This release contains the following new features or functionality:

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following modifications:

URS now correctly reports the average waiting time for internal routing when the same call enters a queue multiple times. Previously, in such cases, the reported waiting time was smaller than the actual value. (URS-5037)

URS now routes calls to agents with required skills when a skill expression is applied to a place group and agents dynamically re-login at different places. (URS-5036)

The size of the SessionID parameter in WFM requests is extended from 20 to 128 bytes. (URS-5002)

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Release Number 8.1.400.69 [07/21/20] – Hot Fix

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is a hot fix for this product. This release does not contain any new features or functionality.

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following corrections and/or modifications:

An issue is fixed that sometimes caused URS to terminate when, due to race conditions, a web request to execute a routing function with a skill expression for an interaction arrived before strategy processing started. (URS-5019)

URS no longer terminates occasionally when it receives the web request, urs/concom2?command, with an expression containing the > symbol. (URS-5009)

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Release Number 8.1.400.68 [03/27/20] – Update

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is an update for this product. This release contains the following new features or functionality:

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following modifications:

URS no longer terminates when executing the StrMatch function when it has empty parameters. (URS- 4940)

This update addresses issues that, at times, resulted in URS terminating when accessing Custom Server. This occurred only in URS instances running on the Linux platform. (URS-4927)

Now, curly brackets {} without parameters in regular expressions are interpreted as literal characters. Previously, in such cases, a parse error was generated. (URS-4928)

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Release Number 8.1.400.67 [02/04/20] – Update

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is an update for this product. This release contains the following new features or functionality:

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following modifications:

The JavaScript method, hasOwnProperty, now returns the correct value even if the associated object has more than 50 properties. (URS-4913)

The SetStringKey function now interprets different keys correctly when accessing key-value lists. In URS version 8.1.400.65, different keys were interpreted as identical if they had the same length and started the same way. (URS-4920)

Top of Page

Release Number 8.1.400.65 [01/15/20] – Hot Fix

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is a hot fix for this product. This release does not contain any new features or functionality.

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following modifications:

The GetStringKey function now finds the proper key when trying to find a match in multi-language environments. (URS-4889)

URS now always reopens statistics on reconnecting to a backup Stat Server after connection to the primary instance is lost. Previously in such scenarios, URS did not reopen statistics if Stat Server was configured to accept client connections in backup mode and the reconnect timeout was set to a value less than 5 seconds. (URS-4883)

URS now continues to periodically recheck the content of skill expressions containing the RStatTimeInReadyStateMedia statistics. Previously, in some recent releases, the periodic check was interrupted after the first few checks. (URS-4874)

The StrURLEncode function now works correctly when applied to multibyte character languages. (URS-5345)

Top of Page

Release Number 8.1.400.63 [09/30/19] – Update

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is an update for this product. This release contains the following new features or functionality:

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following correction:

In multi-site deployments after switchover, the backup URS instance successfully executes a strategy loaded on the routing point on any tenant, even when the interaction arrives from another tenant. (URS-4820)

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Release Number 8.1.400.62 [08/27/19] – Hot Fix

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is a hot fix for this product. This release contains the following new features or functionality:

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following corrections and modifications:

URS now correctly processes HTTP web requests if a previous HTTPS request through an invalid proxy server was unsuccessful. (URS-4809)

URS now correctly performs substitutions when using the string replace ECMAScript method with a regular expression containing capture groups.(URS-4819)

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Release Number 8.1.400.60 [06/21/19] – Update

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is an update for this product. This release contains the following new features or functionality:

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following corrections and modifications:

URS now correctly distributes a single voice callback (VCB) notification for each of the VCB interactions placed into the same queue multiple times. (URS-4792)

The Collect Entered Digits (CED) function now correctly returns the digits collected by the treatment in the strategy that was started in parallel to another strategy for the same interaction. (URS-4791)

On Linux platforms, HTTP Interface now successfully exits on the stop command from URS during switchover, while URS is still processing an HTTP request from the Web Client. Previously, HTTP Interface sometimes did not stop in such scenarios and resulted in 100% CPU utilization. (URS-4698)

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Release Number 8.1.400.59 [05/28/19] – General

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

There are no restrictions for this release. This release contains the following new feature:

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following corrections and modifications:

The stack size on Windows platforms is extended to 8 MB (from the default 1 MB) to allow the HTTP Bridge to handle deeply recursive SOAP XML documents. However, the HTTP Bridge might not be able to process highly recursive SOAP XML documents if the required stack memory exceeds 8 MB.(URS-4741)

The response to the lvq web request with the aqt parameter set to urs2 no longer contains unreadable characters in the value of the clc attribute. (URS-4753)

URS now successfully routes interactions to the selected target if the subsequent busy treatment is started when the custom routing procedure is still running. (URS-4700)

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Release Number 8.1.400.58 [04/19/19] – Update

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is an update for this product. This release contains the following new features or functionality:

Corrections and Modifications

There are no corrections or modifications for this release.

Top of Page

Release Number 8.1.400.57 [04/09/19] – Hot Fix

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is a hot fix for this product. This release does not contain any new features or functionality.

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following modification:

During predictive routing, when an attempt to deliver a call to a high-score agent fails (no answer), URS no longer delivers the call to an available low-score agent, but will wait for the specified timeout. Previously, URS routed the call to an available low-score agent in similar scenarios. (URS-4736)

Top of Page

Release Number 8.1.400.56 [03/01/19] – Update

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is an update for this product. This release contains the following new features or functionality:

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following corrections and/or modifications:

URS no longer stops abruptly when answering lvq web requests when the scale parameter is set to true for any virtual queue that has several delayed vcb interactions, that is, interactions for which the outbound call back to customer failed. (URS-4649)

Cookies that URS gets through an HTTPS connection are now added to HTTP requests only if they are sent over an HTTPS connection. (URS-4639)

URS no longer loses connection with Configuration Server when a corresponding Configuration Server application object (confserv) is disabled or deleted in Configuration Layer. Previously, in these scenarios, URS disconnected from Configuration Server and did not receive any configuration updates. (URS-4635)

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Release Number 8.1.400.55 [12/14/18] – Update

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is an update for this product. This release contains the following new features or functionality:

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following corrections and/or modifications:

Key-Value pairs from lists of interactions returned by Interaction Server are now properly assigned to variables after the request is processed with the FindInteractions method. Previously, URS failed to assign such data. (URS-4015)

URS now properly parses Japanese double-byte characters that contain the escape symbol as a second byte. Previously, URS incorrectly processed data with such characters adding an extra escape symbol in the output. (URS-4002)

URS now properly reports end of treatment to ORS when, during ORS switchover, the same treatment was restarted, and, after URS switchover, the treatment is ended. Previously, in such scenarios, URS sometimes failed to notify ORS about the end of the restarted treatment. (URS-3996)

URS now correctly distributes the EventReserved_2 event within the defined time interval when a backup URS instance is switching to primary mode. Previously, in such scenarios, the time interval could be interrupted. (URS-4343)

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Release Number 8.1.400.53 [10/12/18] – Hot Fix

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is a hot fix for this product. This release contains the following new features or functionality:

Corrections and Modifications

There are no corrections or modifications for this release.

