As of February 1, 2012, Genesys is no longer an affiliate of Alcatel-Lucent; any indication of such affiliation within Genesys products or packaging is no longer applicable. Please see the Genesys website at for more details.
This release note applies to all 8.1 releases of Interaction Concentrator.
Genesys follows applicable third-party redistribution policies to the extent that Genesys solutions utilize third-party functionality. For additional information about third-party software used in this product, see the Legal Notices for Interaction Concentrator. Please contact your Customer Care representative if you have any questions.
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Upgrade Notes
Corrections and Modifications
This is an update release for this product. This section describes new features/improvements/Epics/Stories that were introduced in this release of Interaction Concentrator (ICON).
ICON now uses lib_gtscorelib v8.5.000.63 with updated version of mlsettings - (ICON-6837)
ICON connections to Genesys components now support TLS 1.3 protocol. (ICON-6801)
ICON now supports Windows Server 2022. (ICON-6800)
To deploy this installation package within an existing Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, review the notes in this section and make the necessary upgrades, following the procedures in Appendix: Migration Procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
upgrade scripts. See the Appendix: Migration Procedures topic for instructions on how to determine which upgrade scripts to run. CoreProcedures_<db_type>.sql
upgrade script.PurgePart_ora.sql
upgrade script.To deploy this installation package within a new Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, follow the procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
New ICON versions support Windows Server 2022. (ICON-6800)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Upgrade Notes
Corrections and Modifications
This is an update release for this product. This section describes new features/improvements/Epics/Stories that were introduced in this release of Interaction Concentrator (ICON).
ICON use lib_gtscorelib v8.5.000.62 with updated version of mlsettings - (ICON-6828)
ICON now Supports Red Hat Linux v9. (ICON-6803)
To deploy this installation package within an existing Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, review the notes in this section and make the necessary upgrades, following the procedures in Appendix: Migration Procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
upgrade scripts. See the Appendix: Migration Procedures topic for instructions on how to determine which upgrade scripts to run. CoreProcedures_<db_type>.sql
upgrade script.PurgePart_ora.sql
upgrade script.To deploy this installation package within a new Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, follow the procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
New ICON versions support RHEL 9. (ICON-6803)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Upgrade Notes
Corrections and Modifications
This is an update release for this product. This section describes new features/improvements/Epics/Stories that were introduced in this release of Interaction Concentrator (ICON).
ICON uses lib_gtscorelib ver. with updated SQlite version 3.45.1. (ICON-6816)
ICON now is built with Visual Studio 2019 and supports Windows 2019. (ICON-6787)
ICON is built on RHEL 8 and supports RHEL 8. (ICON-6788)
To deploy this installation package within an existing Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, review the notes in this section and make the necessary upgrades, following the procedures in Appendix: Migration Procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
upgrade scripts. See the Appendix: Migration Procedures topic for instructions on how to determine which upgrade scripts to run. CoreProcedures_<db_type>.sql
upgrade script.PurgePart_ora.sql
upgrade script.To deploy this installation package within a new Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, follow the procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
New ICON versions built on RHEL 8 and on Windows 2019 with Visual Studio 2019. (ICON-6787)
ICON builds on RHE6.5 and Visual Studio 2015 are not supported in new ICON versions. (ICON-6788)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Upgrade Notes
Corrections and Modifications
This is an update release for this product. This section describes new features/improvements/Epics/Stories that were introduced in this release of Interaction Concentrator (ICON).
ICON now supports dynamically changing the database credentials specified in the Database Access Point (DAP) configuration object(s) used by ICON.
Previously, you had to restart ICON in order to apply new database credentials. (ICON-6708)
ICON now supports dynamic addition and deletion of Outbound Contact Servers on the Connections tab of the ICON Application object. When a new Outbound Contact Server (OCS) is added, the ICON process dynamically adds a connection to the new OCS. When an OCS is removed, ICON dynamically closes the connection with the deleted OCS. Previously, ICON did not process OCS connection changes correctly. (ICON-6676)
To deploy this installation package within an existing Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, review the notes in this section and make the necessary upgrades, following the procedures in Appendix: Migration Procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
upgrade scripts. See the Appendix: Migration Procedures topic for instructions on how to determine which upgrade scripts to run. CoreProcedures_<db_type>.sql
upgrade script.PurgePart_ora.sql
upgrade script.To deploy this installation package within a new Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, follow the procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Upgrade Notes
Corrections and Modifications
This is an update release for this product. This section describes new features/improvements/Epics/Stories that were introduced in this release of Interaction Concentrator (ICON).
ICON now optionally supports field values up to 4000 characters in custom-defined fields in some Outbound Contact–related tables in the Interaction Database (IDB). Previously, the limit was always 255 characters. A new configuration option in the [callconcentrator] section, gos-long-cust-field, enables you to specify whether longer values can be stored.
Section: callconcentrator
Default Value: 0
Valid Values: 0, 1
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Introduced: 8.1.514.56
Specifies whether ICON stores values up to 4000 characters for OCS custom-defined fields:
The option affects population of the following tables and columns:
Note: The values true and false are also valid.
Support for PostgreSQL 13 database. See the Interaction Concentrator page in the Genesys Supported Operating Environment Reference Guide for more detailed information and a list of all supported databases. (ICON-6699)
To deploy this installation package within an existing Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, review the notes in this section and make the necessary upgrades, following the procedures in Appendix: Migration Procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
upgrade scripts. See the Appendix: Migration Procedures topic for instructions on how to determine which upgrade scripts to run. CoreProcedures_<db_type>.sql
upgrade script.PurgePart_ora.sql
upgrade script.To deploy this installation package within a new Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, follow the procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
When the trim-broken-utf8 configuration option is enabled, ICON now correctly truncates long data ASCII strings that exceed the corresponding database field. Previously, ICON truncated one extra symbol of a long data ASCII string. (ICON-6656)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Upgrade Notes
Corrections and Modifications
This is an update release for this product. This section describes new features/improvements/Epics/Stories that were introduced in this release of Interaction Concentrator (ICON).
No new features were introduced in this release of ICON.
To deploy this installation package within an existing Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, review the notes in this section and make the necessary upgrades, following the procedures in Appendix: Migration Procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
upgrade scripts. See the Appendix: Migration Procedures topic for instructions on how to determine which upgrade scripts to run. CoreProcedures_<db_type>.sql
upgrade script.PurgePart_ora.sql
upgrade script.To deploy this installation package within a new Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, follow the procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
ICON now correctly handles situations in which voice CTI transactions time out during configuration resynchronization. Previously in these situations, resynchronization might have failed. (ICON-6621)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Upgrade Notes
Corrections and Modifications
This is an update release for this product. This section describes new features/improvements/Epics/Stories that were introduced in this release of Interaction Concentrator (ICON).
No new features were introduced in this release of ICON.
To deploy this installation package within an existing Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, review the notes in this section and make the necessary upgrades, following the procedures in Appendix: Migration Procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
upgrade scripts. See the Appendix: Migration Procedures topic for instructions on how to determine which upgrade scripts to run. CoreProcedures_<db_type>.sql
upgrade script.PurgePart_ora.sql
upgrade script.To deploy this installation package within a new Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, follow the procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
This ICON release is built with a new version of the Configuration Server Library, which improves processing of configuration updates. Use of the new library addresses an ICON performance issue in very large configuration environments. (ICON-6611)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Upgrade Notes
Corrections and Modifications
This is an update release for this product. This section describes new features/improvements/Epics/Stories that were introduced in this release of Interaction Concentrator (ICON).
The SQLite library ICON uses was updated to version 3.36.0. (ICON-6596)
A new configuration option in the [callconcentrator] section, enable-fwd-on-routing, improves support of scenarios where forwarding occurred during call routing, by enabling correct party records to be created when redirection is detected. (ICON-6559)
To deploy this installation package within an existing Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, review the notes in this section and make the necessary upgrades, following the procedures in Appendix: Migration Procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
upgrade scripts. See the Appendix: Migration Procedures topic for instructions on how to determine which upgrade scripts to run. CoreProcedures_<db_type>.sql
upgrade script.PurgePart_ora.sql
upgrade script.To deploy this installation package within a new Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, follow the procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
This ICON release is built with a new version of the Configuration Server Library, which addresses a memory corruption issue related to Configuration Server processing in multi-language mode. Previously, because of the memory corruption, CPU usage for ICON and other applications could spike to 100%, and application processing would stall.(ICON-6506)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Upgrade Notes
Corrections and Modifications
This release contains internal improvements related to monitoring.
To deploy this installation package within an existing Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, review the notes in this section and make the necessary upgrades, following the procedures in Appendix: Migration Procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
upgrade scripts. See the Appendix: Migration Procedures topic for instructions on how to determine which upgrade scripts to run. CoreProcedures_<db_type>.sql
upgrade script.PurgePart_ora.sql
upgrade script.To deploy this installation package within a new Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, follow the procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Upgrade Notes
Corrections and Modifications
This is an update release for this product. This section describes new features/improvements/Epics/Stories that were introduced in this release of Interaction Concentrator (ICON).
Interaction Concentrator supports the OpenSSL 1.1.1 transport security protocol. See the Secure Connections (TLS) section in the Genesys Security Deployment Guide for more detailed information. (ICON-6531)
To deploy this installation package within an existing Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, review the notes in this section and make the necessary upgrades, following the procedures in Appendix: Migration Procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
upgrade scripts. See the Appendix: Migration Procedures topic for instructions on how to determine which upgrade scripts to run. CoreProcedures_<db_type>.sql
upgrade script.PurgePart_ora.sql
upgrade script.To deploy this installation package within a new Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, follow the procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
ICON now shows the correct name for the Configuration Server or Configuration Server Proxy application in logs and alarms. Previously, ICON sometimes showed "confserv" as the application name. (ICON-6541)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Upgrade Notes
Corrections and Modifications
This is an update for this product. This section describes new features/improvements/Epics/Stories that were introduced in this release of Interaction Concentrator.
ICON now supports storage of Virtual Agent Group (VAG) skills expressions of up to 1024 characters in the Script column in the GC_GROUP table in Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, and PostgreSQL deployments. The previous limit was 255 characters, which is still the default. A new configuration option in the [callconcentrator] section, cfg-long-vag-script, enables the storage of values up to 1024 characters. (ICON-6429)
Support for MS SQL Server 2019 Cluster database. See the Interaction Concentrator page in the Genesys Supported Operating Environment Reference Guide for more detailed information and a list of all supported databases.
Note: See the related Known Issue below for information about an error that might occur when the IDB merge or purge stored procedures are executed in a cluster environment.
Support for ESXi 7.x hypervisor virtualization software. See the Virtualization Platform Support page in the Genesys Supported Operating Environment Reference Guide for more detailed information. (ICON-6549)
To deploy this installation package within an existing Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, review the notes in this section and make the necessary upgrades, following the procedures in Appendix: Migration Procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
upgrade scripts. See the Appendix: Migration Procedures topic for instructions on how to determine which upgrade scripts to run. CoreProcedures_<db_type>.sql
upgrade script.PurgePart_ora.sql
upgrade script.To deploy this installation package within a new Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, follow the procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
In SIP Cluster environments, ICON now correctly populates the observer flag (G_PARTY.PRole = 1) when the party had the observer role in the interaction. Previously, ICON failed to set the flag in SIP Cluster environments. (ICON-6448)
ICON now correctly processes call redirection on a remote site. Previously, if a call was forwarded from one DN on an external site to another DN on an external site, ICON did not recognize completion of the redirect transaction and recorded incomplete data. (ICON-6446)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Upgrade Notes
Corrections and Modifications
This is an update for this product. This section describes new features/improvements/Epics/Stories that were introduced in this release of Interaction Concentrator.
To deploy this installation package within an existing Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, review the notes in this section and make the necessary upgrades, following the procedures in Appendix: Migration Procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
upgrade scripts. See the Appendix: Migration Procedures topic for instructions on how to determine which upgrade scripts to run. CoreProcedures_<db_type>.sql
upgrade script.PurgePart_ora.sql
upgrade script.To deploy this installation package within a new Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, follow the procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
To prevent possible memory leaks when Outbound Contact campaigns are
unloaded, ICON now forces the termination of the chains associated with a
campaign when the campaign termination is reported (EventOCSCampaignUnloaded
The individual calling list records and fields associated with the
chain are also terminated. Previously, ICON kept Outbound Contact chains
in memory if a chain unloading event did not arrive. (ICON-6430)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Upgrade Notes
Corrections and Modifications
This is an update for this product. This section describes new features/improvements/Epics/Stories that were introduced in this release of Interaction Concentrator.
To deploy this installation package within an existing Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, review the notes in this section and make the necessary upgrades, following the procedures in Appendix: Migration Procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
upgrade scripts. See the Appendix: Migration Procedures topic for instructions on how to determine which upgrade scripts to run. CoreProcedures_<db_type>.sql
upgrade script.PurgePart_ora.sql
upgrade script.To deploy this installation package within a new Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, follow the procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
Interaction Concentrator can now open persistent queue (PQ) files larger than 4 GB on the Windows platform. (ICON-6440)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Upgrade Notes
Corrections and Modifications
This is an update for this product. This section describes new features/improvements/Epics/Stories that were introduced in this release of Interaction Concentrator.
To deploy this installation package within an existing Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, review the notes in this section and make the necessary upgrades, following the procedures in Appendix: Migration Procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
upgrade scripts. See the Appendix: Migration Procedures topic for instructions on how to determine which upgrade scripts to run. CoreProcedures_<db_type>.sql
upgrade script.PurgePart_ora.sql
upgrade script.To deploy this installation package within a new Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, follow the procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
Interaction Concentrator now correctly splits Outbound Contact Server (OCS) records reported at one time by EventOCSChainLoaded into multiple transactions. Previously, Interaction Concentrator wrote all the records in a single transaction, even if that transaction was so large that it resulted in Interaction Concentrator disconnecting from DB Server before all records could be written. (ICON-6425)
The new Interaction Concentrator merge stored procedure (released in version 8.1.514.43) can now correctly handle scenarios where one call has multiple (two or more) topology loops. (ICON-6422)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Upgrade Notes
Corrections and Modifications
This is an update for this product. This section describes new features/improvements/Epics/Stories that were introduced in this release of Interaction Concentrator. The following new features were introduced in this release of Interaction Concentrator:
To deploy this installation package within an existing Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, review the notes in this section and make the necessary upgrades, following the procedures in Appendix: Migration Procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
upgrade scripts. See the Appendix: Migration Procedures topic for instructions on how to determine which upgrade scripts to run. CoreProcedures_<db_type>.sql
upgrade script.PurgePart_ora.sql
upgrade script.To deploy this installation package within a new Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, follow the procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
ICON connection logic has been improved to be more robust in scenarios when the EventLinkDisconnected event is received at the same time ICON and T-Server are establishing a link connection. (ICON-6407)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Upgrade Notes
Corrections and Modifications
This is an update for this product. This section describes new features/improvements/Epics/Stories that were introduced in this release of Interaction Concentrator. The following new features were introduced in this release of Interaction Concentrator:
The Interaction Concentrator merge stored procedure now processes the new loopresolver configuration parameter, which enables you to specify whether the merge procedure should handle calls that form a call topology having loops.
To use loopresolver, configure the following columns and values in the G_DB_PARAMETERS table:
Column SETID = 0, column SECT = 'merge', column OPT = 'loopresolver', and column VAL = '1'
The VAL column takes the following valid values:
Note: The Interaction Concentrator gsysIRMerge stored procedure is used only in environments running Genesys Info Mart 7.6 or earlier, or in environments without Genesys Info Mart. Genesys Info Mart 8.0 and higher provides a merge procedure that replaces gsysIRMerge.
To deploy this installation package within an existing Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, review the notes in this section and make the necessary upgrades, following the procedures in Appendix: Migration Procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
upgrade scripts. See Appendix: Migration Procedures topic for instructions on how to determine which upgrade scripts to run. CoreProcedures_<db_type>.sql
upgrade script.PurgePart_ora.sql
upgrade script.To deploy this installation package within a new Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, follow the procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
There are no corrections or modifications for this release.
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Upgrade Notes
Corrections and Modifications
This is an update release for this product. This section describes new features/improvements/Epics/Stories that were introduced in this release of Interaction Concentrator. he following new features were introduced in this release of Interaction Concentrator:
The following Interaction Concentrator purge procedures can now purge records with ID fields of up to 19 significant digits. Previously, the maximum number of supported digits in record ID fields was 16. Note that some RDBMSs might not support all possible 19-digit values, but only a range of them.
To use this change, you must run the Purge2_<db_type>.sql
upgrade script.
To deploy this installation package within an existing Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, review the notes in this section and make the necessary upgrades, following the procedures in Appendix: Migration Procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
upgrade scripts. See Appendix: Migration Procedures topic for instructions on how to determine which upgrade scripts to run. CoreProcedures_<db_type>.sql
upgrade script.PurgePart_ora.sql
upgrade script.To deploy this installation package within a new Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, follow the procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
Interaction Concentrator now deletes the correct active reason code from the G_AGENT_STATE_RC_A table when the active reason code is updated. Previously, if the reason code was named "ReasonCode," Interaction Concentrator incorrectly deleted both the old active reason code and the new one when making an update. (ICON-6281)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Upgrade Notes
Corrections and Modifications
This is an update release for this product. This section describes new features/improvements/Epics/Stories that were introduced in this release of Interaction Concentrator. The following new feature was introduced in this release of Interaction Concentrator.
