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Section: URS Queueing
Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: <data>=<value>
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Discontinued: From to

Provides the additional configuration extension data required for advanced scenarios and used for the customization of the URS prioritization strategy. Use this option to pass additional extension data to the URS strategy, for example, if you customize the WaitForTarget IRD strategy.

Multiple values can be combined to form a comma-separated list that the URS strategy will parse. For example, _urs_extension_data=targets=VAG1,VAG2,VAG3;

This is an advanced parameter. To modify the value of an advanced parameter, you must enable Advanced Parameters in the Service Management UI.


Section: Queue Management
Default Value: 86400
Valid Values: integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Specifies the maximum EWT possible value. If computed EWT is higher than this value, it is set to upper bound.


Section: URS Queueing
Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Maximum value in the range of permitted values for the call's priority in the URS VQ. If the call's priority changes and this moves it out of the range defined by the _urs_vq_priority_min and _urs_vq_priority_max options, GMS fixes the call's priority to make it fit in the permitted range. Priorities greater than _urs_vq_priority_max will be corrected to _urs_vq_priority_max.


Section: URS Queueing
Default Value: 0
Valid Values: integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Minimum value in the range of permitted values for the call's priority in the URS VQ. If the call's priority changes and this moves it out of the range defined by the _urs_vq_priority_min and _urs_vq_priority_max options, GMS fixes the call's priority to make it fit in the permitted range. Priorities lower than _urs_vq_priority_min will be corrected to _urs_vq_priority_min.

Genesys Mobile Services Release Notes

Release Date Release Type Restrictions AIX Linux Solaris Windows
03/15/19 Update X X

Helpful Links

What's New

This release contains the following new features and enhancements:

Resolved Issues

This release contains the following resolved issues:

GMS is able again to parse the Proxy Pac file. Previously, since, GMS could not use proxy servers for notification due to an issue in the JavaScript parser engine. (GMS-7496)

When an agent is removed from an agent group for a CurrentTargetState statistic, the statistics result no longer contains the data for the removed agent. (GMS-7495)

In the customer-first scenario, while connecting to the selected agent, if the customer disconnects immediately after the agent connects, the reporting KVPs no longer show COMPLETED.ABANDONED_IN_QUEUE. (GMS-7460)

If you are using URS 8.1.400.49, the check-queue-position request now returns the position in queue; as a result, the Callback Admin UI can correctly display information about the callback position in queue. (GMS-7455)

The timing issue causing an incorrect Callback status has been fixed. (GMS-7392)

If URS returns the ewt=10000 statistic response, which happens in the case of an URS error or unavailable agents, and if you configured _statistic_ewt_upper_bound < 10000, then GMS now computes delays to be equal to the value configured for _statistic_ewt_upper_bound. Previously, in this scenario, GMS incorrectly computed delays to be equal to the minimum between the calculated Estimated Wait Time and the value of _statistic_ewt_upper_bound. (GMS-7365)

GMS now successfully starts with the jetty-http.xml file that was generated using the port restriction feature in the Service Management UI. (GMS-7347)

The _urs_extension_data option has been updated. (GMS-7304)

Upgrade Notes

Further instructions are available in the upgrade section of the Genesys Mobile Service Deployment Guide.

This page was last edited on March 15, 2019, at 18:49.
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