Top of Page

Release Number 8.1.400.52 [09/14/18] – Update

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is an update for this product. This release contains the following new features or functionality:

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following correction and/or modification:

URS no longer routes calls to non-skilled Agents if the required skill was deleted from Agent configuration. Previously, at times, numerous Agent configuration updates were not reflected in the recalculation of value for the skill expression defined in Service Level Routing Rules due to race conditions. (URS-3999)

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Release Number 8.1.400.50 [06/29/18] – Update

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is an update for this product. This release contains the following new features or functionality:

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following corrections and modifications:

URS now correctly handles WFM schedules containing an agent who was disabled or removed from the Configuration Layer. Previously, in such scenarios, URS was unable to route interactions to any agent scheduled for a particular activity. (URS-3920)

Now, only the primary URS instance executes the strategy defined in the VCB_STRATEGY key in a voice callback scenario, if the interaction has both keys, EXECUTION_MODE and VCB_STRATEGY, attached to the user data. Earlier, in such scenarios, both primary and backup URSs executed the strategy defined in the VCB_STRATEGY. (URS-3919)

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Release Number 8.1.400.49 [06/07/18] – Hot Fix

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is a hot fix for this product. This release contains the following new features or functionality:

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following corrections and modifications:

URS now successfully retrieves WFM schedules. Previously, at times, during race conditions URS could stop reading WFM schedules. (URS-3909)

The HTTP Bridge does not exit when a client other than URS connects to it via the HTTP bridge port. Previously, in such scenarios, the HTTP bridge could exit unexpectedly. (URS-3908)

URS no longer becomes unstable when an Agent with active interactions logs out. Previously, at times, such conditions could lead to URS termination. (URS-3898)

URS now returns the correct Expected Waiting Time (EWT) value for the lvq URS web method. Previously, beginning with version 8.1.400.42, URS at times returned 0 as the value for EWT. (URS-3881)

The CountSkillInGroupEx and GetSkillInGroupEx functions return valid data when applied to a virtual agent group and the function's parameter Skill Expression is defined as a combination of skills and statistics. Previously, in such scenarios, these functions returned invalid data when the content of the virtual group was not yet open. (URS-3875)

The HTTP Bridge no longer grows in memory when processing web requests with unique URLs. (URS-3863)

URS now correctly calculates the RStatExpectedLBEWTLAA statistic. (URS-3759)

The HTTP Interface no longer stops abruptly on receiving a web request before a connection to URS is established. (URS-3746)

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Release Number 8.1.400.45 [03/30/18] – Hot Fix

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is a hot fix for this product. This release contains the following new features or functionality:

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following corrections and modifications:

The backup URS no longer quits unexpectedly when, under race conditions, it receives call-related Virtual Queue events arrive from the primary URS before the call creation events (such as EventQueued) from T-Server. (URS-3828)

When executing the StrAsciiTok function, URS now correctly stores in memory the index of the next character followed the obtained substring. URS 8.1.400.42 incorrectly stored the index of the last character of the obtained substring. (URS-3810)

URS now correctly handles cases whenever adding months with the UTCAdd function might result in invalid dates. (URS-3772)

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Release Number 8.1.400.42 [02/16/18] – General

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

Important: This release requires Stat Server or later.

There are no restrictions for this release. This release contains the following new features or functionality:

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following corrections and modifications:

URS now reacts to EventPartyChanged events when the AttributeConnID and AttributePreviousConnID attributes are the same. Specifically, it distributes related Virtual Queue events with content that matches EventPartyChanged. Previously, such a scenario resulted in no updates to distributed Virtual Queue events. (URS-3760)

When the option transfer_to_agent is set to false, URS no longer quits unexpectedly on attempts to route on a target of type DN from an IVR or an agent's DN. (URS-3744)

URS no longer registers DNs of the type "External Routing Point". Previously, such registrations could prevent call routing. (URS-3716)

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Release Number 8.1.400.39 [10/27/17] – General

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

There are no restrictions for this release. This release contains the following new features or functionality:

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following corrections and modifications:

This URS release closes a potential vulnerability that may be exposed with some XML messages over 2 GB in size. Previously, when the URS application (64-bit versions only) had a SOAP port enabled, it could malfunction or quit unexpectedly.(URS-3711)

URS now returns correctly formatted JSON content on urs/stat/targetstate web requests. (URS-3684)

URS now continuously tracks usage of skill content statistics along with related agent group content statistics, and extends their subscription. This tracking prevents URS from closing apparently unused agent group content statistics when they are accessed via skill content statistics. (URS-3662)

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Release Number 8.1.400.37 [08/18/17] – Hot Fix

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is a hot fix for this product. This release contains the following new features or functionality:

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following corrections and modifications:

When Universal Routing Server receives an invalid command in a web API request (urs/console?command), it no longer quits unexpectedly on Linux, Solaris, and AIX platforms. (URS-3670)

Universal Routing Server no longer quits unexpectedly while processing an incorrectly formatted message that is passed to the management port. URS now ignores such messages. (URS-3640)

Universal Routing Server no longer truncates error messages from external web servers. Previously, URS truncated external error messages greater than 512 bytes. (URS-3622)

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Release Number 8.1.400.36 [05/26/17] – General

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is a hot fix for this product. This release contains the following new features or functionality:

Note: This version was first released as a Hot Fix on 05/16/17.

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following corrections and modifications:

Universal Routing Server no longer terminates unexpectedly or consumes excessive memory if strategies uses the additional Threshold or Ideal agent definitions containing some unique property of processed calls, such as ConnID or CallUUID. (URS-3626)

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Release Number 8.1.400.35 [02/28/17] – Hot Fix

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is a hot fix for this product. This release does not contain any new features or functionality.

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following corrections and modifications:

Universal Routing Server now correctly distributes callback notifications for agents in blended voice and multimedia environments when either multi or single URS virtual callback mode is enabled. Previously, URS could distribute those notifications out of order as a result of a race condition. (URS-3576)

When running on the Linux operating system, URS silent installation no longer reports an error message if the Host name where License Server is running contains symbol '_'. Previously in such cases, URS installation completed successfully, but the following error message was wrongly reported: Key Host value: entered data is not in valid host name format (only [0-9,a-z,A-Z,-,.,_] symbols are allowed). (URS-3623)

Note: This correction was added on 05/19/2017.