To deploy this installation package within an existing Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, review the notes in this section and make the necessary upgrades, following the procedures in Appendix: Migration Procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
upgrade scripts. See Appendix: Migration Procedures topic for instructions on how to determine which upgrade scripts to run. CoreProcedures_<db_type>.sql
upgrade script.PurgePart_ora.sql
upgrade script.To deploy this installation package within a new Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, follow the procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
Interaction Concentrator now uses an improved logic for recognizing and handling Inter-Site Linkage (IS Links). (ICON-5696)
ICON no longer logs an error message when a call is terminated in scenarios in which a call arrives at a route point on one site and is routed to, and answered by, an agent at a different site. Previously, ICON generated an Error(GCTICallLinkage.cpp,328,0x80010001),temp->RemoveAssociation(call) message in these scenarios. (ICON-6279)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Upgrade Notes
Corrections and Modifications
This is an update release for this product. This section describes new features/improvements/Epics/Stories that were introduced in this release of Interaction Concentrator (ICON). The following new features were introduced in this release of Interaction Concentrator (ICON):
To deploy this installation package within an existing Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, review the notes in this section and make the necessary upgrades, following the procedures in Appendix: Migration Procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
upgrade scripts. See Appendix: Migration Procedures topic for instructions on how to determine which upgrade scripts to run. CoreProcedures_<db_type>.sql
upgrade script.PurgePart_ora.sql
upgrade script.To deploy this installation package within a new Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, follow the procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
If you have enabled the trim-broken-utf8 option, Interaction Concentrator now correctly preserves UTF-8 characters during the truncation of CallDNIS and CallANI data. (ICON-6263)
Interaction Concentrator now correctly applies the db-schema-name option when it executes svcProvControl procedures. (ICON-6254)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Upgrade Notes
Corrections and Modifications
This is an update release for this product. This section describes new features/improvements/Epics/Stories that were introduced in this release of Interaction Concentrator (ICON). No new features were introduced in this release of Interaction Concentrator (ICON).
To deploy this installation package within an existing Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, review the notes in this section and make the necessary upgrades, following the procedures in Appendix: Migration Procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
upgrade scripts. See Appendix: Migration Procedures topic for instructions on how to determine which upgrade scripts to run. CoreProcedures_<db_type>.sql
upgrade script.PurgePart_ora.sql
upgrade script.To deploy this installation package within a new Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, follow the procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
In SIP Cluster environments, when an agent removes another participant from a conference, Interaction Concentrator now assigns the correct termination time for that agent's party. Previously, if an agent terminated another party and then left the conference before it ended, the agent's party termination time was given as the end of the conference, not the time the agent left the conference. (ICON-6201)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Upgrade Notes
Corrections and Modifications
This is an update release for this product. This section describes new features/improvements/Epics/Stories that were introduced in this release of Interaction Concentrator (ICON). No new features were introduced in this release of Interaction Concentrator (ICON).
To deploy this installation package within an existing Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, review the notes in this section and make the necessary upgrades, following the procedures in Appendix: Migration Procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
upgrade scripts. See Appendix: Migration Procedures topic for instructions on how to determine which upgrade scripts to run. CoreProcedures_<db_type>.sql
upgrade script.PurgePart_ora.sql
upgrade script.To deploy this installation package within a new Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, follow the procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
The purge functionality now has an extended end date limit, ensuring that purging continues to work correctly. Previously, the purge functionality used a fixed end date limit of 1/31/2020. NOTE: All Interaction Concentrator versions earlier than 8.1.514.37 are affected. If you cannot upgrade to release 8.1.514.37, contact Customer Care for assistance. (ICON-6230)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Upgrade Notes
Corrections and Modifications
This is an update release for this product. This section describes new features/improvements/Epics/Stories that were introduced in this release of Interaction Concentrator (ICON). No new features were introduced in this release of Interaction Concentrator (ICON).
To deploy this installation package within an existing Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, review the notes in this section and make the necessary upgrades, following the procedures in Appendix: Migration Procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
upgrade scripts. See Appendix: Migration Procedures topic for instructions on how to determine which upgrade scripts to run. CoreProcedures_<db_type>.sql
upgrade script.PurgePart_ora.sql
upgrade script.To deploy this installation package within a new Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, follow the procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
Interaction Concentrator now continues to try to reconnect to Interaction Server after an unsuccessful connection attempt. Previously in some cases, Interaction Concentrator stopped trying to reconnect to Interaction Server after an unsuccessful connection attempt. (ICON-6194)
Interaction Concentrator can now connect to a T-Server instance configured with the '''check-tenant-profile''' option set to '''true'''.
NOTE: You must restart ICON if the Tenant password is set or changed. (ICON-6192)
Interaction Concentrator now correctly connects to a T-Server that does not have an ISCC Transaction Monitoring license. (ICON-6171)
The x-server-dbw-debug-level configuration option is now hidden and no longer appears in the ICON log when it is not configured or is set to the default value. Previously, this option incorrectly appeared in the log even when it was configured not to. (ICON-5922)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Upgrade Notes
Corrections and Modifications
This is an update release for this product. This section describes new features/improvements/Epics/Stories that were introduced in this release of Interaction Concentrator (ICON). No new features were introduced in this release of Interaction Concentrator (ICON).
To deploy this installation package within an existing Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, review the notes in this section and make the necessary upgrades, following the procedures in Appendix: Migration Procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
upgrade scripts. See Appendix: Migration Procedures topic for instructions on how to determine which upgrade scripts to run. CoreProcedures_<db_type>.sql
upgrade script.PurgePart_ora.sql
upgrade script.To deploy this installation package within a new Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, follow the procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
In the schema for Oracle RDBMSs, the datatype for the ID field in the GC_ANNEX table has been changed from NUMBER(6) to INTEGER to accommodate longer ID values. (ICON-6125)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Upgrade Notes
Corrections and Modifications
This is an update release for this product. This section describes new features/improvements/Epics/Stories that were introduced in this release of Interaction Concentrator (ICON).
To deploy this installation package within an existing Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, review the notes in this section and make the necessary upgrades, following the procedures in Appendix: Migration Procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
upgrade scripts. See Appendix: Migration Procedures topic for instructions on how to determine which upgrade scripts to run. CoreProcedures_<db_type>.sql
upgrade script.PurgePart_ora.sql
upgrade script.To deploy this installation package within a new Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, follow the procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
There are no corrections or modifications for this release.
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Upgrade Notes
Corrections and Modifications
This is an update release for this product. This section describes new features/improvements/Epics/Stories that were introduced in this release of Interaction Concentrator (ICON).
To deploy this installation package within an existing Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, review the notes in this section and make the necessary upgrades, following the procedures in Appendix: Migration Procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
upgrade scripts. See Appendix: Migration Procedures topic for instructions on how to determine which upgrade scripts to run. CoreProcedures_<db_type>.sql
upgrade script.PurgePart_ora.sql
upgrade script.To deploy this installation package within a new Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, follow the procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
Interaction Concentrator now correctly connects to T-Servers that do not support ISCC Transaction Monitoring. (ICON-6041)
Interaction Concentrator now writes additional error messages provided by DBServer into the log. (ICON-6028)
Interaction Concentrator now correctly handles disconnections from Outbound Contact Server (OCS) instances running on 64-bit Windows platforms. (ICON-6049)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Upgrade Notes
Corrections and Modifications
This is an update release for this product. This section describes new features/improvements/Epics/Stories that were introduced in this release of Interaction Concentrator (ICON).
(enabled) by default, to 0
. (ICON-5987)To deploy this installation package within an existing Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, review the notes in this section and make the necessary upgrades, following the procedures in Appendix: Migration Procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
upgrade scripts. See Appendix: Migration Procedures topic for instructions on how to determine which upgrade scripts to run. CoreProcedures_<db_type>.sql
upgrade script.PurgePart_ora.sql
upgrade script.To deploy this installation package within a new Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, follow the procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
This release adds security headers to the HTTP Listener feature, which was deprecated in release 8.1.512.08 and higher. These headers prevent false positive security scanner alarms. (ICON-6010)
When connecting to SIP Server/T-Server, ICON now handles the connection process as a single transaction. If any step fails, ICON drops the connection and immediately restarts the connection process.
NOTE: This functionality requires that your T-Server/SIP Server/Network T-Server support ISCC Transaction Monitoring. See the Known Limitations entry for ICON-6041 for a description of this issue.
In a SIP Cluster environment, ICON now closes all calls that were not
confirmed as active after reconnecting to SIP Server. If your
environment requires that such calls should be handled differently,
configure the new Switch-level sync-calls-on-switchover
configuration option. This option is enabled by default. To preserve
legacy behavior, where ICON does not close such calls, set the value for
the sync-calls-on-switchover configuration option, which is 1
(enabled) by default, to 0
. (ICON-5987)
When Interaction Concentrator is processing unusually large numbers of pending stuck calls and login sessions, ICON now splits them into multiple transactions. Previously in such a scenario, ICON wrote all stuck calls and login sessions into a single, extremely large, transaction. As a result, DBServer, when processing the transactions, generated an error and could not move forward to process later transactions. (ICON-5980)
In a SIP Cluster environment, if an EmployeeID contains non-English
characters in a multi-language configuration environment, ICON now finds
the corresponding agent and writes the correct AgentID into the
G_LOGIN_SESSION table. Previously, if ICON encountered non-English
characters in the EmployeeID, it wrote the value NULL
in the AgentID field. (ICON-5975)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Upgrade Notes
Corrections and Modifications
This is an update release for this product. This section describes new features/improvements/Epics/Stories that were introduced in this release of Interaction Concentrator (ICON).
To deploy this installation package within an existing Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, review the notes in this section and make the necessary upgrades, following the procedures in Appendix: Migration Procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
upgrade scripts. See Appendix: Migration Procedures topic for instructions on how to determine which upgrade scripts to run. CoreProcedures_<db_type>.sql
upgrade script.PurgePart_ora.sql
upgrade script.To deploy this installation package within a new Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, follow the procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
The Interaction Concentrator trim-broken-utf8 configuration option now applies to all IDB tables. This option enables you to check for, and remove, incomplete UTF-8 symbols from data strings. These incomplete UTF-8 symbols might occur when a long data string is truncated in the middle of a multi-byte UTF-8 character. (ICON-5583; ICON-5584)
Interaction Concentrator running in a SIP Cluster environment now correctly restores the existing session after a brief disconnection. (ICON-5876)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Upgrade Notes
Corrections and Modifications
This is an update release for this product. This section describes new features that were introduced in this release of Interaction Concentrator (ICON).
To deploy this installation package within an existing Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, review the notes in this section and make the necessary upgrades, following the procedures in Appendix: Migration Procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
upgrade scripts. See Appendix: Migration Procedures topic for instructions on how to determine which upgrade scripts to run. CoreProcedures_<db_type>.sql
upgrade script.PurgePart_ora.sql
upgrade script.To deploy this installation package within a new Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, follow the procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
After reconnecting to Configuration Server, ICON now correctly restores the DSS link to collect Interaction Server data. (ICON-5910)
ICON now correctly reflects no-data timestamps for the GCC data provider. This functionality had been disrupted by the correction for ICON-5867, which was released in Interaction Concentrator 8.1.514.19. (ICON-5897)
ICON no longer halts all processing if the value for the gcti-re-registration-tout configuration option has an incorrect format. (ICON-5855)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Upgrade Notes
Corrections and Modifications
This is an update release for this product. This section describes new features that were introduced in this release of Interaction Concentrator (ICON).
role and the value for the Interaction Concentrator cfg-annex option is set to 1
. Previously, only changes to certain options were stored and Interaction Concentrator did not store Annex tab data for Agent Login objects at all. (ICON-5865)
To deploy this installation package within an existing Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, review the notes in this section and make the necessary upgrades, following the procedures in Appendix: Migration Procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
upgrade scripts. See Appendix: Migration Procedures topic for instructions on how to determine which upgrade scripts to run. CoreProcedures_<db_type>.sql
upgrade script.PurgePart_ora.sql
upgrade script.To deploy this installation package within a new Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, follow the procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
When Interaction Concentrator is processing unusually large numbers of pending VQ timeout events, ICON now correctly splits these events into multiple transactions. Previously in such a scenario, ICON wrote all expired VQ timeout events into a single, extremely large, transaction. As a result, DBServer then generated an out-of-memory error message and could not move forward to process later transactions. (ICON-5867)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Upgrade Notes
Corrections and Modifications
This is a general release for this product. This section describes new features that were introduced in this release of Interaction Concentrator (ICON).
To deploy this installation package within an existing Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, review the notes in this section and make the necessary upgrades, following the procedures in Appendix: Migration Procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
upgrade scripts. See Appendix: Migration Procedures topic for instructions on how to determine which upgrade scripts to run. CoreProcedures_<db_type>.sql
upgrade script.PurgePart_ora.sql
upgrade script.To deploy this installation package within a new Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, follow the procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
There are no corrections or modifications for this release.
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Upgrade Notes
Corrections and Modifications
This is a general release for this product. This section describes new features that were introduced in this release of Interaction Concentrator (ICON).
To deploy this installation package within an existing Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, review the notes in this section and make the necessary upgrades, following the procedures in Appendix: Migration Procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
upgrade scripts. See Appendix: Migration Procedures topic for instructions on how to determine which upgrade scripts to run. CoreProcedures_<db_type>.sql
upgrade script.PurgePart_ora.sql
upgrade script.To deploy this installation package within a new Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, follow the procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
Interaction Concentrator now keeps track of Agent Logins correctly, even if a login was deleted and then re-created (having the same name) but the events noting re-creation and deletion arrive out of order. (ICON-5753)
If a script is added or changed on the Script tab of an AgentGroup
object but nothing else changes in the object, Interaction Concentrator
now correctly updates the Script field in the GC_GROUP table in IDB.
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Upgrade Notes
Corrections and Modifications
This is a hot fix release for this product. This version was previously available as a restricted release. This section describes new features that were introduced in this release of Interaction Concentrator (ICON).
and AttributeLastTransferHomeLocation
from all TEvents.
Previously, ICON stored these attributes only from EventAttachedDataChanged
or EventCallDataChanged
As a result, G_PARTY.GSYS_EXT_VCH1
might not have been populated correctly. (ICON-5783) To deploy this installation package within an existing Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, review the notes in this section and make the necessary upgrades, following the procedures in Appendix: Migration Procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
upgrade scripts. See Appendix: Migration Procedures topic for instructions on how to determine which upgrade scripts to run. CoreProcedures_<db_type>.sql
upgrade script.PurgePart_ora.sql
upgrade script.To deploy this installation package within a new Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, follow the procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
There are no corrections or modifications for this release.
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Upgrade Notes
Corrections and Modifications
This is an update release for this product. This section describes new features that were introduced in this release of Interaction Concentrator (ICON).
To deploy this installation package within an existing Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, review the notes in this section and make the necessary upgrades, following the procedures in Appendix: Migration Procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
upgrade scripts. See Appendix: Migration Procedures topic for instructions on how to determine which upgrade scripts to run. CoreProcedures_<db_type>.sql
upgrade script.PurgePart_ora.sql
upgrade script.To deploy this installation package within a new Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, follow the procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
Interaction Concentrator running in a SIP Cluster environment no longer terminates unexpectedly in the following scenario:
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Upgrade Notes
Corrections and Modifications
This is an update release for this product. This section describes the new features introduced in this release of Interaction Concentrator:
, enables this functionality.
To deploy this installation package within an existing Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, review the notes in this section and make the necessary upgrades, following the procedures in Appendix: Migration Procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
upgrade scripts. See Appendix: Migration Procedures topic for instructions on how to determine which upgrade scripts to run. CoreProcedures_<db_type>.sql
upgrade script.PurgePart_ora.sql
upgrade script.To deploy this installation package within a new Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, follow the procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
ICON no longer ceases to write data associated with a configured role (a provider) when it receives a database error while updating the SeqCurrent field in the G_PROV_CONTROL table for that type of data. (ICON-5710)
ICON now records updates to the ContactId key that it receives in EventProcessingStopped into the corresponding field in the GM_L_USERDATA table. Previously, ICON did not update the ContactId value if you explicitly set a ContactId key name in the attached data specification file. (ICON-5655)
ICON now prints the GTS Core Components library version to the log on startup, as it has always done with versions of other libraries. (ICON-5557)
ICON now logs values for the ChatServerSessionClientLeftAt and ChatServerSessionClosedAt keys received from EventProcessingStopped to the G_USERDATA_HISTORY table. (ICON-4996)
The PSEQ and CSEQ values stored in G_PARTY_HISTORY for transition failure records (FSM error reporting) are now correct. (ICON-4587)
ICON now stores the correct timestamp from the MediaStateChangedAt field in the EventPlaceAgentState event to the created_ts field of the GX_SESSION_ENDPOINT table when a new media type is added to a session. (ICON-4295)
ICON running in a SIP Cluster environment no longer generates an
unnecessary error message when the SIP Server HA pair with which it is
connected switches between the primary and backup instances. Previously,
ICON generated the following error message: Error Event: LinkConnected/PrimChange -> ApplicationName is absent
. (ICON-4241)
ICON now stores reason codes for all available media. Previously, if an agent had login sessions on multiple media, software reason code changes were applied only to the first of these media. (ICON-3934)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Upgrade Notes
Corrections and Modifications
This is an update release for this product. This section describes the new features introduced in this release of Interaction Concentrator:
To deploy this installation package within an existing Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, review the notes in this section and make the necessary upgrades, following the procedures in the Appendix: Migration Procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
upgrade scripts. See the Appendix: Migration Procedures topic for instructions on how to determine which upgrade scripts to run. CoreProcedures_<db_type>.sql
upgrade script.PurgePart_ora.sql
upgrade script.To deploy this installation package within a new Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, follow the procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
When ICON is running in an environment with a high-availability (HA) pair of Interaction Servers (for example, ISvr-1 and ISvr-2), and the backup server (ISvr-2) takes over the primary role, ICON continues to recognize the correct Interaction Server instance (ISvr-2) as the primary server after a disconnection from and reconnection to Configuration Server. (ICON-5624)
The Interaction Concentrator XML metadata file, which provides option descriptions, default values, and valid values for display in Genesys Administrator, has been brought up to date.
