Release Note

T-Server for Alcatel A4400/OXE


Genesys Telecommunications Laboratories, Inc. © 2009–2011



Release Number AIX HP-UX Linux Solaris Tru64 UNIX Windows [02/24/11] – General X X X X X X [12/09/10] – Hot Fix       X   X [11/19/10] – General X X X X X X [09/23/10] – General X X X X X X [08/25/10] – Hot Fix       X [05/24/10] – Hot Fix X   X X   X [05/11/10] – Hot Fix X   X X   X [04/09/10] – Hot Fix       X   X [03/12/10] – Hot Fix       X   X [03/10/10] – Hot Fix       X   X [03/04/10] – Hot Fix       X   X [02/11/10] – Hot Fix       X   X [01/22/10] – Hot Fix       X   X [12/15/09] – General X X X X X X [09/22/09] – General X X X X X X

Link to 7.6 Product Release Note (Cumulative)
Known Issues and Recommendations
Discontinued Support
Additional Information


As of February 1, 2012, Genesys is no longer an affiliate of Alcatel-Lucent; any indication of such affiliation within Genesys products or packaging is no longer applicable. Please see the Genesys website at for more details.

This release note applies to all 8.0 releases of T-Server for Alcatel A4400/OXE.

Use of Third-Party Software

Genesys follows applicable third-party redistribution policies to the extent that Genesys solutions utilize functionality of commercial or non-commercial third parties. For specific information on any third-party software used in this product, see the Read Me.

Release Number [02/24/11] – General

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This release of T-Server is built with the T-Server Common Part (TSCP) release number TSCP is the shared software that all T-Servers use. Consult the TSCP release note for information on changes to the Common Part that may affect the functionality of your particular type of T-Server.

There are no restrictions for this release. This section describes new features that were introduced in this release of T-Server.

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following corrections and modifications:

T-Server now correctly handles an agent logging into a pre-assigned state. Previously, T-Server incorrectly reported an EventAgentLogout event when an agent logged in with a pre-assigned state, and the PBX timer number 238 was set to a value greater than 11. (ER# 261524426)

T-Server now correctly unlocks a call on a device and releases it from memory in scenarios where a new account code handling is activated, and the account code is entered on the device, or times out on the PBX. Previously, T-Server sometimes left the call in memory until new activity occurred on the device. (ER# 266018801)

T-Server now correctly handles scenarios involving monitored multiline devices if the PBX does not report events for those devices after the previous call is disconnected, and a work-related call is initiated manually from another agent. Previously, T-Server might have created an origination party on the device the call initiated from, and generated an EventOffHook event, which left the device in an off hook state until the PBX reported a new call on that device. (ER# 264540557)

T-Server now correctly reports the GCTI_NETWORK_TIMESLOT extension in the EventNetworkReached event and consecutive events for outbound calls. Previously, T-Server added this extension to the party only after generating the event, so the extension was only reported in the EventReleased event. (ER# 266532382)

T-Server now reports the User Data key GCTI_CSTA_CORRELATOR in a manner compatible with reporting, and as used by T-Server 7.6. Previously, T-Server did not remove the GCTI_MAGIC_ID key from User Data if it was used to construct correlator data and this correlator data was reported by the PBX. (ER# 268483473)

T-Server now correctly reports scenarios that involve call routing where an internal call is returned to an RSI, then routed to another RSI followed by the PBX reporting two deliveries of the call on the origination. Previously, T-Server might have failed to report the AttributeThisQueue in EventRinging when the call was routed from the second Routing Point. (ER# 268297134)

T-Server no longer fails if the PBX does not report a CallBack scenario on the monitored device that initiated the scenario. Previously, T-Server sometimes failed if the PBX reported events only on the monitored destination of a CallBack. (ER# 268535811)

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Release Number [12/09/10] – Hot Fix

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This release of T-Server is built with the T-Server Common Part (TSCP) release number TSCP is the shared software that all T-Servers use. Consult the TSCP release note for information on changes to the Common Part that may affect the functionality of your particular type of T-Server.

This is a hot fix for this product. This release does not contain any new features or functionality.

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following corrections and modifications:

T-Server no longer unexpectedly terminates in scenarios involving incoming calls to a Routing Services Interface (RSI) device if the calling party is unknown (not provided by the carrier), regardless of the order in which the events were reported by the PBX for the routing scenario. Previously, T-Server might have terminated unexpectedly after a routed call is answered and transferred from the routed destination if the PBX reported the delivery of a routed call to the destination before a successful route was confirmed. (ER# 264476026)

T-Server now provides correct reporting for a TQueryAddress request on a RSI device. Previously, T-Server incorrectly returned information in the query response about calls that were already successfully routed while a treatment was applied. Query response no longer contains this information. (ER# 264104449)

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Release Number [11/19/10] – General

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This release of T-Server is built with the T-Server Common Part (TSCP) release number TSCP is the shared software that all T-Servers use. Consult the TSCP release note for information on changes to the Common Part that may affect the functionality of your particular type of T-Server.

There are no restrictions for this release. This release does not contain any new features or functionality.

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following corrections and modifications:

T-Server now correctly reports scenarios when the prd-dist-call-ans-time option is set to a value of 0 and a TMakePredictiveCall is requested from an emulated Routing Point. Previously, T-Server might have incorrectly reported EventDiverted depending on the order of the events received from the PBX when the call transfer was completed on a predictive dialer, and the call was in a routable state. (ER# 26230411)

T-Server now correctly handles scenarios where a TMakePredictiveCall is requested from an RSI then answered by a customer and routed when the following conditions apply:

  1. The prd-dist-call-ans-time option is set to a value of 0.
  2. The Supervised Transfer flag is set to True on the PBX.

