
Gplus Adapter 7.5 for Siebel CRM

.def File Migration

For migration from Gplus Adapter version 7.2 to version 7.5

Genesys Telecommunications Laboratories, Inc. 2007


This Supplement to the Genesys 7 Migration Guide applies to all 7.5 releases of the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM. Information may be added to this Supplement as subsequent versions of the product are released.

To help you identify the specific differences between version 7.5 of the GenComm_universal.def file and version 7.2 of the GenComm7_universal.def file (the .def file) distributed with the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM, this Supplement provides a comprehensive list of all additions, changes, and deletions that distinguish the 7.5 .def file from its predecessor. Note that this information is supplied as an addendum to the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM section of the Migration Guide, and should be used according to the context established in that Guide.

Although all customization of this .def file is your responsibility, you can use this list of the differences between the versions of this file, at your own risk, to update your customized 7.2 version of this file. You can use a properly updated 7.2 version of the .def file to deploy the 7.5 version of the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM. To do this, you would use your updated version in place of the the GenComm_universal.def file that is distributed on the Genesys CD for release 7.5.

In addition to highlighting all of the different configuration settings in the 7.5 version, this supplement provides a Table of .def File Contents that lists the sections in the .def file and provides links to them. Each item in this Table of .def File Contents is linked to the corresponding section in the .def file, allowing you to jump directly to the text that interests you. You can copy and paste the text directly from this HTML file, which should facilitate the process of searching for and changing text in another .def file.

The GenComm_universal.def file that is distributed on the Genesys CD includes changes necessary to deploy the standard 7.5 release of the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM. That .def file does not, of course, include any modifications or customizations that you have made.

For more details on using this Supplement file for migration purposes, see the Overview section below.

Top of Page

Differences Between 7.2 and 7.5 Versions of Gplus Adapter .def File

Table of .def File Contents
Changes in the .def File

Table of .def File Contents

1   Overview

2   Changes in Configuration Parameters

3   Voice

   3.1   Changes in Profile and Driver Parameters

3.2   Common Commands and Events

   3.2.1   Changes in Commands

   3.2.2   Changes in Events

3.3   Outbound Voice

   3.3.1   Changes in Events

   3.3.2   New Commands

4   Multimedia Component

   4.1   Changes in Profile and Driver Parameters

4.2   Changes in Commands and Events

   4.2.1   Changes in Commands

   4.2.2   Changes in Events

   4.2.3   New Commands

   4.2.4   New Events

   4.2.5   Deleted Commands

5   Media Routing Component

5.1   Changes in Commands and Events

   5.1.1   Changes in Commands

   5.1.2   Changes in Events

   5.1.3   New Commands

   5.1.4   New Events

   5.1.5   Deleted Events

Top of Page

Changes in the .def File

1   Overview

The text provided under sections 2 and following corresponds to the sections of the GenComm_universal.def file. Please note that the name of this file has been changed. In release 7.5, the file is named GenComm_universal.def. In release 7.2 and earlier, the file was named GenComm7_universal.def.

Each section indicates how specific parameters in this .def file have changed from Adapter release version to release version The text is color-coded as follows:

  • Modified parameters are in blue text.
  • New parameters are in green text.
  • Deleted parameters are in red text.

Note that the Multimedia Component and the Media Routing Component use the same driver and profile. The Multimedia Component shares commands and events the Media Routing Component. The Media Routing section describe only the component specific commands and events. The Media Routing Component uses the Multimedia component commands and events.

Note that this information is supplied as an addendum to the Gplus Adapter section of the Migration Guide, and should be used according to the context established in that Guide.

General Instructions

Make a copy of your .def file to be used as a migration file and open it. Go through the list of .def file changes below, section by section, and apply the following instructions:

  • If text is color-coded blue in a section below, find the corresponding text in your copy of the .def file and replace it with the blue text provided here.
  • If text is color-coded green in a section below, find the corresponding location in your copy of the .def file; then insert the text provided here into your file.
  • If text is color-coded red in a section below, find the corresponding text in your copy of the .def file and delete it.

After you have implemented the changes described above, saving the resulting file should yield a .def file with the basic modifications required for Gplus Adapter 7, version Incidental modifications that may be required to integrate the Gplus Adapter with other software applications or modifications are beyond the scope of this document.


Be aware that your version of this file may have been edited and reorganized. If so, then the sections listed below are not necessarily in the same order as they appear in your version. For this and other reasons, it is impossible to formalize completely the process of migration when the original .def file has been customized. The instructions provided above are of a general nature, and do not guarantee success. You may have to modify these instructions or replace them entirely with your own procedures. The migration of a customized .def file is your sole responsibility. No guarantees are given or implied with respect to the effectivelness of this document.

2   Changes in Configuration Parameters

 [Configuration Parameters]
      AutoLogin                  = "UserPreference"
      AutoLoginCmd               = "SignOnGroup"
      MultiTenancy               = "FALSE"
      PreferenceLoginCmd         = "PreferenceLoginCmd"
      PreferenceLogoutCmd        = "PreferenceLogoutCmd"
      RestoreScreenOnWorkResumed = "FALSE"
      UpdateChannelStatusTable   = "TRUE"
      ConnectString              = "CHANGE_ME"
      CheckPopupBeforeExecute    = "FALSE"
      EmailInboundDoneQueue      = "__STOP__"
      EmailOutboundDoneQueue     = "__STOP__"
      MediaRoutingDoneQueue      = "__STOP__"
      MediaRoutingDefaultQueue   ="E-mails for processing by agents"
      FromAddress                = "CHANGE_ME"
      NewOutboundEmailQueue      = "E-mails for processing by agents"
      ReplyOutboundEmailQueue    = "E-mails for processing by agents"
      SendEmailNewDefaultQueue   = "Outbound queue"
      SendEmailReplyDefaultQueue = "Outbound queue"
      NoteEmailBodyTruncated     ="...Message is too large... whole content is attached as "
      NoteReplyBodyTruncated     ="...Source message is too large... skipped."
      ChatTranscriptDirection    = "TopToBottom"
      ExceptionLogPrefix         = "CTIExceptions_"