Note: Options that accept both 0/1
and false/true
as valid Boolean values present only 0/1
for selection in the Genesys Administrator interface. You can manually set the option values to true/false
, if desired. (ICON-5599, ICON-5597)
In environments running a Microsoft SQL IDB, ICON now writes the attribute data associated with a message ID stored in the G_LOG_MESSAGES table to the G_LOG_ATTRS table row containing the corresponding MESSAGE_ID value. Previously, in certain scenarios, the data flow sequence disrupted the link between the message ID and the associated content. This issue did not affect IDBs running Oracle, PostgreSQL, or DB2. (ICON-5574)
The names of some stored procedures were changed so that the name combined with the version number did not exceed the 30 character maximum allowed for Oracle databases earlier than version 12c R2. (ICON-5574)
In SIP Cluster deployments, ICON correctly stores CallUUID and PartyUUID values in the G_CUSTOM_DATA_S and G_CUSTOM_DATA_P tables for custom data records that were attached during an active call. (ICON-5194)
This release improves ICON logging by ensuring that when a Tenant is dynamically removed from the Tenants tab in the Interaction Concentrator Application
object, you no longer receive the following misleading error message: MCR: internal error, connection to is in wrong state
. (ICON-4768)
Interaction Concentrator log message 09-25031 has been corrected to read : Std 25031 Persistent queue 'GUD' for '<Persistent_queue_manager>' disconnected from database.
Previously, the log message read as follows: Std 25031 Persistent queue '<Persistent_queue_manager>' for 'GUD' disconnected from database
. (ICON-4560)
Interaction Concentrator no longer starts an incorrect new 2-step conference transaction in the following scenario:
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Upgrade Notes
Corrections and Modifications
This is a hot fix release for this product. The following new features and modifications were introduced in this release of Interaction Concentrator.
The new trim-broken-utf8
configuration option enables ICON to check for and remove incomplete
UTF-8 symbols from the end of a truncated user-data string. These
incomplete UTF-8 symbols might occur when a long user-data string is
truncated in the middle of a multi-byte UTF-8 character. This
functionality applies to user data written to the following tables: G_USERDATA_HISTORY, G_CUSTOM_DATA_S, G_CUSTOM_DATA_P, GM_F_USERDATA
Interaction Concentrator now correctly supports two-step transfer and conference scenarios in SIP Cluster deployments. An agent invited into a consultation call and then moved to the main call now has the READY state after end of the call and busy time is calculated correctly. Previously, in SIP Cluster scenarios of this sort, the affected agent continued to be shown as BUSY after leaving the call.
To deploy this installation package within an existing Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, review the notes in this section and make the necessary upgrades, following the procedures in the Appendix: Migration Procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
upgrade scripts. See the Appendix: Migration Procedures topic for instructions on how to determine which upgrade scripts to run. CoreProcedures_<db_type>.sql
upgrade script.PurgePart_ora.sql
upgrade script.To deploy this installation package within a new Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, follow the procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
This release includes the following correction and modification:
ICON now links statically to Microsoft Visual Studio C/C++ runtime libraries and does not depend on having the required libraries installed in your environment. (ICON-5564)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Upgrade Notes
Corrections and Modifications
There are no restrictions for this release. The following new features and modifications were introduced in this release of Interaction Concentrator:
Interaction Concentrator now records the data necessary to report on supervision (monitoring) of agent calls. The relevant data is provided in AttributeExtensions of EventUserEvent and is stored in the G_CUSTOM_DATA_S table.
Use of this functionality requires you to have SIP Server in your environment and to configure the following three new options:
Note: To use this functionality, you must also set the values for the following SIP Server options to true
: sip-enable-call-info and sip-enable-call-info-extended. (ICON-5476)
To deploy this installation package within an existing Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, review the notes in this section and make the necessary upgrades, following the procedures in the Appendix: Migration Procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
upgrade scripts. See the Appendix: Migration Procedures topic for instructions on how to determine which upgrade scripts to run. CoreProcedures_<db_type>.sql
upgrade script.PurgePart_ora.sql
upgrade script.To deploy this installation package within a new Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, follow the procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
Custom data KVP key names are now truncated to 64 bytes to fit into IDB fields in the G_CUSTOM_DATA_S table. Previously, key names longer than 64 bytes generated an error, but ICON continued endlessly trying to write the incorrect data into IDB. (ICON-5514)
ICON now correctly uses security parameters from Application- and Host-level configuration settings to connect to Message Server via TLS. Previously, ICON could not establish a TLS connection to Message Server, if the security settings were configured on any other level than Connection. (ICON-5460)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Upgrade Notes
Corrections and Modifications
There are no restrictions for this release. The following new features and modifications were introduced in this release of Interaction Concentrator:
The following new indexes were added to the Interaction Database schema:
To deploy this installation package within an existing Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, review the notes in this section and make the necessary upgrades, following the procedures in the Appendix: Migration Procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
upgrade scripts. See the Appendix: Migration Procedures topic for instructions on how to determine which upgrade scripts to run. CoreProcedures_<db_type>.sql
upgrade script.PurgePart_ora.sql
upgrade script.To deploy this installation package within a new Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, follow the procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
The following options have been adjusted to support dynamic changes to the values, which is consistent with the documentation:
Also, the description of the acc-proc-tout option now correctly states that it has a hard-coded value of 1 second and does not require you to specify a value. If you enter a different value for this option, Interaction Concentrator disregards it. This behavior applies to all 8.x releases of Interaction Concentrator. (ICON-5535)
Interaction Concentrator now correctly writes data to IDB after a reconnection that happened while writing records incrementally (one-by-one). Previously, if a disconnection from DB Server occurred in such a scenario, current transactions that were not yet written into IDB were cleared from memory and were not loaded from the PQ file after reconnection. (ICON-5462)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Upgrade Notes
Corrections and Modifications
There are no restrictions for this release. This version was first released as a Hot Fix on 08/07/2017.
No new features and improvements were introduced in this release of Interaction Concentrator.
To deploy this installation package within an existing Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, review the notes in this section and make the necessary upgrades, following the procedures in the Interaction Concentrator 8.1.5 Migration Guide.
upgrade scripts. See the Migration Procedures page for instructions on how to determine which upgrade scripts to run. CoreProcedures_<db_type>.sql
upgrade script.PurgePart_ora.sql
upgrade script.To deploy this installation package within a new Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, follow the procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
To restore backward compatibility, the default value for the max-userdata-length option has been changed from 1024
to 255
. For details, see the max-userdata-length option description.
IMPORTANT: If your environment requires userdata values longer than 255 characters, you must set a larger value for this option. (ICON-5478)
A switchover from one T-Server instance to the other in a high availability (HA) pair during a call no longer causes the agent state to change. Previously, such a switchover resulted in Interaction Concentrator setting the agent state based on the current state provided by the newly-active T-Server, not taking into account the fact that the agent might still have an active call. (ICON-5473)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Upgrade Notes
Corrections and Modifications
This is a hot fix release for this product. This section describes the new features introduced in this release of Interaction Concentrator:
To deploy this installation package within an existing Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, review the notes in this section and make the necessary upgrades, following the procedures in the Interaction Concentrator 8.1.5 Migration Guide.
upgrade scripts. See the Migration Procedures page for instructions on how to determine which upgrade scripts to run. CoreProcedures_<db_type>.sql
upgrade script.PurgePart_ora.sql
upgrade script.To deploy this installation package within a new Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, follow the procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
Interaction Concentrator no longer terminates abnormally in the following scenario:
.Interaction Concentrator now supports more accurate reporting of complex Redirect Call scenarios. (ICON-5490)
This release of Interaction Concentrator resolves a performance issue related to the stored procedures for IDBs running Microsoft SQL. This issue was introduced in release 8.1.510.07, when Interaction Concentrator added Unicode support for Microsoft SQL. Interaction Concentrator performance was affected by the datatypes used in the affected versions. (ICON-5440)
The Interaction Concentrator Core schema initialization script for PostgreSQL now includes DROP statements for the G_DSS_*_PROVIDER tables, which are required to correctly re-initialize IDB. This correction applies to the following tables:
Interaction Concentrator in an Outbound environment now correctly populates the NODATA_IUTC and LEVENT_DSUTC fields in the G_DSS_GOS_PROVIDER table when processing EventGOSnapshotData distributed by Outbound Contact Server. Previously, incorrect values in those fields led to issues with downstream reporting solutions. (ICON-5400)
Interaction Concentrator, in a multimedia environment with an IDB running Microsoft SQL no longer generates uniqueness errors in the following scenario:
Previously, after receiving the second Event, ICON treated it as if it were coming from a new interaction and tried to add it to the GM_F_USERDATA table, but using the same CallID as for the first, resulting in a uniqueness error. (ICON-5298)
As of June 23, 2017, this release is no longer available. A critical issue was discovered and is under investigation. Do not install this version into a Production environment. Please contact Customer Care if you have questions.
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Upgrade Notes
Corrections and Modifications
There are no restrictions for this hot fix release. The following new feature was introduced in this release of Interaction Concentrator:
You can now set an alarm for situations in which Interaction Concentrator call handling rules result in unprocessed or destroyed calls. To support this functionality, the following objects are added:
For more details on this functionality, see Setting Alarms for Call Processing Failures in the Interaction Concentrator User's Guide.
To deploy this installation package within an existing Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, review the notes in this section and make the necessary upgrades, following the procedures in the Interaction Concentrator 8.1.5 Migration Guide.
upgrade scripts. See the Migration Procedures page for instructions on how to determine which upgrade scripts to run. CoreProcedures_<db_type>.sql
upgrade script.PurgePart_ora.sql
upgrade script.To deploy this installation package within a new Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, follow the procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
If a Virtual Agent Group script is updated to a length exceeding 255 characters, ICON now writes a Standard-level log message, 09-25109, and truncates the value to the maximum length of 255 characters. (ICON-5308)
Changes to the configuration options in the [dbw-error-reactions] section are now correctly applied to ICON configured with the cfg
role without requiring you to restart ICON. (ICON-5305)
Dynamically updating the max-userdata-length option value in the [callconcentrator] section no longer triggers an error message in the log. (ICON-5256)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Upgrade Notes
Corrections and Modifications
There are no restrictions for this hot fix release. The following new feature was introduced in this release of Interaction Concentrator:
You can now store a user-configurable number of last
calls/interactions and parties associated with a device, setting any
value from 4
to 128
. The default value is 16
. Previously, this value was always 4
Recording a larger number of last calls/interactions and parties that
are supplied in EventUserEvent and EventCustomReporting events enables
more detailed reporting on the progress and outcome of interactions. To
support this functionality, the max-party-info configuration option is added. For a more detailed explanation of this new functionality, see the option description in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
) increases memory consumption.To deploy this installation package within an existing Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, review the notes in this section and make the necessary upgrades, following the procedures in the Interaction Concentrator 8.1.5 Migration Guide.
upgrade scripts. See the Migration Procedures page for instructions on how to determine which upgrade scripts to run. CoreProcedures_<db_type>.sql
upgrade script.PurgePart_ora.sql
upgrade script.To deploy this installation package within a new Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, follow the procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
This release includes no corrections or modifications.
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Upgrade Notes
Corrections and Modifications
There are no restrictions for this hot fix release. No new features were introduced in this release of Interaction Concentrator.
To deploy this installation package within an existing Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, review the notes in this section and make the necessary upgrades, following the procedures in the Interaction Concentrator 8.1.5 Migration Guide.
upgrade scripts. See the Migration Procedures page for instructions on how to determine which upgrade scripts to run. CoreProcedures_<db_type>.sql
upgrade script.PurgePart_ora.sql
upgrade script.To deploy this installation package within a new Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, follow the procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
This release corrects a memory leak that occurred in multimedia interactions when parties with the same name were removed from, or were added to, active interactions. (ICON-5262)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Upgrade Notes
Corrections and Modifications
There are no restrictions for this release. The following new features were introduced in this release of Interaction Concentrator:
ICON can now store long userdata values and Subject
-keynames, with a length of up to 1024 characters, in the following IDB fields:
To keep backward compatibility with environments running Genesys Info
Mart 7.6 or Genesys Info Mart 8.x releases earlier than, use
the new max-userdata-length configuration option to set the maximum data length in the fields listed above to 255
characters in the IDB data.
Configured in: ICON Application, [callconcentrator] Section
Default value: 1024
Valid values: Integers from 255
– 1024
. If ICON receives userdata values longer than the specified value, they are truncated.
Changes take effect: Immediately
The datatype for all CNT_* fields in the G_CALL_STAT and G_PARTY_STAT tables have been changed from smallint
to integer
(for Microsoft SQL, the datatype is now int
Interaction Concentrator now supports reporting on SIP Server "Call Forward Loop" scenarios. See ICON-5220 in the Known Issues section for a limitation on this functionality. (ICON-5131)
To deploy this installation package within an existing Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, review the notes in this section and make the necessary upgrades, following the procedures in the Interaction Concentrator 8.1.5 Migration Guide.
upgrade scripts. See the Migration Procedures page for instructions on how to determine which upgrade scripts to run. CoreProcedures_<db_type>.sql
upgrade script.PurgePart_ora.sql
upgrade script.To deploy this installation package within a new Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, follow the procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
You can now choose different alternatives for how Interaction Concentrator handles timestamps having fractions of milliseconds in TEvents and Interaction Server events. To support this modified functionality, the following option has been added:
Configured in: ICON Application, [callconcentrator] Section
Default value: 0
Valid values:
—Compatibility mode (8.1.+ ICON behavior).1
—No rounding. ICON truncates fractions of milliseconds for timestamps in IDB.2
—Rounding enabled. ICON rounds fractions of milliseconds for timestamps in IDB.Notes:
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Upgrade Notes
Corrections and Modifications
There are no restrictions for this release. The following new features were introduced in this release of Interaction Concentrator:
You can now specify how Interaction Concentrator handles values that are measured in milliseconds or microseconds. Interaction Concentrator can either truncate microsecond and millisecond values to seconds before storing them in IDB, or else round microsecond values to milliseconds. This functionality is controlled using the new ignore-milliseconds configuration option.
Support for Microsoft SQL Server 2014.
The wrapper scripts now remove the following obsolete purge procedures on Oracle, PostgreSQL, and Microsoft SQL IDBs: gsysPurgeIR, gsysPurgeUDH, gsysPurgeLS, and gsysPurgeOS.
The Interaction Concentrator Physical Data Model Reference Guides are now available on the Genesys Documentation website.
To deploy this installation package within an existing Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, review the notes in this section and make the necessary upgrades, following the procedures in the Interaction Concentrator 8.1.5 Migration Guide.
upgrade scripts. See the Migration Procedures page for instructions on how to determine which upgrade scripts to run. CoreProcedures_<db_type>.sql
upgrade script.PurgePart_ora.sql
upgrade script.To deploy this installation package within a new Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, follow the procedures in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
ICON, writing into an Oracle IDB, no longer generates duplicated IDs
for call custom data records for unreliable calls (that is, calls in
which ICON did not monitor the entire lifespan of the call). Previously
in this scenario, ICON occasionally generated one of the following error
messages: unique constraint (PK_G_CALL_USERDATC) violated
or unique constraint (PK_G_CALL_UDATC2) violated
. (ICON-5144)
The gsysPurge81 procedure now uses UTC time to identify purge intervals. The retention parameter now specifies the number of days starting from the current UTC day. Previous versions of the purge procedure could retain one extra day or delete one extra day depending on local time differences with UTC, and, as a result, ICON would delete all current data if the retention parameter was 1 day. (ICON-4981)
The Interaction Concentrator Physical Data Model documents now correctly specify that the PARTYID field in the G_CUSTOM_DATA_S and G_CUSTOM_DATA_P tables actually stores the PARTYGUID value. This is the desired behavior. (ICON-4938)
ICON no longer generates an error message when it has its role
set to cfg
and Interaction Server is present on the Connections
tab. Previously in this scenario, the following error message appeared during startup:
Std 20010 Configuration error. Class [CKLinkProc] : Unsupported switch type 'InteractionServer-1'
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
Note: This release of Interaction Concentrator is built with Interaction Database (IDB) schema version 8.1.510.01. This is an updated schema version. See the Interaction Concentrator 8.1 Deployment Procedure for instructions on how to update your IDB schema.
There are no restrictions for this release. The following new features were introduced in this release of Interaction Concentrator:
Interaction Concentrator now supports Unicode Microsoft SQL IDBs. For details, see Configuring for Unicode Support in an Environment with a Microsoft SQL IDB. Note that Unicode is already supported for Oracle and PostgreSQL RDBMSs.