Previously, T-Server failed to add AttributeThisQueue to the events generated by T-Server on the routed destination. (ER# 260478871)

T-Server now consistently reports predictive scenarios that are requested with the extension AnsMachine equal to the RSI device regardless of the state of the flag Supervised Transfer set for that device in the PBX. Previously, T-Server reported CallStateAnsweringMachineDetected in EventQueued on the requesting device and on the device from the request extension if the Supervised Transfer flag was set to True on the PBX for RSI device from the request extension. (ER# 260542647)

T-Server can now perform a TRouteCall from an RSI device to the same RSI device. Previously, T-Server rejected such request with an EventError. (ER# 260673621)

T-Server now correctly reports scenarios involving TRouteCall with a Reject or a Disconnect type when AttributeOtherDN is provided in the request. Previously, T-Server incorrectly reported EventRouteUsed and EventDiverted with the AttributeThirdPartyDN equal to AttributeOtherDN from the request. (ER# 262062449)

T-Server now correctly reports a scenario where a transferred event on a destination party is reported earlier by the PBX than on the transferring device when a TCompleteTransfer or a TMuteTransfer is performed. Previously, T-Server might have reported EventReleased without AttributeOtherDN on the transferring device for the party of the consultation call in this scenario. (ER# 262114431)

T-Server now correctly reports scenarios that involve call routing where the call is returned to an RSI when there is no answer on the first routed destination. Previously, T-Server failed to report the AttributeThisQueue in EventRinging when the call was routed a second time. (ER# 262904092)

T-Server now correctly unlocks a call in scenarios where new account code handling is activated in T-Server and the account code is entered on a device, or the account code activation times out on the PBX. Previously, T-Server might have left a call, locked at the start of ACW phase, in memory until new activity occurred on the device. (ER# 261993057)

T-Server now correctly reports a scenario where an agent in the not-ready state receives or initiates a business call, and the call is established and released. Previously, T-Server reported three EventAgentNotReady events on the call release if agent ACW synchronization was activated (when the sync-emu-acw option is set to true). (ER# 262335391)

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Release Number [09/23/10] – General

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This release of T-Server is built with the T-Server Common Part (TSCP) release number TSCP is the shared software that all T-Servers use. Consult the TSCP release note for information on changes to the Common Part that may affect the functionality of your particular type of T-Server.

There are no restrictions for this release. This section describes new features that were introduced in this release of T-Server.

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following corrections and modifications:

T-Server now correctly reconnects to the PBX when the PBX CPU is restarted. Previously in this scenario, T-Server sometimes stuck in a non-connected state, with T-Server connected to the PBX and the client connection generating an EventLinkDisconnected message. (ER# 253373088)

T-Server no longer reports the ANI attribute in call-monitoring events if the ani-distribution configuration option is set to suppressed. (ER# 249855060)

T-Server now retries the action defined in the no-answer-action option for an agent if the first attempt is rejected by the PBX. (ER# 247921247)

T-Server now correctly handles Routing Services Interface (RSI) registration in a high-availability (HA) environment. Previously, T-Server sometimes incorrectly re-registered the RSI mode during consecutive switchovers, causing the current primary T-Server to not receive events for RSI devices. (ER# 255103895)

T-Server now correctly reports the agent state after a call where race conditions for changing the agent state could be observed. Previously, T-Server did not report the proper agent state after the call was released, leaving the agent state desynchronized with the PBX. For example, the agent was reported in a Ready state while actually in a NotReady state due to ACW. (ER# 253404351)

T-Server now correctly handles scenarios where a call is made to an ABCF (Alcatel internal network) destination, returns back to RSI, is routed to another RSI, and finally to an agent. Previously, T-Server did not execute the No-Answer Supervision feature because of lost call information related to the last distribution point where routing occurred due to late reporting on the origination of the call. (ER# 255907194)

T-Server again supports Delete From Conference Using Requesting Device functionality. In versions to, this functionality was disabled. (ER# 258945691)

The Default Values for the following T-Server options have been modified to the following:

(ER# 251208444)

T-Server now correctly handles the scenario where the PBX acknowledges an initiation of the consultation call followed by clearance of the call. Previously, T-Server did not handle this scenario properly, which sometimes resulted in a stuck call in T-Server memory. (ER# 254438511)

T-Server now correctly reports a device as being out-of-service in the following scenario: T-Server is running in agent-substitution mode with smart monitoring enabled, a physical phone is connected with a real agent logged in, the set is then disconnected, and the real agent is logged out. Previously in this scenario, T-Server incorrectly reported the device as being in-service while it was reported as out-of-service by the PBX. (ER# 253297411)

T-Server now correctly processes a scenario where an agent transfers an inbound call back to the non-supervised RSI. Previously in this scenario, T-Server sometimes deleted a party and a call because of race conditions, thus losing attached user data. (ER# 258196218)

T-Server now correctly handles a TPrivateService request execution. Previously, T-Server sometimes became unstable if TPrivateService was executed and later an established business call released on an agent with After Call Work synchronization enabled. (ER# 256064255)

T-Server no longer generates multiple EventPartyChanged messages in scenarios involving calls transferred either between PBX nodes or between monitored and unmonitored devices. (ER# 255608162)

T-Server now correctly handles a situation where an access resource with the same name as an existing DN is added. Previously, this caused T-Server to incorrectly report the existing DN as out of service. (ER# 254061622)

T-Server now correctly reports a role of the device party in consecutive events if the TSingleStepTransfer request is executed to an invalid or unavailable destination. Previously, T-Server incorrectly reported the TransferredBy role for such a device. (ER# 245144097)

T-Server is now able to dynamically update the Register property in the device configuration in the Configuration Layer. Previously, when the Register property in the device was changed to false, T-Server incorrectly placed the device out of service if the change happened when T-Server was run. (ER# 215015703)

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Release Number [08/25/10] – Hot Fix

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This release of T-Server is built with the T-Server Common Part (TSCP) release number TSCP is the shared software that all T-Servers use. Consult the TSCP release note for information on changes to the Common Part that may affect the functionality of your particular type of T-Server.

This is a hot fix for this product. This release does not contain any new features or functionality.

