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Monitoring JS API


You can use the Monitoring JS API in your web pages to send events to the Genesys Web Engagement Frontend Server. This is independent from the set of events and conditions that are defined in the DSL files that are loaded by the browser's Monitoring Agents. The design model for the Monitoring JS API is highly flexible, and its use can be extended well beyond the common model of user-triggered events — the design decision is up to you. You can submit UserInfo, SignIn, SignOut, and your own custom business events using this API.

You can use InTools, a Chromium browser with a pre-installed "GPE DSL Editor" extension, to help you create, validate, and test the changes you want to make with the API. See Using InTools for details.

All commands and options are case sensitive.

The entry point for this API is the global _gt (Genesys Tracker) object which implements the push() method. The _gt.push() method takes an array as a parameter, which can contain any type of information, so longs as it follows this format:

_gt.push(['<commandName>', <options>])
  • <commandName> — name of the event command.
  • <options> — options for the command.

_gt.push(['event', options])

Sends business events to the Frontend Server.


Type Mandatory Description
options object yes A set of key/value pairs that represent event information.

Possible key/value pairs in "options"

Type Mandatory Description
eventName string yes The identification name of the business event. This field is equivalent to the name parameter of the DSL <event> element.
<customParameter> object no An object of additional key/value pairs to send along with the event.

Example with mandatory parameters

_gt.push(['event', { 
        eventName: 'AddToCart'

Example with additional parameters

_gt.push(['event', { eventName: 'AddToCart',
        productName : 'Sony',
        productModel:  'JVB72',
        productPrice:  '1000$'

_gt.push(['sendUserInfo', options])

Genesys Proactive Engagement relies on your website to trigger the transitions between visitor states (see Identifying Visitors).

This event sends the system "UserInfo" event with customer information. You should send this event when a user visits your website after closing the browser window on an authenticated session. For details, see Recognized Visitors.


Type Mandatory Description
options object yes A set of key/value pairs that represents event information.

Possible key/value pairs in "options"

Type Mandatory Description
userID string yes The identification ID for the user. For instance, the user account name or the e-mail address.
<customParameter> object no An object of additional key/value pairs to send along with event.

Example with mandatory parameters

_gt.push(['sendUserInfo',  {
        userID: 'user@genesyslab.com'

Example with additional parameters

_gt.push(['sendUserInfo',  {
        userID: 'user@genesyslab.com',     
        name:   'Bob',
        sex:    'male',
        age:    30

_gt.push(['sendSignIn', options])

This event creates and sends the system "SignIn" event. Send this event when the user is authenticated by the website. This allows the system to identify the user and creates a new "session" with a sessionID that is unique to a visit and will last the duration of the visit. Only Authenticated visitors have an associated sessionId.


Type Mandatory Description
options object yes A set of key/value pairs that represents event information.

Possible key/value pairs in "options"

Type Mandatory Description
userID string yes The identification ID for the user. For instance, the user account name or the e-mail address.
<customParameter> object no An object of additional key/value pairs to send along with event.

Example with mandatory parameters

_gt.push(['sendSignIn',  {
        userID: 'user@genesyslab.com'

Example with additional parameters

_gt.push(['sendSignIn',  {
        userID: 'user@genesyslab.com',     
        name:   'Bob',
        sex:    'male',
        age:    30

_gt.push(['sendSignOut', options])

This event creates and sends the "SignOut" system event for the current user. This event should be sent if the user performs a logout on the website or as soon as possible after the logout action was done. Note: The sessionId lasts for the duration of the authenticated user's visit to your website. It is stored in a cookie and sent with every event that occurs between "SignIn" and "SignOut", and is changed automatically after every "SignIn" event.


Type Mandatory Description
options object no A set of key/value pairs that represents event information.

Possible key/value pairs in "options"

Type Mandatory Description
userID string no The identification ID for the user. For instance, the user account name or the e-mail address.

Note: Genesys recommends using this parameter even though it is not mandatory.

<customParameter> object no An object of additional key/value pairs to send along with event.

Example with no parameter


Example with additional parameters

_gt.push(['sendSignOut', { 
        userID: 'user@genesyslab.com'

_gt.push(['getIDs', callback])

Gets visit identification information from the Web Engagement application. The callback contains an object with the visitID, globalVisitID, and pageID fields.


Type Mandatory Description
callback function(IDs) yes A function that is called if the request succeeds. The function is passed one argument.

"IDs" parameter

Type Mandatory Description
IDs object { globalVisitID, visitID, pageID } yes An object that contains visit identification information.


_gt.push(['getIDs', function(IDs) {
     console.log('globalVisitID: ' + IDs.globalVisitID);
     console.log('visitID: ' + IDs.visitID);
     console.log('pageID: ' + IDs.pageID);
This page was last edited on July 21, 2014, at 12:37.
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