3   Voice

3.1   Changes in Profile and Driver Parameters

[Profile:Gplus Voice] Driver = "Gplus_Voice" Driver:SCAPIServerURL = "CHANGE_ME" Driver:PrimaryGenCommServerURL = "CHANGE_ME" Required:Driver:TServerAppName = "CHANGE_ME" Driver:SwitchType = "0" Driver:ServerPort = "CHANGE_ME" Driver:ServerHost = "CHANGE_ME" [Driver:Gplus_Voice] Library Name = "GenCommDrv" Channel String = "GPlus CTI Driver" Channel Type = "Voice" Icon File ="GenComm.GIF" Interactive = "Y" Inbound Flag = "Y" Outbound Flag = "Y" [Driver Parameters:Gplus_Voice] DriverAlias = "" MediaType = "" Required:Driver:LibraryName ="GenComm" Required:Driver:SCAPIServerURL = "http://localhost:19000" Required:Driver:PrimaryGenCommServerURL = "http://localhost:18001" Driver:BackupGenCommServerURL = "CHANGE_ME" Required:Driver:TServerAppName = "CHANGE_ME" Required:Name = "Gplus_Voice" Required:Driver:ServerHost = "CHANGE_ME" Required:Driver:ServerPort = "CHANGE_ME" Required:Driver:SwitchType = "0" Required:Service:DNList = "{@DNList}" Driver:BackupServerPort = "CHANGE_ME" Driver:BackupServerHost = "CHANGE_ME" Driver:ReconnectTimeout = 10 Driver:Timeout = 0 Driver:RemoteTimeout = 10 Driver:InboundPartyContainer = "" Driver:OutboundPartyContainer = "" Driver:CommunicationDN = "" Driver:BroadcastCommdnUserEvents2Agents = "FALSE" Driver:AnswerCallDelay = 500 Driver:LogFile = "Gplus" Driver:LogDir = "../log" Driver:LogLevel = 3 Driver:Log = "TRUE" Driver:MaxLogKB = 128 Driver:LogFilesCount = 10 Driver:LogExt = "log" Driver:SupervisorExtensions = "" Driver:HangupOnEventReleased = "TRUE" Driver:AdapterAppName = "Gplus adapter" Driver:LocalConnString = "CHANGE_ME" Driver:NtwkReconnectTimeout = 0 Service:LogFile = "Gplus_{@UserName}" Service:LogDir = "../log" Service:LogLevel = 3 Service:Log = "TRUE" Service:MaxLogKB = 128 Service:LogFilesCount = 10 Service:LogExt = "log" Service:ACDDNList = "{@ACDDNList}" Service:AgentWorkMode = "CHANGE_ME" Service:SelectDN = "{@DNList}" Service:ReleaseCallOnAutoLogout = "TRUE" Service:ReleaseEstablishedCallOnAutoLogout = "FALSE" Service:AgentLogOutControl = "FALSE" Service:AgentSubstitute = "TRUE" Service:RequestTimeout = 30 Service:UsePendingWorkmode = "FALSE" Service:UseSStepTransferForNetworkTransfer = "FALSE" Service:AutoRejectRecords = "TRUE" Service:AutoLogout = "FALSE" Service:HasAgentBusy = "FALSE" Service:HasAnswer = "TRUE" Service:HasDisconnect = "TRUE" Service:HasForward = "TRUE" Service:HasHold = "TRUE" Service:HasGCNProtocol = "FALSE" Service:HasWCBProtocol = "FALSE" Service:HasOCSProtocol = "FALSE" Driver:OCSProtocolVersion = "" Service:OCSCallBackType = "Personal" Service:OCSTreatment = "Personal" Service:OCSCancelScope = "AllChain" Service:OCSDoNotCallScope = "AllChain" Service:OCSEnableCustomerId = "TRUE" Service:OCSEnableOutOfCampaignOperations = "FALSE" Service:AgentPreviewModeStart = "FALSE" Service:HasVCBProtocol = "FALSE" Service:SwitchName = "CHANGE_ME" Service:VCBDefaultRoutingPoint = "CHANGE_ME" Service:VCBDefaultCallbackType = "ASAP" Service:VCBProcessedOnCallRelease = "FALSE" Service:HasKWProtocol = "FALSE" Service:KwProtocolVersion = "" Service:KwPiProtocolVersion = "" Service:KwDefaultPartyStatus = "released"

3.2   Common Commands and Events

3.2.1   Changes in Commands   AcceptWorkGroup
[Command:AcceptWorkGroup] Hidden = "TRUE" ExecuteAll = "FALSE" ExecUntilOK = "TRUE" Description = "Accept incoming work item" SubCommand_2 = "AnswerGVoiceGroup" SubCommand_3 = "OpenMediaAccept" IndicateActiveCmd = "TRUE" MultiActiveCmdIcon ="GenComm.gif"   ReleaseWorkGroup
[Command:ReleaseWorkGroup] Hidden = "TRUE" Description = "Release work item" SubCommand_1 = "ReleaseGVoice" SubCommand_2 ="MarkWorkItemDone" MultiActiveCmdIcon ="GenComm.gif"   BlindTransferGroup
[Command:BlindTransferGroup] Hidden = "TRUE" CmdChannelOnFocus = "TRUE" Description = "Blind transfer work item" ; SubCommand_0 = "BlindTransferCallToPhoneKW" SubCommand_1 = "BlindTransferCallToPhone" SubCommand_2 = "BlindTransferCallToSROwner" SubCommand_3 = "BlindTransferCallToEmployee" SubCommand_4 = "BlindTransferCallToCurrentPhone" SubCommand_5 = "BlindTransferCallToPopupEmployee" SubCommand_6 = "BlindTransferCallToContactHome" SubCommand_7 = "BlindTransferCallToContact" SubCommand_8 = "OpenMediaTransferToAgent" SubCommand_99 = "BlindTransferEnabler"

3.2.2   Changes in Events   InsideCallReceived
[EventHandler:InsideCallReceived] Comments = "Handles call after the agent clicks the Accept button" Order = "10" Filter.SiebelCall = "1" Response = "OnInsideCallReceived" DeviceEvent = "EventEstablished" Profile = "Gplus Voice" [EventResponse:OnInsideCallReceived] Comments = "" UseCtxData ="TRUE"