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Release Number 8.1.400.33 [02/08/17] – Hot Fix

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is a hot fix for this product. This release contains the following new features or functionality.

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following corrections and modifications:

Universal Routing Server now correctly distributes callback notifications for agents in blended voice and multimedia environments when multi URS virtual callback mode is enabled. Previously, URS could distribute those notifications out of order as a result of a race condition. (URS-3576)

HTTP Bridge no longer experiences memory growth with strategies that use SOAP Web Service objects. (URS-3575)

If a strategy contains SetDelayedAttach[true], URS now properly executes the Update function. Previously, if a strategy contained SetDelayedAttach[true] to delay a user data update, URS attached the user data instead of updating the user data. (URS-3571)

URS no longer terminates unexpectedly when an invalid call is transferred back to the T-Server that originated the call. (URS-3562)

By default, URS checks and corrects the attached data of a call to ensure that all strings end with a single zero byte. (URS-3559)

The function ExpandGroup now correctly handles the combination of Agent Group and Skill expression when called for the first time. (URS-3553)

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Release Number 8.1.400.32 [11/11/16] – Hot Fix

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is a hot fix for this product. This release contains the following new features or functionality:

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following corrections and modifications:

When processing XML documents retrieved with Web Service object SOAP requests, all XML encoded fragments (&gt; &lt; &amp; &quot; &apos;) are now decoded into their values (> < & " '). (URS-3537)

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Release Number 8.1.400.28 [08/29/16] – Hot Fix

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is a hot fix for this product. This release contains the following new features or functionality:

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following corrections and modifications:

URS now correctly reports the connection status to Configuration Server Proxy after its switchover in the Monitoring section of IRD. Previously, URS sometimes reported the Configuration Server Proxy connection status as "Unknown". (URS-3511)

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Release Number 8.1.400.27 [06/20/16] – General

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

There are no restrictions for this release. This section describes new features that were introduced in this release of Universal Routing Server.

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following corrections and modifications:

URS no longer terminates unexpectedly after receiving a message from T-Server with an invalid message ID. (URS-3472)

URS now correctly includes attached User Data in EventReserved_2 that URS distributes on a Virtual Queue with the following keys that were present in EventRouteRequest:


URS no longer terminates unexpectedly while searching agents (executing the FindConfigObject function) by their Login IDs. The issue took place when Agent Logins were edited, deleted, or created during the function execution. (URS-3460)

URS no longer consumes excessive memory while executing the SetObjectProperty function to update a List object containing a large number of key-value pairs. (URS-3459)

URS no longer occasionally terminates while attempting to debug a strategy. (URS-3458)

URS now successfully processes the SuspendForEvent function if the value of the <key> of the Event parameter is not defined after the colon (:) when the format userdata.<key>: was used. Previously, starting with version 8.1.400.12, URS ignored such an Event parameter. (URS-3328)

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Release Number 8.1.400.25 [04/25/16] – General

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

There are no restrictions for this release. This release contains the following new features or functionality.

Note: This version was first released as a Hot Fix on 12/18/15.

Corrections and Modifications

This release does not include any corrections and/or modifications.

Top of Page

Release Number 8.1.400.24 [11/13/15] – Hot Fix

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is a hot fix for this product. This release contains the following new features or functionality.

Corrections and Modifications

This release does not include any corrections and/or modifications.

Top of Page

Release Number 8.1.400.23 [10/07/15] – Hot Fix

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is a hot fix for this product. This release contains the following new features or functionality.

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following corrections and/or modifications.

When working with a UTF8-enabled Configuration Server, URS now parses web server responses that contain certain language-specific characters with diacritical marks. (URS-3365)

A 64-bit build of URS no longer occasionally terminates unexpectedly when it consumes more than 4 gigabytes of memory. (URS-3384)

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Release Number 8.1.400.22 [08/28/15] – Hot Fix

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is a hot fix for this product. This release contains the following new features or functionality.

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following corrections and/or modifications.

URS can now successfully process a data set in internal memory using the map Web method while synchronizing the data with a backup URS. Previously in this scenario, a backup URS could terminate unexpectedly. (URS-3353)

HTTP Bridge now returns a value of type List if a Web Service Response element referred to by the key contains an element with one or more attributes. Previously in this scenario, HTTP Bridge could return a value of type String. (URS-3342)

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Release Number 8.1.400.21 [07/29/15] – General

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

There are no restrictions for this release. This release does not contain new features or functionality.

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following corrections and/or modifications.

URS no longer terminates unexpectedly while processing requests for Virtual Queue statistics, that were received through the Web API or from an Orchestration strategy, when the name of a Stat Server is not explicitly provided. (URS-3316)

When processing SCXML strategies, URS no longer occasionally becomes unstable in the following scenario: When a queue:cancel request arrives from ORS after a routing target is selected, but before URS sends RequestRouteCall to T-Server, and such routing request failed. (URS-3529)

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Release Number 8.1.400.20 [06/12/15] – General

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

There are no restrictions for this release. This section describes new features that were introduced in this release of Universal Routing Server.

Corrections and Modifications

This release does not include any corrections or modifications.

Top of Page

Release Number 8.1.400.19 [05/08/15] – Hot Fix

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is a hot fix for this product. This release contains the following new features or functionality.

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following corrections and modifications:

Starting from this version on, upon unregistering from a DN, URS will forcefully clear the OutOfService flag on this DN if such was previously set. (URS-3292)

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Release Number 8.1.400.18 [04/01/15] – Hot Fix

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is a hot fix for this product. This release contains the following new features or functionality:

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following corrections and modifications:

URS now more reliably detects loops in a strategy containing a Routing object and ensures that a single call no longer occupies URS resources for more than approximately 1 second. Previously, it sometimes took longer for URS to detect a loop in that strategy. (URS-3253)

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Release Number 8.1.400.16 [03/11/15] – Hot Fix

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is a hot fix for this product. This release contains the following new features or functionality:

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following corrections and modifications:

HTTP Bridge now correctly returns a value of type List if the Web Service response element refers to the key containing that value type. Previously, starting with version 8.1.400.12, HTTP Bridge returned a value of type String. (URS-3252)

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Release Number 8.1.400.14 [02/20/15] – Hot Fix

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is a hot fix for this product. This release does not contain new features or functionality.