Interaction Concentrator now supports the Interaction Server ability to distinguish the agent login region.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
Interaction Concentrator, configured with the cfg
considers an object deleted if you change the permission on that object
so that ICON can no longer access it. In this scenario, if you restore
the permissions, ICON does not recognize or restore the object. (ICON-5120)
Interaction Concentrator now correctly handles scenarios in which an interaction party is associated with an agent and a place that each have the same DBID value. (ICON-4567)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Upgrade Notes
Corrections and Modifications
There are no restrictions for this hot fix release. No new features were introduced in this release of Interaction Concentrator.
To deploy this installation package within an existing Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, review the notes in this section and make the necessary upgrades, following the procedures in the Interaction Concentrator 8.1.5 Migration Guide.
upgrade scripts. See the Migration Procedures page for instructions on how to determine which upgrade scripts to run. CoreProcedures_<db_type>.sql
upgrade script.PurgePart_ora.sql
upgrade script.This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
This release contains corrections and modifications to support Genesys Cloud implementations only.
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Upgrade Notes
Corrections and Modifications
There are no restrictions for this hot fix release. No new features were introduced in this release of Interaction Concentrator.
To deploy this installation package within an existing Interaction Concentrator 8.1.x environment, review the notes in this section and make the necessary upgrades, following the procedures in the Interaction Concentrator 8.1.5 Migration Guide.
upgrade scripts. See the Migration Procedures page for instructions on how to determine which upgrade scripts to run. CoreProcedures_<db_type>.sql
upgrade script.PurgePart_ora.sql
upgrade script.This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
This release contains corrections and modifications to support Genesys Cloud implementations only.
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
Note: This release of Interaction Concentrator is built with Interaction Database (IDB) schema version 8.1.508.05. This release does not require you to update your database schema.
There are no restrictions for this hot fix release. No new features were introduced in this release of Interaction Concentrator.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
This release contains corrections and modifications to support Genesys Cloud implementations only.
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
Note: This release of Interaction Concentrator is built with Interaction Database (IDB) schema version 8.1.508.05. This release does not require you to update your database schema.
There are no restrictions for this hot fix release. No new features were introduced in this release of Interaction Concentrator.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
This release contains corrections and modifications to support Genesys Cloud implementations only.
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
Note: This release of Interaction Concentrator is built with Interaction Database (IDB) schema version 8.1.508.05. This release does not require you to update your database schema.
There are no restrictions for this release. The following new features were introduced in this release of Interaction Concentrator:
This release contains modifications to support Genesys Cloud implementations only.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
Running Interaction Concentrator in an environment with SIP Server or higher and with the use-server-partyuuid configuration option set to 1
no longer leads to data quality issues in Genesys Info Mart.
Note: For backwards compatibility, the new default value for this option is 0
. (ICON-5083, ICON-5099)
ICON can now establish multiple connections to an Interaction Server configured as multiple T-Server applications, even when these applications have the same host and port. Previously, ICON ignored T-Server applications with duplicated host and port information. (ICON-5082)
ICON no longer terminates unexpectedly when it does not find party
information because of a missing attribute in Interaction Server events.
Previously, Interaction Server releases earlier than 8.1.400.18
sometimes omitted attr_party_type
from events, resulting in ICON stopping. (ICON-5069)
The description of the use-server-partyuuid configuration option in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide now explains that the parent party identified by SIP Server may not correspond to the ICON parent party. For example, if the parent party is associated with an external routing point, SIP Server reports the grandparent (as reported by ICON) as a parent party. (ICON-5028)
When ICON has the cfg
role set and is running on LINUX,
it no longer experiences disconnects from DB Server or Configuration
Server. Previously, these disconnects meant that ICON failed to
initialize IDB, resulting in an abnormally large cfg-sync.db file and high CPU usage. (ICON-4997)
Interaction Concentrator, when running with the gls-enable-acw-busy configuration option set to 0
and the gls-enforce-reason-code configuration option set to 1, 2
, or 3
no longer experiences incorrect termination of reason codes that are
created on a queue and before a new call event (such as EventDialing)
arrives. (ICON-4765)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
Note: This release of Interaction Concentrator is built with Interaction Database (IDB) schema version 8.1.508.05. This is an updated schema version. See the Interaction Concentrator 8.1 Deployment Procedure for instructions on how to update your IDB schema.
This release is under shipping control. For availability of this release, contact your Genesys representative. The following new features were introduced in this release of Interaction Concentrator:
Interaction Concentrator can now support multiple routing
scenarios in single-site and multi-site environments running SIP Server
release or higher. To support this functionality, a column,
TS_PARENTPARTYGUID, has been added to the G_PARTY table and a new
configuration option, use-server-partyuuid, controls the use of this functionality. (ICON-4982)
WARNING! The default value 1
of the option can impact data quality in Genesys Info Mart. For details, see the associated Known Issue.
Workaround: Set the value of this option to 0
Note: This issue will be corrected in the next release of Interaction Concentrator.
Interaction Concentrator now provides a mechanism to correctly identify the DN in multi-site environments where both an internal DN and an external DN have the same name. A new configuration option, same-dn, controls the use of this functionality. (ICON-308)
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
The installation packages for AIX and Solaris no longer contain 32-bit executables. Note that the installation package for Linux continues to include a 32-bit executable. (ICON-5009)
When ICON experiences three or more errors one after another during the same database transaction, ICON now waits 30 seconds before submitting such a transaction again. (ICON-4927, ICON-4951)
The Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide has been updated to indicate configuration requirements for international language encoding on Oracle and PostgreSQL databases. For details, see Internationalization Settings. (ICON-4936)
ICON no longer has a memory leak when an Outbound campaign is unloaded. Previously, ICON kept Outbound chains in memory if a chain unloading event arrived after the associated campaign was unloaded. (ICON-4786)
Interaction Concentrator now stores data on stuck calls, login sessions, agent states, and virtual queue records in a way that enables downstream reporting applications, such as Genesys Info Mart, to provide correct interaction reporting. Previously, problems could occur if data was stored with the session ID from before a data provider switchover or other data interruption, where the ending timestamp belonged to the session following the interruption. (ICON-455, ICON-465, ICON-4581)
ICON now retains reason code data for reason code states that started, but were not completed, before a data provider switchover, data interruption, or ICON restart. (ICON-4391)
In scenarios with stuck calls, interactions, or virtual queues, ICON now stores the timestamp indicating when the decision was made that the call, interaction, or virtual queue was stuck. (ICON-3987)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
Note: This release of Interaction Concentrator is built with Interaction Database (IDB) schema version 8.1.506.06. This release does not require you to update your database schema.
There are no restrictions for this release. The following new features were introduced in this release of Interaction Concentrator:
ICON now stores data that enables reporting on agent focus time.
ICON now stores data provided by Chat Server that enables you to determine who ended a chat session.
A new Log Events Appendix has been added to the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide. It contains full descriptions of all ICON log events added since the Framework Combined Log Events Help was last published.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
ICON no longer quits unexpectedly when a Routing Point or Queue is added dynamically to the configuration during a call involving that Routing Point or Queue. (ICON-4958)
The description of the purgePartitions811
stored procedure in the Interaction Concentrator User's Guide has been updated for clarity and accuracy. (ICON-4885)
The ICON purge procedure for partitioned Oracle RDBMSs (purgePartitions811
now correctly uses UTC days to determine the number of days to retain
in the database and to ensure that the start and end times for each day
are consistent. Previously, ICON sometimes incorrectly used local time
to identify the current partition and used UTC time to drop partitions.
As a result, ICON might retain up to a full day more or fewer than
expected, depending on the difference between local time and UTC time.
(ICON-4911, ICON-4914)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
Note: This release of Interaction Concentrator is built with Interaction Database (IDB) schema version 8.1.506.06. This release does not require you to update your database schema.
There are no restrictions for this release. No new features were introduced in this release of Interaction Concentrator.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
IMPORTANT: This release contains modifications to support Genesys Cloud implementations only.
The modifications for this release include two configuration options, described below.
This option specifies the keys that ICON receives from the SIP Server IProxy port in AttributeUserData. (ICON-5036)
Note: The adata-userdata-history option continues to control the processing of the keys received.
Section name: [callconcentrator]
Default value: cfg
Valid values: none, cfg, all
Changes take effect: After ICON is restarted.
This option controls subscriptions to the IProxy port.
—The SIP Server IProxy connection sends no keys. cfg
—The IProxy connection sends keys from the XML configuration file.all
—The IProxy connection sends all available keys.The following configuration option appears in two forms in Interaction Concentrator depending on the release installed. The option behavior described below applies only to Genesys Cloud. All other environments should install release 8.1.508.09 instead.
Section name: [callconcentrator]
Default value: 0
Valid values:
—ICON uses the CallUUID-indx
format to generate the partyGUID.1
—SIP Server release or higher provides the partyGUID value as the partyUUID.Note: The partyUUID is used on party creation, particularly on the following events:
) is used instead. (ICON-5063)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
Note: This release of Interaction Concentrator is built with Interaction Database (IDB) schema version 8.1.506.06. This is an updated schema version. See the Interaction Concentrator 8.1 Deployment Procedure for instructions on how to update your IDB schema.
There are no restrictions for this release. The following new features were introduced in this release of Interaction Concentrator:
Support of SIP Server version or higher for Cluster configurations in Genesys Cloud implementations.
Ability to change the name and location of the cfg-sync.db
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
ICON now correctly handles the lookup-queue-on-ringing
option for SIP Server Cluster when you have not set a value. Previously, by default, ICON would interpret this option value as false
and ignore AttributeThisQueue from EventRinging in cluster scenarios. ICON now uses a default value of true
when you have not set any value for this option. (ICON-4905)
ICON can now work with SIP Cluster when it has been set to the gcc
role only. Previously, ICON would fail to start if the gud
role was absent and SIP Server Cluster was configured on the ICON Connections
tab. (ICON-4894)
Interaction Concentrator now correctly parses EventMediaStateReasonChanged that does not contain attr_reason* attributes. Previously, such events would cause ICON to throw an exception. (ICON-4875)
T-Events and SQL statements no longer display keys in KV pairs inconsistently when the default-filter-type
option is set to skip
. Now, in such configurations, ICON displays neither keys nor values. (ICON-4865)
On Oracle databases, ICON now correctly skips past a record when virtual queue information (the RPVQID key of the attached data) is attached before actual routing or after call deletion, rather than attempting to insert the record into the G_ROUTE_RES_VQ_HIST table. Previously in this scenario, ICON writing to an Oracle database would generate the ORA-01400 error message, preventing future processing of interaction data. (ICON-4834, ICON-4534)
When ICON is connected to a primary/backup HA T-Server pair, and one
T-Server is moved to a new host and port, ICON no longer generates the
following debug-level error message after receiving
EventServerDisconnected: Unhandled transition state.
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
Note: This release of Interaction Concentrator is built with Interaction Database (IDB) schema version 8.1.505.01. This is an updated schema version. See the Interaction Concentrator 8.1 Deployment Procedure for instructions on how to update your IDB schema.
There are no restrictions for this release. The following new features were introduced in this release of Interaction Concentrator:
ICON now hides sensitive attached data information in the ICON log file at every log level, if configured to do so. ICON has enabled you to hide sensitive attached data information for TEvents since release 8.1.2. With this release, ICON now enables you to hide such information for SQL statements as well.
The Interaction Concentrator installation package now includes a new SQL script, Purge2_PartitionType0_ora.sql
, located in the scripts/oracle
subdirectory. This script adds a purge procedure that optimizes performance in environments with large IDBs in which the ICON partition-type
option is set to 0
(the default value). If your environment includes this setting and you
are using a non-partitioned Oracle IDB, you can use this script instead
of the Purge2_ora.sql
Note: This script will not purge data written by ICON configured with partition-type
values other than 0
. (ICON-4815)
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
ICON no longer crashes while processing single-step conferences when a T-Event contains an incorrect conference initiator party. (ICON-4827)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
Note: This release of Interaction Concentrator is built with Interaction Database (IDB) schema version 8.1.504.04. This is an updated schema version. See the Interaction Concentrator 8.1 Deployment Procedure for instructions on how to update your IDB schema.
There are no restrictions for this release. The following new features were introduced in this release of Interaction Concentrator:
ICON now supports both sequential and parallel Hunt Group calls controlled by Genesys SIP Server. This functionality is supported only in standalone SIP Server environments.
Interaction Concentrator records the hunt group type by recording the number corresponding to the value set for the SIP Server hg-type configuration option. This number is stored in the GSYS_EXT_INT1 field of the G_PARTY_HISTORY table. The numbers recorded, and the hunt group types they correspond to, are the following:
ICON now provides mutual TLS support. For information about this feature, see Mutual TLS in the Genesys Security Deployment Guide.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
The ICON database Upgrade_8.1.400.15_mssql.sql
for Microsoft SQL now correctly updates the IDX_G_PARTY_IDX index. The
previous version of this script failed to update this index. (ICON-4810)
When connecting to a primary/backup SIP Server pair, ICON no longer incorrectly remains connected to the SIP Server functioning as the backup. Previously, ICON occasionally connected to the SIP Server functioning in backup mode, incorrectly mistaking it for the SIP Server functioning in primary mode, which resulted in data loss. (ICON-4797 )
The gsysPurge81 stored procedure now prevents a second instance of the purge procedure from starting on DB2 RDBMSs. Previously, it was possible to start two purge processes on DB2 simultaneously, which could result in numerous errors in the purge log (G_LOG_MESSAGES table). (ICON-4792, ICON-3984, ER# 267047729)
The valid values given in the Interaction Concentrator User's Guide for the isOnline chat attribute have been corrected in the 08/03/15 update to the document. The value NULL
has been added to the list of valid values. (ICON-4813)
The valid value for minimum re-registration timeout in the gcti-re-registration-tout
configuration option has been corrected in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide; 0
is now included as a valid value. (ICON-4559)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
Note: This release of Interaction Concentrator is built with Interaction Database (IDB) schema version 8.1.503.02. This is an updated schema version. See the Interaction Concentrator 8.1 Deployment Procedure for instructions on how to update your IDB schema.
There are no restrictions for this release. The following new features were introduced in this release of Interaction Concentrator:
Interaction Concentrator now enables you to automatically perform
re-registration of unregistered DNs. To support this functionality you
can configure the new gcti-re-registration-tout
Switch-level configuration option. For a full description of this option, see gcti-re-registration-tout in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide. The re-registration functionality is available on voice Switches only. (ICON-240)
The following TRACE log messages have been added to enable you to monitor DN registration:
09-20035 Request TRegisterAddress for [DN_name] failed.
09-20036 All devices are successfully registered on link [Server=server_name; Switch=switch_name]
where: server_name;switch_name uniquely identifies the link.
09-20037 All devices on all CTI links registered
09-20038 All devices on all MCR links registered
This release of Interaction Concentrator introduces improved purge locking. The purge procedure now uses a more robust native RDBMS approach and avoids the previously encountered issue of multiple purge processes running in parallel. This new database lock is used by default on Microsoft SQL and PostgreSQL databases. If a DBMS lock is available, you can configured it for Oracle databases (see Purge Lock Mechanisms in the Interaction Concentrator User's Guide for the necessary steps). DB2 databases continue to use the previous locking mechanism, which may require manual cleaning of the G_PURGE_STATE table in some rare cases when the purge process has terminated abnormally. (ICON-4637, ICON-4354)
Interaction Concentrator now supports Microsoft SQL 2012 Cluster.
The Interaction Concentrator 8.1 User's Guide has been converted to a conveniently accessible, searchable online format, available here: Interaction Concentrator User's Guide. The PDF-only version of this document has been discontinued. Note that the documentation website enables you to create a PDF of the online document, if desired.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
ICON now ignores configuration changes to objects not supported by Interaction Concentrator. Previously, ICON could sometimes quit unexpectedly while processing configuration object changes. (ICON-4745 )
You must now restart ICON for a change to the value of the lookup-queue-on-ringing Switch-level configuration option to take effect. Previously, such a change took effect dynamically. (ICON-4746)
The default value for the delivered-flag Switch-level configuration option has been corrected for the Cisco CallManager switch type. The correct value, 2
, now appears in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide. (ICON-4753)
ICON now correctly handles situations in which the input parameter for COUNT_DAYS is incorrect (less than or equal to zero
) for the gsysPurge81 stored procedure. The error message ID 09-6025
is now being correctly written to the G_LOG_MESSAGES and G_LOG_ATTRS tables.
Note: The separate purge procedures—gsysPurgeUDH, gsysPurgeIR, gsysPurgeLS, and gsysPurgeOS—have been discontinued starting in release 8.1.503.03. To purge, use the gsysPurge81 or purgePartitions811 stored procedures. For a discussion of all of the purge stored procedures, see Purge Stored Procedures in the Interaction Concentrator User's Guide. (ICON-4005, ER # 281401786 )
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
Note: This release of Interaction Concentrator is built with Interaction Database (IDB) schema version 8.1.400.16. This release does not require you to update your database schema.
There are no restrictions for this release. The following new features were introduced in this release of Interaction Concentrator:
You can now add an Interaction Server type application to the ICON Connections
tab. Previously, you had to add a connection to an application of the
type T-Server, which was a stand-in for the Interaction Server
Added support for connections to multiple Interaction Servers.
For detailed information on the supported deployment configurations, see
the Multimedia
tab on the Supported Deployment Scenarios page in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
Added support for the EnhancedRouting type of Script object, which is used by Orchestration Server. You must upgrade to this release of Interaction Concentrator to use Enhanced Routing in Orchestration.
Added support for IBM DB2 v10.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
ICON now writes a new Standard Level log message when the length of a
Virtual Agent Group script expression exceeds the database field size.
