Release Note

Genesys Skills Management Suite


Genesys Telecommunications Laboratories, Inc. � 2015-2018



Release Number AIX HP-UX PA HP-UX IPF Linux Solaris Windows
8.5.648.02 [02/05/18] – Hot fix X
8.5.648.00 [06/02/17] – General X
8.5.647.10 [01/24/17] – Hot fix X
8.5.547.73 [08/25/16] – Hot fix X
8.5.547.70 [06/24/16] – Hot fix X
8.5.547.01 [06/06/16] – Hot fix X
8.5.546.68 [04/05/16] – General X
8.5.423.00 [03/30/15] – General X

Known Issues and Recommendations
Discontinued Support
Additional Information


This release note applies to all 8.5 releases of the Genesys Skills Management Suite. The Genesys Skills Management Suite consists of Genesys Skills Assessor and Genesys Training Manager. These products now combined into one product suite with a single installer.

Use of Third-Party Software

Genesys follows applicable third-party redistribution policies to the extent that Genesys solutions utilize functionality of commercial or non-commercial third parties. For additional information about third-party software used in this product, see the Read Me. Please contact your Genesys Customer Care representative if you have any questions.

Release Number 8.5.648.02 [02/05/18] – Hot fix

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is a hot fix release for Genesys Skills Management. There are no new features introduced in this release for Genesys Skills Assessor and Genesys Training Manager.

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following corrections or modifications that were made between earlier releases and the 8.5.648.20 release of both Genesys Skills Assessor and Genesys Training Manager:

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Release Number 8.5.648.00 [06/02/17] – General

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

There are no restrictions for this release. This is a maintenance release of Genesys Skills Management. This section describes new features that were introduced in this release for both Genesys Skills Assessor and Genesys Training Manager.

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following corrections or modifications that were made between earlier releases and the 8.5.648.00 release of both Genesys Skills Assessor and Genesys Training Manager:

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Release Number 8.5.647.10 [01/24/17] – Hot fix

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is a hot fix release for Genesys Skills Management. There were no new features introduced in this release for Genesys Skills Assessor. New features for Genesys Training Manager are described below.

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following corrections or modifications that were made between earlier releases and the 8.5.647.10 release of both Genesys Skills Assessor and Genesys Training Manager:

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Release Number 8.5.547.73 [08/25/16] – Hot fix

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is a hotfix for this release of Genesys Skills Management. There were no new features introduced in this release for Genesys Skills Assessor. New features for Genesys Training Manager are described below.

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following corrections or modifications that were made between earlier releases and the 8.5.547.73 release of both Genesys Skills Assessor and Genesys Training Manager:

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Release Number 8.5.547.70 [06/24/16] – Hot fix

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is a hotfix for this release of Genesys Skills Management. There were no features introduced in this release for either Genesys Skills Assessor or Genesys Training Manager.

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following corrections or modifications that were made between earlier releases and the 8.5.547.70 release of both Genesys Skills Assessor and Genesys Training Manager:

Release Number 8.5.547.01 [06/06/16] – Hot fix

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This is a hotfix for this release of Genesys Skills Management. This section describes new features that were introduced in this release for both Genesys Skills Assessor and Genesys Training Manager.

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following corrections or modifications that were made between earlier releases and the 8.5.547.01 release of both Genesys Skills Assessor and Genesys Training Manager:

Release Number 8.5.546.68 [04/05/16] – General

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

There are no restrictions for this release. This is a maintenance release of Genesys Skills Management. This section describes new features that were introduced in this release for both Genesys Skills Assessor and Genesys Training Manager.

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following corrections or modifications that were made between earlier releases and the 8.5.546 release of both Genesys Skills Assessor and Genesys Training Manager:

Genesys Skills Assessor

Knowledge nudges containing multimedia can now be created and viewed.

Assessments exported for AICC can now be imported by Moodle.

Notifications client installer was improved.

upgraded to latest version of ASP.NET Telerik controls.

