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TTS Session Peak Report

This report lists the peak TTS Session usage for a sequence of time periods of fixed duration within a specified time range. The duration length depends on the specified "granularity."

Method: GET

Query/Path Parameters

Parameter Description

This describes target IVR Profile Config Server DBID. This may be specified one or more times. If specified, the report will contain data only for the specified app-id's.


This describes the target Component Config Server DBID. This may be specified one or more times. If specified, the report will contain data only for the specified comp-id's. Must be specified with session-id for generic CDR reports.

FROM* (mandatory)

This describes the start of the period the report would be for. It takes If the "from" does not align with the granularity, the report will normalize the "from" time to the granularity boundary mark before the specified value. It can take a format of "YYYY-MM-DD'T'HH:mm:ss[.SSS][zzzz]", where zzzz can be one of +mm:ss, -mm:ss, or Z

GRANULARITY* (mandatory)

This describes the unit of time for this report. It can take one of the following values: "FIVE_MINUTES", "THIRTY_MINUTES", "HOUR", "DAY", "WEEK", "MONTH". Each bin of the report will represent the number of calls arrived within that period of time.


This takes a value of a positive integer. It can be specified only if the granularity parameter equals DAY. When this parameter is specified, the generated report would contain data for simple moving average of daily data for the past x days, where x is the value of the "sma-period" parameter. That is, the value for some Date in the report is the average value of the x days on and before Date for the data type requested.


This describes the target Tenant Config Server DBID. This may be specified one or more times. If specified, the report will contain data only for the specified tenant-id's.


This describes the end of the period the report would be for. If the "to" does not align with the granularity, the report will normalize the "to" time to the granularity boundary mark after the specified value. It can take a format of "YYYY-MM-DD'T'HH:mm:ss[.SSS][zzzz]", where zzzz can be one of +mm:ss, -mm:ss, or Z


Number Response / Description
200 Success

The request has succeeded.

400 Request Failed

The Reporting Server has failed to handle user's request.

503 Query timed out

The query has timed out.

This page was last edited on April 24, 2014, at 17:40.
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