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following correction and modification:

Rapid call overflow between partitions that are processed by ISCC/COF no longer leads to stuck calls. (ER# 257308716)

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Release Number [05/24/10] – Hot Fix

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This release of T-Server is built with the T-Server Common Part (TSCP) release number TSCP is the shared software that all T-Servers use. Consult the TSCP release note for information on changes to the Common Part that may affect the functionality of your particular type of T-Server.

This is a hot fix for this product. This release contains the following new features or functionality.

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following corrections and modifications:

Upon receiving an event Delivered from the switch, T-Server now correctly executes the transfer phase of emulated services and completes the transfer after the delay configured using min-xfer-complete-dly expires. In previous 8.0 versions, T-Server did not apply the delay configured by option min-xfer-complete-dly. (ER# 252709213)

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Release Number [05/11/10] – Hot Fix

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This release of T-Server is built with the T-Server Common Part (TSCP) release number TSCP is the shared software that all T-Servers use. Consult the TSCP release note for information on changes to the Common Part that may affect the functionality of your particular type of T-Server.

This is a hot fix for this product. This section describes new features that were introduced in this release of T-Server for Alcatel A4400/OXE.

Corrections and Modifications

This release also includes the following corrections and modifications:

T-Server now reduces unnecessary traffic generated between T-Servers when backup and primary T-Servers lose agent state or device state synchronization. Previously, updates between primary and backup T-Servers may have generated a large amount of traffic until the device and agent states were synchronized. (ER# 251258049)

T-Server now correctly processes a treatment, requested for a consultation call on a Routing Services Interface (RSI) coming from an ABCF trunk (inter PBX network), when a call transfer is completed on the other node. Previously, T-Server did not complete the ongoing treatment, and as a result, did not continue the operation with the new treatment that was requested for the transferred call. (ER# 251239011)

T-Server now prevents possible failures that are observed when T-Server is shutdown before the PBX can respond to a request for connection closure. (ER# 251258041)

T-Server now correctly processes the execution of TSingleStepTransfer or TMuteTransfer to an external destination when the call reaches the network, but is not delivered within 60 seconds. Previously, T-Server attempted the transfer completion to a non-delivered destination on the expiration of the timeout, which was set to a value of 500 milliseconds. This could have resulted in a failed transfer completion (depending on the telephony provider). (ER# 248833547)

T-Server now correctly handles a request for RequestAgentNotReady when a device has a ringing call. T-Server may have become unstable in this scenario. (ER# 248881333)

As a workaround, T-Server now correctly handles the following PBX reporting scenario: a call is made to a PBX SIP interface, and it is returned to the RSI with different reported properties which incorrectly identify the call as being new and internal. Previously, T-Server may have become unstable during this scenario or at a later time when an agent performed a login or a logout on the device from which the call originated. (ER# 249078553)

T-Server now correctly identifies a device as being off-hook on a restart if a PBX snapshot returns an unknown call on the device without properties, or if optimized monitoring returns a busy state. Previously, T-Server reported the device as being in a on-hook state in this scenario. (ER# 248111362)

T-Server now correctly handles self-transition agent state changes. This includes situations where an agent state is desynchronized between T-Server and the PBX. Previously, T-Server may have reported an EventError when attempts to set the agent state resulted in only an acknowledgement from the PBX. (ER# 249738968)

T-Server now prevents an SCI alarm from being generated when a request to update or attach user data is not followed by an update to this user data on the PBX. Previously, T-Server generated alarm 36002: Request rejected: error code ... in these user data update scenarios. (ER# 248543355)

T-Server now correctly reports scenarios involving agent monitoring from a non-monitored supervisor. Previously, T-Server ignored events from the PBX, and did not generate events for these scenarios. (ER# 250868821)

T-Server now correctly handles predictive scenarios to busy destinations where the PBX cleans failed calls immediately. Previously, T-Server may have become unstable in such scenarios. (ER# 249459876)

T-Server now correctly identifies a call which allows it to process the private event Calling Line Identity (this functionality was incorrectly changed in version Previously, T-Server ignored this event. (ER# 249738970)

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Release Number [04/09/10] – Hot Fix

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This release of T-Server is built with the T-Server Common Part (TSCP) release number TSCP is the shared software that all T-Servers use. Consult the TSCP release note for information on changes to the Common Part that may affect the functionality of your particular type of T-Server.

This is a hot fix for this product. This release does not contain any new features or functionality.

Corrections and Modifications

This release also includes the following corrections and modifications:

T-Server now reports a result of CallStateSitNocircuit in a TMakePredictiveCall when a call is disconnected by the network before call it is delivered to its destination. Previously, T-Server reported CallStateRemoteRelease in this scenario. (ER# 248360845)

T-Server no longer becomes possibly unstable after the deletion of a device within Configuration Manager. (ER# 248360843)

T-Server now correctly reports scenarios where the transfer of an external call to an outbound destination is completed too quickly (before the call is delivered to the outbound destination). Previously in this scenario, T-Server may have had a stuck call without parties in its memory that could not be cleared. (ER# 248132248)

When the T-Server option agent-substitute is set to true and a native agent logs out on a ProACD device that is configured in Configuration Manager with the register flag set to false, T-Server could previously stop generating EventOnHook/EventOffHook in some situations. T-Server will now provide correct reporting in these situations. (ER# 247613278)

When the T-Server option agent-substitute is set to true, T-Server no longer becomes unstable when an agent device (ACD Position) corresponding to a logged in agent is deleted from Configuration Manager and a subsequent agent state change is requested. (ER# 248305489)

T-Server now correctly reports scenarios where the PBX omits the delivery of events for a CCD Pilot device when the PBX is under a heavy usage. Previously in this scenario, T-Server could have become unstable. (ER# 248305486)

T-Server now correctly completes the handling of TApplyTreatment (TreatmentPlayAnnouncementAndDigits) requests. Previously, T-Server did not remove from memory all data, associated with the execution of these requests, which lead to a potential increase in memory usage. (ER# 248423063)

T-Server, in a high-availability (HA) environment, now correctly handles synchronization between the primary and backup T-Server in predictive scenarios where synchronization updates arrive at the backup T-Server after the PBX has already initiated the call, and reported it to the backup T-Server. Previously, the backup T-Sever could become unstable as a consequence of incorrectly handling this synchronization scenario. (ER# 247468567)

This version of T-Server is built with the latest TSCP version. It corrects an ISCC issue where T-Server may have become unstable. See T-Server Common Part release 8.0.x for more information. (ER# 248415967)

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Release Number [03/12/10] – Hot Fix

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This release of T-Server is built with the T-Server Common Part (TSCP) release number TSCP is the shared software that all T-Servers use. Consult the TSCP release note for information on changes to the Common Part that may affect the functionality of your particular type of T-Server.