A problem was corrected in Setup DNA in which "Save DNA Database settings" cleared the password thus breaking ticking "DNA Enabled"

Corrected an issue in which SkillsManagementSetup_v4.2.msi on an upgrade gave an unwanted command window.

Services � Personal development service no longer defaults to diagnostic verbosity for log files.

Messaging service configuration no longer defaults to wrong end point address

Fixed an issue in Edit Assessment when used in IE11 in which text could not change font size, style or color.

Fixed an issue in Edit Assessment when used in IE11 in which text could not be edited, or even selected.

Fixed an issue in Certificate when used in IE11 in which moving objectes were incorrectly handled.

Corrected an issue in which assigning assessments via DNA did not work properly.

Corrected an issue in localization assessments in which menu search box defaulted to "Search Navigation..."

Corrected an issue in localization in which "Test DNA Setup" button on landlord's "Setup DNA" option did not work correctly.

Landlord "DNA Setup" now pre-loads "User name" field in localised browser.

TLandlord "DNA Setup" no longer gives an error on "Test DNA Setup" in localised browser .

Services: WFM service now writes a log file

A Localization issue was corrected corrected in which the login page had an un-localised string "US Patent #8589215. Other patents pending." (plus copyright message)

An issue in Assessments was corrected in which once the assessment was taken, there was no option to exit the screen

An issue in Localization was corrected to "Manage KPI data" "Imports" tab footer.

An issue in Localization was corrected to Components, "Assessments" tab, edit .

An issue in Localization was corrected to DNA Cube, "Refresh DNA Data."

Putting a single quote in a report name no longer breaks the report.

Improvement were made to how Admin reports handle long running searches.

Combined Feedback test security has been improved.

Learning items are now created automatically when Nudges and assessments are created.

DNA Users are automatically synced with Skills Assessor on import.

Auto login now requires encryption.

Question Response Summary Report no longer truncates the answer score.

Certificate editor no longer breaks when page is zoomed in IE11.

KPI Data loaded in none date order is now displayed correctly in the PRD KPI Chart.

Error that caused �Test LMS settings� to throw an exception in some circumstances has been fixed.

DNA Blocks now show 2 decimal places.

Fix provided because Microsoft Windows Update KB2990942 causes questions to be displayed incorrectly.

Kite Diagram - Left and Right Contents are no longer cut off if they exceed 18 characters.

Feedback Assessments no longer create new answer if you edit the 0% one.

Corrected datetime format from SkillsManagerWS in Italian locale.

Users are warned if they attempt to close the assessment before completing it.

Fixed issue that sometimes stopped Knowledge Nudge Report being visible.

Fixed bug with Learning Item auto assignment app.

Long Graph Titles are no longer Truncated in Filtered DNA.

Genesys Training Manager

Corrected an issue where Orphaned data in UserEmails table can prevent database upgrade (& installer) from finishing .

Meetings - Algorithm (Meetings) is no longer miscalculating "Min. % of Attendees Required"

Algorithm Log - "Room ID (none fou selected." Text is corrected to �none found�.

Services - WFM service now writes a log file

A problem was corrected where Searching for training sessions with large numbers of users crashed Planner in some cases.

Corrected an issue in which training mananger failed to book future sessions for users with missing skills "today".

Editing Portal agents from the context menu option now works correctly in Planner.

Training Manager now �remembers� start and end dates selected when viewing calendars.

Fixed an issue in Edit Assessment when used in IE11 in which text could not change font size, style or color.

Fixed an issue in Edit Assessment when used in IE11 in which text could not be edited, or even selected.

Fixed an issue in Certificate when used in IE11 in which moving objectes were incorrectly handled.

Corrected an issue in which assigning assessments via DNA did not work properly.

Corrected an issue in localization assessments in which menu search box defaulted to "Search Navigation..."

Corrected an issue in localization in which "Test DNA Setup" button on landlord's "Setup DNA" option did not work correctly.

Landlord "DNA Setup" now pre-loads "User name" field in localised browser.