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following corrections and modifications:

URS no longer terminates if a strategy uses both TRoute and OnCallAbandoned functions and a call is abandoned during the execution of the TRoute function. (URS-3232)

HTTP Bridge no longer interprets XML escape sequences ("<" and ">") as regular delimiters (< and >) of XML tags. It now passes them into the strategy as is and does not terminate while processing XML data returned by SOAP-based Web Services containing XML escape sequences. (URS-3164)

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Release Number 8.1.400.13 [02/13/15] – Hot Fix

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is a hot fix for this product. This release does not contain new features or functionality.

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following corrections and modifications:

URS now correctly calculates statistics of Workforce Management activities to immediately reflect changes in agent activities. Previously, URS might delay a few minutes in updating agent activity changes. (URS-3217)

URS now correctly processes the RStatRoundRobin function and routes a call to the next available agent if there were no available agents for some period of time. Previously in this scenario, URS incorrectly reset the round-robin selection instead of routing a call to the next available agent. (URS-3216)

URS now correctly processes a scenario where a strategy uses both the OnCallAbandoned function and Force routing rule and EventAbandoned arrives during force routing. Previously, URS did not process the scenario correctly, which resulted in a stuck call. (URS-3208)

This release adds a new URS Application-level option to configure the protocol to be used for HTTPS connections.

Location in Configuration Layer by precedence: web section of URS
Default Value: As defined by Genesys Security Layer
Valid Values: SSLv23, SSLv3, TLSv1, TLSv11
Changes Take Effect: After restart

This option specifies which handshake protocol HTTP Bridge uses for outgoing HTTPS connections. This option can be used only on UNIX operating systems with Genesys Security Pack on UNIX 8.1.x, starting with 8.1.300.05. This option has no effect on Windows. Protocols are specified by the option values as follows:


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Release Number 8.1.400.12 [12/30/14] – Hot Fix

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is a hot fix for this product. This release does not contain new features or functionality.

Note: Support for the Solaris OS was added to this version on 01/30/15.

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following corrections and modifications:

This release improves the update of the content of skill expressions for Agent Groups. Previously, URS sometimes experienced delays in skill expression updates when the contents of every Agent Group that was associated with a large number of skill expressions was changed frequently. (URS-3206)

The maximum size of the URL used to send HTTP requests from Routing Strategies is extended up to 16 KB. Previously, the size was limited to 940 bytes. (URS-3205)

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Release Number 8.1.400.09 [12/02/14] – Hot Fix

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is a hot fix for this product. This release contains the following new features or functionality:

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following corrections and modifications:

When an agent is configured with the capacity rule that does not allow handling voice interactions, statistics RStatAgentsReadyvoice and RStatTimeInReadyStatevoice no longer incorrectly include that agent into the calculation result. (URS-3181)

In a scenario where routing objects use custom routing and routing has failed, URS no longer restarts the busy treatment. Previously in this scenario, URS incorrectly restarted the busy treatment. (URS-3162)

The backup instance of URS now correctly terminates any session that was started on the primary URS through the Web API. Previously in this scenario, the backup URS did not terminate such a session and, as a result, after the switchover that session was incorrectly restored. (URS-3149)

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Release Number 8.1.400.08 [11/05/14] – Hot Fix

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is a hot fix for this product. This release does not contain new features or functionality.

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following corrections and modifications:

URS no longer terminates unexpectedly while executing the macro containing the sort method of the Array object. (URS-3186)

In multi-site deployments, when a Switch configuration object is disabled and then enabled again, URS now correctly handles the ISCC location information and statuses of the ISCC connections between two T-Servers, one of which is associated with the corresponding Switch. Previously in this scenario, URS did not distribute interactions from a T-Server associated with that Switch. (URS-3177)

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Release Number 8.1.400.07 [10/09/14] – Hot Fix

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is a hot fix for this product. This release does not contain new features or functionality.

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following corrections and modifications:

When multimedia interactions are placed in Virtual Queues and URS receives updates on them through Orchestration Server (ORS) rather than from Interaction Server, URS now correctly reports updated user data in corresponding events. Previously in this scenario, URS did not report updated user data. (URS-3167)

Top of Page

Release Number 8.1.400.06 [07/23/14] – General

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

There are no restrictions for this release. This section describes new features that were introduced in this release of Universal Routing Server (URS).

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following corrections and modifications:

URS no longer terminates unexpectedly during execution of the function ExpandGroup if Stat Server fails to return requested data. (URS-3138, URS 3089)

On applying Force function while processing multimedia interactions, URS now populates AttributeRouteType with the correct value of RouteTypeDirect into the RequestRouteCall distributed to Interaction Server. Previously in this scenario, the RouteTypeDefault was used as a routing type value. (URS-3090)

The function GetLastErrorInfo no longer returns an empty result if an error is received from T-Server on RequestGetAccessNumber during a high load. (URS-3079)

If an agent is removed from Configuration Layer during a temporary loss of connection with Configuration Server, URS no longer considers the agent as a target which matches criteria in skill expressions. (URS-3069)

URS no longer terminates when a skill name is updated in the Configuration Layer to the maximum length of 254 characters. Note that the limitation on the maximum skill name supported by URS is 126 characters. (URS-3014)

URS now populates AttributeExtensions with the correct values of IN_TARGETS and OUT_TARGETS into the RequestRouteCall distributed to Interaction Server. Previously, if a strategy was configured with several Route Interaction objects, the Existing and New interaction queues from the last Route Interaction object were reported in RequestRouteCall regardless of which target was actually selected. (URS-2991)

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Release Number 8.1.300.36 [08/28/14] – Hot Fix

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is a hot fix for this product. This release contains the following new features or functionality:

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following corrections and modifications:

In a scenario where routing objects use custom routing and routing has failed, URS no longer restarts the busy treatment. Previously in this scenario, URS incorrectly restarted the busy treatment. (URS-3155)

Universal Routing Server no longer terminates when a skill name is updated in Configuration Layer to the maximum length of 254 characters. Note that the limitation on the maximum skill name supported by URS is 126 characters. (URS-3014)

If an agent is removed from Configuration Layer during a temporary loss of connection with Configuration Server, Universal Routing Server no longer considers the agent as a target which matches criteria in skill expressions. (URS-3069)

Universal Routing Server no longer terminates unexpectedly during execution of the function ExpandGroup if Stat Server fails to return requested data. (URS-3138, URS 3089)

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Release Number 8.1.300.35 [08/06/14] – Hot Fix

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is a hot fix for this product. This release does not contain new features or functionality.