3.3   Outbound Voice

3.3.1   Changes in Events   OutboundCallReceived
[EventHandler:OutboundCallReceived] FilterSpec = "CallType='3'" Filter.OtherDN = "*" DeviceEvent = "EventEstablished" Comments = "Handles call after the agent clicks the Accept button" Order = "65" Response = "OnOutboundCallReceived" Profile = "Gplus Voice" [EventResponse:OnOutboundCallReceived] QueryBusObj = "Contact" QueryBusComp = "Contact" QuerySpec = "'Work Phone #' LIKE '*{OtherDN}'" SingleLog = "OutboundCall_SingleContact" MultiLog = "OutboundCall_MultiContacts" Log = "OutboundCall_NoContact" ServiceMethod = "Persistent Customer Dashboard.Update Dashboard from CTI" ServiceParam.BuscompName = "Contact" ServiceParam.Field = "Work Phone #" ServiceParam.Value = "'Work Phone #' LIKE '*{OtherDN}'" [EventLog:OutboundCall_SingleContact] Comments = "Creates an Activity if single contact found" BusObj = "Contact" BusComp = "Action" LogField.'Call Id' = "{ConnID}" LogField.'Contact Id' = "{Contact.Id}" LogField.'Status' = "In Progress" LogField.'Type' = "Call - Outbound" LogField.'Description' = "Outbound call" LogField.'Started' = "{@Now}" LogField.'Planned' = "{@WorkStartTime}" LogField.'Due' = "{@WorkStartTime}" AfterWork.'ACD Call Duration' = "{@WorkDuration}" AfterWork.'Status' = "Done" AfterWork.'Planned Completion' = "{@Now}" [EventLog:OutboundCall_MultiContacts] Comments = "Creates an Activity if multiple contacts are found" BusObj = "Contact" BusComp = "Action" LogField.'ACD Call Duration' = "{@WorkDuration}" LogField.'Call Id' = "{ConnID}" LogField.'Description' = "Outbound call({OtherDN})" LogField.'Status' = "In Progress" LogField.'Type' = "Call - Outbound" LogField.'Started' = "{@Now}" LogField.'Planned' = "{@WorkStartTime}" LogField.'Due' = "{@WorkStartTime}" AfterWork.'ACD Call Duration' = "{@WorkDuration}" AfterWork.'Status' = "Done" AfterWork.'Planned Completion' = "{@Now}" [EventLog:OutboundCall_NoContact] Comments = "Creates an Activity if no contacts are found" BusObj = "Contact" BusComp = "Action" LogField.'Call Id' = "{ConnID}" LogField.'Description' = "Unknown Party({OtherDN})" LogField.'Status' = "In Progress" LogField.'Type' = "Call - Outbound" LogField.'Started' = "{@Now}" LogField.'Planned' = "{@WorkStartTime}" LogField.'Due' = "{@WorkStartTime}" AfterWork.'ACD Call Duration' = "{@WorkDuration}" AfterWork.'Status' = "Done" AfterWork.'Planned Completion' = "{@Now}" LogField.'Type' = "Call - Inbound"

3.3.2   New Commands   SetActiveCampaign
[Command:SetActiveCampaign] Hidden = "TRUE" DeviceCommand = "SetActiveCampaign" CmdChannelOnFocus = "TRUE" CmdData = "SetActiveCampaignData" Profile = "Gplus Voice" [CmdData:SetActiveCampaignData] Param.CampaignName = ""

4   Multimedia Component

4.1   Changes in Profile and Driver Parameters

[Profile:Gplus OpenMedia] Driver = "Gplus_OpenMedia" Driver:SCAPIServerURL = "CHANGE_ME" Driver:PrimaryGenCommServerURL = "CHANGE_ME" Service:ConnectionName = "CHANGE_ME" [Driver:Gplus_OpenMedia] Library Name = "GenCommDrv" Icon File ="GenComm.GIF" Channel Type = "OpenMedia" Interactive = "Y" Channel String = "email,chat,SiebelEmail,BackgroundEmail" Inbound Flag = "Y" Outbound Flag = "Y" [Driver Parameters:Gplus_OpenMedia] Required:Name = "Gplus_OpenMedia" Required:Driver:LibraryName = "itx_scdrv" Required:Service:ConnectionName = "CHANGE_ME" Required:Service:AgentId = "{@AgentId}" Required:Service:DNList = "{@DNList}" Required:Driver:SCAPIServerURL = "http://localhost:18000" Required:Driver:PrimaryGenCommServerURL = "http://localhost:18001" Driver:BackupGenCommServerURL = ""