It also truncates the value to the allowed length, which is 255
characters. The new log message reads as follows: 25109|STANDARD|ICON_DATA_VALUE_TRUNCATED|The
value of <configuration_object_name> attribute
<truncated_attribute_name> has been truncated to
<truncated_attribute_value> because the length exceeded the
database field size.
ICON now ignores reason codes with a null or empty key on Oracle databases and writes the following message in the log: 25141|ICON_EMPTY_REASON_CODE_KEY
. Previously, ICON sometimes wrote a reason code record with key=null
; such records caused issues in Genesys Info Mart, which did not expect them. (ICON-4718)
In Microsoft SQL databases, the gsysPurge81
procedure now runs correctly with a date format that is different from
the default US data format (MM-DD-YYYY). Previously in this scenario,
the procedure would exit with an error message, such as Error converting data type varchar to datetime data type
. (ICON-4690)
After you change the name of an empty Agent Group in the configuration (one having no agents assigned to it), the IDB that stores configuration data now correctly reflects the changes. Previously, such changes to Agent Group names were not updated in IDB. (ICON-4676)
This release removes the limitation on the number of items in the
hash table, which contains the list of transactions for processing.
Previously, when ICON encountered this limitation, it generated the
following error message: [GCC]: Error. Transaction [transaction_id] was added to queue_history bat not to hash table.
With this release, ICON now processes changes to options configured on the Switch object either dynamically or upon ICON restart, in accordance to the option descriptions in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide. (ICON-4633, ICON-4616)
The following new log messages indicate that ICON has read the configuration, connected to T-Server, and completed DN registration:
Trc 20036 All devices are successfully registered on link Server=<server_name>; Switch=<switch_name>.
Trc 20037 All devices on all CTI links registered.
Trc 20038 All devices on all MCR links registered.
These messages are all written to Message Server. (ICON-4580)
The Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide contains corrected descriptions of the following configuration options:
Option, found in the [log]
section of the ICON Application
—Corrected the option
Option—Now correctly listed as support-dn-type-N
Option; support-dn-type-5
is one valid format for this option. call-deletion-timeout
Option—Corrected the valid values.emulate-event-queued-extrp
, emulate-event-queued-rp
, and emulate-event-queued-rq
options—Corrected the default values.min-tsync-roundtrip
and tsync-threshold
Options—Removed these obsolete options from the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
Note: This release of Interaction Concentrator is built with Interaction Database (IDB) schema version 8.1.400.16. This release does not require you to update your database schema.
There are no restrictions for this release. The following new features were introduced in this release of Interaction Concentrator:
Interaction Concentrator now provides support for single-step conference reporting. To support this functionality, the following changes have been introduced:
A new configuration option, ssc-processing
has been added to the [callconcentrator]
section of the Interaction Concentrator Application
object. By default, this option is set to recognize single-step
conferences. For a complete description of this option, see the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
The following changes to the IDB content have been introduced:
table for the party who initiated the conference with CCEVENT = 12 (CONFERENCED)
and CCEVENTCAUSE = 8 (Single-step Conference).
field in the table record contains the DN of the party that was added to the conference.G_PARTY_HISTORY
table for the party added to the conference. Starting with this release, the field contains CCEVENTCAUSE = 2 (Conference)
for states with CCEVENT = 2 (Delivered)
and CCEVENT = 3 (Established)
. If the party who initiated the conference drops before the added party answers, the CCEVENTCAUSE
field may have the value 6 (Normal)
for the state with CCEVENT = 3 (Established).
table.Support for single-step conferences includes the following limitations:
Interaction Concentrator now supports recognition by Genesys Info Mart of IWS chat conference scenarios (visibility mode). To provide this support, ICON records a value for the eServices attr_visibility_mode
interaction attribute in the keyname field of the G_USERDATA_HISTORY
table. The attribute value indicates the mode of an agent who has joined a (chat) conference: 1
(Conference mode), 2
(Monitor mode), or 3
(Coach mode, also known as chat consult).
Interaction Concentrator can now dynamically change the list of
user data key names and their definitions, enabling you to avoid
restarting ICON. In addition, you can now store same key name multiple
times as long as it is stored in different tables or comes from
different data sources. For detailed information, see the description of
the adata-spec-name
configuration option and the About tab on the Attached Data Specification File topic in the Genesys Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide and the chapter entitled "Processing Attached Data" in the Genesys Interaction Concentrator 8.1 User's Guide.
To support this new functionality, the following Interaction Concentrator log events have been updated:
Adata: Parsing error [errtxt] [context].
(The log message identifies the nature of the parsing error.) Adata: Loading data specification from: [source].
(The attached data specification is being loaded from the XML file.)Adata: New dictionary created from [source], id = [dictionary_id], num = [dictionary_number].
(The attached data specification file was successfully loaded and the new key specifications
have been applied by ICON. A new dictionary of key names has been created. )Adata: Key registered: [storage], [key], [data], [type], [name].
(Interaction Concentrator has registered the attached data key from the attached data
specification.)Adata: Duplicate of user key name, ignored: new '[storage1]', '[key1]', '[source1]',
'[type1]', '[name1]'; Old '[storage2]', '[key2]', '[data2]', '[type2]', '[name2]'.
(A key duplication error has occurred while parsing the attached data specification
file.)Adata: The value of [key_name] has been truncated because the length exceeded the database field size.
(The maximum size is 255 characters).To support this new functionality, the following Interaction Concentrator log events have been added:
Adata: Key name [source_key_name] will be truncated to [truncated_key_name].
(The key name will be truncated because the length exceeds the database
field size. This message appears only for vertical tables, that is the
the public and secure G_USERDATA_HISTORY
tables.)Adata: Dictionary from [source_file_name] was not created. Reason: [reason_text].
(Possible reasons include the following: the maximum number of
simultaneously existing dictionaries in memory was reached [by default
this is ten]; the dictionary is actually a duplicate of the previous
one.)Interaction Concentrator now supports the following database version:
Interaction Concentrator now supports the following platform:
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
ICON now sets the GSYS_EXT_INT1
field in the GC_ANNEX
table to 1
during configuration resynchronization. Previously ICON did not do so
and, as a result, Genesys Info Mart gathering data from two ICONs in HA
mode, both of which had the cfg
role, might not see Annex
tab data during a period when neither ICON instance monitored Annex
tab information. This was likely to happen during ICON migration when existing ICONs started monitoring Annex
tab data. (ICON-4525)
When you stop the ICON server after it has had one or more disconnections and reconnections to Configuration Server, the termination process now completes correctly. (ICON-4413)
When connected to a high availability T-Server pair, after a dynamic
change to the host and port for the primary T-Server, ICON no longer
record in G_DSS*
provider tables in spite of having received data about call activity. (ICON-4254)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
Note: This release of Interaction Concentrator is built with Interaction Database (IDB) schema version 8.1.400.16. This release does not require you to update your database schema.
This is a hot fix release of Interaction Concentrator. No new features were introduced in this release of Interaction Concentrator:
This release contains the following correction and modification:
ICON now writes certain data from the Annex
tab of both
agent and non-agent Person objects into IDB. Previously, when ICON was
performing synchronization with Configuration Server, such as when
starting up, it recorded Annex
tab data only for agents. (Non-synchronization dynamic updates always correctly included Annex
-data updates for both agent and non-agent Person objects.) (ICON-4833)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
Note: This release of Interaction Concentrator is built with Interaction Database (IDB) schema version 8.1.400.16. This is an updated schema version. See the Interaction Concentrator 8.1 Deployment Procedure for instructions on how to update your IDB schema.
This is a hot fix release of Interaction Concentrator. The following new feature was introduced in this release of Interaction Concentrator:
ICON now correctly handles scenarios having a two-step blind
transfer to a Route Point in which EventRinging comes before
EventDiverted. In such scenarios, the transfer is completed to a
distribution DN before the call rings on the target DN. To use this
functionality, a new option, lookup-queue-on-ringing,
has been added on the Switch object.
Option level: Switch object, Annex
Section: [gts]
Default values:
—This is the default for SIP switches, SIP network switches, and VoIPSMCP switches.
—This is the default for other/non-SIP related switch types.
— ICON checks whether EventRinging has a value for
AttributeThisQueue. If this attribute is present, ICON searches for an
active party on this queue. If such a party exists, it is set as the
parent party for the new party created on ringing.
—ICON does not check whether EventRinging has a value for AttributeThisQueue.
This release contains the following correction and modification:
In environments using Oracle, Interaction Concentrator no longer marks all the active options on the Interaction Concentrator Annex
tab as deleted in the GC_ANNEX
table when a one or more Annex
tab options have been deleted. (ICON-4596)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
Note: This release of Interaction Concentrator is built with Interaction Database (IDB) schema version 8.1.400.10. This is an updated schema version. See the Interaction Concentrator 8.1 Deployment Procedure for instructions on how to update your IDB schema.
This is a hot fix release of Interaction Concentrator. The following new feature was introduced in this release:
Interaction Concentrator now supports reporting on transfers
made by agents using Network Attended Transfer (NAT). A new option has
been added to enable this functionality. To use this option, add it to
the ICON Application
Section: [callconcentrator]
Valid values: 0
and 1
Default value: 0
(to keep existing ICON behavior and ignore network call states)
Changes take effect: Immediately
When use-nts-call-state
is set to 1
, you must also set the Switch object sst-options
option on the Annex
tab, [gts]
section, to 1
. If you do not do this, ICON cannot complete the single-step transfer transaction.
role) has become disconnected. You can use these log messages to set and then clear alarm messages in the Genesys Solution Control Interface. (ICON-4541)
This release contains the following correction and modification:
ICON no longer hangs if it loses its connection with Configuration Server while the Domain Name Server (DNS) is attempting to resolve the host name of the backup Configuration Server. (ICON-407)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
Note: This release of Interaction Concentrator is built with Interaction Database (IDB) schema version 8.1.400.07. This is an updated schema version. See the Interaction Concentrator 8.1 Deployment Procedure for instructions on how to update your IDB schema.
There are no restrictions for this release. The following new features were introduced in this release of Interaction Concentrator:
Added the new GC_ANNEX
table, which stores changes
to certain options on the Annex tabs of Person, Agent Group, DN, DN
Group, and Switch objects. This data enables Genesys Interactive
Insights 8.1.4 and higher to control visibility of certain data and
reports based on attributes such as geographical location, business
line, or organization structure. This data is stored only when ICON has
the cfg
role and the cfg-annex
option configured.
Support for the out-of-signaling-path feature of SIP Server, enabling ICON to store the correct TEvent sequence in the order it was initially sent by SIP Server and to provide the necessary data to link ISCC calls.
Support for recognition of multi-site transfers for which ICON receives information after call deletion.
Support for the application Hang-up Detection feature provided by Management Layer.
Security enhancements—Support for encrypted RDBMSs and hiding of TEvent attached data in logs. For details on this functionality and how to configure it, see the Genesys Security Deployment Guide.
Adjusted SQL script file names to enable automated upgrade of IDB. For detailed information, see the Interaction Concentrator 8.1 Deployment Procedure.
New supported platform—Windows Server 2012 64-bit native.
New supported databases—Oracle 12c and 12c RAC and Microsoft SQL Server 2012.
This release contains the following corrections and modifications:
Purging for a partitioned IDB for ICON instances collecting outbound
data now functions correctly. Previously, purging of a partitioned IDB
failed when it tried to drop partitions for the GO_CAMPAIGN
table. (ICON-4517)
Interaction Concentrator now correctly processes dynamic changes of Agent availability status made in the Configuration Layer. (ICON-4480)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
Note: This release of Interaction Concentrator is built with Interaction Database (IDB) schema version This release does not require you to update your database schema.
This is a hot fix release for this product. The following new feature was introduced in this release of Interaction Concentrator.
A new configuration option, do-not-register
, enables
you to prevent ICON from registering specified DNs. ICON does not
receive any events from these DNs and processes data from these DNs as
Configured in: DN configuration object, Annex tab, [gts]
Default value: 0
Valid values:
—ICON functions as in prior releases, and registers the DN.
—ICON does not register the specified DN.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
In multimedia environments, Interaction Concentrator now correctly processes changes made to the enabled/disabled state of Agent configuration objects. Previously, these changes were not processed correctly. As a result, it was possible for ICON to generate the following error message regarding an enabled agent:
[MCR AGENTMAN] INFO: No Agent with Employee ID <employee_id> in configuration
Interaction Concentrator now correctly handles conferenced calls in which an agent alternates between the main call and the consultation call before conferencing them together. (ICON-4421)
In scenarios such as those provided as examples below, Interaction Concentrator now terminates the agent’s party with the correct result of Cleared/Distributed:
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
Note: This release of Interaction Concentrator is built with Interaction Database (IDB) schema version This is an updated schema version. See the Interaction Concentrator 8.1 Deployment Procedure for instructions on how to update your IDB schema.
There are no restrictions for this release. No new features were introduced in this release of Interaction Concentrator.
This release includes the following correction and modification:
Interaction Concentrator now writes the correct values to the DSCONN_SDSTS
columns of the G_DSS_CFG_PROVIDER
table. Release of Interaction Concentrator sometimes wrote
incorrect values in these columns, which would impact Genesys Info Mart
processing. (ICON-4402)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
Note: This release of Interaction Concentrator is built with Interaction Database (IDB) schema version This is an updated schema version. See the Interaction Concentrator 8.1 Deployment Procedure for instructions on how to update your IDB schema.
There are no restrictions for this release. This section describes new features that were introduced in this release of Interaction Concentrator.
tab of the Interaction Concentrator (ICON) Application
object. ICON makes this update by disconnecting from the original host and port and then connecting to the new ones.pq-startup-purge
configuration option enables you to specify whether to run the purge
procedure. It also enables you to set a maximum file size for the PQ
file, above which ICON automatically purges the PQ file upon startup. This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
If Interaction Concentrator is monitoring offline multimedia interactions when they are pulled from a queue by a strategy or an agent, and after that the interaction data is lost (for example, because ICON is restarted), ICON now correctly processes subsequent events for the same interactions. Previously, such scenarios could cause various uniqueness violation errors in IDB. (ICON-4372)
The description of the gls-acw-first
configuration option in the Interaction Concentrator 8.1 Deployment Guide has been revised to explain how ICON determines which interaction should be associated with after-call work. (ICON-4332)
Interaction Concentrator now correctly updates the Event_ID
in the configuration details even when the event makes no changes in
the IDB. Previously, in this situation ICON did not update the Event_ID
, which led ICON to perform an unnecessary resynchronization. (ICON-159)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
Note: This release of Interaction Concentrator is built with Interaction Database (IDB) schema version This release does not require you to update your database schema.
This is a hot fix release for this product. Refer to the Deployment Procedure for this hot fix to deploy the installation package within your environment.
This release contains no new features or functionality.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
A new configuration option, ring-divert,
enables support for T-Server event flows in which EventRinging comes before EventDiverted. You can set this option in the Annex
section either of the Switch or the DN configuration object, or both.
If it is set to a valid value, the DN option overrides the value set for
the Switch.
Section Name: [gts]
Default Value: 0
Valid Values: 0, 1
Changes Take Effect: If set for the Switch, changes take effect after
ICON is restarted; if set for the DN, changes take effect immediately
Controls whether ICON identifies the PARENTPARTYID
of the Ringing party in event flows in which EventRinging comes before
EventDiverted or the call is routed to an external switch.
—ICON preserves its former behavior; that is, ICON does not identify the PARENTPARTYID
in these event flows.1
—ICON correctly sets the value of the PARENTPARTYID
. Note: Interaction Concentrator does not support event flows
in which EventRinging comes before EventDiverted for two-step transfer
scenarios in which the transfer is completed before the call rings on
the target DN. This is the case even if you set the ring-divert
option value to 1
. (ICON-4380)
ICON now writes the correct DSS session time range (the values for the LEVENT_ITIME,
fields) in the G_DSS_CFG_PROVIDER
table. Previously, ICON sometimes stored a DSS time range that did not
cover all Configuration Server objects that were extracted during the
same DSS session. As a result, Genesys Info Mart could not extract all
of the available configuration details, meaning that some objects might
be missing from the Genesys Info Mart RESOURCE_
table and
some objects and object relationships might be missing from Genesys Info
Mart dimension and fact tables. (ICON-4379, ICON-4386)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
Note: This release of Interaction Concentrator is built with Interaction Database (IDB) schema version This is an updated schema version. See the Interaction Concentrator 8.1 Deployment Procedure for instructions on how to update your IDB schema.
This is a hot fix release for this product. Refer to the Deployment Procedure for this hot fix to deploy the installation package within your environment.
This release contains no new features or functionality.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
Interaction Concentrator now correctly handles call merges initiated by an external party. Previously, such a merge could lead to a memory leak in Interaction Concentrator and cause ICON to generate the following debug-level error message:
Processing error 6:'Cannot move party <DN> from <CALLID1> to <CALLID2> on event EventCallDeleted (162)'.