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following corrections and modifications:

The backup instance of Universal Routing Server (URS) now correctly terminates any session that was started on the primary URS through the Web API. Previously in this scenario, the backup URS did not terminate such a session and, as a result, after the switchover that session was incorrectly restored. (URS-3144)

Top of Page

Release Number 8.1.300.34 [05/22/14] – Hot Fix

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is a hot fix for this product. This release does not contain new features or functionality.

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following corrections and modifications:

In a scenario in which a multimedia interaction processed by Orchestration Server is abandoned while waiting in Virtual Queues, an EventAbandoned is now distributed on all Virtual Queues where this interaction was queued. (URS-3109)

HTTP Bridge no longer terminates unexpectedly on AIX or Linux operating systems when closing a secure connection to a Web Service or a Web Server. Previously, in this scenario, the HTTP Bridge terminated and was restarted by URS. To solve this issue, install Genesys Security Pack on UNIX version 8.1.300.03 or later. (URS-3085, URS-2822, URS-3007)

When connecting to a backup server and acting as client, URS now correctly applies ADDP settings that were configured for the corresponding primary server. Previously in this scenario, URS ignored ADDP settings. This issue occurred only in URS version 8.1.300.31. (URS-3179)

Top of Page

Release Number 8.1.300.31 [02/10/14] – Hot Fix

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is a hot fix for this product. This release does not contain new features or functionality.

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following corrections and modifications:

HTTP Bridge no longer experiences memory growth while processing the Web Service responses containing a list of key-value pairs. Previously, in this scenario, the HTTP Bridge terminated. (URS-2979)

Top of Page

Release Number 8.1.300.30 [01/20/14] – Hot Fix

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is a hot fix for this product. This release does not contain new features or functionality.

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following corrections and modifications:

The HTTP Bridge no longer terminates upon receiving multiple HTTP responses for a single request. Previously, in this scenario, the HTTP Bridge terminated and restarted. (URS-3000)

Top of Page

Release Number 8.1.300.28 [11/13/13] – Hot Fix

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is a hot fix for this product. This release does not contain new features or functionality.

Corrections and Modifications

This release contains the following corrections and modifications:

Universal Routing Server now correctly processes key-value pairs when key names contain a colon punctuation mark. Previously, URS failed to remove such data from KVLists. (URS-2993)

Top of Page

Release Number 8.1.300.27 [11/04/13] – Hot Fix

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is a hot fix for this product. This release does not contain new features or functionality.

Corrections and Modifications

This release contains the following corrections and modifications:

Universal Routing Server no longer terminates unexpectedly when attempting to open a statistic for a target which is not defined in the Configuration Layer. (URS-2992, URS-2972)

Universal Routing Server no longer terminates unexpectedly when an EventAbandoned arrives immediately after an EventRouteUsed has arrived for the same call. In URS version 8.1.300.25, in this scenario, deleting a call from URS memory sometimes resulted in URS termination. (URS-2986)

When a skill expression is used as a target, Universal Routing Server now successfully routes calls to the agent after the agent's Employee ID is changed. Previously, URS excluded an agent with a modified Employee ID from the list of possible targets. (URS-2983)

When Universal Routing Server is running as a Windows Service, it now performs a graceful exit after receiving a host shutdown request. (URS-2970)

Universal Routing Server now successfully deletes a call from its memory in a scenario where the call is processed by Orchestration Server and an EventAbandoned for the same call arrives less than 1 second after EventRouteRequest. Previously, in this scenario, the call could be stored in URS memory indefinitely. (URS-2967)

Universal Routing Server no longer terminates unexpectedly when a statistic name longer than 256 bytes is used in the strategy. (URS-2961)

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Release Number 8.1.300.25 [10/15/13] – Hot Fix

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is a hot fix for this product. This release does not contain new features or functionality.

Corrections and Modifications

This release contains the following corrections and modifications:

Universal Routing Server no longer experiences memory growth during strategy execution when callage[ ] in threshold expressions and SetInteractionAge[true] functions were invoked. (URS-2956)

Universal Routing Server does not send RequestRegisterAddress to T-Server to reregister a DN if the event_arrive option was deleted from the Annex Tab of the DN, when the backup T-Server is restarted. (URS-2954)

Universal Routing Server does not send RequestRegisterAddress to T-Server to reregister a Virtual Queue DN which was deleted from the configuration, when the backup T-Server is restarted. (URS-2953)

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Release Number 8.1.300.23 [08/09/13] – Hot Fix

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is a hot fix for this product. This release does not contain new features or functionality.

Corrections and Modifications

This release contains the following corrections and modifications:

The Universal Routing Server option reduced has been extended with a new value: 4096. If this value is specified, it instructs URS not to perform the procedure for updating the content of the skills groups due to any modification made on the Annex tab of the Agent or Place configuration objects. (URS-2826)

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Release Number 8.1.300.22 [06/27/13] – Hot Fix

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is a hot fix for this product. This release does not contain new features or functionality.

Corrections and Modifications

This release contains the following corrections and modifications:

Universal Routing Server now successfully processes a Web Service request over https when a secure connection renegotiation has been requested by the web server. Previously, URS may have failed to process the Web Service request in this scenario. (ER# 322881176)

Top of Page

Release Number 8.1.300.20 [06/03/13] – General

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

There are no restrictions for this release. This release contains the following new features or functionality:

Corrections and Modifications

This release does not contain any corrections and modifications.

Top of Page

Release Number 8.1.300.19 [04/26/13] – Hot Fix

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is a hot fix for this product. This release does not contain new features or functionality.

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following corrections and modifications:

Universal Routing Server no longer becomes unstable after repeated reconnects to a Stat Server. Previously, this scenario prevented URS from getting configuration data updates or may have caused URS termination. (ER# 321648979)

Top of Page

Release Number 8.1.300.17 [04/11/13] – Hot Fix

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is a hot fix for this product. This release contains the following new functionality.

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following corrections and modifications:

Universal Routing Server now correctly selects the T-Server for Agent Reservation in a blended Multimedia and Voice interactions environment, in a scenario in which the agent place contains DNs controlled by different T-Servers.

The agent_reservation configuration option is now extended with the following values:

(ER# 320464941)

Universal Routing Server no longer terminates while processing an Orchestration Server <queue:cancel> action that is received after two consequent <queue:submit> requests. Previously, URS could sometimes exit in this scenario. (ER# 319468395)

Universal Routing Server no longer exits when attempting to route email to workbins if a skill expression is used as the workbin owner. Previously, URS terminated in this scenario. (ER# 318312262)

The option RunTimeMode accepts only numeric values and does not accept aliases, which can be used only from inside strategies. (ER# 317982891)

Top of Page

Release Number 8.1.300.16 [03/01/13] – General

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

There are no restrictions for this release. This section describes new features that were introduced in this release of Universal Routing Server (URS).