4.2   Changes in Commands and Events

4.2.1   Changes in Commands   ComposeGEmailToUnknown
[Command:ComposeGEmailToUnknown] ServiceMethod = "MCR Activity manager.CreateNew" Comments = "" Profile = "Gplus OpenMedia" Hidden = "TRUE" CmdData ="ComposeGEmailToUnknown" Hidden = "TRUE" Hidden = "TRUE" [CmdData:ComposeGEmailToUnknown] ServiceParam.MimeType = "text/html" Comments = ""   ComposeGEmailToSelected
[Command:ComposeGEmailToSelected] ServiceMethod = "MCR Activity manager.CreateNew" Comments = "" Profile = "Gplus OpenMedia" CmdData = "ComposeGEmailToSelected" Hidden = "TRUE" [CmdData:ComposeGEmailToSelected] RequiredField.@SelectedText = "?*" ServiceParam.MimeType = "text/html" ServiceParam.ToAddresses = "{@SelectedText}" Comments = ""   ComposeGEmailToContact
[Command:ComposeGEmailToContact] ServiceMethod = "MCR Activity manager.CreateNew" Comments = "" Profile = "Gplus OpenMedia" CmdData = "ComposeGEmailToContact" Hidden = "TRUE" [CmdData:ComposeGEmailToContact] BusComp = "Contact" RequiredField.'Email Address' = "?*" ServiceParam.MimeType = "text/html" ServiceParam.ToAddresses = "{Email Address}" Comments = ""   ComposeGEmailToActivitySender
[Command:ComposeGEmailToActivitySender] ServiceMethod = "MCR Activity manager.CreateNew" Comments = "" Profile = "Gplus OpenMedia" CmdData = "ComposeGEmailToActivitySender" Hidden = "TRUE" [CmdData:ComposeGEmailToActivitySender] BusComp = "Action" RequiredField.'Email Sender Address' = "?*" ServiceParam.MimeType = "text/html" ServiceParam.ToAddresses = "{Email Sender Address}" Comments = ""   MarkDone
[Command:MarkDone] DeviceCommand = "OpenMediaPlaceInQueue" Comments = "" Profile = "Gplus OpenMedia" CmdData = "MarkDoneCmdData" Hidden = "TRUE" SubCommand_10 = "MarkDoneUpdateActivityStatus" SubCommand_20 = "MarkDoneDevCmd" ExecUntilOK = "FALSE" ExecuteAll = "TRUE" [CmdData:MarkDoneCmdData] Param.Queue = "{MarkDoneQueue}" Param.TrackingID = "{@SelectedWorkItem:DriverWorkTrackID}" Param.ChatAfterAction = "FORCE_CLOSE" Comments = ""   Reply
[Command:Reply] DeviceCommand = "OpenMediaReply" Comments = "" Profile = "Gplus OpenMedia" CmdData = "ReplyCmdData" Hidden = "TRUE" SubCommand_10 = "MarkDoneUpdateActivityStatus" SubCommand_20 = "ReplyDevCmd" ExecUntilOK = "FALSE" ExecuteAll = "TRUE" [CmdData:ReplyCmdData] Param.Subject = "{Subject}" Param.To = "{To}" Param.FromAddress = "{FromAddress}" Param.CcAddresses = "{CcAddresses}" Param.BccAddresses = "{BccAddresses}" Param.InheritedAttachedData= "{InheritedAttachedData}" Param.InheritedCategories= "{InheritedCategories}" Param.InteractionId = "{OutboundInteraction}" Param.InteractionSubtype = "OutboundReply" Param.InteractionType = "Outbound" Param.MediaType = "email" Param.ParentId = "{@SelectedWorkItem:DriverWorkTrackID}" Param.Queue = "{MarkDoneQueue}" Param.SubmitQueue = "{SubmitQueue}" Param.TrackingID = "{@SelectedWorkItem:DriverWorkTrackID}" Comments = ""   OpenMediaTransferToAgent
[Command:OpenMediaTransferToAgent] Description = "Transfer interaction to another agent" ServiceMethod = "MCR Activity manager.TransferToAgent" Comments = "" Profile = "Gplus OpenMedia" CmdData = "OpenMediaTransferToAgentCmdData" Hidden = "TRUE" DeviceCommand = "OpenMediaTransfer" [CmdData:OpenMediaTransferToAgentCmdData] ServiceParam.WorkbinAgentId = "[Agent Login]" SelectApplet = "MCR Agent List Popup Applet" SelectBusComp = "CommSrv CM Agents" SelectBusObj = "MCR Email" SelectParam = "TRUE" SelectTitle = "Choose an Agent to transfer to" Comments = "" Param.TrackingID = "{@SelectedWorkItem:DriverWorkTrackID}" Param.WorkbinAgentId = "[Agent Login]"   OpenMediaTransferToQueue
[Command:OpenMediaTransferToQueue] Description = "Transfer Interaction to Queue" ServiceMethod = "MCR Activity manager.TransferToQueue" Comments = "" Profile = "Gplus OpenMedia" CmdData = "OpenMediaTransferToQueueCmdData" Hidden = "TRUE" DeviceCommand = "OpenMediaPlaceInQueue" [CmdData:OpenMediaTransferToQueueCmdData] ServiceParam.Queue = "[name]" SelectApplet = "MCR Queue List Popup Applet" SelectBusComp = "Genesys Script" SelectBusObj = "MCR Email" SelectParam = "TRUE" SelectTitle = "Choose a Queue to transfer to" Comments = "" Param.TrackingID = "{@SelectedWorkItem:DriverWorkTrackID}" Param.Queue = "[name]"   MarkDoneChat
[Command:MarkDoneChat] ExecuteAll = "TRUE" SubCommand_1 ="MarkDoneChatSetPropertiesData" SubCommand_10 ="MarkDoneChatPlaceInQueue" Hidden = "TRUE" DeviceCommand = "OpenMediaPlaceInQueue" Comments = "" Profile = "Gplus OpenMedia" CmdData = "MarkDoneChatCmdData"