This is a hot fix for this product. This release does not contain any new features or functionality.

Corrections and Modifications

This release also includes the following corrections and modifications:

T-Server, in a high-availability (HA) environment, now correctly handles synchronization between the primary and backup T-Server in predictive scenarios where synchronization updates arrive at the backup T-Server after the PBX has already initiated the call, and reported it to the backup T-Server. Previously, T-Sever could become unstable as a consequence of incorrectly handling this synchronization scenario. (ER# 247468567)

Top of Page

Release Number [03/10/10] – Hot Fix

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This release of T-Server is built with the T-Server Common Part (TSCP) release number TSCP is the shared software that all T-Servers use. Consult the TSCP release note for information on changes to the Common Part that may affect the functionality of your particular type of T-Server.

This is a hot fix for this product. This release does not contain any new features or functionality.

Corrections and Modifications

This release also includes the following corrections and modifications:

T-Server, in a high-availability (HA) environment, now correctly handles synchronization between primary and backup T-Server in scenarios where a consultation call from an ABCF trunk is transferred to a Routing Services Interface (RSI). Previously, T-Sever could become unstable as a consequence of incorrectly handling synchronization scenarios. (ER# 246965544)

T-Server now correctly handles scenarios where a native agent logs out while a ProACD device is off-hook by correctly synchronizing the device hook state with the PBX. (ER# 246973461)

T-Server now correctly handles scenarios where the PBX reports a new call with the same Call ID as a previous call that was previously queued, but the PBX did not generate any subsequent reporting for that previous call. T-Server, now clears this stuck Call ID, and correctly processes the subsequent call with the same Call ID. Previously, the scenario prevented T-Server from correctly handling the new call with the same Call ID. (ER# 247209748)

T-Server now correctly updates the status of dialer resources (VAD) used for predictive dialing scenarios in the backup T-Server in a high-availability (HA) environment. Previously, the backup T-Server could have left dialer resources marked as unavailable for calls at the end of predictive dialing scenarios due to incorrect handling of HA synchronization. As a result, after a switchover, the new primary T-Server used a reduced set of dialing resources. (ER# 247269193)

T-Server now correctly handles multiple initiated calls on a multiline agent device. Previously, T-Server incorrectly selected the first found initiated consultation call instead of another initiated call, which led to incorrect reporting in the subsequent events. (ER# 247283831)

T-Server now correctly selects the dialing resource if two TMakePredictiveCall requests occur simultaneously. Previously, T-Server could select the same dialing resource which would have led to a failure of the primary and backup T-Servers. This failure would occur if the second TMakePredictiveCall request was sent in the period of time between the acknowledgement of the first request arriving from the PBX and the arrival of the first events of the scenario. (ER# 246386588)

Top of Page

Release Number [03/04/10] – Hot Fix

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This release of T-Server is built with the T-Server Common Part (TSCP) release number TSCP is the shared software that all T-Servers use. Consult the TSCP release note for information on changes to the Common Part that may affect the functionality of your particular type of T-Server.

This is a hot fix for this product. This release does not contain any new features or functionality.

Corrections and Modifications

This release also includes the following corrections and modifications:

T-Server now correctly reports scenarios where request extensions are pointed to a non-supervised Routing Services Interface (RSI). Previously, T-Server produced an incorrect report in predictive scenarios if the TMakePredictiveCall request had the extensions VoiceDest and/or AnsMachine pointing to a non-supervised RSI and the corresponding dialing results received from the PBX. When a predictive call progress resulted in the use of such non-supervised RSI from an extension, T-Server did not report the EventQueued event for the requesting device. T-Server also did not attach the user data key AnswerClass to EventQueued if the destination of the predictive call was an answering machine.

There are no issues when request extensions are pointed to supervised RSI, emulated Routing Points, or any type of ACD Pilots.

(ER# 246496530)

T-Server now correctly processes the logout of native agents when the agent-smart-monitor option is set to true or strict and the snapshot-on-start option is set to true. Previously, T-Server incorrectly executed the smart monitoring feature, and therefore did not request a device snapshot in order to get a synchronized state of the device. (ER# 246624211)

T-Server now correctly reports CallStateRemoteReleased in an EventReleased event when the network releases a predictive call without providing any cause. This is opposite to a scenario where a predictive call is released with CallStateNoAnswer when the network provides a cause. Previously, T-Server did not correctly report a scenario involving remote disconnection of an unanswered predictive call. (ER# 246624268)

T-Server now correctly adds the AttributeReferenceID and AttributeReason attributes to the EventAgentLogin event when a RequestAgentLogin is requested for a native agent. (ER# 245784714)

T-Server now correctly retrieves the request extension ReasonCode and sends it in requests made to the PBX. Previously, T-Server did not correctly retrieve extensions from the TAgentNotReady request, and therefore did not form a correct request to the PBX. (ER# 246657268)

T-Server now correctly processes synchronization updates from the primary T-Server. T-Server in HA mode ignores synchronization updates if there is a pending agent login, and will wait until the login timer expires. Previously, T-Server in backup mode incorrectly processed updates from the primary T-Server when a native agent was logged in. Synchronization updates canceled pending agent logins and prevented backup T-Server from correctly logging in agents. (ER# 246831561)

T-Server now attempts to synchronize again synchronization attempts that have failed. Previously, when the sync-emu-acw option was set to true, T-Server did not attempt to resynchronize emulated and PBX agent states when the initial synchronization attempt failed. (ER# 246832198)

Top of Page

Release Number [02/11/10] – Hot Fix

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This release of T-Server is built with the T-Server Common Part (TSCP) release number TSCP is the shared software that all T-Servers use. Consult the TSCP release note for information on changes to the Common Part that may affect the functionality of your particular type of T-Server.