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following corrections and modifications:

URS now successfully routes calls to the selected target in a scenario where a Pause treatment timeout expires before a call transfer from an IVR port back to the Routing Point is completed. (ER# 303216937)

URS now correctly processes the HTTP Success response message 201 Created and assigns the returned value to a variable. (ER# 305961960)

URS now successfully routes calls to Ready Agents with satisfying skills, from the Agent Group used in Service Level Routing Rule in a scenario where the Agent Group was previously disabled and then enabled in Configuration Manager. (ER# 307920035)

URS no longer becomes unstable when disconnecting from an Interaction Server while running a debug session. (ER# 310251411)

URS no longer terminates when the Bytes[] function is applied to a string containing a long sequence of non-ASCII characters. (ER# 313123345)

URS no longer become unstable while processing the GetSkillInGroupEx function if an Agent Group parameter contains multiple comma-separated targets. (ER# 314488840)

URS no longer terminates during the execution of a strategy when recursions of subroutines are called one from another in excess of 1000 times, and a target selection object is used in the very inner subroutine. (ER# 315293438)

URS now returns an error message to Orchestration Server on the request to subscribe for a statistic that is not defined in the Configuration Layer. (ER# 310829311)

The processing of simultaneous DN configuration object updates affecting DN Groups has been optimized. This allows for a reduction of associated delays in Universal Routing Server by up to two times, compared to the previous release.

Note: Genesys recommends that you avoid performing resource consuming configuration updates during Call Center peak hours.

(ER# 317619751)

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Release Number [02/07/13] – Hot Fix

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is a hot fix for this product. This release does not contain new features or functionality.

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following corrections and modifications:

URS now correctly returns the result as a string value of any size when executing Queue FM functions invoked by Orchestration Server. Previously, URS failed to return a value greater than 16 kilobytes. (ER# 316942273)

Top of Page

Release Number [01/09/13] – Hot Fix

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is a hot fix for this product. This release contains the following new functionality:

Corrections and Modifications

This release does not contain any corrections and modifications.

Top of Page

Release Number [12/20/12] – Hot Fix

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is a hot fix for this product. This release does not contain new features or functionality.

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following corrections and modifications:

The content of the URS XML template file has been updated to exclude any characters that are not UTF-8 compliant. (ER# 314743281)

Top of Page

Release Number [10/23/12] – Hot Fix

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is a hot fix for this product. This release does not contain new features or functionality.

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following corrections and modifications:

URS no longer has the possibility to become unstable when the network connection between URS and ORS is unexpectedly disconnected while multimedia interactions are being processed. (ER# 309957822)

Top of Page

Release Number [09/07/12] – Hot Fix

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is a hot fix for this product. This release does not contain new features or functionality.

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following corrections and modifications:

URS no longer has the possibility to become unstable while processing consultation calls. Previously, memory for the backup URS may have grown while consultation calls were being processed. (ER# 307460651)

Backup URS no longer has the possibility to duplicate the deletion of user data requests issued by primary URS while the primary and backup URS applications process ORS strategies. (ER# 307988021)

Top of Page

Release Number [08/24/12] – Hot Fix

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is a hot fix for this product. This release does not contain new features or functionality.

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following corrections and modifications:

Backup URS now properly processes SCXML strategies if a failure happens while processing a <dialog> action invoked directly (not through a <runtreatments> element). Previously, in this scenario, backup URS might have failed to continue processing the SCXML strategies after a primary URS failure.

Note: This issue is fixed for all types of <dialog> actions except for <dialog.remote>.

(ER# 305414223)

URS no longer fails to access Web services from a strategy through a secure channel (https) on UNIX-based platforms. (ER# 302992541)

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Release Number [08/08/12] – Hot Fix

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is a hot fix for this product. This release contains the following new functionality:

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following corrections and modifications:

The URS media type of multimedia interactions is stored in an interaction's attached data. The virtual queue events distributed by URS, while the multimedia interactions are processed by ORS, do not contain a direct AttributeMediaType attribute. Therefore, the media type of Interactions is only passed through the attached data. (ER# 305142555)

Calls processed by URS, on behalf of debugging sessions, may now use the run_time_mode option set to a value of 128 (which allows to use dots (".") in Key names of List Objects). Previously, if a debugged strategy tried to access List Objects elements, it was done without taking into consideration the run_time_mode option. This resulted in all the following calls, including real ones, to also disregard the option's value. (ER# 303408527)

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Release Number [06/27/12] – Hot Fix

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is a hot fix for this product. This release does not contain new features or functionality.

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following corrections and modifications:

URS now provides the correct value when the CallUUID[] function is invoked for strategies used to process abandoned calls (activated through the OnCallAbandoned[StrategyName] function). (ER# 301126436)

URS now supports the pipe (¦) character for the extensions of a treatment requests. The extensions values are specified in the <hints> object of dialog action elements.

Note: The pipe (¦) character inside the values of treatment parameters is not supported.

(ER# 300905133)

This release of URS introduces the new value of 128 for the run_time_mode option. When this new option value is set, URS considers the dot (.) character as a regular character while operating with List objects or KVList values. When the run_time_mode option is set to its default value of 0 (zero), more precisely the 8th bit of the value is clear, URS uses the dot (.) character as a separator between list/sublist key names.

Note: Changes to this option take effect after URS is restarted.

(ER# 300064528) (URS-3171)

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Release Number [05/11/12] – Hot Fix

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is a hot fix for this product. This release does not contain new features or functionality.

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following corrections and modifications:

URS no longer occasionally exits while attempting to apply treatments that are requested by ORS for an interaction that was already terminated. (ER# 298518741)

URS now correctly decodes all of the URL encoded data that are presented in web requests. (ER# 298979553)

For multimedia interactions processed by ORS, the age of an interaction, if used, is now defined by the interaction property ReceivedAt. Previously, the age of multimedia interactions were defined by the time the interaction was pulled by URS from the Interaction Queue.

Note: For this functionality to work properly, ORS version (or later) is required.

(ER# 299285293)

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Release Number [04/24/12] – Hot Fix

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is a hot fix for this product. This release contains the following new functionality.

