Release Number | AIX | HP-UX PA | HP-UX IPF | Linux | Solaris | Windows |
---|---|---|---|---|---|---| [03/14/14] – General | � | � | � | � | � | X | [06/11/13] – General | � | � | � | � | � | X | [08/03/12] – General | � | � | � | � | � | X | [11/04/11] – General | � | � | � | � | � | X |
As of February 1, 2012, Genesys is no longer an affiliate of Alcatel-Lucent; any indication of such affiliation within Genesys products or packaging is no longer applicable. Please see the Genesys website at for more details.
This release note applies to all 8.1 releases of the Genesys Skills Assessor.
Genesys follows applicable third-party redistribution policies to the extent that Genesys solutions utilize functionality of commercial or non-commercial third parties. For additional information about third-party software used in this product, see the Read Me. Please contact your technical support representative if you have any questions.
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.
There are no restrictions for this release. This is a maintenance release of Genesys Skills Assessor. This section describes new features that were introduced in this release.
A new service is available to allow automated importing of KPI data into DNA. It can process .xls, or .csv files, and import them based on a KPI template defined in Optimizer.
Internet Explorer 10 is now natively supported rather than requiring compatibility mode. Internet Explorer 6 is no longer supported. .
A new menu system replaces old tabbed interface.
A new report has been added to DNA, showing changes in performance over time.
It is now possible to provide a �ranking� value against a learning item associated to a DNA component, to allow users to identify which learning items might help them the most.
A new external application has been created to try and determine which learning items (that are assessments) reflect improvements in performance, and to provide this information as a guide to users in a similar way to the manual ranking.
Learning items associated to a DNA component can now be specified as being best suited for users whose DNA component score falls into a specific range of values.
A new external application has been created to automatically assign recommended learning items to users based on their KPI data as provided to DNA.
Various localization improvements have been made.
This release includes the following corrections or modifications that were made between Release 8.1.1 or earlier releases and the 8.1.127 release:
Deleting a KPI import now also removes the underlying imported KPI data.
For multiple choice / pick correct answer questions, it is now possible to select an answer by clicking on the text of the question.
If a �Do not know� answer is available, it is always placed at the bottom of the list of possible answers.
If a question linked to a DNA component is edited, and then the test containing that question is subsequently taken, attempting to complete the test no longer results in an error.
It is no longer possible to import CSV files or spreadsheets containing user hierarchy data if the file contains more than 10,000 rows of data. Organisations requiring user data imports larger than 10,000 rows will need to use an OrgData process for importing users.
Various layout issues in the Reports system have been addressed.
Issues with the descriptions of deadlines in the Notifications client have been addressed.
Skills Analysis no longer crashes when using the Find Correlation For� feature.
Media files attached to a hotspot question can now be previewed correctly.
Sorting the user list in Top DNA Agents now works as expected.
Long assessment names no longer cause issues with assigning Learning Items.
Several system errors caused by session timeouts have been addressed.
The post-test �Click here to close window� links now work as expected in Chrome.
Assigning assessments to users using the �Group� filter no longer includes archived users.
Several issues with the �Update Routing Skills� functionality within DNA have been addressed.
This functionality requires a licensed copy of GIS.
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.
There are no restrictions for this release. This is a maintenance release of Genesys Skills Assessor. This section describes new features that were introduced in this release.
Redesign of user interface to improve user experience and to better support use of Genesys Skills Assesor on tablets.
A set of Learning Items (such as Assessments and Knowledge Nudges) can now be created which can be assigned to DNA components. This allows DNA components to be tied to actions which users need to perform in order to better their DNA score. These actions can be viewed on user’s My Development screen.
A new type of “Combined Feedback Assessment” can be created when Feedback Only Assessments that have been deployed to “Self” and “Manager” are completed by both parties.
Knowledge Nudge Library widget for centrally creating, managing and searching for Knowledge Nudges. The Assessments Builder can now browse this library for the assignment of Knowledge Nudges.
An email notification service has been added to notify managers who are required to complete a manager and self assessment.
The Assessment Builder has been redesigned to address usability issues.
A broader range of video and audio files can be uploaded and viewed during tests, such as MP4 format video. This enables compatibility with mobile devices including iOS devices such as the iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch.
It is now possible to re-order questions within the Assessment builder.
There is now an Assign Assessment link on the Manage Assessments widget that allows direct assignment (and un-assignment) of Assessments via the widget. An integrated search in a pop-up window can be performed for users by examining their User Fields, previous Assessment results, DNA scores and Role and Group assignments.
This release includes the following corrections or modifications that were made between Release 8.1.1 or earlier releases and the 8.1.125 release:
Importing KPI data from Excel files with only one sheet no longer causes the import to fail.
Importing a hierarchy no longer fails if the first user field defined in System Settings is not the Employee ID.
When adding DNA blocks to a DNA component, percentages now correctly add up to 100%.
If a question linked to a DNA component is edited, and then the test containing that question is subsequently taken, attempting to complete the test no longer results in an error.
Combined feedback assessments can now be seen when they are also given a start and end date.
Answers now correctly appear in random order when the relevant check box within the Question Builder is checked.
Kite diagram now correctly displays under the circumstance where the chart label is exactly 15 characters long and includes a space.
Kite diagram displays correctly regardless of the setting defined in Assessment properties.
Exporting an Assessment with G Zip enabled on the Web server in conjunction with using an old browser (such as IE6) now works correctly.
Feedback results report now displays complete feedback tests for a user.
