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Serving JSONP

External Co-browse resources, such as localization files or custom chat templates, must be served via JSONP. Genesys Co-browse provides a simple way to serve resources using JSONP.

This functionality is supported in Co-browse

To serve a resource, put the resource into the "static" Jetty webapp directory (server/webapps/static in Co-browse deployment) of every Co-browse node in your cluster. You can then reference the resource as http://<COBROWSE_SERVER_URL>/static/your-resource.extension.

Supported extensions are *.json, *.html, *.xml.

JSONP Examples

Example 1: Serving Localization (JSON)

Suppose you wanted to override one key in the localization files so that the title of all UI dialogs would be "My Company" instead of "Co-browse". You could accomplish this by doing the following:

  1. Create a file with the following content:
      "modalTitle": "My Company"
  2. Save the file with the .json extension. For example, my-localization.json.
  3. Copy the file into the server/webapps/static folder of every Co-browse server in your cluster.
  4. In your instrumentation, tell Co-browse to use this file for localization using the Configuration API:
    var _genesys = {
        cobrowse: {
            localization: 'http:<COBROWSE_URL>/static/my-localization.json'

Example 2: Serving Custom Chat Templates (HTML)

Suppose you want to use a custom chat template. You could do so by doing the following:

  1. Download the default templates from Web Engagement or the Co-browse server. See Template-based Customization.
  2. Modify and save the file. For example, myChatTemplates.html. See examples in ChatWidgetAPI#Customizing the User Interface.
  3. Copy the file into the server/webapps/static folder of every Co-browse server in your cluster.
  4. In your instrumentation, configure chat to use this template file:
    var _genesys = {
        chat: {
            templates: 'http:<COBROWSE_URL>/static/myChatTemplates.html'
You must put the resource(s) on all nodes in the Co-browse cluster.
Web Engagement servers support similar functionality, see Web Engagement Architecture#Hosting Static Resources.
This page was last edited on November 6, 2015, at 20:08.
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