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following corrections and modifications:

Now when URS receives an EventPartyChanged event for a consultation call with an AttributePreviousConnID attribute that is the same as the AttributeConnID attribute, URS checks the AttributeCallType attribute for this event. If this event is different from Consult (4), then URS considers that the current call is no longer the consultation call. (ER# 297327933)

The valid values for the log_remove_old_files option in the web and http sections are now either false (meaning all logs file will be kept) or an integer number of log files that will be kept. The default value for this option is false. (ER# 296947771)

URS no longer unexpectedly closes when the GetStringKey function is used for the first time and it is applied to a string that starts with a pipe (|) character. (ER# 297684032)

The HTTP Bridge no longer fails to correctly process HTTP responses with Transfer-Encoding header fields set to chunked. (ER# 296291391)

When the RStatReadyAgentsMedia statistic is calculated, URS now correctly defines the specific media to be used like email and chat. (ER# 295775991)

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Release Number [03/16/12] – General

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

There are no restrictions for this release. This release does not contain new features or functionality.

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following corrections and modifications:

URS no longer has a potential to fail the processing of consult calls when a call transfer completion on a Routing Point is accompanied with EventRouteUsed before a regular EventPartyChanged. (ER# 294889600 )

Top of Page

Release Number [02/17/12] – Hot Fix

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is a hot fix for this product. This release contains the following new functionality.

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following corrections and modifications:

This release of URS introduces a new option run_time_mode with valid values of 16, 64 or their sum, and a default value of 0 (zero). This option allows URS to adjust its run time behavior:

To activate both adjustments to the functionality - the sum of these values may be used (80).
A value of 0 disables these adjustments.
Changes to option values for run_time_mode take effect after URS is restarted.

(ER# 290521995, 287470301)

HTTP Bridge no longer becomes unstable when it receives a response by reading data from the corresponding connection socket more than once, and the response indicates that the other party intends to close the connection. (ER# 284743174)

URS now accepts responses from the Web server when the server closes the connection instead of providing a response length parameter. (ER# 283272649)

Top of Page

Release Number [01/30/12] – General

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

There are no restrictions for this release. This section describes new features that were introduced in this release of Universal Routing Server (URS).

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following corrections and modifications:

URS now verifies the types of objects that are applied to certain statistics to avoid unusable data. Previously, this scenario caused URS to become unstable. (ER# 283903611)

URS no longer reduces the limit that is reported by the system soft value for RLIMIT_DATA. Previously, URS might have set it to 1GB if a hard limit value was not specified. (ER# 282482519)

URS now properly handles a scenario where during the disconnect phase, the Configuration Server drops an old connection session with URS, and some of the properties of the agent are changed. Previously, after URS reconnected to the Configuration Server, some agents might have been considered by URS as not belonging to a Virtual Agent Group. (ER# 289564203)

URS no longer becomes unstable when attempting to access list objects if all the properties of the List Transaction objects are deleted (making its annexes empty) while URS is running. (ER# 285133514)

URS performance is no longer degraded, when accessing statistics, if URS has Stat Server(s) which are not running in its connection list. (ER# 289794644)

URS now applies the Pause treatment, in a scenario where a call is returned back to the original Routing Point, only if there are no agents available to route this call to. (ER# 288242282)

URS now correctly sees all subsequent changes of user data for a call when a T-Server switchover occurs between sending a request to change user data, and receiving the confirmation event for it. (ER# 288754666)

Top of Page

Release Number [11/08/11] – Hot Fix

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is a hot fix for this product. This release does not contain new features or functionality.

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following corrections and modifications:

When configuration data has a lot of objects (for example applications) with a very large number of options (5,000+), a scenario where URS losses connection to the Configuration Server, and needs to reconnect and reread the configurations, can result in a significant amount of time and CPU usage for the process to complete.

This release of URS corrects a situation where this slowdown, in its own turn, could have caused another disconnection from the Configuration Server. (ER# 284266008)

Top of Page

Release Number [10/05/11] – General

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

There are no restrictions for this release. This release does not contain new features or functionality.

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following corrections and modifications:

Universal Routing Server (URS) no longer uses excessive memory when processing multimedia requests submitted with Orchestration Server.

Note: To fully take advantage of this correction, Orchestration Server version is required.

(ER# 282193246)

Top of Page

Release Number [09/12/11] – General

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

There are no restrictions for this release. This section describes new features that were introduced in this release of Universal Routing Server (URS).

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following corrections and modifications:

URS now successfully processes a consult-call transfer that has the same connection ID as a main-call transfer. Previously in this scenario, URS interpreted these calls as consult-call transfers to itself, which caused URS to terminate unexpectedly. (ER# 274180928)

URS now supports an unlimited number of workforce activities for Workforce routing. Previously, the maximum number of supported workforce activities was 254. (ER# 278350500)

URS no longer fails to add values in a treatment parameter if the parameter is defined as having an integer type for its value. (ER# 274120092)

Top of Page

Release Number [06/29/11] – Hot Fix

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is a hot fix for this product. This release does not contain new features or functionality.

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following corrections and modifications:

The presence of the AttributeUserEvent in the EventRouteRequest that starts the strategy no longer affects distribution of Virtual Queue events. Previously, if the AttributeUserEvent was present, it could result in the distribution of incorrect events on Virtual queues. (ER# 274512952)

Top of Page

Release Number [05/05/11] – Hot Fix

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is a hot fix for this product. This release does not contain new features or functionality.

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following corrections and modifications:

URS no longer exits unexpectedly when the SData function is applied to a skill expression. Previously, although usage of statistics for skill expressions has never been supported, strategies could attempt to apply statistics to skill expressions causing an unexpected termination of URS. (ER# 272176543)

Top of Page

Release Number [04/29/11] – General

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

There are no restrictions for this release. This section describes new features that were introduced in the initial 8.1 release of Universal Routing Server (URS).

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following corrections and modifications:

You can now create log files by using the http bridge, even if the file path contains a space. Previously, a space in the file path prevented log file creation. (ER# 200062456)

In the case of different target selection objects that have the same threshold applied to them, URS now correctly processes calls in order of priority. Previously in this case, there was a possibility that URS would process some of the calls to those objects out of priority order. (ER# 259061431)

If the connection between URS and Configuration Server is lost, this release of URS correctly retains any ADDP settings that might be configured on the URS Application object. Previously in this case, these settings might change. (ER# 263115791)

URS now correctly prints log messages in their entirety. Previously in certain cases, an issue with the loglibrary caused the loss of some message prefixes, specifically, the milliseconds portion of the timestamp. (ER# 258023043)

URS now correctly handles the situation of EventPartyChanged being generated for a call on a DN after EventRouteUsed is generated for that same call. Previously in this case, URS could experience a fatal error. (ER# 259801355)

URS correctly handles failed attempts to distribute virtual queue events through T-Server if that T-Server is later removed from the URS list of connections. Previously in this case, after the T-Server was removed from the connections list, URS could experience a fatal error. (ER# 269530044)

Top of Page

Documentation Corrections

This section provides corrections and updates for issues found in currently released documentation for this product. For the latest updates, see the Supplement to the Universal Routing 8.1 Reference Manual.

