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Switching Between Supervision Modes

Call Supervision functionality has been enhanced to enable a supervisor to change between any supervision modes—silent monitoring, whisper coaching, or open supervisor presence—in MSML-based call monitoring, as follows:

  • To switch from any mode to connect (or open supervision), the supervisor uses a TSetMuteOff request.
  • To switch from any mode to mute, the supervisor uses a TSetMuteOn request.
  • To switch from mute to coach, the supervisor uses a TSetMuteOff request with the MonitorMode=coach extension key.
  • To switch from connect to coach, the supervisor uses a TSetMuteOn request with the MonitorMode=coach extension key.

When a supervisor changes the supervision mode using the TSetMuteOff or TSetMuteOn request, SIP Server generates an EventPrivateInfo(4024) message with the MonitorMode key in AttributeExtensions to the supervisor and agent DNs, and all of subscribed T-Library clients.

Switching between supervision modes can be performed only during an established supervision call (with a supervisor present on the call), and from the same supervisor DN from which the TMonitorNextCall request was sent.

This feature is supported for Assistance Supervision and Multi-site Supervision, and for both monitoring scopes agent and call.

Note: This feature depends on support from specific versions of Workspace Desktop or a T-Library client. Consult corresponding documentation for the availability of this new feature in those components.

Feature Configuration

In the TServer section of the SIP Server Application, configure the following options:

  • msml-support—Set this option to true.
  • sip-enable-call-info—Set this option to true.

Other call supervision options can be configured as required:

  • cancel-monitor-on-disconnect
  • default-monitor-mode
  • default-monitor-scope
  • intrusion-enabled
  • monitor-internal-calls
  • monitor-consult-calls

Configuration Options

The sip-enable-call-info configuration option has been modified to support this feature.


Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

If set to true, SIP Server does the following:

  • Distributes the information about call participants to logged-in agents by using the SIP NOTIFY method and EventUserEvent messages.
  • Distributes an EventPrivateInfo(4024) message, with the MonitorMode key in AttributeExtensions, to a supervisor and agent DNs indicating that monitoring mode was changed.

If set to false, SIP Server does not distribute an EventPrivateInfo(4024) message when the monitoring mode changes.


The MonitorMode key has been modified to support this feature.

Key: MonitorMode
Type: String
Valid Values: mute, normal, connect, coach
Requests: TMonitorNextCall, TRouteCall, TSetMuteOn, TSetMuteOff
Events: EventPrivateInfo

Specifies the monitoring mode as follows:

  • mute, normal—A mute connection.
  • connect—A three-party conference call (open supervision).
  • coach—Only the agent can hear the supervisor (whisper coaching).

If MonitorMode is set to coach in the TSetMuteOff or TSetMuteOn request, the monitoring mode is changed to whisper coaching for the current supervision session.

Note: TSetMuteOn and TSetMuteOff support only the coach value.

Feature Limitation

Supervision modes cannot be changed during the remote supervision session.

This page was last edited on November 25, 2014, at 21:47.
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