Miscellaneous performance enhancements were made to the “My Development” page.
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.
There are no restrictions for this release. This section describes new features that were introduced in this release of Genesys Skills Assessor.
Genesys Skills Assessor now contains the SkillsDNA functionality.
Genesys Skills Assessor now supports multi-tenancy. This allows multiple different “tenants” to have instances of Skills Assess running from the same website and database instance but appearing segregated as far as the end user would see. Please note that this is not the same as tenants that are created within Genesys CME.
A new built-in role called “Trainer”. It is now possible to allow selection of a trainer when launching a test or feedback. A new filter has also been added to the admin reports to allow reporting on results that have a particular trainer selected.
This release includes the following corrections or modifications that were made between Release 8.1 or earlier releases and the initial 8.1.1 release:
Admin Reports – this widget has been extensively rewritten to optimise it for speed. Also, the user is now given feedback that something is happening when they select an option or click a button, preventing them from potentially attempting to run a report multiple times.
Assessment Builder – the “Manage Assessments” and “Design Assessments” screens have been completely redesigned to address usability issues present in the previous versions of these screens.
Branding – it is now possible to change the colours used in barcharts, pie charts and the kite diagram.
Branding – it is no longer necessary to log out of Skills Assessor for font size changes to take effect.
Certificates – it is no longer possible to upload files with non-valid file extensions into an image item.
Knowledge Nudges – the user should now be forced to view an associated knowledge nudge when a test is reset.
Manage Roles – the widget list in this screen is now presented in alphabetical order.
Taking Tests - numeric answers are now saved when the navigator panel is used to move to another question.
Taking Tests - Clicking “Next” several times in rapid succession caused the question duration to be increased incorrectly. The user is now prevented from clicking any options whilst the application is processing requests during a test.
Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications
There are no restrictions for this release. This section describes new features that were introduced in the initial 8.1 release of Genesys Skills Assessor.
There is the option of restricting who has what visibility of the correct answer detail for a user completed assessment. This can be restricted for the User, Manager, or both. The correct answers can quickly be made available to view by amending the configuration. This can be used to allow users to see the correct answer only after the assessment has been completed across the organization.
There is an option to include a URL link against a specific question.
Where an assessment has a start date assigned to it, this will be
visible against the relevant assessment in the users My
Administrators have the ability to reset multiple user tests.
The option exists to configure an assessment to automatically reset itself (a maximum number of times), to allow the user to retake the assessment if they have failed to achieve the required pass rate.
Every individual user has the ability to increase their application font size.
Customized Certificates can be created against each assessment and presented within the application when a user achieves the required pass rate.
CME Authentication (Genesys environment only) now allows login via GIS.
The version of Skills Assessor is now displayed on the application splash screen.
There is the option to configure an assessment and not allow users access to view their results once the assessment has been completed.
There is a new Hierarchy Import Widget which allows an organization to import their hierarchy into Skillsassess. There is a format which must be used for the import to work correctly.
The new Feedback Models Widget allows the creation of feedback models to include Direct Reports and Peers.
Admin Report User Filter - Hierarchy.
Duration Column within the User Result Detail Report.
This release includes the following corrections or modifications that were made between Release 8.0 or earlier releases and the initial 8.1 release:
Resolved issue that stops extra duplication of content/questions when copying from one assessment to another or on some occasions.
Assessment builder - adjusted the size of the window depending on the space that is available on the screen via the browser.
Assessment builder - the feedback ratings template has now been fixed as it would not save the name against the template.
Assessment builder - images are now copied across correctly when copying a question.
Assessment builder - the property windows of the assessment has been fixed to be compatible with all browsers.
Assessment builder - fixes an issue when importing as assessment code that has a null value.
Branding - minor fixes on the tree view and rad window.
Feedback Report - trapping null/meaningless data that will cause the report to error.
Feedback Report - fixes the order of the criteria on the Feedback Report.
Knowledge Nudges - fixes an error when exporting data from a report.
Knowledge Nudge Report - Fixes the hierarchy user search to be related to the person that is logged in.
Launch test question - the question URL now appears in �test� if entered via the question builder.
My Development - the start date now appears against the assessment.
Roles and Widgets - the user count has been fixed to exclude archived users.
Widget Icons - fixed the issue of the moving options and refresh button on the main screen.
This section provides the latest information on known issues and recommendations associated with this product.
There are no known issues and recommendations associated with this product.
This section documents features that are no longer supported in this software. This cumulative list is in release-number order with the most recently discontinued features at the top of the list.
Internet Explorer 6 is no longer supported.(
Information in this section is included for international customers.
There are no known internationalization issues for this product.
Additional information on Genesys Telecommunications Laboratories, Inc. is available on our Customer Care website. The following documentation also contains information about this software.
Genesys Skills Assessor 8.1 Installation Guide
Genesys Skills Assessor 8.1 User Guide
Genesys Skills Assessor 8.1 Upgrade Guide
Genesys Skills Assessor 8.1 Manager Guide
Genesys Skills Assessor 8.1 Email Notification Service Installation Guide
Genesys Skills Assessor 8.1 Administrator Guide
Product documentation is provided on the Customer Care website, the Genesys Documentation website, and the Documentation Library DVD (produced monthly).
Note: For the DVD/CD, the New Documents on this DVD/CD page indicates the production date for that disc. Due to disc production schedules, documentation on the documentation website may be more up-to-date than what is available on disc immediately after a product is released or updated. To determine the version of a document, check the version number that is located on the second page in PDFs or on the About This File topic in Help files.