Deployment Procedure

Data Sourcer

Genesys Telecommunications Laboratories, Inc. © 2010–2011


Deployment Procedure – Hot Fix [06/02/11]
Additional Information


This deployment procedure applies to the Hot Fix release of Data Sourcer, released 06/02/11. It describes how to deploy Data Sourcer using the package you received from Genesys.

Deployment Procedure – Hot Fix [06/02/11]


Pre-Installation Steps

  1. Ensure that the system parameters such as the Operating System, CPU, memory and disk space requirements for installing the supported releases of DB Server and Stat Server are sufficient. Any outdated releases should be upgraded to the minimum required release prior to performing this installation procedure for Data Sourcer. Refer to the Reporting 8.0 Deployment Guide for the minimum required release information.
  2. Ensure that the system parameters such as the Operating System, CPU, memory and disk space requirements for installing Data Sourcer are sufficient.
  3. Ensure there is enough disk space for log files. Detailed log files may be required for some servers if troubleshooting is required, so it is better to have a large amount of disk space reserved for the log files. Genesys recommends a minimum of 100 GB for each server, so a minimum of 200 GB is recommended for the Primary and Backup Data Sourcers.
  4. Ensure there is enough disk space for the Emergency Save Folder. This is dependant on the number of chunks you plan to store and the amount of data in your environment. Genesys recommends a minimum of 1 GB for the Emergency Save Folder.

Installation Steps

Install the new Data Sourcer installation package:

  1. Create the Database User for Data Sourcer in your RDBMS environment.
  2. Create the ODS database and grant access to the Database User created in previous Step 1. This User must have the ability to create and alter database objects such as:

    The User must also have permissions to run commands such as:

    for all user tables in the ODS database.

  3. Install the Primary and Backup DB Servers and start each DB Server. Refer to the Framework 8.0 Deployment Guide for instructions on how to install DB Server.

  4. Install the Primary and Backup Stat Servers and start each Stat Server. Refer to the Framework 8.0 Stat Server Deployment Guide for instructions on how to install Stat Server.
  5. Create and configure the Primary and Backup Data Sourcer applications in Configuration Manager. Make sure you configure the following: collector options, log options, connections, tenants, backup application, and so forth. Genesys strongly recommends setting the chunk-composition-mode option to a value other than legacy. Please choose an appropriate value depending on the type of environment you are using and the amount of statistics that are collected. Refer to the Reporting 8.0 Deployment Guide for information on how to configure these Data Sourcer application options.
  6. Install the Primary Data Sourcer. Refer to the Reporting 8.0 Deployment Guide for instructions on how to install Data Sourcer. Do NOT start the Primary Data Sourcer.
  7. Install the Backup Data Sourcer. Refer to the Reporting 8.0 Deployment Guide for instructions on how to install Data Sourcer. Do NOT start the Backup Data Sourcer.
  8. At this point, make sure your RDBMS, DB Servers and Stat Servers are all running. Next, start ONLY the Primary Data Sourcer.
  9. Wait until the Primary Data Sourcer ODS initialization is complete. You know it has initialized when the initialization complete message appears in the log file.
  10. Stop the Primary Data Sourcer.
  11. Start the Primary Data Sourcer again and wait until the initialization complete message appears in the log file.
  12. Start the Backup Data Sourcer and wait until the initialization complete message appears in the log file.
  13. Install Data Modeling Assistant (DMA). Refer to the Reporting 8.0 Deployment Guide for instructions on how to install DMA.
  14. Use DMA to import and create layout templates. Refer to Reporting 7.6 Data Modeling Assistant Help for information on how to import and create layout templates.
  15. Use DMA to create your desired layouts. Refer to Reporting 7.6 Data Modeling Assistant Help for information on how to create layouts.
  16. Use DMA to activate your layouts. Refer to Reporting 7.6 Data Modeling Assistant Help for information on how to activate layouts.
  17. You have completed the Data Sourcer Deployment Procedure.

    Note: If Data Mart is NOT already installed in your environment, then to complete your CC Analyzer installation, you must perform the Data Mart Deployment Procedure to install Data Mart.

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Additional Information

Additional information on Genesys Telecommunications Laboratories, Inc. is available on our Technical Support website. The following documentation also contains information about this software. Please consult the Deployment Guide first.

Product documentation is also provided on a Documentation Library DVD, which is produced monthly. The New Documents on this DVD page on the DVD indicates the DVD production date. Because the DVD is produced monthly, documentation on the Technical Support website may be more up-to-date than that on the DVD. To verify the latest release of a document, check the release number, located on the second page in PDFs and on the "About This File" topic for Help files.

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