Release Advisory

Gplus Adapter for IEX WFM


Genesys Telecommunications Laboratories, Inc. © 2014-2015

Link to 5.4.x Product Release Advisory

The following information applies to Gplus Adapter for IEX WFM (the Adapter) 6.0 software and is important for you to note:

Genesys follows applicable third-party redistribution policies to the extent that Genesys solutions utilize third-party functionality. For additional information about third-party software used in this product, see the Read Me. Please contact your Customer Care representative if you have any questions.

Threshold Time Format

Time thresholds can be set as a default per media or added to the following configuration objects:

The default for setting the threshold time is to specify it in milliseconds. However, a more user friendly version is also available where the threshold time is specified in terms of days, hours, minutes and seconds. A typical call center would have a service (answered) threshold for inbound calls that would be in the range of 20 to 30 seconds whereas a threshold for emails may be measured in hours or days. The following format allows a range of time values to be specified without having to calculate the millisecond equivalent:



   15000 = 15000 milliseconds
   60s = 60000 milliseconds
   45m = 2700000 milliseconds
   1d12h30m   = 131400000 milliseconds

Note: Each field size is restricted to two characters so none of the numbers can be larger than 99. It would be advisable to use the ranges specified above.

Short Abandons

A new Option, application/shortAbandonEnabled, has been added in Version 6.0.002.

This Option combined with configured time thresholds will remove "short abandons" from the Abandoned statistic in the Contact Queue report. This new Option does not affect the AbandonedInThreshold count or Service Level calculations in the report.

A new Option, defaultShortAbandonThreshold, has been added for the individual media Option Sections but it is probably only applicable to the voice and chat media types. The Option value can either be set as integer milliseconds or by using the Threshold Time Format.

It also possible to add a short abandon threshold to the Annex options of a Virtual Queue if the media default setting does not meet the requirements for a certain group of interactions. The new shortAbandonThreshold Option must be added to the GPlus_WFM Section of the Virtual Queue configuration object using the Threshold Time Format.

Virtual Hold Callbacks and Queue Delay

A new Option Section, vht, has been added in Version

This Section is optional and is used to configure how the Gplus Adapter instance tracks Virtual Hold callbacks. The Adapter presently only supports the Virtual Hold - Concierge mode and tracking other modes could result in unexpected behavior. The other requirement is that the call must be redirected from the IVR to a monitored VQ after the caller has selected the Virtual Hold callback option. This VQ is used to initialize the information maintained by the Adapter to track the callback and the queued event starts the timer for the queue delay calculation.

The default behavior is to treat the initial inbound customer call and the delayed callback as two calls. The options listed below configure the association between the two calls and treat the callback delay as “queue time” for a single call that is included in the Queue Delay statistic.