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New or Updated IRD Object Descriptions

Add/update the following IRD object descriptions in the Universal Routing 8.1 Reference Manual:

Classification Object Update

Chapter 2: Interaction Routing Designer Objects: In the section on the Classification object, Table 34: User Data Example, is updated with additional information in the form of notes. The table should now appear as follows:

Parameter Value
CtgId 00001a05F5U900QW

Note: This value is the Universal Contact Server identifier for the selected category (category having the maximum relevancy).

CtgRelevancy 95

Note: This is relevancy of the selected category.

CtgName Cooking

Note: This is name of the selected category.

CtgId_00001a05F5U900QW 95

Note: This identifier, as well as those below, are other categories (together with their relevancies) returned by Classification Server as a result of classification.

CtgId_00001a05F5U900QX 85
CtgId_00001a05F5U900QY 75
CtgId_00001a05F5U900QZ 65

Classification Server 8.5 and Strategy Execution

When working in a multimedia deployment, if a screening rule is not found:

  • Classification Server 8.1 reports an ExternalServiceResponse message indicating that there is no match for a screening rule and strategy execution continue through the object’s green port.
  • Classification Server 8.5 reports an ExternalServiceFault message with FaultCode 904 indicating that a screening rule is not found and strategy execution continue through the object’s red port.

Identify Contact Object Update

Chapter 2: Interaction Routing Designer Objects: In the Identify Contact object, General Tab, the Update User Data definition should now read as follows:

Universal Contact Server returns contact attribute values only when a unique contact is found/created. Select Update User Data in the Identify Contact object to have the contact attribute values returned by the Universal Contact Server be part of the User Data of the response. When the Update User Data property is selected AND if a unique contact is identified or created, Universal Contact Server returns the contact attribute values in the User Data part of its response. If a unique contact is identified or created and the Update User Data property is not set, the contact attribute values will be returned in the parameter part of the ESP response.

Web Service Object Update

Starting with IRD Release 8.1.400.15, security parameters of the Web Service object are extended to include Proxy Server parameters—Host and Port—to enable execution of Web requests through HTTP Proxy Server. New parameters are supported by URS version 8.1.400.16 or later.

Security parameters of the Web Service object are extended to include the following fields:

  • Client authentication—To explicitly enable/disable authentication of a client (URS) when a corresponding Web request is involved. The allowed values for this field are true or false / 1 or 0.
  • Protocol—To explicitly specify the security protocol to be used for the specific Web request. It applies only to UNIX and overrides the URS def_sec_protocol option setting.

New parameters are supported by URS version 8.1.400.16 or later.

Usage of Prefixes to Define Value Types in KVList

Any URS function creating or updating a KVList allows to define the type of values by adding a prefix to the key name.

Allowed prefixes:

  • {s} for string
  • {d} for integer

To define type in a nested list, for example, key1.key2.key3, the prefix should be provided before the innermost key: key1.key2.{d}key3.

Workbin Owner Types and Compatible Target Types

The list of Targets selected in the Workbin object depend strictly on the selected Type of Workbin Owner. Changing the Workbin Owner Type may result in clearing the list of Targets specified in the corresponding tab.

The following table lists the types of workbin owners and their compatible target types:

Workbin Owner Type

Compatible Target Types



Agent Group



Agent Group

Agent Group




Place Group


Place Group

Place Group


Using Variables in the Find Interaction Object

Given below is some additional information on using variables in Condition tab of the Find Interaction object, explained on page 228 of the Universal Routing 8.1 Reference Manual (Chapter 2: Interaction Routing Designer Objects, Multimedia Objects section):

You can use character sets {|...|} or {?...?} to denote an expression that URS must evaluate. For example,

var\_contact = {|contactId|} and MediaType = "email".

The result is put into quotes when using {|...|} and is displayed as is, that is not put into quotes, when using {?...?}.

For example,

  • {|contactId|} is displayed as '0002Pa5U45EP0015'
  • {?contactId?} is displayed 0002Pa5U45EP0015.
This page was last edited on August 17, 2021, at 06:06.
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