Release Note

Workforce Management Data Aggregator


Genesys Telecommunications Laboratories, Inc. © 2008–2010



Release Number AIX HP-UX Linux Solaris Tru64 UNIX Windows — General           X [06/18/09] — Hot Fix           X [05/27/09] — Hot Fix           X [04/10/09] — General           X [08/08/08] — Hot Fix           X [03/20/08] — Hot Fix           X — General           X [02/15/08] — General           X

Link to 7.5 Product Release Note (Cumulative)
Known Issues and Recommendations
Discontinued Support
Additional Information


This release note applies to all 7.6 releases of Workforce Management Data Aggregator for the Spanish (Latin American) market.

Use of Third-Party Software

Genesys follows applicable third-party redistribution policies to the extent that Genesys solutions utilize functionality of commercial or non-commercial third parties. For specific information on any third-party software used in this product, see the Read Me.

Release Number — General

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is a generally available release for the Spanish (Latin American) market. This localization is based on Workforce Management Data Aggregator Modifications to this software component in later software versions are not supported in this localized version.

Corrections and Modifications

This release does not include any corrections or modifications.

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Release Number [06/18/09] — Hot Fix

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is a hot fix for this product. This release does not contain new features or functionality.

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following correction:

With this release, synchronization preserves all agent skills. Previously, some skills were sometimes incorrectly removed from the database during synchronization. (ER# 228529474)

With this release, WFM Data Aggregator correctly switches to the backup StatServer when the primary StatServer shuts down. (ER# 227540271)

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Release Number [05/27/09] — Hot Fix

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is a hot fix for this product. This release does not contain new features or functionality.

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following correction:

With this release, WFM Data Aggregator in backup mode no longer terminates with the error FATAL: DB Writer thread terminated due to GPF exception. (ER# 217167775)

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Release Number [04/10/09] — General

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

There are no restrictions for this release. No new features were introduced in this release of Workforce Management Data Aggregator.

Corrections and Modifications

This release also includes the following corrections and modifications:

WFM Data Aggregator now correctly handles short-abandoned Average Handing Time (AHT). Previously, Data Aggregator did not update AHT in previous timesteps. (ER# 221130594)

Now you do not need to restart WFM Data Aggregator for your change to the option Assign agents if logins are to this site only in Configuration Manager to take effect. Previously, Data Aggregator did not reinitialize properly without a restart. (ER# 221042351)

The new option AcceptZeroSkillLevel allows WFM Data Aggregator to set an agent skill level to 0. Use Configuration Manager to configure this option:

Options Tab Settings for WFM Data Aggregator
Options section
. . .
Type: Optional
Default Value: None
Valid Value: true or false
Dependencies: None
Set to true to enable WFM Data Aggregator's ability to set an agent skill level to 0.
Set to false to disable WFM Data Aggregator's ability to set an agent skill level to 0.

(ER# 178236969)

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Release Number [08/08/08] — Hot Fix

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is a hot fix for this product. This release does not contain new features or functionality.

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following correction:

With this release, a security scan no longer consumes excessive CPU time. Previously, the security scanning software's attempts to communicate with Data Aggregator caused this issue. (ER# 199592862)

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Release Number [03/20/08] — Hot Fix

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is a hot fix for this product. This release does not contain new features or functionality.

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following correction:

With this release, switching the backup Data Aggregator to primary mode does not trigger a massive database update. It updates only the previous 24 hours of performance records. Previously, database connection problems in this situation could sometimes trigger an update of more than one day's data. (ER# 176169840)

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Release Number — General

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is a generally available release for the Spanish (Latin American) market. This localization is based on Workforce Management Data Aggregator Modifications to this software component in later software versions are not supported in this localized version.

Corrections and Modifications

This release contains no corrections or modifications.

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Release Number [02/15/08] — General

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

There are no restrictions for this release. There are no restrictions for this release. No new features were introduced in this release of Workforce Management Data Aggregator.

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following corrections and modifications that were made between Release 7.5 or earlier releases and the initial 7.6 release:

With this release, switching the backup Data Aggregator to primary mode does not trigger a massive database update. Previously, database connection problems in this situation could sometimes trigger an update of more than a day's data. (ER# 72123850, 176169840)

Agents are no longer removed from a site in WFM when you add multiple logins in Configuration Manager. (ER# 144369223)

Data Aggregator no longer terminates due to a General Protection Fault exception during an unspecified communication error with WFM Server. (ER# 123456546)

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Known Issues and Recommendations

This section provides the latest information on known issues and recommendations associated with this product.

There are no Known Issues or Recommendations in this release of Workforce Management Data Aggregator.

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Discontinued Support

This section documents features that are no longer supported in this software. This cumulative list is in release-number order with the most recently discontinued features at the top of the list.

There are no discontinued features or functions in this release of Workforce Management Data Aggregator.

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Information in this section is included for international customers.

There are no known internationalization issues in this release of Workforce Management Data Aggregator.

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Additional Information

Additional information on Genesys Telecommunications Laboratories, Inc. is available on our Technical Support website. The following documentation also contains information about this software. Please consult the Administrator's Guide first.

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