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Published Option
Default Value:
Valid Values: A locale name based on format LanguageCode-CountryCode (ex: 'en-US').
Changes Take Effect: At next request to the online help.
Specifies the locale of the Workspace online help. When this option is left empty, Workspace tries to find the online help that corresponds with the current language selected by the agent. If set to a valid locale (LanguageCode-CountryCode, for example: en-US), Workspace accesses the online help of the specified language.
Draft Option
Default Value:
Valid Values: A locale name based on format LanguageCode-CountryCode (ex: 'en-US').
Changes Take Effect: At next request to the online help.
Specifies the locale of the Workspace online help. When this option is left empty, Workspace tries to find the online help that corresponds with the current language selected by the agent. If set to a valid locale (LanguageCode-CountryCode, for example: en-US), Workspace accesses the online help of the specified language.