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System Dashboard

The System Dashboard helps you to monitor your contact center. It shows a high-level summary of the current operations of your environment, as follows:

  • Active Alarms—A summary of active alarms.
  • Hosts—A summary of the hosts in your environment, and their status.
  • Applications—A summary of the applications in your environment, and their status.
  • Solutions—a summary of the solutions in your environment, and their status.

To view detailed information about the contents of each widget in a tab, click the name of the respective tab, or open the contextual menu (three vertical dots) in the widget and select Expand to Tab. You can also rename the widget by selecting Edit.

  • Dashboards are not supported if you are using Internet Explorer 8 or earlier.
  • GAX must have a connection to Solution Control Server (SCS) for the System Dashboard to function. See Step 5: Add SCS connection of Deploying Genesys Administrator Extension via Setup Mode in the Genesys Administrator Extension Deployment Guide for more information.

The Alarms widget shows a list of active Critical, Major and Minor alarms in the system, sorted by priority. The widget updates automatically when a new alarm is activated.

  • An active alarm is visible only if you have access to the application which generated the alarm.
  • For Genesys Administrator Extension to monitor the system, Management Layer components must be deployed in the system, and Genesys Administrator Extension must be deployed with connections to the Solution Control Server. For detailed instructions, see the Management Framework Deployment Guide.

Each Alarm in the list displays one of the following severity levels:

  • Critical
  • Major
  • Minor
  • Unknown

To clear an Alarm, do the following:

[+] Show steps

Troubleshooting Alarms Viewing

If an event that is configured to generate an alarm does not result in an alarm, verify that:

  • The corresponding Alarm Condition is configured correctly.
  • The corresponding log event was generated. To verify this, check whether the log event appears in a local text file.
  • The Application that generates the event is configured to send its log to a network Message Server.
  • The network log output of the given Application is set to Interaction or Trace if the event is reported at either Interaction or Trace log-output level.
  • Message Server is receiving log events that the given Application generated. Check the Message Server log.
  • Solution Control Server is connected to Message Server.
  • Solution Control Server receives alarm messages from Message Server. Check the Solution Control Server log.
  • Genesys Administrator Extension is properly connected to Solution Control Server.

The Applications widget shows a list of the Applications in the system. Applications with a status of Unknown are shown at the top of the list. This widget updates automatically when the status of an Application changes. Each Application in the list has one of the following status levels: [+] Show status levels

In the Applications tab, you can perform the following actions:

The Hosts widget shows a list of Hosts in your environment. This list updates automatically when the status of a Host changes. Each Host in the list has a status, which is one of the following: [+] Show status levels

In the Hosts tab, click the graph icon in the very last column to view the following information about the Host:

  • CPU and memory usage. Real-time information for each CPU is broken down as follows:
    • User Time (%)
    • Kernel Time (%)
    • Non-Idle Time (%)
  • Basic real-time memory information, in kilobytes:
    • Used Virtual Memory
    • Total Virtual Memory

In the Host Information window, you can also select the appropriate tab to view information about the following:

  • Processes—Displays all processes running on the host. For each process, the Processes tab displays the following:
    • Name
    • PID (process identifier)
    • CPU Usage (%)
    • Mem Usage (MB)
    • Priority
    • Services
    • Charts
  • Services—Displays programs installed to run as Windows Services on the selected host. This tab only displays information about host computers running a Genesys-supported Windows operating system. For each service, the Services tab indicates:
    • Name—the actual name of the program installed as a Windows Service.
    • Display Name—the service name of the program, as it appears in the Services window.
    • State—the current state of the service.
    • Win32 Exit Code—the error code reported for an error occurring during a service startup or shutdown.
    • Svc Exit Code—the service-specific error code reported for an error occurring during a service startup or shutdown.
    • Checkpoint—the operation progress indicator that the service uses during a lengthy operation.
    • Wait Hint—the interval, in milliseconds, during which the current operational step should be completed.
See the documentation for your Microsoft Windows operating system for more information.
  • Charts—Displays a graph of memory and processor usage on the host.

The Solutions widget shows a list of Solutions in your environment. This list updates automatically when the status of a Solution changes. Each Solution in the list has a status, as follows: [+] Show status levels

In the Solutions tab, you can perform the following actions:


You can start a Solution of type Default Solution Type or Framework from Genesys Administrator Extension only if the Solution was created using a Solution Wizard.

To start a Solution, do the following:

[+] Show steps

Genesys Administrator Extension sends the Startup command for each Solution to Solution Control Server (SCS). SCS starts Solutions in the order in which it reads their configuration from Configuration Server and processes each Startup command as it would for a Solution that was started individually.

Complete Solution startup can take some time. The amount of time varies, depending on the number and location of Solution components and the time required to initialize each component.

SCS checks the status of all the Solution's mandatory components that are configured to be controlled by the Management Layer.

Genesys Administrator Extension reports the successful start of a Solution after all these components have reported a status of Started within the configured timeout. When the Solution starts, its status changes from Stopped to Started.

  • You can start a Solution only if you have Execute permission for the Solution configuration object in the Configuration Layer.
  • Because a number of Solutions can share the same applications, some Solution components may have a status of Started before you start the Solution.
  • In redundant configurations, both primary and backup Solution components start simultaneously; they are assigned runtime redundancy modes according to their configuration.


You can stop a Solution of Default Solution Type or Framework from Genesys Administrator Extension only if the Solution was created using a Solution Wizard.

This action is similar to the Graceful Stop command in Genesys Administrator. When you stop a Solution gracefully, all of the Applications making up the Solution stop accepting new requests and finish processing those requests that each currently has in its queue.

You can stop a Solution gracefully only if you have Execute permission for the Solution object.

To stop a Solution gracefully, do the following:

[+] Click to show section

Genesys Administrator sends the Stop command for each Solution to Solution Control Server (SCS). SCS uses Local Control Agents (LCA) to deactivate the Solution components in the reverse order from the component-startup order. (The component-startup order is defined in the Solution configuration object.)

  • Because a number of Solutions can share the same Applications, some Solution components may continue to have a status of Started after you stop the Solution, whether gracefully or ungracefully.
  • In redundant configurations, both primary and backup Solution components stop simultaneously.

Force Stop

You can stop a Solution of type Default Solution Type or Framework from Genesys Administrator Extension only if the Solution was created using a Solution Wizard.

When you stop a Solution ungracefully, the Solution stops abruptly, and all of its composite applications immediately stop processing, both new and current. You can stop a Solution in this way only if you have Execute permission for the Solution object.

To stop a Solution immediately, do the following:

[+] Show steps
You can also start and stop solutions by clicking on the status name in the Solutions tab. For example, if a solution has a status of Started and you click the status name, the solution attempts to stop. Likewise, if a solution has a status of Stopped and you click the status name, the solution attempts to start.

Genesys Administrator Extension sends the Stop command for each Solution to SCS, which uses Local Control Agents (LCA) to deactivate the Solution components in reverse order from the component startup. (The component-startup order is defined in the Solution configuration object.)

  • Because a number of Solutions can share the same applications, some Solution components may continue to have a status of Started after you stop the Solution, whether gracefully or ungracefully.
  • In redundant configurations, both primary and backup Solution components stop simultaneously.

This page was last edited on May 28, 2020, at 05:05.
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