TLandlord "DNA Setup" no longer gives an error on "Test DNA Setup" in localised browser .

Services: WFM service now writes a log file

A Localization issue was corrected corrected in which the login page had an un-localised string "US Patent #8589215. Other patents pending." (plus copyright message)

An issue in Assessments was corrected in which once the assessment was taken, there was no option to exit the screen

An issue in Localization was corrected to "Manage KPI data" "Imports" tab footer.

An issue in Localization was corrected to Components, "Assessments" tab, edit .

An issue in Localization was corrected to DNA Cube, "Refresh DNA Data."

Putting a single quote in a report name no longer breaks the report.

Improvement were made to how Admin reports handle long running searches.

Combined Feedback test security has been improved.

Learning items are now created automatically when Nudges and assessments are created.

DNA Users are automatically synced with Skills Assessor on import.

Auto login now requires encryption.

Question Response Summary Report no longer truncates the answer score.

Certificate editor no longer breaks when page is zoomed in IE11.

KPI Data loaded in none date order is now displayed correctly in the PRD KPI Chart.

Error that caused �Test LMS settings� to throw an exception in some circumstances has been fixed.

DNA Blocks now show 2 decimal places.

Fix provided because Microsoft Windows Update KB2990942 causes questions to be displayed incorrectly.

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Release Number 8.5.423.00 [03/27/15] – General

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

There are no restrictions for this release. This is the initial release of Genesys Skills Management. This section describes new features that were introduced in this release.

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following corrections or modifications that were made between earlier releases and the initial 8.5.423 release:

It is now possible to download Outlook appointments from Training Manager Portal. A link has been added to the Standard View of all calendars that will, when pressed, open an appointment in the Outlook calendar.

Training Manager can now send Outlook calendar requests. New functionality has been added to allow Training Manager to send Outlook appointments whenever a training or meeting session is published to the WFM.

When connecting to SkillsAssessor for the purposes of mapping users and fetching assessment results, multi-tenancy is now supported.

Available meeting sessions are now returned in the expected order when using SQL 2012.

It is now possible when scheduling meetings on future dates from the meetings planner screen to remove any agents who have moved out of that team since the original meeting was booked. It is also possible to optionally include any agents who have moved into the team since the original meeting was booked.

For customers using the HR link, it is now possible when scheduling meetings on future dates from the meetings planner screen to update the meeting user selection to match the HR system’s view of the agents that report to the manager.

It is now possible to optionally book exceptions for trainings and meetings over the top of other exceptions, with the caveat this will cause the impacted parts of the original exception to be permanently removed.

Meetings and One To Ones now book correctly in Time Zones other than UTC.

Training Manager now “remembers” start and end dates selected when viewing calendars.

Automatic publishing of meetings in the first hour of the meeting window when in a DST period are now published as expected.

The notifications client now has improved branding (including client specific version).

The installation process is simplified and the automated installer supports newer versions of SQL server.

The Training Manager client application will no longer quit unexpectedly when running in 64-bit Windows clients.

Notifications client installation process is simplified.

Branding support consolidated to make OEM branding easier.

The System is now FIPS(Federal Information Processing Standards) compliant from the point of view of encryption routines used for password encryption.

The meetings screen has been modified to clarify how the defined time range will be interpreted.

Planner now opens a room calendar entry for editing when one is double-clicked.

Performance of the manual searches has been improved when there is a large amount of data.

Performance of the ticking and un-ticking operation on the Interruptible Activities screen has been improved.

It is now possible to book a meeting with a single user when using the “Team Meeting” algorithm selection.

Loading a meeting immediately after loading Training Manager no longer results in an error.

Duplicate timezones within WFM no longer prevents Training Manager from loading.

Training Manager Portal no longer allows users to edit a trainer calendar entry that is a training session.

When viewing trainers by home location, trainers now only appear against their home location.

Exporting users not booked within a particular training or meeting session no longer results in an error.