The setting for the om-memory-optimization
option no longer overrides the setting for the calls-in-the-past
option. Previously, setting the om-memory-optimization
option to true
could cause old interactions to be re-created in spite of setting the calls-in-the-past
option to false
. (ICON-4330)
In release and higher, if Interaction Concentrator is
monitoring offline multimedia interactions when they are pulled from a
queue by a strategy or an agent, and after that the interaction data is
lost (for example, because ICON is restarted), ICON now correctly
processes the StopProcessing event. Previously, such scenarios caused an
error in IDB—a uniqueness violation in the G_PARTY_STAT
table. (ICON-4327)
Interaction Concentrator now preserves the time order of the skills in the GCX_SKILL_LEVEL
table. Previously, the termination time for the previous record could
be later than the creation time for the new record. Note that the
timestamps for the addition or deletion of a skill may not reflect the
actual time when the skill was changed but rather the time when
Interaction Concentrator detected this change—for example, after
resynchronization. (ICON-4323)
Interaction Concentrator is now able to correctly handle situations in which a transaction cannot be removed from the persistent queue (pq). Previously, such a situation resulted in an endless processing loop and required a restart of Interaction Concentrator to correct the issue. (ICON-4320)
The Interaction Concentrator purge procedure has been updated to purge non-terminated records from the G_IS_LINK
table. Previously, because the value written to the terminated
field in the G_IS_LINK
table was always NULL,
the purge procedure did not delete non-terminated records when you set the deleteAllFlag
option to 0
. This caused the G_IS_LINK
table to grow.
Partitioned Oracle IDBs did not have this problem; the purge procedure always dropped partitions that were marked for purging whether they contained terminated or non-terminated records. (ICON-82; ICON-483; ER# 277876184)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
Note: This release of Interaction Concentrator is built with Interaction Database (IDB) schema version This is an updated schema version. See the Interaction Concentrator 8.1 Deployment Procedure for instructions on how to update your IDB schema.
This is a hot fix release for this product. Refer to the Deployment Procedure for this hot fix to deploy the installation package within your environment.
This release contains no new features or functionality.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
This release improves processing of notifications about configuration changes that the ICON with the cfg
role receives from Configuration Server. Notifications are now
processed during the time periods when ICON detects no activity on the
Configuration Server connection. Previously, ICON could disconnect from
Configuration Server at ADDP timeout during processing of configuration
changes. (ICON-354; ER# 313481140)
ICON now correctly processes various combinations of settings for the gls-enforce-reason-code
and gls-queue
configuration options. Previously, when the gls-queue
configuration option was set to 1
, ICON terminated both software and hardware reason codes on the devices to which an agent was logged in, as if the gls-enforce-reason-code
option were equal to 3.
(ICON-4127; ER# 311542531)
ICON no longer terminates when receiving corrupted user data. Previously, ICON was unable to handle user data that was packed incorrectly and could terminate abnormally. (ICON-476; ER# 323156196)
An improvement in transaction processing for a persistent queue (PQ) file prevents any new transactions against the PQ file during configuration resynchronization. Previously, when synchronization of configuration data was taking a long time in a large configuration environment, another provider could open a new transaction and, as a result, could interrupt resynchronization with the following error:
[SQLITE] Error [1], text [cannot start a transaction within a transaction](ICON-198; ER# 300542501)
ICON now assigns both hardware and software reason codes to a related DN state if T-Server reports reason codes in EventRegistered.
Previously, if ICON started while a login session was in progress, ICON did not record reason codes correctly.
(ICON-4137; ER# 312220956)
In an environment with primary and backup T-Servers, ICON now switches over to process data from the backup T-Server promptly after the primary T-Server disconnects on the server side (for example, due to an ADDP timeout). Previously, ICON did not re-register with the other T-Server in the pair for a few hours after such a disconnect and received no T-Server data for up to 24 hours. (ICON-474; ER# 322681375)
This release improves processing of agent states data in two-step
transfer and conference scenarios. Previously, ICON processed agent
states data when it received EventCallDeleted,
which resulted in incorrect values for the PartyID
table. Also, ICON stored incorrect PartyID
values when the gls-acw-first
configuration option was set to 0.
A new configuration option, gls-improve-data-for-agent,
which is set in the gts
section at the Switch
configuration object, enables the improved processing logic.
Section Name: [gts]
Default Value: 0
Valid Values: 0, 1
Changes Take Effect: After ICON is restarted
Specifies when ICON processes agent states data in two-step transfer
and conference scenarios. By default, the legacy behavior is preserved,
and EventCallDeleted
triggers agent states data processing. Set a value of 1
to enable ICON to process agent states data based on EventReleased
and store a more accurate value of PartyID
table when a record describes one of the following:
to another stateBusy
to Busy.
Note: Genesys Info Mart customers should use the default value for this option.
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
Advisory for this release: The cseq-adjustment
option is not
available in this release of Interaction Concentrator. The option and
the functionality it supports are available in release
[05/02/2013] and in release [10/01/2013] and higher.
Note: This release of Interaction Concentrator is built with Interaction Database (IDB) schema version This is an updated schema version. See the Interaction Concentrator 8.1 Deployment Procedure for instructions on how to update your IDB schema.
There are no restrictions for this release. This section describes new features that were introduced in this release of Interaction Concentrator.
that enables you to perform the purge process.G_DSS_*_PROVIDER
tables. To add these primary keys to an existing IDB, run the 9_UpgradeSchema_<db_type>.sql
(callstate 26
). It records the resulting CCEventCause
as 12
Note: Because older releases of Genesys Info Mart might not correctly handle the new CCEventCause,
Genesys Info Mart customers must upgrade to Genesys Info Mart release or higher.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
Interaction Concentrator has improved Oracle database performance by providing corrected hints for updating the GCX_LOGIN_INFO
and G_IR
tables. (ER# 315311553)
Interaction Concentrator now functions correctly when it accidentally deletes an internal object from its memory during T-Event processing for internal transfer scenarios. Previously, there was a slight chance that an object could be deleted before the event processing was complete, causing Interaction Concentrator to terminate unexpectedly. (ER# 314889288)
Interaction Concentrator now functions correctly if a log file fails to open. Previously, a log file failing to open would cause Interaction Concentrator to enter an infinite loop. (ER# 314313146)
A correction in SIP Server release resolves an issue that appeared in Interaction Concentrator. When connected to SIP Server release or higher, Interaction Concentrator now records the correct backup SIP Server name. (ER# 215087071)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
Note: This release of Interaction Concentrator is built with Interaction Database (IDB) schema version This is an updated schema version. See the Interaction Concentrator 8.1 Deployment Procedure for instructions on how to update your IDB schema.
This is a hot fix release for this product. Refer to the Deployment Procedure for this hot fix to deploy the installation package within your environment.
This release contains no new features or functionality.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
Improved sequence tracking for user data in the G_USERDATA_HISTORY
table enables downstream reporting applications,
such as Genesys Info Mart, to correctly associate user data with
interaction activity when user data updates occur within the same second
as call transfer or termination.
To preserve compatibility with legacy behavior, a new configuration
option, cseq-adjustment,
enables you to control whether or not ICON will implement the improved behavior.
Section Name: [callconcentrator]
Default Value: 0
Valid Values: 0, 1, 2
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Specifies whether ICON will implement corrected behavior regarding populating the CSEQ
—Compatibility mode. Preserves legacy behavior, with the known issue described in the ER.1
—Preserves legacy behavior, but corrects the known issue. ICON stores correct values in the CSEQ
table for all scenarios.2
—Compatibility mode for Genesys Info Mart 8.x releases.
ICON modifies the value of the CSEQ
table to match the behavior that Genesys Info Mart 8.x expects.(ER# 312034811)
ICON support for the processing of software (SW) and hardware (HW)
reason code changes for multi-device login sessions has been enhanced.
("Multi-device login sessions" refers to scenarios in which an agent
logs in to a DN and to one or more queues at the same time.)
A new configuration option, gls-enforce-reason-code
, enables you to control whether SW and HW reason code changes will be processed separately for separate devices.
Section Name: [callconcentrator]
Default Value: 0
Valid Values: 0, 1, 2, 3
Changes Take Effect: After restart
Specifies whether changes to the HW reason code or the SW reason code for a particular device will affect the HW reason code, SW reason code, or both types of reason code on all other devices on which an agent is logged in.
—Both types of reason code changes are processed
independently for each device.
A new HW or SW reason code does not terminate the previous HW and SW
reason codes for all other devices.
For example, for an agent logged in to DN1 and Queue1, a change of HW
reason code on Queue1 will not affect the SW reason code on Queue1 or
either type of reason code on DN1.
—Only HW reason code changes are enforced on all
A new HW reason code becomes active on the device for which it is
reported and terminates the previous HW reason codes for all other
For example, a change of HW reason code on Queue1 will terminate the HW
reason code on DN1, but it will not affect the SW reason code on Queue1
or DN1;
by contrast, a change of SW reason code on Queue1 will not affect the
SW reason code on DN1 or the HW reason code on any device.
—Only SW reason code changes are enforced on all
A new SW reason code becomes active on the device for which it is
reported and terminates the previous SW reason codes for all other
—HW or SW reason code changes are enforced on all
A new HW reason code becomes active on the device for which it is
reported and terminates all previous HW and SW reason codes for all
other devices; similarly, a new SW reason code becomes active on the
device for which it is reported and terminates all previous HW and SW
reason codes for all other devices.
A simultaneous change of both HW and SW reason codes on a device makes
only the new SW reason code active on the device for which these reason
codes are reported, terminates the HW reason code on this device, and
terminates all previous HW and SW reason codes for all other devices.
For example, a change of HW reason code on Queue1 will terminate the HW
reason code on DN1 and will also terminate the SW reason code on Queue1
and DN1.
Note: If gls-queue=1,
ICON behaves as if gls-enforce-reason-code=3,
even if you set a different value for the gls-enforce-reason-code
(ER# 308310456)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
Note: This release of Interaction Concentrator is built with Interaction Database (IDB) schema version This is an updated schema version. See the Interaction Concentrator 8.1 Deployment Procedure for instructions on how to update your IDB schema.
This is a hot fix release for this product. Refer to the Deployment Procedure for this hot fix to deploy the installation package within your environment. This release contains the following new feature or functionality:
ICON now correctly processes multi-queue scenarios in which a call
is distributed to multiple queues simultaneously, then it is distributed
from one of these queues and cleared from the remaining queues.
When the new Switch-level third-party-queue-in-divert
configuration option is set to 1
, ICON takes into account AttributeThirdPartyQueue
in EventDiverted when AttributeCallState
has a value of 0
in order to process interactions in the same way as for redirect scenarios.
Note: Currently only T-Server for Avaya Communication Manager release 7.6 and higher supplies AttributeThirdPartyQueue
For all other T-Servers, Genesys recommends that you use the default value of the third-party-queue-in-divert
Section Name: [gts]
on the Annex
tab of the Switch configuration object
Default Value: 0
Valid Values: 0,
Changes Take Effect: After ICON is restarted
—ICON does not check for the presence of AttributeThirdPartyQueue
in EventDiverted.1
—ICON checks for the presence of AttributeThirdPartyQueue
in EventDiverted. Notes:
In addition, ICON now correctly processes redirect (AttributeCallState = 22
) scenarios from routing points and queues.
Previously, ICON could not correctly handle such scenarios.
Compatibility Notes:
configuration option (described above) is set to 1
, even if it is set to 0
(the default).AttributeCallState = 22
is provided in EventDiverted, ICON now also behaves as if the new third-party-queue-in-divert
configuration option is set to 1
, even if it is set to 0
(ER# 279444761)
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
A new Standard-level log message has been added. It appears when a configuration object has been removed from ICON's internal storage.
Log Message Number: 09-20034
Level: Standard
Message Text: On Object Destroyed: ObjectType=[%d], DBID=[%u] Name=[%s]
—Configuration Server Object Type%u
—Configuration Server Object DBID%d
—Configuration Server Object Name(ER# 312340839)
In an environment running IDB on Oracle, Interaction Concentrator now correctly updates statistics in the GS_AGENT_STAT
table when the gls-stats-update
option is set to true
is set to NULL
or contains an empty string. (ER# 309960954)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
Note: This release of Interaction Concentrator is built with Interaction Database (IDB) schema version This is an updated schema version. See the Interaction Concentrator 8.1 Deployment Procedure for instructions on how to update your IDB schema.
This is a hot fix release for this product. Refer to the Deployment Procedure for this hot fix to deploy the installation package within your environment. This release contains no new features or functionality.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
This release of Interaction Concentrator improves the communication process with Configuration Server. Previously, ICON sometimes terminated unexpectedly during periods with frequent disconnections from Configuration Server. (ER# 302867483)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
Note: This release of Interaction Concentrator is built with Interaction Database (IDB) schema version This is an updated schema version. See the Interaction Concentrator 8.1 Deployment Procedure for instructions on how to update your IDB schema.
This is a hot fix release for this product. Refer to the Deployment Procedure for this hot fix to deploy the installation package within your environment. This release contains no new features or functionality.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
Interaction Concentrator now correctly processes removal of tenants from Configuration Server data that had been defined in the Tenants
tab of the Interaction Concentrator Application
object. Previously, processing the removal of a tenant that was defined on the Tenants
tab from Configuration Server data caused memory corruption and then
the unexpected shutdown of Interaction Concentrator.
(ER# 299936720)
Interaction Concentrator now correctly processes dynamic addition and removal of configuration objects. Previously, processing of dynamic deletion of configuration objects or addition of new objects sometimes led to memory corruption and then the unexpected shutdown of Interaction Concentrator. (ER# 297010142)
After a disconnection from Configuration Server, Interaction Concentrator now restores the main connection first. After that connection is established, it restores the second connection to Configuration Server. Previously, Interaction Concentrator tried to restore both connections simultaneously, which sometimes caused endless cycling of connection attempts. (ER# 276940190)
If the pq
file is locked by a process such as an
anti-virus program, Interaction Concentrator now correctly interprets
the lock and waits to initialize until the file is available. If after
several initialization attempts, the file remains locked, Interaction
Concentrator generates an error message and exits. Previously if the pq
file was locked, Interaction Concentrator sometimes tried to initialize the file anyway, leading to possible corruption of the pq
file. (ER# 268257718)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
Note: This release of Interaction Concentrator is built with Interaction Database (IDB) schema version This is an updated schema version. See the Interaction Concentrator 8.1 Deployment Procedure for instructions on how to update your IDB schema.
This is a hot fix release for this product. Refer to the Deployment Procedure for this hot fix to deploy the installation package within your environment. This release contains the following new features or functionality:
ICON, when configured with the cfg
role, can now automatically resynchronize with Configuration Server when it detects an inconsistency between the cfg
IDB and Configuration Server data. Previously, ICON required manual
intervention to start the resynchronization process. This functionality
is controlled by a new configuration option, cfg-auto-resync.
Section Name: [callconcentrator]
Default Value: 0
Valid Values: 0
, 1
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
—ICON will not initiate automatic resynchronization1
—ICON will initiate automatic resynchronizationSpecifies whether ICON will automatically initiate resynchronization
of configuration data between Configuration Server data and cfg
IDB when an inconsistency is detected. (ER# 294440771)
You can now dynamically add and remove T-Servers and SIP Servers to the Connections
tab of the Interaction Concentrator Application
object. The ICON process adds the new T-Server or SIP Server as a new
connection. During a dynamic removal of T-Server or SIP Server, ICON
closes the connection with the removed T-Server or SIP Server and marks
all active calls from this T-Server or SIP Server as stuck.
You can also dynamically add tenants to the Tenants
however, you cannot dynamically remove a tenant from the Tenants tab.
If you remove a tenant from the Tenants tab while ICON is running,
changes to configuration objects from this tenant are not processed.
Genesys recommends that you restart ICON after removing a tenant from
the Tenants tab; alternatively, you can stop ICON, remove the tenant,
and then restart ICON.
Notes: You must add the Tenant to which a new T-Server belongs before dynamically adding the T-Server to the Connections
tab. (ER# 275323731)
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
The behavior of two configuration options, x-server-config-trace-level
and x-server-dbw-trace-level,
is modified. Now if you specify values for these options, they no longer depend on the value of the x-server-trace-level
option. (ER# 285775476)
Running the drop_ICON_GIM8_0_idx_ora.sql
script no
longer generates error messages. Previously, the SQLPlus utility
produced error messages when the script was run. (ER# 296551901)
ICON now keeps track of T-Server subscription ids and, if ICON receives an event with an outdated subscription id, it requests the T-Server to stop this subscription. Previously after every T-Server switchover, ICON opened a new transaction monitoring session without closing the previous one. T-Server had to maintain multiple sessions and, as a result, sometimes terminated unexpectedly. (ER# 293034911)
This release includes a number of changes made to configuration options that control logging.
Values for the following two log options are now logged: x-server-dbw-debug-level
and x-server-dbw-trace-level
The x-server-sip-trace-level,
and x-server-http-trace-level
options are added to the list of configuration options with values
that, by default, are set to the same value as that configured for the x-server-trace-level
The following options are deprecated:
Instead, use the corresponding trace-level option. For example, in place of the x-server-sip-debug-level
option, use the x-server-sip-trace-level
The following configuration options are not yet described in the Interaction Concentrator documentation.
Section Name: [log]
Default Value: As specified by the x-server-trace-level
Valid Values: 0
, 1
, 2
, 3
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Specifies the verbosity with which ICON logs messages that are related to its SIP communications.
The value 0
disables troubleshooting-related logging, and the value 3
produces the most detailed logs.
Any value that you set for this option supersedes the value set for the x-server-trace-level
option with regard to SIP communications messages.
Section Name: [log]
Default Value: As specified by the x-server-trace-level
Valid Values: 0
, 1
, 2
, 3
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Specifies the verbosity with which ICON logs messages that are related to its SMTP communications.
The value 0
disables troubleshooting-related logging, and the value 3
produces the most detailed logs.
Any value that you set for this option supersedes the value set for the x-server-trace-level
option with regard to SMTP communications messages.
