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Business Call Type Configuration

Determining the Business Call Type

T-Server uses the following options to determine the business call type of a call, which are displayed in order of precedence, from highest to lowest:

  • T-Server supports an Extensions attribute request to define the business call type upon call initiation or answer.
  • T-Server uses the originator agent state to determine if the call is work related.
  • The Configuration Manager Annex tab configuration option, bsns-call-type, specifies the business call type for calls that pass through or arrive at a distribution device.

If the call passes through a distribution device and there is no DN-level option present, the call is classified as a business call, as long as this is enabled by the bsns-call-dev-types option.
Automatic classification of calls as business calls on distribution DNs can be disabled by the Application-level option, bsns-call-dev-types.
If the corresponding flag of this option is disabled, calls passing distribution DNs of that type do not change their respective business classification, but the Extensions attribute request and DN-level option are still affected.
The distribution devices include the following device types:

    • Routing Point
    • ACD Queue
    • Routing Queue
    • External Routing Point
  • T-Server supports options that are configured on the Application-level to define whether specific call types (inbound, outbound, internal, or unknown) are to be classified as business calls.

Specifying the Business Call Type

To specify the business call type for the new call, the BusinessCallType Extensions attribute can be attached to the following requests:

  • TMakeCall
  • TInitiateTransfer
  • TMuteTransfer
  • TInitiateConference
  • TMakePredictiveCall

The BusinessCallType Extensions attribute takes precedence over all other Configuration Manager business call type configuration options. This Extensions attribute can also be attached to the TAnswerCall request to specify the business call type for the answering party and call.

The DN-level option, bsns-call-type, specifies the business call type for calls that pass through or arrive at a distribution device (Routing Point, Route Queue or ACD Queue). If the call passes through a distribution device and there is no Annex tab option present, the call is classified as a business call. If the call passes through more than one distribution device, then the usual rules for assigning a business call type are followed. Once set, the business call type cannot be overridden unless it is changed to a business call.

When the following configuration options: inbound-bsns-calls, internal-bsns-calls, and outbound-bsns-calls are set at the Application-level, they control whether the call type of the associated calls are classified as business calls. T-Server does not classify the business type of the call using these options until the destination is known. Also, these options are not used to set the originating party's business type as business until after the Dialing event is reported. (This is to ensure that Genesys reporting is consistent, regardless of the switch-reported order of events).

The private request, TSetBusinessCall, allows T-Server clients to set the business call type of an existing call to business. T-Server responds to a successful request by distributing the private event, EventBusinessCallSet.

This page was last edited on March 26, 2013, at 02:52.
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