Dates that fall within daylight savings periods now have the correct DST abbreviation (such as BST rather than GMT) displayed within Training Manager Portal.

Within Training Manager’s completion status report, enabling both “Status” and “Code” filters no longer results in an error.

The Training Manager server-side components now include several services. The services (including SkillsManagerWS) need to all exist in the same folder on the webserver.

The training algorithm now prioritises location then hours worked per week when selecting trainers.

You are now warned if you remove (or do not specify) a home location when editing a trainer’s details.

“Duplicate meetings” now allows you to select which teams the new meeting is for, and creates one per team.

“Duplicate meetings” now allows you to select which teams the new meeting is for, and creates one per team.

Several confirmation dialogs have been removed.

When exporting training sessions in CSV format, the room seats are now enclosed in quotes to prevent Excel interpreting the value as a date.

Training sessions without rooms are now included in the training overview report.

Several improvements to the UI for creating / editing training requests and meetings.

Creating a new manager in a location now assigns the manager to that location by default.

You are now warned when removing a trainer skill if it has been assigned to any trainers.

Some issues with the global exclusions tab for meetings / training request have been resolved.

When creating a new training request, an event is now automatically created for you.

The support URL used by the Planner client is now configurable on the server.

It is no longer possible to set the number of places to reserve in a location for a training event to 0.

It is no longer possible to edit the names of agents in Planner (the names are retrieved from WFM)

Creating a new trainer in a location now assigns the trainer to that location by default.

The “Do you want to apply changes” dialog that appears when switching between tabs in the meeting editor is now displayed at the appropriate time and not all the time in some instances.

It is now possible to select trainers for scheduling when their start time is midnight.

The training requests editor now correctly displays “Do you want to apply changes” dialogs when navigating through pages.

An issue was resolved where a trainer’s worked hours per day was incorrectly calculated by the algorithm.

Overlapping calendar items in portal now correctly conflict in all states.

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Known Issues and Recommendations

This section provides the latest information on known issues and recommendations associated with this product.

Wall Chart: Overnight business hours entries are not displayed. If your business hours are set to start in the evening and end the next day (e.g., 2200 � 0600) then any entries after midnight but before the end of the business hours will not be shown in the business hours view. This is due to a limitation of the 3rd party control that is used to render the wall chart and will be remedied when a fixed version of the control is released.

Language pack doesn't update resource files that others have modified more recently. If you run the Italian language pack, but the application being updated has got files which were modified more recently then the language pack files will not be applied to the release. This applies to both Skills Assessor and Training Manager

Skills Assessor and Training Manager need to be licensed in separate locations � as in previous versions. The licensing will be merged in a future release of the product.

In Genesys Skills Assessor, the size of the menu text can vary between pages.

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Discontinued Support

This section documents features that are no longer supported in this software. This cumulative list is in release-number order with the most recently discontinued features at the top of the list.

Managers and Trainers can no longer be created from Training Manager � Org Data should be used instead. (Alternatively they can be edited individually using Skills Management Core).

The �Grant Access� to Portal functionality in Training Manager has been removed. Users are now granted access using OrgData, and where customers have both licenses, access is combined with Skills Assessor.

The Training Manager client now requires .NET 3.5 to be installed on the user’s machine, older versions are no longer supported.

The Training Manager server components now require .NET 4.0 to be installed on the server, older versions are no longer supported.

Training Manager Portal no longer allows calendar entries with a booking type of “Meeting” to be created, since this is reserved for sessions generated by the meeting algorithms.

When hot-swapping managers within SkillsPlanner, it is no longer possible to select more than one manager for a meeting session.

The pre-requisite requirement for Sql Server Integration Services to be installed has been removed.

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Information in this section is included for international customers.

There are no known internationalization issues for this product.

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Additional Information

Additional information on Genesys Telecommunications Laboratories, Inc. is available on our Customer Care website. The following documentation also contains information about this software.

Product documentation is provided on the Customer Care website, the Genesys Documentation website, and the Documentation Library DVD (produced quarterly).

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