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Inbound Queries for Database Capture Point

Read the general description of configurable queries for the Database Capture Point. The three inbound queries are listed below. All three are required.

Inbound Queries
Query parameter Description
captureQuerySql The database query that returns the result set in which each row will be captured as an interaction by Interaction Server. If a column name does not belong to the predefined interaction properties' names, its value will be attached to the user data of the interaction with a key corresponding to the column name.

For example: select externalid "ExternalId", stamp "ReceivedAt", tenantid "TenantId", priority "Priority", status "Status" from inbound where status='new'

capturedUpdateSql The database query that updates the corresponding database record to reflect that certain data has been successfully captured as an interaction by Interaction Server. Besides the values available from the corresponding capture query, the InteractionId value is available to this query if it has not been provided in the result set of the corresponding capture query.

For example: update inbound set interactionid=?'InteractionId', status='submitted' where externalid=?'ExternalId'

errorUpdateSql The database query that updates the corresponding database record to reflect that the associated interaction has not been captured by Interaction Server. Besides the values available from the corresponding capture query, additional values ErrorCode (integer) and ErrorDescription (string up to 256 characters) are available to this query.

For example: update inbound set status='error', errorcode=?'ErrorCode', errordescr=?'ErrorDescription' where externalid=?'ExternalId'

This page was last edited on April 17, 2020, at 18:11.
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