4.2.2   Changes in Events   OpenMediaWorkbinContent
[EventHandler:OpenMediaWorkbinContent] ServiceMethod = "MCR Drafts Workbin.WorkbinContentUpdate" ServiceParam.AgentId = "{@AgentID}" ServiceParam.Content = "{Content}" ServiceParam.WorkbinId = "{Workbin}" Comments = "" DeviceEvent = "OpenMediaWorkbinContent" Profile = "Gplus OpenMedia" Response ="OpenMediaWorkbinRefresh" Order = "0" [EventResponse:OpenMediaWorkbinRefresh] Comments = "" Command = "RefreshWorkbinListView"   OpenMediaInvited
[EventHandler:OpenMediaInvited] Filter.MediaType = "email" ServiceMethod = "MCR Activity manager.ImportInteraction" ServiceParam.DoneQueues = "{InQueues}" ServiceParam.InteractionId = "{InteractionId}" ServiceParam.InteractionType = "{InteractionType}" ServiceParam.OutputQueues = "{OutQueues}" ServiceParam.ParentInteractionId = "{ParentId}" ServiceParam.MediaType = "{MediaType}" ServiceParam.UserData = "{UserData}" ServiceParam.SubmittedAt = "{SubmittedAt}" Comments = "" DeviceEvent = "OpenMediaInvited" Profile = "Gplus OpenMedia" Response = "OnEventInvited" Order = "0" [EventResponse:OnEventInvited] Log = "UpdateWorkTrackingObj" Comments = "" [EventLog:UpdateWorkTrackingObj] WorkTrackingObj.ItxID = "{InteractionId}" WorkTrackingObj.ItxType = "{InteractionType}" WorkTrackingObj.ParentItxID = "{ParentId}" Comments = ""   OpenMediaWorkbinChanged
[EventHandler:OpenMediaWorkbinChanged] ServiceMethod = "MCR Drafts Workbin.WorkbinContentChanged" ServiceParam.AgentId = "{@AgentID}" ServiceParam.InteractionId = "{InteractionId}" ServiceParam.InteractionType = "{InteractionType}" ServiceParam.Operation = "{Operation}" ServiceParam.UserData = "{UserData}" ServiceParam.WorkbinId = "{Workbin}" Comments = "" DeviceEvent = "OpenMediaWorkbinChanged" Profile = "Gplus OpenMedia" Response ="OpenMediaWorkbinRefresh" Order = "0"   OpenMediaInvitedChat
[EventHandler:OpenMediaInvitedChat] Filter.MediaType = "chat" Comments = "" DeviceEvent = "OpenMediaInvited" Profile = "Gplus OpenMedia" Response = "OnEventChatInvited" Order = "20" ServiceMethod = "Genesys Chat.Join Chat" ServiceParam.InteractionId = "{InteractionId}" ServiceParam.InteractionType = "{InteractionType}" ServiceParam.UserData = "{UserData}" ServiceParam.SubmittedAt = "{SubmittedAt}" ServiceParam.ChatSubmitedAt = "{@Now}" [EventResponse:OnEventChatInvited] Log = "UpdateWorkTrackingObjChat" Comments = "" [EventLog:UpdateWorkTrackingObjChat] WorkTrackingObj.ItxID = "{InteractionId}" WorkTrackingObj.ItxType = "{InteractionType}"   OpenMediaAcceptedChat
[EventHandler:OpenMediaAcceptedChat] Filter.MediaType = "chat" Comments = "" DeviceEvent = "OpenMediaAccepted" Profile = "Gplus OpenMedia" Order = "20" ServiceMethod = "Genesys Chat.Chat Accepted" ServiceParam.InteractionId = "{InteractionId}" ServiceParam.UserData = "{UserData}" ServiceParam.ChatStartedAt = "{ChatStartedAt}"   ChatNewParty
[EventHandler:ChatNewParty] Comments = "" DeviceEvent = "ChatNewParty" Profile = "Gplus OpenMedia" Order = "0" Response = "OnChatNewParty" [EventResponse:OnChatNewParty] ServiceMethod = "Genesys Chat.New Party" ServiceParam.ChatUsrId = "{ChatUsrId}" ServiceParam.ChatUsrType = "{ChatUsrType}" ServiceParam.ChatMsgType = "{ChatMsgType}" ServiceParam.ChatUsrNick = "{ChatUsrNick}" ServiceParam.ChatSerialNumber = "{ChatSerialNumber}" ServiceParam.ChatTimeshift = "{ChatTimeshift}" ServiceParam.ChatVisibility = "{ChatVisibility}" ServiceParam.SiebelWorkItemID = "{SiebelWorkItemID}" ServiceParam.ChatStartedAt = "{ChatStartedAt}"   ChatPartyLeft
[EventHandler:ChatPartyLeft] Comments = "" DeviceEvent = "ChatPartyLeft" Profile = "Gplus OpenMedia" Response = "OnChatPartyLeft" [EventResponse:OnChatPartyLeft] ServiceMethod = "Genesys Chat.Party Left" ServiceParam.ChatUsrId = "{ChatUsrId}" ServiceParam.ChatUsrType = "{ChatUsrType}" ServiceParam.ChatUsrNick = "{ChatUsrNick}" ServiceParam.ChatMsgType = "{ChatMsgType}" ServiceParam.ChatSerialNumber = "{ChatSerialNumber}" ServiceParam.ChatTimeshift = "{ChatTimeshift}" ServiceParam.ChatVisibility = "{ChatVisibility}" ServiceParam.SiebelWorkItemID = "{SiebelWorkItemID}" ServiceParam.ChatStartedAt = "{ChatStartedAt}"   ChatMessage
[EventHandler:ChatMessage] Comments = "" DeviceEvent = "ChatMessage" Profile = "Gplus OpenMedia" Order = "0" Response = "OnChatMessage" [EventResponse:OnChatMessage] ServiceMethod = "Genesys Chat.Show Chat Message" ServiceParam.ChatVisibility = "{ChatVisibility}" ServiceParam.ChatMsgText = "{ChatMsgText}" ServiceParam.ChatMsgType = "{ChatMsgType}" ServiceParam.ChatSerialNumber = "{ChatSerialNumber}" ServiceParam.ChatTimeshift = "{ChatTimeshift}" ServiceParam.SiebelWorkItemID = "{SiebelWorkItemID}" ServiceParam.ChatUsrId = "{ChatUsrId}" ServiceParam.ChatUsrType = "{ChatUsrType}" ServiceParam.ChatUsrNick = "{ChatUsrNick}" ServiceParam.ChatStartedAt = "{ChatStartedAt}"   MarkDoneChat
[EventHandler:MarkDoneChat] Filter.MediaType = "chat" Comments = "" DeviceEvent = "OpenMediaReleased" Profile = "Gplus OpenMedia" Order = "10" Response = "OnChatReleased" [EventResponse:OnChatReleased] ServiceMethod = "Genesys Chat.Chat Closed" ServiceParam.InteractionId = "{InteractionId}" ServiceParam.InteractionType = "{InteractionType}" ServiceParam.UserData = "{UserData}" ServiceParam.ChatReleasedAt = "{@Now}" ServiceParam.SiebelWorkItemID = "{SiebelWorkItemID}" ServiceParam.DestinationQueue = "{PlacedInQueue}"   OpenMediaReleased
[EventHandler:OpenMediaReleased] Filter.MediaType = "email" ServiceMethod = "MCR Activity manager.UpdateActivityStatus" ServiceParam.InteractionId = "{InteractionId}" ServiceParam.InteractionType = "{InteractionType}" ServiceParam.OperationType = "Released" ServiceParam.DestinationQueue = "{PlacedInQueue}" DeviceEvent = "OpenMediaReleased" Profile = "Gplus OpenMedia" Order = "0"   OpenMediaPulled
[EventHandler:OpenMediaPulled] ServiceMethod = "MCR Activity manager.ImportInteraction" ServiceParam.DoneQueues = "{InQueues}" ServiceParam.InteractionId = "{InteractionId}" ServiceParam.InteractionType = "{InteractionType}" ServiceParam.MediaType = "{MediaType}" ServiceParam.UserData = "{UserData}" ServiceParam.OutputQueues = "{OutQueues}" ServiceParam.ParentInteractionId = "{ParentId}" ServiceParam.SubmittedAt = "{SubmittedAt}" Comments = "" DeviceEvent = "OpenMediaPulled" Profile = "Gplus OpenMedia" Response = "OnOpenMediaPulled" Order = "0" [EventResponse:OnOpenMediaPulled] ServiceMethod = "MCR Activity manager.UpdateActivityStatus" ServiceParam.InteractionId = "{InteractionId}" ServiceParam.InteractionType = "{InteractionType}" ServiceParam.OperationType = "Opened" Log = "UpdateWorkTrackingObj" Comments = ""