Section Name: [log]
Default Value: As specified by the x-server-trace-level
Valid Values: 0
, 1
, 2
, 3
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Specifies the verbosity with which ICON logs messages that are related to its HTTP communications.
The value 0
disables troubleshooting-related logging, and the value 3
produces the most detailed logs.
Any value that you set for this option supersedes the value set for the x-server-trace-level
option with regard to HTTP communications messages.
Section Name: [log]
Default Value: 0
Valid Values: 0
, 1
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
—Suppresses printing data to the log.1
—Enables printing data to the log.Specifies whether data written into the persistent queue and IDB is
printed to the log. Genesys recommends that you do not change the
default setting (0
), because printing that data to the log can significantly increase log size and impact system resources.
(ER# 280145766)
This version of Interaction Concentrator is built with a new version of the Log Library that addresses a memory leak related to log-message processing. (ER# 274633222)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
Note: This release of Interaction Concentrator is built with Interaction Database (IDB) schema version This is an updated schema version. See the Interaction Concentrator 8.1 Deployment Procedure for instructions on how to update your IDB schema.
This is a hot fix release for this product. Refer to the Deployment Procedure for this hot fix to deploy the installation package within your environment. This is a hot fix for this product. This release contains no new features or functionality.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications:
The merge procedure no longer fails in multi-site call scenarios when it encounters an IS_LINK
with a failed
status. Previously in such scenarios, the merge procedure failed with the following error messages:
Unable to get stable set of rows
(Oracle)Got two rows where one was expected
(Microsoft SQL Server)Unable to insert NULL into IATTR4
(ER#s 288560403, 287367256)
When Interaction Concentrator is monitoring Agent session states on
T-Servers, it now provides the creation time including milliseconds for
active agent-state reason codes in the CREATED
column of the G_AGENT_STATE_RC_A
table. Previously, the records did not include milliseconds, which
Genesys Info Mart uses to determine sequences of events within
interactions. (ER# 288549524)
Records in the G_IS_LINK
table in IDB now point to the gsys_domain
for the correct T-Server. Previously, in multi-site call scenarios when the IS_LINK
status was failed,
ICON stored an incorrect DSS_ID
session in the G_IS_LINK
table. As a result, Genesys Info Mart extracted data twice because it
incorrectly appeared to be from two different sources.
(ER# 288073714)
When Interaction Concentrator is resynchronized with Configuration
Server, it no longer updates the DSS provider session for already
existing GC
and GCX
records if no fields were updated. (ER# 286901861)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
Note: This release of Interaction Concentrator is built with Interaction Database (IDB) schema version This is an updated schema version. See the Interaction Concentrator 8.1 Deployment Procedure for instructions on how to update your IDB schema.
This is a hot fix for this product. Refer to the Deployment Procedure for this hot fix to deploy the installation package within your environment. This section describes the new feature introduced in this release of Interaction Concentrator:
specifies whether advanced processing to reconstruct the external party is enabled for these call scenarios.
option to 1
. The delivered-flag
option is located in the [gts]
section of the Switch object's Annex
option to 1
then in scenarios in which a single-step transfer is made from
monitored site A to monitored site B, ICON creates an additional party
for the call on site A. No such additional party is created in this
scenario if the advanced-ext-party-reconstruction
option is set to 0
state. This affects the following statistics:
—The total time, in seconds, that all parties in a call were in the CONNECTED
state during the lifetime of the party G_CALL_STAT.TT_CONNECTED
—The total time, in seconds, when all parties in a call were simultaneously in the CONNECTED
state advanced-ext-party-reconstruction
Section Name: [callconcentrator]
Default Value: 0
Valid Values: 0
, 1
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
—No external party is created1
—Enables advanced processing to create an external
party in specific call scenarios in which a call is sent from a
monitored to an unmonitored site and no party associated with the call
remains on the monitored siteThe following are examples of call scenarios for which you might need Interaction Concentrator to reconstruct the external party on the unmonitored site:
(ER#s 282068898, 281817885)
This release includes the following correction and modification:
Interaction Concentrator now correctly handles changes made to the IVR Port configuration object. Previously, changes to IVR Port configuration during ICON runtime sometimes caused ICON to terminate unexpectedly. (ER# 263406670)
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
Note: This release of Interaction Concentrator is built with Interaction Database (IDB) schema version This is an updated schema version. See the Interaction Concentrator 8.1 Deployment Procedure for instructions on how to update your IDB schema.
There are no restrictions for this release. This section describes new features that were introduced in the initial 8.1 release of Interaction Concentrator.
enables ICON to
identify whether Network T-Servers or IVR Servers are operating in
load-balancing mode. For a description of this option, see the Interaction Concentrator 8.1 Deployment Guide.
The load-balancing-on-ntwk-switch
option is now obsolete. Use the new switch-multi-links-enabled,
option to specify load balancing for both Network T-Servers and IVR Servers.
Note: This functionality requires URS release or higher.
, in the callconcentrator
section enables this functionality. See the Interaction Concentrator 8.1 Deployment Guide for more information.
Note: This functionality requires URS release 8.1 or higher.
. The new role
is introduced specifically for use with License Reporting Manager (LRM).
It enables you to capture specific data that is necessary for LRM
reporting purposes. If you have questions about License Reporting
Manager, please contact your Genesys representative.
This release includes the following corrections and modifications that were made between Release 8.0 or earlier and the initial 8.1 release:
field in the G_AGENT_STATE_RC_A
table now records the correct sequence number of the agent-state change within
an agent login session. Previously, this value was incorrectly taken from LSEQ
field for the just-closed reason code record in the G_AGENT_STATE_RC
table. (ER# 281939541)
A new configuration option, http-protocol-enabled
, in the callconcentrator
section enables you to control the HTTP connection to the ICON
application port, to manage access to information about ICON activity.
See the Interaction Concentrator 8.1 Deployment Guide for more information about this option. (ER# 259618594)
ICON has improved the processing of calls during startup that were not terminated in ICON-IDB after the last run of ICON. Previously, when ICON encountered these calls during startup, long IDB requests may have timed out and resulted in repeated disconnections of ICON from DB Server. (ER# 247948598)
Previously, if the system times on the hosts on which Genesys applications were running were not synchronized properly, reporting data may have been inaccurate. This issue has been corrected. (ER# 247832033)
Previously, Interaction Concentrator inserted a negative duration value in the G_LOG_ATTRS
table after running a merge procedure only in Microsoft SQL databases. This issue has been corrected. (ER# 241053781)
This section provides the latest information on known issues and recommendations associated with this product.
The ICON IP upgrade scripts for release 8.1.514.56 incorrectly reference ICON version 8.1.514.55. (ICON-6678)
Found In: 8.1.514.56 | Fixed In: 8.1.514.57 |
In MS SQL Server 2019 Cluster deployments, the IDB merge or purge stored procedures might fail if switchover to a different host in the cluster occurs during execution of the procedure. Restart the procedure if you encounter an error similar to the following:
Remote harden of transaction 'implicit_transaction'...failed. Msg 596, Level 21, State 1, Line 0 Cannot continue the execution because the session is in the kill state. Msg 0, Level 20, State 0, Line 0 A severe error occurred on the current command. The results, if any, should be discarded. ...
Found In: 8.1.514.47 | Fixed In: |
The IDB deployment scripts in Interaction Concentrator release 8.1.514.42 and higher are incompatible with Microsoft SQL Server 2008 and generate error messages if you try to deploy to Microsoft SQL Server 2008. Support for Microsoft SQL Server 2008 was discontinued in Interaction Concentrator release 8.1.514.41. (ICON-6262)
When storing long Unicode string values in a multilanguage environment, keep in mind the following points:
Configuration Server 8.5 and higher accepts Person
object Employee ID values of up to 255 characters. However, Interaction
Concentrator only supports Employee ID values of 64 characters or fewer.
This constraint applies to the value written to the EmployeeID field in
the GC_AGENT table. (ICON-5780)
Found In: 8.1.514.25 | Fixed In: 8.1.514.26 |
When you use Genesys Administrator to configure the ICON Application option, you cannot select a functional value for the x-print-attached-data option in the [log] section. The valid values displayed in Genesys Administrator are true
and false
; the actual valid values are 1
and 0
. To resolve the issue, contact Genesys Customer Care. (ICON-5597)
Found In: 8.1.514.09 | Fixed In: 8.1.514.11 |
Even when the same-dn option is set to 1
does not support scenarios in which two consecutive DN-related events
are pending for the same interaction. For details, see Recognizing the Correct DN in Environments Where Internal and External DNs Have the Same Name.
The default value of the max-userdata-length
option, 1024
can cause various stability, data recording, or downstream reporting
problems. In certain instances when this occurs, ICON generates the
following error message: 09-25005 database error received: status 0, description: unknown
. To avoid these issues, set the option value to 255
. (ICON-5496)
UPDATE: The default value for this option was changed to 255
in release 8.1.514.06. If you are running Interaction Concentrator
8.1.514.06 or higher and your environment requires longer userdata
values, you must set a larger value for this option.
Found In: 8.1.512.08 | Fixed In: 8.1.514.06 |
When you dynamically change the value for the max-userdata-length configuration option, an incorrect error message appears. You can safely ignore this message. (ICON-5256)
Found In: 8.1.512.08 | Fixed In: 8.1.514.03 |
Support for millisecond values in IDB on Microsoft SQL RDBMSs is limited because Miscosoft SQL stores datetime values with only ~7 millisecond precision. (ICON-5255)
Found In: 8.1.512.08 | Fixed In: 8.1.514.01 |
Interaction Concentrator does not support SIP Server loop forward scenarios in which a consult call to an external destination (for example, extDN1) is eventually forwarded to a different external DN (for example, extDN2). (ICON-5220)
In the Physical Data Model for a PostgreSQL Database guide, the datatypes for the ID field shown in the data model graphics in the following schemas are incorrect:
The correct data types are shown in the tables. (ICON-5193)
Found In: 8.1.511.01 | Fixed In: |
The CoreSchema_mssql.sql
initialization script uses the nvarchar(255)
datatype instead of the varchar(255)
datatype in the following fields in the G_DSS_*_PROVIDER tables:
CFG_SERVER, EXT_VCH1, EXT_VCH2, EXT_VCH3. This does not affect
Interaction Concentrator functionality. Note that the Physical Data Model for a Microsoft SQL Database documents the correct varchar(255)
datatype. (ICON-5189)
ICON does not reconstruct the external party for a call if the external party DN name is the same as the local DN name of the originating party. (ICON-5029)
Interaction Concentrator 8.1.508.09, running in an environment with SIP Server or higher, and with the new use-server-partyuuid configuration option set to the default value (1
might cause data quality issues in Genesys Info Mart. These issues can
occur because ICON populates the PARTYGUID field in the G_PARTY table
with the SIP Server-based value, but populates the PARTYID field in the
with the ICON-generated PARTYGUID. (ICON-5099)
Workaround: Manually set the value for the option to 0
Found In: 8.1.508.09 | Fixed In: 8.1.509.07 |
The parent party for an interaction as identified by SIP Server may not correspond to the parent party identified by ICON. For example, if the parent is an external routing point, SIP Server reports the grandparent as the parent party. (ICON-5028)
Found In: 8.1.508.09 | Fixed In: 8.1.509.07 |
The value stored in the PSEQ field of the G_CUSTOM_DATA_S and G_CUSTOM_DATA_P tables is always 0
. (ICON-4939)
The PARTYID field in the G_CUSTOM_DATA_S and G_CUSTOM_DATA_P tables actually stores the PARTYGUID value. This is the desired behavior. The documentation will be updated to reflect this functionality. (ICON-4938)
Found In: 8.1.507.06 | Fixed In: 8.1.511.01 |
Interaction Concentrator writes attributes from Interaction Server
that have hardcoded KEYIDs only in the G_USERDATA_HISTORY table even if
you have set the adata-default-storage option value to secure
. (ICON-4930)
Found In: 8.1.507.06 | Fixed In: 8.1.512.08 |
Interaction Concentrator, configured with the cfg
considers an object deleted if you change the permission on that object
so that ICON can no longer access it. In this scenario, if you restore
the permissions, ICON does not recogize or restore the object.
Found In: 8.1.506.07 | Fixed In: 8.1.510.07 |
In environments with a partitioned Oracle IDB, the database creation scripts add unnecessary non-partioned indexes to the partitioned tables. The partitioned database does not require global indexes, so you can safely drop all the non-partitioned indexes. (ICON-4980)
When ICON is configured to partially hide attached data using the hide-first
or hide-last
configuration options, Interaction Server events may still show the entire attached data value. Only the skip
, hide
, and copy
values affect display of user data in Interaction Server events. (ICON-4919)
The purgePartitions811
stored procedure calculates the number of days to keep based on which
day is the current day in the database local time, rather than UTC time.
As a result, you may see up to one extra day preserved or removed,
depending on your time zone. (ICON-4914)
Found In: 8.1.506.07 | Fixed In: 8.1.507.06 |
When ICON has its role
set to cfg
and Interaction Server is present on the Connections
tab, the following error message appears during startup:
Std 20010 Configuration error. Class [CKLinkProc] : Unsupported switch type 'InteractionServer-1'
You may safely disregard this message. (ICON-4890)
Found In: 8.1.506.07 | Fixed In: 8.1.511.01 |
The description of the purgePartitions811 stored procedure incorrectly explains which days/partitions are purged. The User's Guide states that the number of days you enter when you run the stored procedure are retained, along with the current UTC day. In fact, the purge procedure keeps N+1 days/partitions. It keeps N partitions—including the one for the current day—and one future or tomorrow partition. The tomorrow partition provides a safeguard in case the purge procedure execution should overlap from one UTC day to the next. Without it, if the purge execution continued past the day boundary, data would start being written into a day that was being purged, with possible loss of data.
There are 14 partitions, each of which contains the data for a day (days are based on UTC time). The number_of_days parameter is set to 4. Today's partition is Number 8. When you run the purge procedure, it keeps four partitions, including today: Partitions 5-8. It also keeps Partition 9. Partitions 1-4 and 10-14 are truncated/purged.If the tomorrow partition, Partition 9, was not also kept, and the purge process started on Day 8 and went past the day boundary to Day 9, then it would still be running while data started being written to Partition 9. If Partition 9 were then truncated, you might lose data. (ICON-4885)
Found In: Document version 8.1.5 | Fixed In: 8.1.507.06 |
There is an inconsistency in the ways the keys in KV pairs are displayed in T-Events and SQL statements when the default-filter-type
option is set to skip
In such configurations, ICON displays the keys in SQL statements
whereas in T-Events ICON does not display either keys or values.
Found In: 8.1.505.05 | Fixed In: 8.1.506.15 |
On rare occasions, ICON writing into an Oracle IDB might generate
duplicated IDs for custom data records for unreliable calls (those in
which ICON did not monitor the entire lifespan of a call). As a result,
you might get one of the following error messages: unique constraint (PK_G_CALL_USERDATC) violated
or unique constraint (PK_G_CALL_UDATC2) violated
. Please contact Genesys Customer Care if you encounter one of these errors. (ICON-5144)
Found In: 8.1.504.04 | Fixed In: 8.1.511.01 |
A change to the functioning of the lookup-queue-on-ringing Switch-level configuration option means that you must restart ICON before a change to the option value takes effect. (ICON-4616)
Found In: 8.1.400.20 | Fixed In: 8.1.502.04 |
When an agent makes a network attended transfer while participating in a conference on a premise T-Server, all agents participating in the conference might appear in reports as if they made a transfer. (ICON-4588)
Interaction Concentrator supports Unicode encoding on Oracle, Microsoft SQL, and PostgreSQL RDBMSs only. Unicode encoding is not supported on DB2 RDBMSs. (ICON-4548)
Found In: 8.1.x | Fixed In: 8.1.510.03, 8.1.510.05 |
ICON does not set the GSYS_EXT_INT1
field in the GC_ANNEX
table to 1
during configuration resynchronization. As a result, Genesys Info Mart
gathering data from two ICONs in HA mode, both of which have the cfg
role might not see Annex
tab data during a period when neither ICON instance monitored Annex
tab information. This is likely to happen during ICON migration when existing ICONs start monitoring Annex
tab data. To avoid this issue you need to enable Annex
tab monitoring for the HA ICON pair in the following way.
Stop both ICONs.
Enable Annex
tab monitoring by setting the ICON cfg-annex
option to 1
. You may upgrade IDB to version 8.1.4 at this time as well, if needed.
Stop the Genesys Info Mart extraction job until both ICONs have completed configuration resynchronization.
Restart both ICONs.
Invoke configuration resynchronization for both ICONs by setting the start-cfg-sync
option to 0
and then to 1
. It is important to have as small a resynchronization time gap between the two paired ICONs
After configuration synchronization is complete, you can start the Genesys Info Mart extraction job. To verify whether synchronization is completed, check the ICON log for the Standard log message 09-25028: "Configuration synchronization completed in IDB".
If you omitted this procedure and the Genesys Info Mart database is missing data taken from the ICON GC_ANNEX
table, contact Genesys Customer Care for assistance. (ICON-4525)
Found In: 8.1.400.08 | Fixed In: 8.1.500.04 |
Note that an asterisk (*) in a key name in the [log-filter-data]
section of the ICON Application object functions as a wildcard meaning "any". For more information on the [log-filter-data]
section, refer to the "Hide Selected Data in Logs" chapter of the Genesys Security Deployment Guide. (ICON-4474)
When ICON collects data from Interaction Server, ICON might print the following error message in the log if ICON reconnects to the Interaction Server after an interaction for which it had been storing data has stopped.