This is a hot fix for this product. This release does not contain any new features or functionality.

Corrections and Modifications

This release also includes the following corrections and modifications:

T-Server now correctly reports a call state of not answered (7) if a predictive call is not answered and T-Server disconnects the call due to timeout. Previously, T-Server incorrectly reported a call state of dropped (26) when a predictive call was not answered within the time specified in the TMakePredictiveCall request. (ER# 245064986)

T-Server now reports collected digits only in EventDigitsCollected and EventTreatmentEnd events that are generated as a result of the TApplyTreatment request. Previously, T-Server incorrectly saved collected digits permanently, which resulted in the digits being reported in all subsequent events sent for the call. (ER# 245073927)

T-Server now adds the AttributeReferenceID and AttributeReason to the EventAgentLogin when a RequestAgentLogin request is sent for a native agent. (ER# 244848039)

Top of Page

Release Number [01/22/10] – Hot Fix

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This release of T-Server is built with the T-Server Common Part (TSCP) release number TSCP is the shared software that all T-Servers use. Consult the TSCP release note for information on changes to the Common Part that may affect the functionality of your particular type of T-Server.

This is a hot fix for this product. This section describes new features that were introduced in this release of T-Server for Alcatel A4400/OXE.

Corrections and Modifications

This release also includes the following corrections and modifications:

T-Server no longer attempts to reference objects that cannot be found. Previously, T-Server became unstable in this scenario. (ER# 243733761)

T-Server no longer suspends the registration of Extensions devices when they are the only devices defined in Configuration Manager. (ER# 243286184)

Top of Page

Release Number [12/15/09] – General

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This release of T-Server is built with the T-Server Common Part (TSCP) release number TSCP is the shared software that all T-Servers use. Consult the TSCP release note for information on changes to the Common Part that may affect the functionality of your particular type of T-Server.

There are no restrictions for this release. This section describes new features that were introduced in this release of T-Server for Alcatel A4400/OXE.

Corrections and Modifications

This release also includes the following corrections and modifications:

T-Server now uses the assigned Global Call ID to determine how a call is processed. T-Server no longer selects a call by Call ID. (ER# 236779088, 220686560)

The following Known Issues have been corrected in this release: ER# 235609411, 235448131, 235609418, 235609445, 235673214, 235719521, 235774109, 237463081. See the Known Issues and Recommendations section for details.

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Release Number [09/22/09] – General

Supported Operating Systems
New in This Release
Corrections and Modifications

Supported Operating Systems

The operating systems supported by this release are listed in the Contents, above.

New in This Release

This release of T-Server is built with the T-Server Common Part (TSCP) release number TSCP is the shared software that all T-Servers use. Consult the TSCP release note for information on changes to the Common Part that may affect the functionality of your particular type of T-Server.

There are no restrictions for this release. This section describes new features that were introduced in the initial 8.0 release of T-Server for Alcatel A4400/OXE.

Corrections and Modifications

This release includes the following corrections and modifications that were made between release 7.6 or earlier releases and the initial 8.0 release:

T-Server no longer becomes unstable because of memory allocation issues on AIX 5.3. (ER# 167162375)

Backup T-Server no longer deletes calls initiated due to execution of TMakePredictiveCall in primary T-Server (ER# 230371994)

T-Server now correctly synchronizes treatments when both T-Server and URS are running in high-availability (HA) mode. Previously T-Server could incorrectly send treatment related events to the backup URS instead of the primary URS after a T-Server switchover was performed. (ER# 219545460)

T-Server has been modified to correctly report EventDNBackInService when agent substitution is enabled and an agent is logged out while the phone is out of service, and then the phone comes back into service. (ER# 223284441)

T-Server now correctly handles the agent state NotReady with activation. In doing so, T-Server now rejects a RequestAgentNotReady when the value of the ReasonCode is different from the value that is reported in the agent event. Also, if a RequestAgentNotReady is missing the ReasonCode extension, T-Server uses the current value of ReasonCode. (ER# 216152182)

Top of Page

Known Issues and Recommendations

This section provides the latest information on known issues and recommendations associated with this product.

T-Server incorrectly handles agents that login in a pre-assigned state if the PBX timer 238 is set to value higher than 11. In order to avoid this issue, verify that the value of PBX timer 238 does not exceed a value of 11. (ER# 261524426)

Found In: Fixed In:

When No-Answer Supervision is configured to use recall and a predictive call made from a supervised RSI is answered by a customer, then it is routed to an unanswered destination, T-Server does not return the call to the last distribution device. (ER# 260478871)

Found In: Fixed In:

T-Server generates alarms on attach/update of user data in Solution Control Interface. (ER# 248543355)

Found In: Fixed In:

T-Server occasionally may not be able to transfer a call using a SingleStepTransfer to an outbound destination if the network provider delivers the call to a destination in more than 500 milliseconds after the trunk is seized. Complete transfer on such non-delivered calls is not permitted. A possible workaround to this scenario is to set the min-xfer-complete-dly option to a value of 1000, which increases the timeout to 1000 milliseconds. (ER# 248833547)

Found In: Fixed In:

T-Server may become unstable when requesting a change of agent state to not ready while on call. (ER# 248881333)

Found In: Fixed In:

T-Server may become unstable when a call is initiated to A4400, which is integrated with GVP and SIP Server, and is returned to the RSI on the same PBX. This situation is caused by incorrect PBX behavior that exists on some of the last 8.x and 9.0 versions of the PBX. (ER# 249078553)

Found In: Fixed In:

T-Server may become unstable when the number of channels selected for predictive dialing scenarios in OCS exceeds the number of available predictive devices. As a workaround, set the number of predictive channels to a value smaller than the available predictive dialer resources. (ER# 249459876)

Found In: Fixed In:

On Occasion, after a logout is completed, T-Server incorrectly reports an EventOffHook event for the agent device instead of for the ProACD device. This will leave any T-Server client to see the DN as still on-hook. This can be rectified by physically taking the ProACD device off-hook and then placing it back on-hook. (ER# 246973461)

Found In: Fixed In:

Beginning with release 8.0, T-Server has an improved CTI request pacing mechanism, which is controlled by the new option device-rq-gap. The default value of this option is 250 milliseconds, which limits the number of requests sent to the switch to 4 requests per second on any given device.

In scenarios where a version 8.0 T-Server is used in a high-load environment, which requires higher performance, Genesys recommends setting the device-rq-gap option to a lower value at an Application level, for a global effect on all DNs, or to set the DN-level option rq-gap to a lower value for a specific high-load Routing Point DN.

Note: Setting the device-rq-gap option to a value of 0 (zero) will disable this option, resulting in the same behavior as version 7.6 and older of T-Server.

(ER# 237463081)

Found In: Fixed In:

When using ANI related ISCC strategies (direct-ani, match-ani) and a call is initiated or consultation initiated from an agent in substitution mode, T-Server will not be able to match calls. This is because the call is made from a substituted device (ProACD number), and delivered with the ANI of the agent device, which do not match. (ER# 235145471)

Found In: Fixed In: 

In the following scenario:

When the switch times out, the transaction code that T-Server reports are two EventHeld/EventRetrieved events before the EventReleased. (ER# 235609411)

Found In: Fixed In:

T-Server becomes unstable in the following scenario:

The PBX reporting is incorrect as a result of a virtual Z being on the call, which leads to T-Server becoming unstable. T-Server will handle this scenario if no virtual Z is involved as the PBX reporting will be correct. (ER# 235609418)

Found In: Fixed In:

T-Server incorrectly reports the following scenario as a conference.

When the destinations answers, the EventEstablished on the destination ThisDNRole is ConferenceMember, and the Call State is Conferenced.

When the destination releases, T-Server reports EventPartyDeleted in addition to EventReleased. (ER# 235609445)

Found In: Fixed In:

When the switch sends a failed event for a PCM port (a device configured as switch-specific type 7 in Configuration Manager), T-Server is prompted to clear the call in order to free the port. This cleanup should not be visible. However, T-Server is incorrectly reporting the cleared call, and reports EventDialing, NetworkReached, DestinationBusy, and Released for the PCM port when in fact it should not.

This problem does not affect Outbound Contact Server (OCS). Outbound call results are correctly updated. (ER# 235673214)

Found In: Fixed In:

If an inbound or an outbound call is single-step transferred to an RSI, and then routed, the Call State in EventRinging is incorrectly set to Forwarded. (ER# 235719521)

Found In: Fixed In:

When performing an in-service upgrade to a version 8.0 T-Server, a growth in memory utilization can potentially occur while running a T-Server version 8.0 in primary mode and a T-Server 7.6 in backup mode.

This issue will not occur if both high-availability (HA) T-Servers are version 8.0. (ER# 235774109)

Found In: Fixed In:

If a call is routed to an RSI where an inbound call is received on an emulated Routing Point, and supervised routing is enabled, T-Server will never complete the transfer on the Hunting Group (HG) member. Therefore, T-Server will not report EventRouteRequest on the RSI. When the timer expires the call is reconnected on the HG member. This problem only occurs on inbound calls. Internal calls are fine. (ER# 235448131)

Found In: Fixed In:

In some circumstances, when routing a call from an emulated routing point with supervision, the switch will complete the transfer on the Hunt Group member before T-Server can request transfer completion or reconnection. The emulated route will be successfully performed, but this switch behavior will result in T-Server returning an EventError call has disconnected in addition to RouteUsed/Diverted on the emulated Routing Point. The RefID from the RequestRouteCall will be returned in the EventError and not the EventRouteUsed. (ER# 231294614)

Found In: Fixed In: 

If call forwarding is set on a remote extension to another internal device, and a call is made to the remote extension, the Call State is Ok instead of Forwarded when the call is delivered to the forward destination. (ER# 233146460)

Found In: Fixed In: 

T-Server 8.0 only supports the PBX starting with Release 7.1. (ER# 244001815)

Found In: Fixed In: 

If a call is made between two pro-ACD devices while T-Server is not running, and then T-Server is started, the PBX provides no information to T-Server's snapshot query for these devices. As a consequence, the call is invisible to T-Server. (ER# 208985444)

Found In: Fixed In:

When reporting is required for Hunt Group members, T-Server does not support the use of parallel Hunt Groups. (ER# 107538491)

Found In: 7.5 Fixed In:

When reporting is required for Hunt Group members, the Hunt Group itself must not be configured in Configuration Manager. (ER# 107387229)

Found In: 7.5 Fixed In:

If a CCD agent that the PBX has placed in AfterCallWork (wrap-up) makes a call to another CCD agent that the PBX has placed in AfterCallWork, then the PBX does not send any CSTA events to T-Server for the origination of this call. Once the agents are out of AfterCallWork, the PBX reporting is correct. (ER# 103699875)

Found In: 7.5 Fixed In: R8.0 g1.200.6

If a transfer is made via ABC-F trunks to an agent who is logged in, and on the PBX the option proACD forwarded to agent at logon is enabled, the switch incorrectly distributes a Connection Cleared with cause CallForwardAlways before the delivered event. This causes T-Server to return an EventError in response to the transfer request, although the rest of the consult is then reporting correctly. This problem is most noticeable with TSingleStepTransfer. (ER# 103699861)

Found In: 7.5 Fixed In: R8.0 g1.200.6

HA Synchronization is not supported before T-Server and therefore rolling upgrades of the backup T-Server will not be successful until the primary T-Server is running at least version (ER# 33467940).