4.2.3   New Commands   ComposeGEmailToUnknownT
[Command:ComposeGEmailToUnknownT] ServiceMethod = "MCR Activity manager.CreateNew" Comments = "" Profile = "Gplus OpenMedia" Hidden = "TRUE" CmdData = "ComposeGEmailToUnknownT" Hidden = "TRUE" [CmdData:ComposeGEmailToUnknownT] ServiceParam.MimeType = "" Comments = ""   ComposeGEmailToSelectedT
[Command:ComposeGEmailToSelectedT] ServiceMethod = "MCR Activity manager.CreateNew" Comments = "" Profile = "Gplus OpenMedia" CmdData = "ComposeGEmailToSelectedT" Hidden = "TRUE" [CmdData:ComposeGEmailToSelectedT] RequiredField.@SelectedText = "?*" ServiceParam.MimeType = "" ServiceParam.ToAddresses = "{@SelectedText}" Comments = ""   ComposeGEmailToContactT
[Command:ComposeGEmailToContactT] ServiceMethod = "MCR Activity manager.CreateNew" Comments = "" Profile = "Gplus OpenMedia" CmdData = "ComposeGEmailToContactT" Hidden = "TRUE" [CmdData:ComposeGEmailToContactT] BusComp = "Contact" RequiredField.'Email Address' = "?*" ServiceParam.MimeType = "" ServiceParam.ToAddresses = "{Email Address}" Comments = ""   ComposeGEmailToActivitySenderT
[Command:ComposeGEmailToActivitySenderT] ServiceMethod = "MCR Activity manager.CreateNew" Comments = "" Profile = "Gplus OpenMedia" CmdData = "ComposeGEmailToActivitySenderT" Hidden = "TRUE" [CmdData:ComposeGEmailToActivitySenderT] BusComp = "Action" RequiredField.'Email Sender Address' = "?*" ServiceParam.MimeType = "" ServiceParam.ToAddresses = "{Email Sender Address}" Comments = ""   MakeChatWorkItemActive
[Command:MakeChatWorkItemActive] ServiceMethod = "Genesys Chat.makeChatWIActive" Profile = "Gplus OpenMedia"   OpenMediaTransferToAgentDo
[Command:OpenMediaTransferToAgentDo] Description = "Transfer interaction to another agent (device cmd)" DeviceCommand = "OpenMediaTransfer" Comments = "" Profile = "Gplus OpenMedia" CmdData = "OpenMediaTransferToAgentDoCmdData" Hidden = "TRUE" [CmdData:OpenMediaTransferToAgentDoCmdData] Param.TrackingID = "{TrackingID}" Param.WorkbinAgentId = "{WorkbinAgentId}" Comments = ""   OpenMediaTransferToQueueDo
[Command:OpenMediaTransferToQueueDo] Description = "Transfer Interaction to Queue (device cmd)" DeviceCommand = "OpenMediaPlaceInQueue" Comments = "" Profile = "Gplus OpenMedia" CmdData = "OpenMediaTransferToQueueDoCmdData" Hidden = "TRUE" [CmdData:OpenMediaTransferToQueueDoCmdData] Param.TrackingID = "{TrackingID}" Param.Queue = "{Queue}" Comments = ""   RefreshWorkbinListView
[Command:RefreshWorkbinListView] AllViews = "FALSE" DeviceCommand = "@OpenView" CmdData = "RefreshWorkbinListViewCmdData" Hidden = "TRUE" View = "MCR Workbin View" [CmdData:RefreshWorkbinListViewCmdData] Param.View = "MCR Workbin View" Comments = ""   MarkDoneChatPlaceInQueue
[Command:MarkDoneChatPlaceInQueue] DeviceCommand = "OpenMediaPlaceInQueue" Comments = "" Profile = "Gplus OpenMedia" CmdData = "MarkDoneChatPlaceInQueueCmdData" Hidden = "TRUE" [CmdData:MarkDoneChatPlaceInQueueCmdData] CmdChannelOnFocus = "TRUE" Param.Queue = "__STOP__" Param.TrackingID = "{@SelectedWorkItem:DriverWorkTrackID}" Param.Send_Chat_Transcript = "{Send_Chat_Transcript}" Param.ChatAfterAction = "FORCE_CLOSE"   MarkDoneChatSetPropertiesData
[Command:MarkDoneChatSetPropertiesData] DeviceCommand = "OpenMediaChangeProperties" Comments = "" Profile = "Gplus OpenMedia" CmdData = "MarkDoneChatSetPropertiesDataCmdData" Hidden = "TRUE" [CmdData:MarkDoneChatSetPropertiesDataCmdData] CmdChannelOnFocus = "TRUE" Param.TrackingID = "{@SelectedWorkItem:DriverWorkTrackID}" Param.Send_Chat_Transcript = "{Send_Chat_Transcript}"   OpenMediaLeave
[Command:OpenMediaLeave] Description = "Leave Multimedia Interaction" Title = "Leave Multimedia Interaction" DeviceCommand = "OpenMediaLeave" Hidden = "True" Profile = "Gplus OpenMedia" CmdData = "OpenMediaLeaveCmdData" [CmdData:OpenMediaLeaveCmdData] Param.TrackingID = "{@SelectedWorkItem:DriverWorkTrackID}"

