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Command Line Installation

Copy the release package to the web server. Start a command line console (cmd.exe) window in administrator mode.

Run msiexec with the name of the Skills ManagementSetup_v4.1.0.msi to begin the installation, e.g.:

msiexec /i Skills ManagementSetup.msi

Ensure that the “Skills ManagementSetup.msi” value is modified to match

Additional parameters can also be used to provide values for variables required by the installer. The following table provides information about these additional parameters.

Parameter Default value Explanation
SERVICESFOLDER x:\SLS\Websites\Services The folder in which the services will be installed.
SERVICESVIRTUALDIR Services The virtual directory that will be created in IIS that points to the services folder.
PORTALFOLDER x:\SLS\Websites\Portal The folder in which the Portal website will be created.
PORTALVIRTUALDIR Portal The virtual directory that will be created in IIS that points to the Portal folder.
PERFDNAFOLDER x:\SLS\Websites\performancedna The folder in which the Performance DNA website will be created.
PERFDNAVIRTUALDIR performancdna The virtual directory that will be created in IIS that points to the Performance DNA folder.
LOGINFOLDER X:\SLS\Websites\Login The folder in which the Login website will be created.
LOGINVIRTUALDIR Login The virtual directory that will be created in IIS that points to the Login folder.
MISCFOLDER x:\SLS\ The folder in which the Reports, Logs and QMedia folders will be created.
DBSERVER . The database server name to use for configuration and installation of databases.
TRAINING MANAGERDB Training Manager The name for the Training Manager database
REPORTSDB Skills ManagementReports The name for the Reporting database
PERFDNADB PerformanceDNA The name for the Performance DNA database
DNADB DNA The name of the DNA database
DBAUTH SQL The authentication method to use in the connection strings created in the various service / website configuration files. Can be either SQL or WIN (SQL Server authentication or Windows authentication).
DBUSER The user to create in SQL Server, and the user to use in connection strings if the selected DB authentication method is SQL.
DBPASSWORD The password to use for the DBUser, if DB authentication is SQL.
DBINSTALLAUTH WIN The authentication method to use whilst installing the database. As per DBAUTH.
DBUNINSTALLAUTH WIN (Uninstall only) The authentication method to use whilst uninstalling the database. As per DBAUTH.
DBINSTALLUSER If the install/uninstall authentication mode is SQL, this is the username used to install the database.
DBINSTALLPASSWORD If the install authentication mode is SQL, this is the password used to install the database.
SITEHOSTNAME localhost The site name that the services will be registered against in the config files, and the hostname used when showing the post-install page.

Yes if the services should be configured to run under anonymous access, anything else if the services should be configured to use Windows Authentication.

Note that the Yes is case-sensitive.


Yes if the websites and services should be configured to run under HTTPS, anything else if the services should be configured to use HTTP.

Note that the Yes is case-sensitive.


(Uninstall only) Yes if the databases should be removed by the installer. Anything other than Yes will mean the databases are left as they are.

Note that the Yes is case-sensitive.


(Uninstall only) Yes if the SQL server user should be removed by the installer (only has any effect if REMOVEDBS is also Yes).

Anything other than Yes will mean the users are left as they are.

Note that the Yes is case-sensitive.


Set this property to Yes if you want to enable AD authentication via the STS service.

Note that the Yes is case-sensitive.

STSCERTTHUMBPRINT Set this property to the certificate thumbprint of the certificate that you want to use. This should be a single string with no spaces. Also, ensure that you delete the invisible character at the beginning of the string if you copy and paste it from the certificate properties.
TENANTADMINLOGIN Set this property to the tenant administration administrator username.
TENANTADMINPASSWORD Set this property to the tenant administration password.

Additional options


To get a complete log of all output from the install, you should include:

/l*v logFileName.txt

UI visibility

/q – don’t show the user interface

/passive – shows a basic progress bar

Advanced installation

This installation specifies a value for all the properties. No user interface will be displayed and all installer steps are logged to log.txt.

msiexec /i Skills ManagementSetup.msi


If you set the USEHTTPS parameter to “Yes” then all the applications and services will be configured in IIS to use HTTPS rather than HTTP. Note that in this event, you should ensure that your webserver has a valid HTTPS binding, and that the host name you enter is valid for the certificate configured for the site in IIS.
If you wish to upgrade Skills Management from version 4.2.0 or earlier, you must first uninstall the old Skills Management server components via Control Panel -> Programs and Features before running the installer/installing via the command line parameters.

If you’ve previously installed/upgraded the software via the automated setup application or command line program, ensure that you input the same command line settings when upgrading to a newer version.

If you require DNA, follow the steps to configure DNA from the Performance DNA v9.0.0.0 Manual Installation Guide.

If you require STS and/or the Notifications client, follow the steps in the Installing and configuring AD authentication via the SLS Secure Token Service and Notifications 1.0 Client v9.0.0.0 Installation Guide documents.

Check service credentials

Verify the credentials you entered were correct by checking the Services Administrative Tool. Locate the Skills Management Invoker Service in the list of services, and ensure it is running. If it is not, this may be because the service account was not given log on as a service rights.

Skills Management Invoker Service in the list of services

If the service is not running and you are using a local computer account (rather than a domain account) you can double-click the service and correct the credentials in the Log On tab.

If you are using a domain account, ensure that it has the rights to log on as a service and refresh the local group policy by running gpupdate /force from an elevated command prompt.

This page was last edited on October 10, 2018, at 17:40.
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