Fatal error occurred after EventProcessingStopped.
You can safely ignore this error message. (ICON-4419)
When you stop the ICON server after it has had one or more disconnections and reconnections to Configuration Server, the termination process might complete abnormally. You can safely ignore this problem. (ICON-4413)
Found In: | Fixed In: 8.1.500.04 |
The Interaction Concentrator HTTP console is provided for informational purposes only. The statistical numbers provided via HTTP are not reliable. (ICON-4662)
Found In: | Fixed In: 8.1.512.03 |
In SIP Server 2-step transfer scenarios that include a supervisor party,
the party initiating the consultation in the main call is not
terminated at time of transfer completion. Additionally, a second record
for the same DN is created in the main call, with the created and
terminated states in the G_PARTY_HISTORY
table set to Unknown
. (ICON-4508)
Found In: | Fixed In: SIP Server release |
When ICON is connected to a primary/backup T-Server pair and the primary T-Server is moved to a new host and port, ICON might generate the following debug-level error message:
Unhandled transition state: 0..." after getting 'EventServerDisconnected'.
You can safely disregard this message. (ICON-4381)
Found In: | Fixed In: 8.1.506.07 |
In scenarios in which a call is directed to a Trunk Group device and is
then transferred by a two-step transfer to an Agent DN, ICON does not
values of the consultation call for the party record that is associated with the Trunk Group device into the G_PARTY
tables. (ICON-4358)
After ICON restores a connection to T-Server, it also restores any confirmed login session. However, the Lseq
value for that login session might be restored incorrectly and might
remain incorrect until after the first change in the agent state.
Found In: | Fixed In: 9.1.509.02 |
An error message, "Error EventLinkConnected:ApplicationName is absent
" is incorrectly logged by Interaction Concentrator during a switchover from a primary to a backup SIP Server.
(ER# 319983841)
On DB2 IDBs, the drop_<previous_schema_version>_<db_type>.sql
script provided with Interaction Concentrator drops only stored
procedures. It does not drop functions. If you need to drop functions,
you must drop them manually. (ER# 318768543)
Interaction Concentrator verifies the availability of the persistent queue (PQ) file only during initialization. If the PQ file becomes corrupted or unavailable for writing after successful verification, Interaction Concentrator might stop functioning and need to be restarted. To minimize potential PQ file issues, Interaction Concentrator now requires that the PQ file be configured on a local drive. (ER# 313731283)
If Interaction Concentrator is configured with the cfg
role and the configuration environment is very large (more than 5
minutes are required to complete resynchronization), Interaction
Concentrator cannot complete the resynchronization. As a workaround,
increase the dss-no-data-tout
value to 1800
seconds. After resynchronization is complete, return the dss-no-data-tout
value to 120
seconds. (ER# 300542501)
Found In: | Fixed In: |
The settings for the gls-queue
option given in the Interaction Concentrator 8.1 Deployment Guide should be enhanced to include recommendations for Genesys eServices and 3rd Party Media, as follows:
to 0
.Note: If you are using Genesys Info Mart, you must set the value for this option to 0
Found in Document Version: 81icon_dep_09-2011_v8.1.001.00 | Fixed in Document Version: 8.1.5 |
All releases of Interaction Concentrator are not compatible with all releases of Load Distribution Server (LDS). (ER# 282586552)
When gls-enforce-reason-code=3,
the following sequence of changes of hardware (HW) reason codes (RCs) is not reflected correctly in the G_AGENT_STATE_RC
(without ACD Queue)Y
(for ACD Queue)X
(without ACD Queue)In this scenario, ICON does not write the last record (the second instance of RC = X
Workaround: Do not repeat a HW RC value for the same device without first changing the value. For example, enforce scenarios such as the following:
(without ACD Queue)Y
(for ACD Queue)X2
(without ACD Queue), where X2
is not the same as X
(without ACD Queue)In this scenario, ICON writes all changes of RC (four records) in the G_AGENT_STATE_RC
(ICON-4257; ER# 322252471)
Found In: | Fixed In: 8.1.509.07 |
When connected to a high availability T-Server pair, after a dynamic
change to the host and port for the primary T-Server, ICON creates a NODATA_TIMEOUT
record in G_DSS*
provider tables in spite of having received data about call activity. (ICON-4254)
Found In: | Fixed In: 8.1.500.04 |
In multi-site scenarios in which a call is routed from Site1 to Site2
via a DN (an External Routing Point, for example), and in the
corresponding EventRouteUsed message about Site1 the value for AttributeThirdPartyDN
has the same name as a local DN on Site1, ICON cannot distinguish
between the duplicate instances of the same DN name. As a result, ICON
inserts an incorrect value in the ENDPOINTID
field of the G_PARTY_HISTORY table
. (ICON-308)
Found In: | Fixed In: 8.1.508.09 |
Interaction Concentrator does not support dynamic addition of T-Servers in the Environment
Tenant. (ER# 287045289)
In scenarios that involve single-step transfer, call redirect, or call routing to an unmonitored site, ICON reports the non-monitored external party as being in the alerting state. As a result, the time values that are stored in the G_PARTY_STAT.TT_ON_CONNECTED and G_CALL_STAT.TT_CONNECTED IDB fields may be incorrect for these scenarios. (ER# 285313971)
The Interaction Concentrator application template contains the uniqueness
configuration option in the [dbw-error-reaction]
section. The default settings for this option are error=unique; reaction=ignore
These values are correct for Oracle RDBMSs, but not for Microsoft SQL
Server or DB2 databases. If you are using a Microsoft SQL Server or DB2
database, consult the documentation for your RDBMS to determine the
correct error value. Refer to the Interaction Concentrator 8.1 Deployment Guide for guidance configuring the option.
Note: The option name is given as <error-name>
in the Deployment Guide.
For example, if you find that the error returned by your Microsoft SQL Server database is similar to the following:
GCTI-09-25005 Database queue [CFG]: database error
received: status 5, description: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL
Server]Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_GC_ENDPOINT'. Cannot
insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.GC_ENDPOINT'.
then in order to ignore this error message, configure the option as follows: error=duplicate; reaction=ignore
. In this case the word duplicate is used as the key word to identify this error. (ER# 284423615)
Found in Document Version: 81icon_dep_09-2011_v8.1.001.00 | Fixed in Document Version: 81icon_dep_03-2013_v8.1.101.00 |
When the input parameter for COUNT_DAYS
is incorrect (less than or equal to zero
) for the gsysPurgeIR
stored procedure, the error message ID 09-6025
is not being written to the G_LOG_MESSAGES
tables. (ER# 281401786, ICON-4005)
Found In: | Fixed In: 8.1.503.03 |
In DB2 deployments with large database schemas, the schemas require sufficient space in the application heap; otherwise, the GSYSPurge80
stored procedure may not execute properly and may generate an error similar to the following:
"Other Purge Instance in Progress"Should this occur, Genesys recommends that you increase the size of the application heap in your DB2 database schema to
using the applheapsz
database configuration parameter.
Example: db2 update db cfg using applheapsz 1000
Once the application heap has been increased, the GSYSPurge80
stored procedure should execute correctly. (ICON-4002; ER# 279236706)
During migration from ICON release 8.0 to 8.1, the Purge2_<dbms>.sql
script may generate the following error:
The operation failed because an index or statistics with name 'IDX_GSYS_P_MARK_TN' already exists on table 'GSYS_P_MARK'This error can be safely ignored. (ICON-4000; ER# 279207333)
During migration from ICON release or earlier to 8.1, executing the 3_UpgradeSchema_<dbms>.sql
and 5_UpgradeSchema_<dbms>.sql
scripts may generate errors while trying to create existing objects or while trying to insert existing records into the GSYS_MERGE_LOCK
table. These errors can be safely ignored. (ICON-3999; ER# 278981571)
If the connection between ICON and Interaction Server is lost and is then restored during the following scenario, ICON does not create a new party:
When the connection is restored, ICON has no data that indicates that
the interaction ever left the strategy. Therefore, ICON does not create a
new party and no additional party is added to the G_PARTY
table. ICON associates all Virtual Queues with the party that it created for the original strategy in the G_ROUTE_RES_VQ_HIST
table. (ICON-3998; ER# 277876339)
If the connection between ICON and the primary Configuration Server is lost during startup, and then the connection to a backup Configuration Server is established while ICON is performing the initial load of configuration data, ICON becomes unresponsive and must be restarted. (ER# 281507991)
The mechanism that prevents more than one instance of the GSYSPurge80
procedure from running at once on Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle
RDBMSs is not available for DB2. For DB2 databases, you must take care
that the purge process is started only if no purge is already running.
Starting two purge processes simultaneously on an IDB that is running a
DB2 RDBMS results in numerous errors, which are reflected in the purge
log (G_LOG_MESSAGES table). (ICON-4792, ICON-3984, ER# 267047729)
Found In: | Fixed In: 8.1.504.04 |
Genesys recommends that you avoid making changes to the configuration of IVR Port objects during ICON runtime. Otherwise, ICON may sometimes terminate unexpectedly. (ER# 263406670)
Found In: | Fixed In: |
If a multimedia interaction continues to be processed after ICON
exits and is restarted, ICON cannot insert the duplicate key row in the dbo.G_PARTY_STAT
table after EventProcessingStopped
has been sent. (ER# 248605651)
Found In: | Fixed In: |
For ICON to establish a connection with Outbound Contact Server (OCS), OCS must send the EventGODataMonitorStartAck
event. Only after receiving this event does ICON consider the connection to be established. (ER# 247350272)
Found In: | Fixed In: |
If you are using a Microsoft SQL Server RDBMS to host IDB, be aware that a deadlock on the database server might cause the merge stored procedure to fail, with an error that you cannot observe in the ICON logs.
For example, when gsysIRMerge2
is called by Genesys Info Mart, the following message appears in the Info Mart logs:
11:12:41.687 Trc 34101 GIMServerScheduler - calling stored procedure:
'dbo.gsysIRMerge2(@OVERRIDE=0, @CALLER=info_mart, @RESULT=?, @PREVCALLER=?, @PREVAGE=?)' on DAP 'DAP_GenesysIDB'. 11:12:45.406 Std 23001 DAP 'DAP_GenesysIDB' database error for table ''. Exception: Transaction (Process ID 51) was deadlocked on lock
resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction.
As a workaround for Microsoft SQL Server 2005, add a deadlock priority option.
No workaround is currently available for other Microsoft SQL Server versions. (ER# 234722711)
When you change a value for any Interaction Concentrator option located on the Switch configuration object Annex
tab, you must restart ICON for the new value to take effect. This behavior is different from that documented in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide, which states that a change to the option value for some Switch options takes effect immediately.
Found In: | Fixed In: 8.1.502.04 |
The value set in the CSEQ
table sometimes behaves inconsistently. In some scenarios, the last CSEQ value is recorded, in other scenarios the next CSEQ
value is recorded. This prevents Genesys Info Mart from consistently associating user data with the correct INTERACTION_RESOURCE_FACT
if both a user data update and the end of the IRF record occur during the same second. (ER# 312034811)
Found In: | Fixed In: |
Interaction Concentrator does not write a record with CCEVENT = conferenced
table for the conference in one-step conference scenarios. (ICON-113; ER# 240457893)
Found In: | Fixed In: 8.1.500.04 |
When connecting to a SIP Premise T‑Server, if Interaction Concentrator tries to register a non-existent DN, the SIP Premise T‑Server generates an EventError with the following message:
DN is not configured in CME
You can safely ignore this error message. (ER# 228833824)
In special cases, using a strategy with the om-activity-report
configuration option set to false
may lead to incorrect reporting data. Genesys does not recommend setting the om-activity-report
configuration option to false
for strategies that are responsible for delivering interactions to agents. (ER# 209017752)
When a new custom defined media type is added to the configuration, ICON needs to be restarted to process the activity related to this media type. (ER# 166777501)
In a single-step conference scenario, ICON does not count the number of single-step conferences in the CNT_CONFERENCE
field of the G_CALL_STAT
table. (ICON-113; ER# 160337859, 240457893)
Found In: | Fixed In: 8.1.400.15, 8.1.500.01 |
If Configuration Server (with Advanced Disconnect Detection Protocol (ADDP) enabled) restarts during ICON startup, then ICON cannot successfully complete its startup operation: it fails to register with T‑Server and does not write its configuration data to the IDB. To resolve this problem, you must restart ICON. (ER# 110845707)
In a single-step conference, the ICON database receives no indication that the added party was added to the conference using the single-step process. (ER# 104784403)
ICON does not support dynamic changes in Database Access Point (DAP) object configuration. You must restart ICON after making any changes in DAP configuration parameters. (ICON-2315; ER# 81329871)
ICON does not support the Interaction Server
application type. Instead, use the T‑Server
application type for Interaction Server. If, however, you already have Interaction Server installed and configured with the Interaction Server
application type, you can use the following workaround to have ICON recognize it:
in Configuration Server.
Server Info
tab of this application, specify the same host and port as the real Interaction Server application that you have configured.Connections
tab of the ICON application (instead of Interaction Server).
(ICON-3901, ER# 64141869)
Found In: | Fixed In: 8.1.502.04 |
After reconnecting to T‑Server, ICON does not report busy
states for agents who receive new calls during the period of disconnection. (ER# 38502467)
This section documents features that are no longer supported in this software. This cumulative list is in release-number order with the most recently discontinued features at the top of the list. For more information on discontinued support for operating environments and databases, see "Discontinued Support" in the Genesys Supported Operating Environment Reference Guide.
Support for the following operating systems and databases has been discontinued:
Discontinued As Of: 8.1.514.47 |
Support for the following operating system has been discontinued:
Discontinued As Of: 8.1.514.45 |
Support for the following operating systems and databases has been discontinued:
Discontinued As Of: 06/30/2020 |
Support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5. (SLG-1990)
Discontinued As Of: 8.1.514.02 |
Support for the Interaction Concentrator HTTP listener functionality. (ICON-4662)
Discontinued As Of: 8.1.512.08 |
Support for the following operating systems:
Discontinued As Of: 8.1.508.09 |
Support for the following operating systems:
Support for the following RDBMSs:
Discontinued As Of: 8.1.500.04 |
Support for Oracle 10g and 10g RAC.
Discontinued As Of: 8.1.400.08 |
Support for the following operating systems:
Discontinued As Of: |
Support for Oracle 9.
Discontinued As Of: |
Information in this section is included for international customers.
For Unicode Configuration Server, Interaction Concentrator 8.1.511.01
and higher checks for compatibility of database encoding and might
print the following warning message: <Persistent_queue-manager>, Queue <queue_name>: ICON does not support Unicode.
If you do not need Unicode symbols in your reporting data, you can safely ignore this message.
The Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide has been updated to indicate configuration requirements for international language encoding on Oracle and PostgreSQL databases, as also provided in the following entry in this section. For details, see Internationalization Settings. (ICON-4936)
If you are using a Unicode PostgreSQL IDB, be sure to have client
encoding set to UTF-8 as well. If you encounter an error message
indicating: invalid byte sequence for encoding
, you can enforce client encoding to UTF-8 by setting the PGCLIENTENCODING
environment variable to UTF8
for the DB Server environment.
Genesys Configuration Server 8.1.2 and earlier fully supports only database schemas with a single national language and single encoding used in the environment (in addition to English US/ASCII). If you require UTF-8 support, you must use Configuration Layer components of release 8.1.3 or higher.
In addition, in environments with PostgreSQL RBDMS, the IDB processing configuration details (having the role
option set to cfg
should be created to use encoding identical to that used by
Configuration Server. For example, you may set PostgreSQL database
encoding to WIN1252
to use extended ASCII from European languages or use SQL_ASCII
If you require ICON to process user data using any symbols other than ASCII, you must create your PostgreSQL IDB with encoding that supports these symbols. If this encoding is different from the Configuration Server encoding, you must have a separate IDB for configuration details. (ICON-4389)
Additional information on Genesys Cloud Services, Inc. is available on our Customer Care website. The following documentation also contains information about this software. Please consult the Deployment Guide first.
Interaction Concentrator 8.1 Deployment Guide provides a high-level overview of Interaction Concentrator, deployment-planning materials, and deployment procedures.
Interaction Concentrator 8.1 User’s Guide provides information about Interaction Concentrator functionality, including IDB architecture, models used in Interaction Concentrator, attached data processing, available stored procedures, and integration with other Genesys products.
Interaction Concentrator 8.1 Physical Data Model for each supported RDBMS provides database schema with table and field descriptions for a particular IDB.
Interaction Concentrator 8.1 Database Size Estimator helps you estimate the size of your IDB when you are planning your deployment. The estimator is a Microsoft Excel 2007 spreadsheet available from the Genesys Documentation website.
Framework 8.1 Combined Log Events Help describes log events generated by every Genesys server application, including Interaction Concentrator.
Note: Log Events added or changed in the 8.1.5 release period are documented in the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
Genesys Migration Guide includes installation and upgrade procedures for Interaction Concentrator.
Note: Information for migration to 8.1.4 and 8.1.5 releases are documented in the relevant version of the Interaction Concentrator Deployment Guide.
Product documentation is provided on the Customer Care website, the Genesys Documentation website, and the Documentation Library DVD.
Note: For the DVD, the New Documents on this DVD page indicates the production date for that disc. Due to disc production schedules, documentation on the Genesys Documentation website may be more up-to-date than what is available on disc immediately after a product is released or updated.