The default value of the reduced option is 2048. That is, URS will not apply any statistics to select the best agent when it is overloaded. The default value is incorrectly mentioned as false in the reduced option description (Page 653, Universal Routing 8.1 Reference Manual).
The 3rd parameter shown in the Play application properties screenshot is {s}APP_URI. (Page 413, Universal Routing 8.1 Reference Manual)
The name of the reduced option mentioned in the description of the cpu_emergency_level option is incorrect in the statement: This option is activated when the reduce option is set to 2048. The correct option name is reduced. (Page 637, Universal Routing 8.1 Reference Manual)

The maximum length of the input string in the Text field on the General tab of the Web Service object is limited to 1,010 bytes. (Appendix B, page 776)

When describing Function object functions that use interaction data, the Universal Routing Reference Manual erroneously includes the BusinessData function. The correct description should be: You can also use interaction data in certain Function object functions (see page 127), such as InteractionData (page 461), InteractionDataINT (page 462), and UData (page 465). In the Function properties dialog box, select All Functions then Interaction Data.

The lvq method description, including its input and output parameters, are missing from the current version of the Universal Routing 8.1 Reference Manual. Refer to the URS method help for details at http://<urshost>:<http-port>/urs/help/call/lvq.

The following functions, accessible via the IRD Selection object, are missing from the Universal Routing 8.1 Reference Manual. These functions are now documented in the Supplement to the Universal Routing 8.1 Reference Manual.

The following note is missing from the current version of the Universal Routing 8.1 Reference Manual:

Note: All URS waiting target functions and objects have waiting time defined in seconds. When try_other is defined as action for the external route error, URS continues to wait for the remaining time rounded down to the nearest whole number. (URS-3249)

The following option description is missing from the current version of the Universal Routing Reference Manual:

Location in Configuration Layer by precedence: URS
Default value: true
Valid values: true, false
Value changes: take effect immediately

When set to true, URS propagates AttachedDataChanged events through Virtual Queue DNs, and does not when set to false. The purpose of this option is to reduce network traffic by limiting the amount of changed events in the attached data of calls. If deployed in a SIP Cluster environment (URS option environment contains value tcluster) then the default value of the option becomes false.

The following information is missing from the current version of the Universal Routing Application Configuration Guide:

URS applies the following rules to determine the routing order of multiple voice interactions waiting for the same target availability, assuming that all thresholds and other readiness conditions for all calls are satisfied:

  1. Priorities – Call with the highest current priority will be selected. Otherwise Rule 2 will be applied.

  2. Matching – Call that matches the target best, if all calls are provided with definitions of optimal targets, will be selected. Otherwise Rule 3 will be applied.

  3. Timing – Call with the longest Current Wait Time (measured in milliseconds) will be selected. The time values are calculated based on strategy settings as follows:

    Base Time = Age Of Interaction (if activated, otherwise the wait time in Queue).
    Adjusted Time = Base Time + Predicted Wait Time (if activated, otherwise Predicted Wait Time = 0).
    Time Value = Adjusted Time / Service Objective (if Service Objective is specified, otherwise Time Value = Adjusted Time).
    For calls with the same Time Value, Rule 4 will be applied.

  4. Internal call ID – Every new call that is created by URS has an Internal ID which is a counter incremented by 1. The call with the lesser ID value will be selected.

(ER# 310961168)

The following information is incorrect in the current version of the Universal Routing Application Configuration Guide:

The Implementation for Multimedia Interactions section in Chapter 3 that describes how to use business-priority routing for multimedia interactions incorrectly refers to Parameterized Conditions tab in the steps when it should say the Order tab instead. The corresponding screenshots also incorrectly show Parameterized Conditions tab when they should show the Order tab. (ER# 305564279)

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Known Issues and Recommendations

This section provides the latest information on known issues and recommendations associated with this product.

Beginning with URS release 8.1.400.55, Genesys recommends installing FlexNet Publisher License Manager version 11.13 or later.

When working in a multimedia deployment, if a screening rule is not found:


Found In:  Fixed In: 

Universal Routing Server in high-availability mode does not support the following scenarios:


Found In: 8.1.300.22 Fixed In: 

When the RStatReadyAgentsMedia statistic is calculated, URS can fail to correctly define some specific media to be used like email and chat. In such cases, media might need to be identified directly. This can be achieved with either the name of the statistic used, for example RStatReadyAgentschat, or through the UseDNType function, for example UseDNType[CFGChat]. (ER# 295775991)

Found In: Fixed In:

The maximum number of supported workforce activities for Workforce routing is limited to 254. (ER# 278350500)

Found In: Fixed In:

When running a URS-Orchestration Server (ORS) environment, it is possible that some currently running sessions will not be delivered to ready targets if URS terminates. (ER# 257259801)

Found In: Fixed In:

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Discontinued Support

This section documents features that are no longer supported in this software. This cumulative list is in release-number order with the most recently discontinued features at the top of the list. For more information on discontinued support for operating environments and databases, see Discontinued Support in the Genesys Supported Operating Environment Reference Guide.

The Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) v6 operating system is no longer supported.

Discontinued As Of: February 19, 2021; All releases

All versions of the AIX operating system are no longer supported.

Discontinued As Of: February 19, 2021; All releases

All versions of the Solaris operating system are no longer supported.

Discontinued As Of: February 19, 2021; All releases

URS support for Windows Server 2008 is discontinued.

Discontinued As Of: July 21, 2020; All releases

The Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) v5 operating system is no longer supported.

Discontinued As Of: 8.1.400.63

32-bit versions of URS are no longer provided.

Discontinued As Of: 8.1.400.49

The following operating systems are no longer supported:

Discontinued As Of: 8.1.400.20

All versions of HP-UX are no longer supported.

Discontinued As Of: 8.1.400.13

The following operating systems are no longer supported:

Discontinued As Of:

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Information in this section is included for international customers.

There are no known issues for internationalization in this 8.1 release of Universal Routing Server.

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Additional Information

Additional information on Genesys Cloud Services, Inc. is available on our Customer Care website. The following documentation also contains information about this software. Please consult the Deployment Guide first.

Product documentation is provided on the Customer Care website, the Genesys Documentation website, and the Documentation Library DVD.

Note: For the DVD, the New Documents on this DVD page indicates the production date for that disc. Due to disc production schedules, documentation on the Genesys Documentation website may be more up-to-date than what is available on disc immediately after a product is released or updated. To determine the version of a document, check the version number that is located on the second page in PDFs or on the About This File topic in Help files.

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