Found In: Fixed In:

There is no support of emulation during switchover from 7.2 to 6.5 T-Server. An answered call is reported as a consultation call, thus creating a phantom ringing primary call. Switchover in the opposite direction does support emulation. (ER# 32974849)

Found In: Fixed In:

There is no support of emulation during switchover from 7.2 to 7.0 T-Server. An answered call is reported as a consultation call, thus creating a phantom ringing primary call. Switchover in the opposite direction does support emulation. (ER# 32974833)

Found In: Fixed In:

In the following scenario, incorrect value 2 is returned, instead of value 3.

  1. Make and establish outbound call.
  2. Restart T-Server.
  3. Query Address.
  4. Value 2 is returned (Dialing).

PBX reporting does not allow you to distinguish established and dialing states. Both are reported as connected. (ER# 31665149)

Found In: Fixed In:

When a consult call is made over ABC-F to a RSI and the overflow timer is configured on the RSI, and no overflow destination is configured, the PBX should drop the consult call when the timer expires. However, the PBX actually drops the call on the RSI but not on the transferred device. If the transfer is then completed the call shows up again on the RSI. (ER# 44404261)

Found In: 7.2 Fixed In:

T-Server does not issue EventOnHook/EventOffHook for devices configured as PCM ports. (ER# 74176)

Found In: 7.0 Fixed In:

In a scenario where an agent receives a CCD call and issues a request for supervisor assistance by CTI with RequestPrivateService equal to 6, the switch correctly responds with an EventAssistRq with requestStatus TRUE.

When the agent issues a second request, again using RequestPrivateService equal to 6, EventAssistRq with requestSTATUS FALSE is returned even though there is still an outstanding supervisor request, and the ACD Listening key on the supervisor's set is alerting.

If the call is then released, the request remains present on the supervisor's ACD Listening key. (ER# 234763632)

Found In: R9.0 h1.301.31 Fixed In: 

In some scenarios involving several hybrid link transfers to pilots during the life of one call, the switch fails to report alerting device in messages to T-Server. In such circumstances, T-Server will report the OtherDN as the trunk for devices receiving messages where the alerting device is missing. (ER# 234763641)

Found In: R9.0 h1.301.31 Fixed In: 

In the following scenario, when the call is delivered to Pilot2, the switch is changing the global Call ID. Thus T-Server cannot maintain Connection ID and all attached data is lost.

Because supervised-route-timeout is set to 0 (zero), T-Server issues a redirect to move the call off the Hunt Group member and this results in the switch changing the Global Call ID. (ER# 234763648)

Found In: R9.0 h1.301.31 Fixed In: 

In a scenario where two calls are made to a twinset, and the first call is queued and the second call is ringing, if the origination DN of the first call releases, the switch sends no connection cleared for the twinset. T-Server therefore continues to report that there are two calls on the twinset. The switch will only send a connection cleared for the first call once the second call is released. (ER# 234763657)

Found In: R9.0 h1.301.31 Fixed In: 

In the following scenario, the switch drops the call instead of transferring the original inbound call to the RSI.

(ER# 234763664)

Found In: R9.0 h1.301.31 Fixed In: 

In the following scenario, the call from GVP will fail.

At this point the switch incorrectly returns 420 Bad extension and the call will fail.

(ER# 234763681)

Found In: R9.0 h1.301.31 Fixed In: 

The following scenario prevents GVP from being able to complete the transfer which results in the voice path between the agent and the caller being broken.

(ER# 234763688)

Found In: R9.0 h1.301.31 Fixed In: 

If a hybrid link call is made to a Routing Services Interface (RSI), and routed to the tandem set of twinset, then the switch is changing the GCID. This is an invalid scenario as the call should be routed to the main set.

However, a workaround has been implemented in T-Server in order to handle this scenario should it occur. The following limitations apply to the workaround:

Call Control will be retained on both the origination and the destination.

(ER# 233727437)

Found In: R9.0 h1.301.31 Fixed In: 

When transferring from a Thomson ST2030 SIP extension, before the REFER ( SIP transfer), the ST2030 puts both legs on hold using RE-INVITE. This means that before the standard Genesys transfer call flow T-Server will report EventHeld for the active consultation call and EventRetrieved for the held primary call. (ER# 227362583)

Found In:  r9.0 h1.301.28 Fixed In:

When a call is camped on a SIP extension and answered so that the first call is held, neither leg can be released by CTI. The switch rejects the request. (ER# 227362592)

Found In:  R9.0 h1.301.28 Fixed In:

In the following scenario, on the SIP phone the consult call is dropped and the primary is retrieved. However, the switch sends a transferred event to T-Server, so T-Server reports the transfer and now believes that there is no call on the SIP phone.

  1. An inbound call is received on a SIP extension.
  2. The SIP phone initiates a consult manually to a RSI with supervised route enabled or a busy pilot.
  3. The SIP phone manually releases the consult call.

Note: This only occurs on an inbound call to a SIP extension. It is not a problem for internal calls. (ER# 227362598)

Found In:  R9.0 h1.301.28 Fixed In:

When an inbound call is made to a SIP extension and the 'reject' button is pressed on the phone, the switch incorrectly sends EventDiverted instead of EventConnectionCleared. This means T-Server reports EventReleased with CallStateNoAnswer instead of EventAbandoned. (ER# 226343661)

Found In:  R9.0 h1.301.28 Fixed In:

Supervisor permanent monitoring fails to work in the following scenario:

  1. A supervisor issues a "permanent monitoring" request via T-Server using private service 15.
  2. A call is made to the pilot and delivered to the supervisor. 
  3. The external party releases before the supervisor can answer.

