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Frontline Advisor Configuration Parameters

This page contains information about the Frontline Advisor (FA) configuration properties file (<Advisors>/conf/FrontlineAdvisor.properties). Use this information to help you to edit the FA configuration. All of the parameters listed are either specified during installation of Frontline Advisor, or set to an appropriate default, and are generally not expected to need to be changed.

Parameter Description
__failure_notification_fromAddress Sender email address used for notifications sent from Frontline Advisor
__failure_notification_toAddress Email address where notifications from Frontline Advisor should be directed to
plt.database.type Indicates what RDBMS is being used for the Advisors Platform database: either Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server
link.out.url.template A legacy parameter of the Frontline Advisor Agent Advisor dashboard which is no longer present in the 8.5.2 release.
__checkDBConnectivity_JobFrequency_inMilliSecs Frequency (in milliseconds) Frontline Advisor will check for DB connection issues and send notifications to the FA administrator if one is discovered. The impact of this check on the database during normal operation should be negligible and not normally need to be adjusted.
__resetStateMachine_JobFrequency_inMilliSecs Specifies how often (in milliseconds) the system will check for a High Availability (HA) or connectivity status initiated aggregation process reset. The default (5 sec) is a negligible fraction of the total time required for resetting of the aggregation process, and should not normally need to be adjusted.
__allowed_state_refresh_rates Specified which time intervals are available for selection in FA administration for state metrics. Note: Do not change these values unless you are sure the values are supported by the Connector
__allowed_performance_rule_refresh_rates Specified which time intervals are available for selection in FA administration for performance metrics. Note: Do not change these values unless you are sure the values are supported by the Connector
hierarchy.tenantname.{0,1,2} The Configuration Server Tenant that the corresponding hierarchy path (see hierarchy.root.foldername.{0,1,2}) belongs to.
hierarchy.root.foldername.{0,1,2} Path(s) to the root(s) of the Frontline Advisor hierarchy in the Configuration Server. If multiple hierarchy roots are configured they will be displayed together under a combined "Enterprise" root element in the Advisors dashboard
hierarchy.reload.cronExpression Specifies a schedule for reloading of the entire FA hierarchy. By default this is configured to run daily at 02:55 based on the system time (generally outside of business hours). If you wish to adjust this schedule refer to documentation on the cron trigger syntax
hierarchy.dynamicUpdate.maxBatchSize All update events which can be read from the Configuration Server at one time will be batched together for reconciling with FA adapter(s). This parameter allows for specifying a maximum batch size to limit the batch size and ensure that changes are eventually reflected within FA in situations where there is an indefinitely long or continuous stream of updates. Any series of updates smaller in number than this maximum size is of course applied immediately.
hierarchy.dynamicUpdate.subscribe Toggles subscription to update events from the Configuration Server which are used to update the FA hierarchy. Enabled by default, but can be disabled if the hierarchy is not changed, or changes do not need to be reflected in Frontline Advisor immediately. Scheduled reload of the hierarchy will still take place.
message.listening.port Port on which FA listens for connections from Adapter for source metric reporting. Set this to a static port, or zero, in which case any available port will be used
is.distributed Indicates if Frontline Advisor will persist its data in the Advisors distributed cache. Note: This is not intended to be set to false. The new Advisors Web Services serves data for all Advisors modules now. The serving of FA data for single-instance only configurations from a non-distributed cache is no longer supported.
enable.rollup.engine Specifies if the rollup engine (aggregation process) should run. Note: This is not intended to be changed after installation since installing with the aggregation process enabled also requires high availability (HA) integration with the Genesys Management Framework. Enabling/disabling this process after installation may result in Frontline Advisor failing to start or working incorrectly
rollup.engine.timeout Timeout in minutes to wait for an actively running aggregation process to complete before initiating high availability (HA) failover
accessibleDashboard.nodeDisplayLimit Maximum number of teams, agents, folders which can be displayed in the FA accessible dashboard. Note: increasing this limit may negatively impact the performance of Advisors
accessibleDashboard.metricDisplayLimit Maximum number of metrics which can be displayed in the FA accessible dashboard. Note: increasing this limit may negatively impact the performance of Advisors
This page was last edited on February 7, 2018, at 21:12.
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