4.2.4   New Events   OpenMediaRestored
[EventHandler:OpenMediaRestored] Filter.MediaType = "email" ServiceMethod = "MCR Activity manager.UpdateActivityStatus" ServiceParam.InteractionId = "{InteractionId}" ServiceParam.InteractionType = "{InteractionType}" ServiceParam.OperationType = "Accepted" Comments = "" DeviceEvent = "OpenMediaRestored" Profile = "Gplus OpenMedia" Response = "OnOpenMediaRestored" Order = "0" [EventResponse:OnOpenMediaRestored] Log = "UpdateWorkTrackingObj" OpenView = "MCR dummy 2" Comments = ""   OpenMediaRestoredChat
[EventHandler:OpenMediaRestoredChat] Filter.MediaType = "chat" ServiceMethod = "Genesys Chat.Chat Accepted" ServiceParam.InteractionId = "{InteractionId}" ServiceParam.UserData = "{UserData}" Comments = "" DeviceEvent = "OpenMediaRestored" Profile = "Gplus OpenMedia" Response = "OnOpenMediaRestored" Order = "0"   OpenMediaInvitedFailed
[EventHandler:OpenMediaInvitedFailed] Comments = "" DeviceEvent = "OpenMediaInvited" Profile = "Gplus OpenMedia" Response = "OnEventInvitedFailed" Order = "100" [EventResponse:OnEventInvitedFailed] Comments = "" Command = "OpenMediaReject"   OpenMediaAcceptedFailed
[EventHandler:OpenMediaAcceptedFailed] Comments = "" DeviceEvent = "OpenMediaAccepted" Profile = "Gplus OpenMedia" Response = "OnEventAcceptedFailed" Order = "100" [EventResponse:OnEventAcceptedFailed] Comments = "" Command = "OpenMediaReject"   OpenMediaPulledFailed
[EventHandler:OpenMediaPulledFailed] Comments = "" DeviceEvent = "OpenMediaPulled" Profile = "Gplus OpenMedia" Response = "OnOpenMediaPulledFailed" Order = "100" [EventResponse:OnOpenMediaPulledFailed] Comments = "" Command = "OpenMediaLeave"

4.2.5   Deleted Commands   MarkDoneDevCmd
[Command:MarkDoneDevCmd] DeviceCommand = "OpenMediaPlaceInQueue" Comments = "" Profile = "Gplus OpenMedia" CmdData = "MarkDoneCmdData" Hidden = "TRUE" [CmdData:MarkDoneCmdData] Param.Queue = "{MarkDoneQueue}" Param.TrackingID = "{@SelectedWorkItem:DriverWorkTrackID}" Comments = ""   MarkDoneUpdateActivityStatus
[Command:MarkDoneUpdateActivityStatus] Hidden = "TRUE" ServiceMethod = "MCR Activity manager.UpdateActivityStatus" CmdData = "MarkDoneCmdDataUpdateStatus" [CmdData:MarkDoneCmdDataUpdateStatus] ServiceParam.CfgCommand = "commandCall" ServiceParam.DestinationQueue = "{MarkDoneQueue}" ServiceParam.InteractionId = "{@SelectedWorkItem:DriverWorkTrackID}" ServiceParam.InteractionType = "{@SelectedWorkItem:ItxType}" ServiceParam.OperationType = "Released"   ReplyDevCmd
[Command:ReplyDevCmd] DeviceCommand = "OpenMediaReply" Comments = "" Profile = "Gplus OpenMedia" CmdData = "ReplyCmdData" Hidden = "TRUE" [CmdData:ReplyCmdData] Param.Subject = "{Subject}" Param.To = "{To}" Param.FromAddress = "{FromAddress}" Param.CcAddresses = "{CcAddresses}" Param.BccAddresses = "{BccAddresses}" Param.InheritedAttachedData= "{InheritedAttachedData}" Param.InheritedCategories= "{InheritedCategories}" Param.InteractionId = "{OutboundInteraction}" Param.InteractionSubtype = "OutboundReply" Param.InteractionType = "Outbound" Param.MediaType = "email" Param.ParentId = "{@SelectedWorkItem:DriverWorkTrackID}" Param.Queue = "{MarkDoneQueue}" Param.SubmitQueue = "{SubmitQueue}" Param.TrackingID = "{@SelectedWorkItem:DriverWorkTrackID}" Comments = ""   RefreshOpenMediaView
[Command:RefreshOpenMediaView] FilterSpec = "[$GetCommandStatus(IsInteractionView)] = 'Enabled'" DeviceCommand = "@OpenView" Param.View = "MCR dummy 2" Hidden = "TRUE"

5   Media Routing Component

Note that the Media Routing Component use the same driver and profile as the Multimedia Component.

5.1   Changes in Commands and Events

5.1.1   Changes in Commands   ReleaseSEmail
[Command:ReleaseSEmail] ServiceMethod = "GplusMediaRoute.MarkDoneSE" CmdData = "ReleaseSEmail" Hidden ="True" Description = "Release Siebel Email " Profile = "Gplus OpenMedia" FilterSpec = "[@SelectedWorkItem:ChannelType] = 'OpenMedia' AND [@SelectedWorkItem:DriverWorkTrackID] IS NOT NULL" [CmdData:ReleaseSEmail] ServiceParam.QueueParameterName ="MediaRoutingDoneQueue"

5.1.2   Changes in Events   OpenMediaSelectedSE
[EventHandler:OpenMediaSelectedSE] Filter.MediaType = "SiebelEmail" Profile = "Gplus OpenMedia" Comments = "" Order = "40" Response = "OpenSiebelCommView" DeviceEvent = "OpenMediaSelected" [EventResponse:OpenSiebelCommView] OpenView ="MediaRouting Communication Detail View" Comments = ""