The ringing tone for the ACD Listening key on the supervisor continues, even though there is no call on the key. If the supervisor presses the ACD Listening button the ringing stops. However, any attempts made by the supervisor to monitor the same agent (either by CTI or manually) are rejected by the switch. (ER# 211602811)

Found In: PBX 6.1 Fixed In:  R9.0 h1.301.28

The switch does not release internal calls when they are redirected to RSI. (ER# 211602841)

Found In: PBX 6.1 Fixed In:  R9.0 h1.301.28

When a hybrid link call is made to a pilot, then mute, blind or single-step transferred to a RSI, and routed to a pilot, after the call is delivered to the agent, the PBX drops the call. (ER# 77051928)

Found In: R7.1 f5.401.1 Fixed In: R8.0 g1.200.6

The PBX reporting on a transfer to RSI is different for multiline/MEA devices than for other devices. As a result, T-Server reports an EventAbandoned on the RSI when the transfer from the multiline/MEA device is completed. (ER# 77051971)

Found In: R7.1 f5.401.1 Fixed In:

A supervisor has permanent listening enabled on an agent. The agent receives a CCD call and redirects it (T-Server emulates the redirection). If the redirection occurs too quickly (approximately under a second after the call appears on the agent) then a timing problem can occur as a result of the mechanism used by the PBX to report supervisor monitoring.

This will result in the PBX sending conference events for the agent and the supervisor in some instances, and transferred events in other instances. This means that T-Server is not able to consistently provide the correct reporting for supervisor monitoring. (ER# 44404273)

Found In: PBX v. 7.0 Fixed In:

After a failed route, if the transferring device reconnects then the PBX does not provide either the proper Retrieve event or a Connection Cleared for the consult dialing leg. However, on the phone set the consult leg is dropped, and the primary leg retrieved, which results in T-Server being desynchronized with the phone set. (ER# 37371452)

Found In: PBX v 7.0 Fixed In:

The PBX will not allow a hybrid link transfer to RSI be completed if the phone set is in DTMF state. This means that it is impossible to complete a hybrid link transfer if a collect digits treatment or an interruptible Play Announcement treatment is playing. (ER# 37371446)

Found In: PBX v 7.0 Fixed In:

In PBX version 7, the PBX changes the routing reference in the routing dialog when a transfer from an unmonitored device, or a transfer is made over ABC-F trunks, is completed on the RSI. T-Server relies on this routing reference to match the calls. As a result of this change T-Server can no longer correctly report this scenario. (ER# 37252571)

Found In: PBX v 7.0 Fixed In:

You cannot set forwarding to an ABC destination by a CTI request. (ER# 923721)

Found In: PBX 6.1 Fixed In: R9.0 h1.301.28

When an emulated predictive dial is made from a busy pilot (RSI without supervised routing enabled), the PBX incorrectly reports the supervised transfer status to T-Server. This means that if any timeout is configured in prd-dist-call-ans-time it cannot be invoked. (ER# 2759501)

Found In: PBX 6.1 Fixed In:

T-Server does not support CCD Routing Pilots (CCD Pilots with the routing flag enabled). (ER# 36422)

Found In: All switch versions Fixed In:

The PBX does not send any events to T-Server when forwarding is set manually on any device. (ER# 11009)

Found In: 5.1.011, all switch versions Fixed In:

If the progress of SingleStepTransfer is interrupted by any request, T-Server may not be able to report the scenario correctly. (ER# 74183)

Found In: Unspecified Fixed In:

Prior T-Server release 8.0, TMakePredictiveCall cannot be made to an internal destination. (ER# 107590864)

Found In: Unspecified Fixed In:

There is an incompatibility between A4400 T-Server behavior regarding chained consult calls and the OCS option call_transfer_type = two_step. On the A4400 it is not possible to chain consult calls, therefore in that situation T-Server completes the transfer. However, when OCS is using two-step transfer and waiting for the agent to answer, it attempts to complete the transfer. This leads to the two applications clashing when agent-no-answer-overflow = recall to the queue.

With a consult call on the agent, agent-no-answer-timeout expires, and this forces T-Server to perform an emulated redirect. This involves answering the call on the agent, T-Server completing the transfer and then T-Server transferring the call back to the queue. However, because OCS sees an EventReleased on the consult call (due to completion of the transfer) it attempts to reconnect the call, assuming the call has failed. (ER# 36839060)

Found In: Unspecified Fixed In:

The PBX does not support Do Not Disturb (DND) functionality via CTI, so setting DND can only be done from the phoneset. The PBX also provides no CSTA reporting to T-Server when DND is set manually on a telset. (ER# 31943037)

Found In: Unspecified Fixed In:

Chained consultation calls are not supported by the PBX. (ER# 14800088)

Found In: Unspecified Fixed In:

Four-party and blind conferences are not supported by the PBX. (ER# 14800090, 14800092)

Found In: Unspecified Fixed In:

When a hot-standby pre-release 8.0 of T-Server is started, the status of active emulated agents is not accurately reported. (ER# 74180)

Found In: Unspecified Fixed In:

Top of Page

Discontinued Support

This section documents features that are no longer supported in this software. This cumulative list is in release-number order with the most recently discontinued features at the top of the list.

HP-UX 11.00 is no longer supported.

Discontinued As Of:

Solaris 7 is no longer supported.

Discontinued As Of:

Windows 2000 is no longer supported.

Discontinued As Of:

Top of Page


Information in this section is included for international customers.

There are no known restrictions specific to international customers.

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Additional Information

Additional information on Genesys Telecommunications Laboratories, Inc. is available on our Technical Support website. The following documentation also contains information about this software.

Product documentation is also provided on a Documentation Library DVD, which is produced monthly. The New Documents on this DVD page on the DVD indicates the DVD production date. Because the DVD is produced monthly, documentation on the Technical Support website may be more up-to-date than that on the DVD. To verify the latest version of a document, check the version number, located on the second page in PDFs and on the "About This File" topic for Help files.

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