Release Advisory

Interaction Concentrator


Genesys Telecommunications Laboratories, Inc. © 2008–2009

As of February 1, 2012, Genesys is no longer an affiliate of Alcatel-Lucent; any indication of such affiliation within Genesys products or packaging is no longer applicable. Please see the Genesys website at for more details.

The following information applies to Genesys 7.6.x software and is important for you to note:

Use of Third-Party Software

Genesys follows applicable third-party redistribution policies to the extent that Genesys solutions utilize functionality of commercial or non-commercial third parties. For specific information on any third-party software used in this product, see the Read Me.

Under certain circumstances, Interaction Concentrator configured with the cfg role may report the following error:

Std 25024 ICON cannot preserve or store the data: '[SQLITE] Error [1], text [cannot start a transaction within a transaction]'

If you receive the above error message, restart Interaction Concentrator and perform the resynchronization of configuration data. Refer to the Interaction Concentrator 7.6 User's Guide for resynchronization instructions. (ER# 179674419)

For large configuration environments, Genesys strongly recommends that a separate Interaction Concentrator instance be dedicated to handling configuration data. That is, this application should only have the cfg value for the role configuration option. (ER# 188354093)

When ICON is working in an environment with Configuration Server release 7.5 or 7.6, keep in mind the following. Through its configuration history log mechanism, Configuration Server sends no more than 1000 notifications about changes in configuration data. This limits ICON's ability to identify missing configuration data when the number of changes exceeds 1000 during the ICON shutdown period. If you are performing heavy configuration updates while ICON is down, perform the resynchronization of configuration data immediately after the restart of ICON. Refer to the Interaction Concentrator 7.6 User's Guide for resynchronization instructions.

In Configuration Server 7.2, the precise time when configuration objects changed was not preserved in its history log. As a result, when changes in configuration were restored from Configuration Server's history log, the timestamp of such changes was not captured correctly in IDB. This situation occurred upon ICON disconnection from Configuration Server. This issue has been corrected in Configuration Server release 7.5. Refer to Configuration Server Release Notes or contact Genesys Technical Support for information on the current Generally Available version of Configuration Server.

Oracle Corporation provides a patch to address an Oracle limitation. On certain versions of Oracle, data writing requests may be processed incorrectly in configurations where two or more ICON instances are configured to write to two or more schemas created in one database. If your ICON environment is configured in this manner, Genesys recommends that you install this patch to avoid the possibility of ICON sending data to the wrong schema. Review the "Product Advisory for Interaction Concentrator 7.x and 8.x," issued on August 15, 2007, and updated on December 16, 2009, that is available on the Genesys Technical Support website, for more information about the specific versions of Oracle impacted and where you can get the patch. (ER# 31662487)

This is an Oracle-specific limitation. The statement commit is missing in the 10_gcc_ora_stp_sys_3.sql initialization script. As a result, default values of the gsysmerge stored procedure parameters will not be committed in the database. This can cause failure of gsysIRMerge execution.

Modify the script 10_gcc_ora_stp_sys_3.sql by adding a commit statement at the end of the script. If this step was missed and initialization of the database has already been done without this statement, you should execute the following SQL statements before the first run of the gsysIRMerge stored procedure:

delete from G_DB_PARAMETERS where SETID = 0 and SECT = 'merge';
insert into G_DB_PARAMETERS( SETID, SECT, OPT, VAL ) values ( 0, 'merge', 'nodnrl',         '0' );
insert into G_DB_PARAMETERS( SETID, SECT, OPT, VAL ) values ( 0, 'merge', 'stuckthreshold', '28860' );
insert into G_DB_PARAMETERS( SETID, SECT, OPT, VAL ) values ( 0, 'merge', 'step',           '75' );
insert into G_DB_PARAMETERS( SETID, SECT, OPT, VAL ) values ( 0, 'merge', 'limit',          '1000' );
insert into G_DB_PARAMETERS( SETID, SECT, OPT, VAL ) values ( 0, 'merge', 'limit2',         '10000' );
(ER# 209761715)

Genesys does not recommend installation of its components via a Microsoft Remote Desktop connection. The installation should be performed locally.

In special cases, using a strategy with the om-activity-report configuration option set to false may lead to incorrect reporting data. Genesys does not recommend setting the om-activity-report configuration option to false for strategies that are responsible for delivering interactions to agents. (ER# 209017752)

If you are upgrading to Interaction Concentration 7.6 in an environment where Open Media interactions are processed, and where Genesys Info Mart release 7.5 is also deployed, do the following:

It is important for Genesys Info Mart users to review Genesys Info Mart documentation prior to deploying Interaction Concentrator and Interaction Database, to identify all dependencies. Please review the Genesys Info Mart 7.6 Deployment Guide, and a Deployment Procedure document for a particular release, if applicable.

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