5.1.3   New Commands   MarkDoneMR
[Command:MarkDoneMR] DeviceCommand = "OpenMediaPlaceInQueue" Comments = "" Profile = "Gplus OpenMedia" CmdData = "MarkDoneCmdMR" Hidden = "TRUE" [CmdData:MarkDoneCmdMR] Param.Queue = "{MarkDoneQueue}" Param.TrackingID = "{@SelectedWorkItem:DriverWorkTrackID}" Comments = ""   PullbyInteractionIdMR
[Command:PullbyInteractionIdMR] Description = "Pull interaction by Genesys Interaction Id" DeviceCommand = "OpenMediaPullInteractionById" Hidden = "True" AllViews = "False" View = "Activity Detail View" Profile = "Gplus OpenMedia" CmdData = "PullbyInteractionIdCmdMR" [CmdData:PullbyInteractionIdCmdMR] RequiredField.Call Id = "?*" Param.InteractionId = "{Call Id}"   PullbyThirdPartyIdMR
[Command:PullbyThirdPartyIdMR] Description = "Pull interaction by Siebel record Id" ServiceMethod = "GplusMediaRoute.PullInteraction" Hidden = "True" AllViews = "False" View = "Activity Detail View" View = "Communication Detail - Response View" Profile = "Gplus OpenMedia" Comments = "" CmdData = "PullbyThirdPartyCmdMR" [CmdData:PullbyThirdPartyCmdMR] RequiredField.Id = "?*" ServiceParam. InteractionField = "Call Id" ServiceParam.ThirdPartyId = "{Id}" Comments = ""   StopbyInteractionIdMR
[Command:StopbyInteractionIdMR] Description = "Stop Siebel Email by Call Id" Title = "Stop Siebel Email by Call Id" Hidden = "True" AllViews = "False" View = "Activity Detail View" ServiceMethod = "GplusMediaRoute.StopWorkItem" Profile = "Gplus OpenMedia" CmdData = "StopbyInteractionCmdMR" [CmdData:StopbyInteractionCmdMR] RequiredField.Call Id = "?*" ServiceParam.BackupGCSConnectionSubsystem = "GplusCommServerPrimary" ServiceParam.PrimaryGCSConnectionSubsystem = "GplusCommServerPrimary" ServiceParam.InteractionId = "{Call Id}" ServiceParam.Status = "Cancelled" ServiceParam.ThirdPartyId = "{Id}"   StopbyThirdPartyIdMR
[Command:StopbyThirdPartyIdMR] Description = "Stop Siebel Email by Activity Id" Title = "Stop Siebel Email by Activity Id" Hidden = "True" ServiceMethod = "GplusMediaRoute.StopWorkItem" AllViews = "False" View = "Activity Detail View" View = "Communication Detail - Response View" Profile = "Gplus OpenMedia" CmdData = "StopbyThirdPartyIdCmdMR" [CmdData:StopbyThirdPartyIdCmdMR] RequiredField.Id = "?*" ServiceParam.BackupGCSConnectionSubsystem = "GplusCommServerPrimary" ServiceParam.PrimaryGCSConnectionSubsystem = "GplusCommServerPrimary" ServiceParam.Status = "Cancelled" ServiceParam.ThirdPartyId = "{Id}"   MarkWorkItemDone
[Command:MarkWorkItemDone] Description = "Mark WorkItem as Done" Title = "Mark WorkItem as Done" Hidden = "True" ServiceMethod = "GplusMediaRoute.MarkWorkItemDone" FilterSpec = "[@SelectedWorkItem:ChannelType] = 'OpenMedia' AND [@SelectedWorkItem:DriverWorkTrackID] IS NOT NULL" Profile = "Gplus OpenMedia" CmdData = "MarkWorkItemDoneCmd" [CmdData:MarkWorkItemDoneCmd] ServiceParam.QueueParameterName = "MediaRoutingDoneQueue"

5.1.4   New Events   OpenMediaInvitedMR
[EventHandler:OpenMediaInvitedMR] FilterSpec = "NOT MediaType = 'email' AND NOT MediaType = 'chat'" DeviceEvent = "OpenMediaInvited" Profile = "Gplus OpenMedia" Response = "OnEventInvitedMR" Order = "10" [EventResponse:OnEventInvitedMR] Log = "UpdateWorkTrackingObjMR" [EventLog:UpdateWorkTrackingObjMR] WorkTrackingObj.ItxID = "{InteractionId}" WorkTrackingObj.ItxType = "{InteractionType}"   OpenMediaAcceptedMR
[EventHandler:OpenMediaAcceptedMR] Filter.ThirdPartyId = "?*" FilterSpec = "MediaType = 'SiebelEmail' OR MediaType = 'BackgroundEmail'" DeviceEvent = "OpenMediaAccepted" Profile = "Gplus OpenMedia" Response = "EventResponseAcceptMR" Order = "10" [EventResponse:EventResponseAcceptMR] QueryBusComp = "Action" QueryBusObj = "Action" Log = "EventLogAcceptMR" [EventLog:EventLogAcceptMR] BusComp = "Action" BusObj = "Action" LogField.Primary Owned By = "{@UserName}" LogField.Status = "Not Started" QuerySpec = "Id='{ThirdPartyId}'"   OpenMediaPulledMR
[EventHandler:OpenMediaPulledMR] Filter.ThirdPartyId = "?*" FilterSpec = "MediaType = 'SiebelEmail' OR MediaType = 'BackgroundEmail'" DeviceEvent = "OpenMediaPulled" Profile = "Gplus OpenMedia" Response = "OnOpenMediaPulledMR" Order = "10" [EventResponse:OnOpenMediaPulledMR] QueryBusComp = "Action" QueryBusObj = "Action" Log = "EventLogPulledMR" [EventLog:EventLogPulledMR] BusComp = "Action" BusObj = "Action" LogField.Primary Owned By = "{@UserName}" LogField.Status = "Not Started" QuerySpec = "Id='{ThirdPartyId}'"

5.1.5   Deleted Events   OpenMediaAcceptedSE
[EventHandler:OpenMediaAcceptedSE] FilterSpec = "MediaType = 'SiebelEmail' OR MediaType = 'BackgroundEmail'" Comments = "" DeviceEvent = "OpenMediaAccepted" Profile = "Gplus OpenMedia" Response = "EventResponseAcceptSE" Order = "10" [EventResponse:EventResponseAcceptSE] ServiceMethod = "GplusMediaRoute.UpdateActivity" ServiceParam.ThirdPartyId = "{ThirdPartyId}" ServiceParam.UserName = "{@UserName}"

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Additional Information

Additional information on Genesys Telecommunications Laboratories, Inc. is available on our Technical Support website. Please first consult the 7.2 and 7.5 versions of the Gplus Adapter for Siebel CRM Deployment Guide.

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