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Service Status and Connection

This chapter explains how to deal with connection maintenance.

Service Status Design

Basically, a service represents the status of a connection to a server in the Genesys Framework or in Multi-Channel Routing. To handle connection changes, you implement a ServiceListener class, that monitors events on ServiceStatus objects. Then your application registers this listener for each service to be listened.
To determine which service your application will be able to listen, refer to the ServiceStatus.Type enumeration:

  • CONFIG —Connection to the Configuration Layer.
  • TELEPHONY —Connection to a T-Server.
  • IS —Connection to an Interaction Server.
  • CHAT —Connection to a Chat Server.
  • AIL —for AIL itself.
  • DATABASE —Connection to the Contact Server database.

The possible ServiceStatus.Status values are:

  • ON —Server is running and connection is established.
  • OFF —Server is down or connection is broken.
  • ABSENT —Connection has never been established with this server.
  • LICENSE —Connection could not be established for license reasons.

Connection Loss

If AIL loses its connection to a server, your application gets an event related to the associate service, turning its status to OFF. See Steps for Listening to Service Status for further details about receiving these events.
However, the connection loss has additional repercussions for the objects that depend on the disconnected server.

T-Server Use Case

If AIL loses its connection to T-Server (for instance, the network link breaks), the associated TELEPHONY service turns its status to OFF. As a consequence, from your application’s point of view, the DN and its voice interactions are no longer available:

  • if your application implements the handleDnEvent()method of your PlaceListener, it catches a DnEventwhich notifies the OUT_OF_SERVICE status (DnEvent.EventReason.STATUS_CHANGED).
  • if your application implements the handleInteractionEvent() method of your PlaceListener , it catches an InteractionEvent which notifies the IDLE status (InteractionEvent.EventReason.ABANDONED).

Actually, if only the network link breaks, voice interactions still exist (the agent and the customer are still talking); the strategy determines whether interactions are re-routed or not.

Do not assume that if your interaction status turns to IDLE (reason ABANDONED), or if your DN status is OUT_OF_SERVICE, AIL has lost its connection to T-Server. Rely on the service status to diagnose the lost connection.
Multimedia Use Case

In case your application loses its connection to the Interaction Server (for instance, the network link breaks), the associated IS service turns its status to OFF. As a consequence, from your application’s point of view, the media are no longer available.

  • if your application implements the handlePlaceEvent()method of your Place , or Agentinstance, it catches a PlaceEventMediaStatusChangedwhich notifies the Media.Status.OUT_OF_SERVICE status (Media.Reason.STATUS_REASON_CHANGED) .
  • if your application implements the handleInteractionEvent() method of your PlaceListener , it catches an InteractionEvent which notifies the IDLE status (InteractionEvent.EventReason.ABANDONED) for each multimedia interaction.

As with voice interactions, media interactions are IDLE only from the API point of view. On the Interaction Server side, the place’s media are logged out. The interactions are no longer associated with the disconnected place and are pushed back in queues (according the deployed strategy).


When AIL loses its connection to a server, it tries to reconnect till the connection attempt succeeds. Then, your application gets an event for the associated service, turning its status to ON . See Steps for Listening to Service Status for further details about receiving these events. As for the disconnection, the reconnection generates several events to update object statuses.

T-Server Use Case

For example, in the case that the link to a T-Server is restored, the switch is able to provide AIL with information. So, the Agent, Place, and Dn instances update, and your application gets status notifications according to the implemented event handlers. Additionally, if the agent is still talking to the contact, your application will get a new InteractionVoice instance in TALKING status,InteractionEvent.EventReason.ESTABLISHED .

Multimedia Use Case

At the reconnection, AIL logs into the media of the place. If your application implements the handlePlaceEvent()method of your PlaceListener , it catches a PlaceEventMediaStatusChangedwhich notifies the new Media.Status.READY status (Media.Reason.BACK_IN_SERVICE) . Then, getting back interactions is a job for the strategy or the agent application.

Restart all the Connections

At runtime, your application deals with a unique instance of the AilFactory . If you need to restart the AIL library and all its connections to Genesys servers, first kill your instance of AilFactory by calling the AilLoader.killFactory() method, as shown in the release() method of the Connector application block.


If this method call succeeds, you can get a new reference on the AilFactory singleton (see Five Rules to Build an AIL Server Application).

Genesys recommends the use of ailLoader.getFactory() in your AIL client application (instead of having a reference to the singleton throughout the code). This decreases the risk of reference issues associated with killFactory() usage.

Steps for Listening to Service Status

Now that you have been introduced to connection maintenance, it is time to outline the steps you will need to work with its events and objects.
As specified in the previous section, you need to register a listener per ServiceStatus object that your application should listen to. In the following code snippets, a single listener class is implemented to listen to the whole set of ServiceStatus objects.
There are five basic things you will need to do in your AIL applications to monitor service connections:

  • Implement a ServiceListener class. Here is how a SimpleService class would do this:
    public class SimpleService implements ServiceListener {
  • Implement the serviceStatusChanged() method, that notifies service status changes. In the following code snippet, the code implemented displays those statuses in real time.
    // This method must be implemented because this class
    // implements ServiceListener
    public void serviceStatusChanged(
    		ServiceStatus.Type service_type,
    		String service_name,
    		ServiceStatus.Status service_status) {
    	System.out.println(“Connection maintenance - “ + service_type.toString()+ ”: ” + service_name+ “ in status “ + service_status.toString());
  • Register the listener for each service to be monitored using this listener. In the following code snippet, the constructor of SimpleService registers for all services.
    //This constructor registers for all service available in AIL
    public SimpleService(AilFactory ailFactory)
    	// For each service...
    	Iterator it = services.entrySet().iterator();
    	while (it.hasNext()
    		Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) it.next();
    		// Get the service name
    		String name = (String) entry.getKey();
    		ServiceStatus service = (ServiceStatus)	entry.getValue(); 
    		ailFactory.addServiceListener(service.m_type, this) ;
This page was last edited on January 7, 2014, at 15:26.
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